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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Meh, tired of sleeping/napping. Still feel pretty oogy but time to do some things before taking another nap. No fever at least.
  2. Does she leave you as per script or did you just make her mad?
  3. Feel nauseous/headachey, went to bed early. Gaming put on hold. Felt like this a couple days ago too, but it went away in a few hours/assumed it food related. Woke up an hour ago and nausea etc. came right back. Heh. Back to bed.
  4. I seem to have lost my quickbar on-screen graphic. It worked for a while then I exited and when I restarted, it was gone. Hotkeys still work but I can't see the bar. On Normal difficulty now, doesn't seem much harder. Beasts aren't a problem, but humans are a bit. Any clue on what might be a good way to go skills wise? I was thinking firearms and cunning, since I like the notion of having a Silver Tongue.
  5. All I've found so far is a dirty shirt.
  6. I am such a dummy. Concentrating so hard on Fraping and figuring other game things I forgot all about putting/using provisions in the quickbar thingie. I'm sure that would've helped, lol. Blocking I'm still trying to get the hang of - the "feel" of combat still just feels awkward motion-wise. At least Patty's a big help. Past all the initial yakkity yak and starting to explore now. Definitely a nice aspect of the game, as mentioned. Lovely to walk around picking clams and flowers. I like the background music too.
  7. Do you get any reward for beating him? I fought him a couple times, and both times as he stood over my beaten, bloody body he told me he was "impressed." Still, I left him alone and got on the boat to leave the island. Did I miss anything?
  8. I may suck at swordsmanship... But at least I'm a studly stud.
  9. Hope she gets/feel better soon, Tale. I haven't had time to play Risen2 much yet. Was planning on some (silent) Let's play footage, but it's a pain to play, record, exit, crunch video, upload, repeat all the time. Don't know if I'll keep that up for long. Gotta run some errands before I can settle in for a weekend of gaming again. woot. Seem to be in more of a gaming mood again.
  10. Looking at my video, I guess it was 3 l-clicks for a combo of some kind. Still can't seem to do it on purpose. Don't get it. Oh well, I'll figure it out. I wish the auto-save had a limit of 5-8 save slots or something. It saves so often the amount of save files you have to sift through/delete becomes annoying.
  11. I have a dumdum question. How to do attacks outside of just flailing away with the l-clicky mouse? One time I saw a help icon that indicated r-click+r-click=some kind of move (I think) but I haven't been able to duplicate it. (oops I mean opposite, edit-corrected) The oddball camera jumping when in NPC dialogue and the foliage popping in and out (it does this a lot for me) as you wander is a bit distracting. My companion Patty got stuck on a crate first thing, while exiting the ship to the 1st island. But apparently it's like in FNV where if you go far enough away she'll eventually catch up again, so that was all right. Easy difficulty is actually easier than I expected for a Piranha game, may bump it up to normal. I'm still gonna suck at combat for a while tho. Edit: I don't like the weird, washed out browns/low contrast in some ship/wood beam house type scenes, either. It's kind of ... odd. But the outdoors looks fine.
  12. Since I'm a wuss, I was pleased that there is an Easy difficulty. Which I'm going to assume in this game is more akin to the average games "Normal" or even perhaps "Hard" difficulty.
  13. Installed, started...fiddled with settings forever. Looks nice, especially once I turned off depth of field. I hate blurry backgrounds. Movement felt a little clunky. Some guy wanted 500g to train me in Sneak, which is all I had so I said no for the moment. Then I ran down to a beach, saved game, and logged out... ...because I want to defrag the HDD. Every time I install a couple games via Steam, the HDD goes from like 0-1% fragmented to 12-17%, and it's all from the Steam game files, making things chunk a bit. I farking hate it. Install non-Steam games and the HDD doesn't do that. Steam installers suck, teehee. One argument for a SSD I suppose. Oh well, won't take long. Loved the rainy weather sound/effects. My chr. looks suitably grumpy. I need to find more gold!
