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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I would still find the monitor borders of a multi-monitor setup extremely & constantly annoying for game playing;I'd never get used to it. I'd have to buy special borderless monitors or something. Hubs doesn't like 'widescreens' for some reason but he has three 19" 4:3 and one 22" widescreen LCD's set up together. He can both use them as "one" single monitor, or as 4 separate monitors (showing stuff from 4 different pcs) that are yet connected somehow in terms of being able to seemingly just mouse-drag something from one to the other. At least, that's what it looks like, maybe I don't understand/misinterpret what he's done, I don't ask. It's cool, but he doesn't play games on them.
  2. Ok, after tossing several crap versions in the recycle bin, this turned out to be the final version of my first real try at a music mix. Kinda new agey techno maybe. I kind of like it, tho I still need work on changing up tempos. But I'm wondering if anyone here has any recommendations on either mixing software or instrument-sound software for making your own beats/sound bits to use...I've been trying MAGIX's trial for mixing & I like it but maybe for this level (eg not super-pro) there's better.
  3. That was absolutely hilarious, and spot on. Many of the generic points can apply to many other 'dream' jobs to some degree, as well. Hubs used to LOVE pc-tech, networking & programming:learning, keeping up with, building, creating...then it became his job for 20+ years, with the first 12 years being full of 60-80 hr weeks, working weekends & being constantly on-call. Now it's the absolute last thing he wants to do in his spare time.
  4. Top:Win7 pc. Because it makes me laugh. I've had it up most days for a couple weeks. Bottom:XP pc. Because I still like it.
  5. Using the generic freebie sounds that came w/a program, I tried making my own brief music mix, because...because I could. It's hard to get the balances right...or get something to sound like actual music instead of so much repetitive noise. But kinda fun trying. Liking this program, may buy it when the trial period is over. I can mix while watching baseball! Heheh Does it totally suck?
  6. Agrees with and echoes Monte Carlo. My parents know a lot of people in Japan (through my father's long ago work)...they'd always bring me little kiddie toys or some elegant small piece of art when they visited. Don't know if mom still stays in contact w/any of them. I hope they're all ok.
  7. Watching the Red Sox/Yankee ST game on espn2. Ah...baseball...how I missed thee. Also, Nielson sent us $2. First time for that. Dear Sirs: I'll send your survey back if you promise not to ever pick me for your black boxes of harassment. (while that would be kinda cool, also sounds like more hassle than I'd want)
  8. Since I prefer a single GPU, the 580 is making me drool. But $500...blech. Maybe it'll drop to $400 by summer/years end when I really want to upgrade from the 275. Not that the 275 is giving me any issues, still runs everything like a champ. I just want new toys.
  9. Didn't play the first one, and so far have no interest in the 2nd. However a lot of people I've met lately are all excited for DA2, so I've been, just now, watching some early Let's Plays. So far the best thing I've seen (and it's very early) is one guy who decided to run his gal chr. out in her underwear (cause it made me lol). The blood splatter setting he was using was really odd tho...it looked like crazy paint splatter on a wall, or something, not blood. edit: do like the party members and the combat doesn't look too bad 2ndedit - like the mage staff or whatever it is too. Wicked looking.
  10. lol...I know. This video stuff has me by the...well, I'm female, never mind. On the plus side, I finally learned all that virtualdub can really do. Thumbs up. Going to try my hand at video cameras again too. I'd forgotten how frustratingly fun video editing is for someone like me...then I bought this PC...need a few more TB's of hard drive space tho...
  11. That's why I have my own website for sharing images. But it doesn't work with streaming videos...or at least, I don't have it set up for that.
  12. You mean like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkxdE4OEYEQ...feature=related Exactly. Hahaha....that was funny. And somehow, by following some other videos from there, I found the Star Trek Rhapsody. Hysterical.
  13. ... I promise it's not just a "Boone video." Tho I did want to put in more random npc's...I mean there's Thorn & the sewers and the camps but songs aren't long enough to get everyone in there, grrr (some npc's just won't dance either, or look like crap if they do)...now I can spend the weekend cleaning out the gajillion temp. files.... good times, good OCD times.
  14. For some reason wasn't happy with the my current video project, and then realized it was the music. Was using this one song because I thought it'd be funny/appropriate, but it's not. I don't dislike the song, but it didn't fit the video or created a mood I didn't like or something. Changed the music, much better. At least imo. heh Isn't it weird what a difference a song/music makes for something....
  15. Stayed up all night learning video stuff, recording, editing, recording, editing...games are fun to work with and I'm learning a lot in the process but I may need another video camera this year...
  16. This stupid game has turned me into a video-making addict! It's not even about playing the game anymore, it's about the task-obsessiveness/learning of making videos. Argh! I've been working on a semi-ambitious (or at least very time-consuming *cry*) umpa dance video and learned how to use AVIsynth to do split screen in VirtualDub. Which is awesome. (the short test vid isn't awesome, just showing 4 vids on one screen). It may not be Sony Vegas Studio but it's amazing what virtualdub can do once you figure out how. When the next game comes out that I'll obsess over for months, I'll be ready to make nutty videos from day1. Woot.
  17. I could pick 8 albums, but if we're talking single songs here, there's no way I could confine myself to that. Luxury item...if I'm assuming this is a 'lost on an island' scenario where there would be no electricity etc. (since we're talking about a magical music player...) then for me it would definitely be a supply of good firesteel/ferro rods. Rubbing sticks for friction, for most people, is hard.
  18. Some of us didn't know he existed before LoTR... Didn't know who he was when I saw GI Jane ages ago and don't like that movie enough to rewatch it. Hildago was unimpressive to me. I think I thought Appaloosa was decent but for some reason all I remember from that movie is Ed Harris (one of my faves)...haven't seen Eastern Promises.
  19. You take people too seriously sometimes, Walsh. In the non-comical sense it matters not at all simply because I don't have to go see his movies. But if you want a more serious answer...I'm not at all concerned about the obvious studio angles. What I wonder about is the creeping feeling that he's going to pull a Lucas, become obsessed with what "CGI/tech can do" and work/tinker endlessly on his one vanity/love project. Cameron had no interest in making T3, or the next Alien movie...in the past he seemed to usually be more interested in moving on to new projects/stories than endless sequels....but Avatar may be his Star Wars. Which could be either good or bad depending on one's point of view. We'll see.
  20. The Road was memorable. I like it when films aren't all happy happy...if they're done well, and that one definitely was. That film & A History of Violence were enough to convince me Viggo Mortensen could actually act outside of the bigger-than-life fame of LoTR.
  21. I find James Cameron's descent into becoming a director of predictable, humdrum, mega-million movies terrifying.
  22. Makes sense to me...that's exactly how I become/feel.
  23. I was unimpressed with just the preview they keep showing in the on-demand list screen. I watched a 2004 movie called A Home at the End of the World. Kinda slow/quiet but I liked it a fair bit. It's a strange yet touching film chronicling many years of two best friends and eventually a sort of love triangle/non-traditional family unit.
  24. ME2 doesn't seem to have native gamepad support so hubby is trying FO3. Watching him struggle through the intro/tutorial section, I have a feeling he won't last long with that one. Keep telling hubby he's obviously geared to be a console gamer (likes gamepads/hates keyboard-mouse, couch, big TV, action oriented) and should buy a console but so far he refuses. Myself...not playing anything. I think I'm 'gamed out' for a while.
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