  14. I had the type of old-fashioned parents that didn't seem to mind me spending all my hours reading all kinds of fantasy, fiction, spy etc. books, but thought too much TV was bad for me. Books=good, TV=the devil.
  15. Hehe, me too, all done. I have no idea why, but I'm kinda excited. tbh, don't really expect to finish it (seems to be how I roll these days...) but I think I'm going to have fun anyway. Yar!
  16. @Tigranes - Thanks for that info. I thought that might be the case re:steamcode but wasn't sure. Ended up just buying it at Steam. Saving $10 would be nice but didn't feel like registering yet another site account at the moment. Green Man has an interesting concept re: "selling back" games tho...I'll look into them more later. @GoA - yeah, I'm getting like that too as I get older. It highly depends on the game of course. But generally speaking, a game that's too long or worse, has a very steep learning curve (the TLDR of gaming) I can start drifting pretty fast/I won't come close to finishing, even if I like the game ok. On Steam: I also bought the Serious Sam3 bundle for the cheap. Mostly interested in #3, but they all look some old skool FPS mayhem fun. Could be my thing. Most newer FPS don't feel like FPS to me anymore. *grumpy old fart* ...
  17. Green man gaming? New one to me. I'll check it out, thanks. Also...what does "Steam code" mean...ie, does that mean I still need Steam on/open to run it? All these options for buying now...I is confuseded. Edit: wait, green man means you have to download/use yet another client (download capsule)...or is that optional? It doesn't sound any different than Steam re: the price/DLC either. *confuddled* 2nd edit: oh, maybe with that voucher code, discount given at checkout. Hm.
  18. I love love that mini-series. I had to "beg" my mother to let me watch it at the time (they were strict about TV ). It made such an impression on me that it's what I always think of every time John Rhys-Davies name comes up. Not Raiders of the Lost Ark...or LotR...Shogun. Good show of a very awesome book. I wish they still made mini-series like it.
  19. Risen 2 - Anyone know the differences between buying it on Steam and buying it on the Deep Silver site? I know the Treasure DLC is free on Steam (preorder) but is that it?
  20. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! ... gimmie! ...wat, was there something else to notice?
  21. Kevin McKidd is awesome. Mostly because he's a hunk, but ok, he's not bad in the right roles too (Rome was definitely one of them). The last thing I saw him in was Percy Jackson/Lightning Thief, and when I saw him as Poseidon I .... laughed. I wish he'd get better roles but oh well. He had that short-lived TV series where I think he did fine but the show itself wasn't good. I'm going to have to check out this Bunraku thing now myself.
  22. It's a nice photo of some military helicopter, but what is this thread about? Any random ol' picture that you enjoyed? Your own photos? (did you take that photo?) ...I remember when we had a few more picture threads. They were fun. *nostalgia*
  23. It starts up with the shortcut icon just fine for me. I have the opposite problem - there's no Exit option in the game menu that I've been able to find, so I have to alt-tab out and r-click close the window to get out of the game. Did you install the game in a different directory than Program Files? I find with Win7 that a lot of older games work better when installed somewhere else, even if it's a GoG version. As to the rest...can't help much there because I haven't gotten far in it myself. The controls were definitely a bit wonky feeling, which kind of put a damper in my motivation after a while. I'll try it again later but for now...
  24. I'd be so raging/pulling my hair out in that situation. Hope the 3rd time's the charm. I need a surefire way to keep weeds and weed grasses from ever growing back in one spot again. Well, as surefire as it gets anyway. And for lazy people. Not the lawn itself. A dirtbed area. Seems like I'd have to radiate the ground or destroy the water table with chemical dumping or something, tho.
  25. What you get to see in Botanicula if you find enough "creature cards" to get the 3rd gift. (the video frame embedding kinda spoils what it is, so in case someone w/the game wants to find cards/be surprised, I made it a cut and paste text) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9FilM1cBxqY
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