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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I love the messy desk....and Happy B-day! And I would definitely be down for an order of Obsidian coffee mugs. And my cats would like some pet dishes so they can show support too.
  2. I'm not terribly sophisticated. I just like art/paintings that are more on the realism side and aren't too "smudgy." I do like the dwarf painting, but that's about as "smudgy" as I like to go. The BG portrait type style, I always like that. On the other hand, a lot of more modern 3D art starts to enter the uncanny valley (not just the faces, for me), because they're really cool looking in terms of detail but at the same time, they often feel a bit sterile, and sometimes, way too "shiny." I would like to see less "shiny" in games, I think some are getting carried away with it. If there was that much shine in the real world I'd be blind by now.
  3. Why is it so difficult to find a shirt that doesn't A: look like a potato sack or B:come down to my thighs, making it look like a dress. Come on clothes-makers, not everyone is 5' 8" with narrow shoulders.
  4. You can't please everyone all the time, no. Definitely not. But I think you can create a base difficulty, with some added options (note I said options - you can turn them on or off...) that allow people to tailor a games difficulty closer to what they want. Whether it's the simple (and yes, I know, sometimes disparaged) health/dmg route, or optional things like "Hardcore" modes, or whatever....simply having those options available is not inherently a bad thing. I'm actually much more concerned with the concept that most games (even old ones like BG1) have this tendency to start off rather difficult (because you only have 6 hit points, say) and rapidly become easier as your character progresses. You want the chr. to grow stronger/progress in some way, but too often this can mean over-powered. That's what I want to see not happen. I'd rather it be easy in the beginning and become slowly more difficult - but not all of a sudden become "impossible." I don't care about Easy mode vs. Hard mode for various types of players - but even in Easy mode, I'd like to see a progression where the game slowly becomes more challenging, vs. rapidly becomes less challenging because now you have all party members, great loot, and high lvl spells/potions, etc. While I can do it (and I often have) I shouldn't have to 'gimp' myself by using only one party member to make combats feel hard for me, and someone else shouldn't have to feel forced to use a full party in order to feel like they can even progress. That's an extremely difficult thing to balance in games like this ... in my opinion. And in my mind, that's where difficulty options start to come in. So....I actually want them there. Even better would be that toolkit....
  5. Tragedy as an emotional trigger is also subjective, especially in entertainment when you know it's not real. No one likes to feel manipulated, but people have different thresholds for that. So the answer to the question is "yes and no."
  6. How would that even happen? Like why would they even have those lines recorded in that voice? Sometimes when audio testing, people speak some lines for other chrs, and then weirdly, they stay in the game files. But I dunno. I did consider that maybe it's just her voice, only dropped dramatically in pitch (but not speed). The grunts when jumping sound more like Axton, but "Silence" sounds different. I made a new Maya and she's normal voiced, so it's something corrupted in the chr. savegame file I guess.
  7. BL2 - My Siren glitched and now speaks with Axton's voice. Says all the right lines for the Siren, only in Axton's voice.
  8. I found Waterworld to be watchably entertaining, at least. Hopper hamming it up is always fun. I didn't like the young girl actress tho, and Kevin Coster is easy to make fun of sometimes (even tho I love him in certain roles/films). I should also make it clear that I didn't think John Carter was a terrible movie. But I think even with proper marketing, it was not a good enough film to become a "blockbuster." Word of mouth and the fact he's not a big enough current-known icon ala batman would have slowed it down too much after the first weekend.
  9. That is definitely much much better - more subtle, still feminine, less in-your-face. Me likey.
  10. Dear Diary: Forced myself to take several naps in a row (I still woke up every couple hours). So I slept a lot. Finally. I feel better. Now hubby is asking me if I want to play some more BL2. Hey, let me wake up first, you game addict.
  11. Yea, it was rampant in D2. I did understand it when people who had finished the game 15 times (several chrs thru all difficulties) just wanted to rush to high level to either try a new skill build or for PvP dueling purposes. There were no skill respecs back then. But doing it when it's the first time you've played ... I don't understand that either. But eh...different strokes.
  12. Believe it or not, Obsidian did make some fans with Kotor2 and FNV. Myself, I played BG1/expansion, Icewind Dale, part of BG2. Bought Planescape Torment based on the fact I enjoyed the former, but didn't get past the beginning because by then I was moving towards the RTS genre. Meant to go back to PT but never did. Never played the original Fallouts (or Fallout3 for that matter ... I bought FNV largely because it was Obsidian and ended up loving it). So yeah...mostly I'm a fan of Obsidian itself, for their writing/character style, their rpg ideals and goals. I likely would have donated even if they were making a game that didn't interest me...only I would have donated a lot less.
  13. Haha....that pic is great. Stuff like that, imo, is fun for dress-up and artistic stylization, and I like to play dress-up in games as much as anyone. But sometimes it does get a bit tiresome, as a female, to feel like that's almost always the only type of choice/style we see. It's not just about "boob plate" but everything else on top of it. Like in Borderlands 2, the female player-character is wearing pants that are pulled down on one side so her buttcheek is showing, but the male chrs., alas, are wearing loose pants that do no such thing. Just gets old sometimes. Anyway....the art/style of the picture in the OP is nice enough, imo.
  14. As others have said, you have a lot of padding and other stuff that the metal plate has to go over to begin with. This is metal armor, not a leather vest. They're more likely (I would think) to create a more unisex armor where the chest piece might have a bit of a slope/outward in that area (then bringing it in slightly again at the bottom maybe) and that's it. Think of a sheet-metal potato sack. But a lot of fantasy art has metal breastplates as curve-enhancing as if they were wearing modern Victoria Secret Bras. I have no personal objection to this, artistically, but it is not realistic at all and not just a matter of "well they have boobs so they need a little more room in that area." (edit: also, as mentioned, to make armor anything like that would be far more work than would generally be worth, outside of costume dept. in Hollywood). (edit:my terrible Paint drawing removed because a link in an earlier post is better at making the point... )
  15. While I think it would be amusing to use a game I was fairly disappointed in to help fund a different game that I'm interested in, I have no desire to give D3 any more of my cash (the RMAH isn't actually free, after all).
  16. Oh....I see. I don't think I'd find that very appealing. Maybe if they dressed as Leprechauns and sang an Irish drinking song while step-dancing.
  17. Since I don't keep up with 'net meme's I've never heard of this bagel thing, thus don't really understand it. I do, however, love TwinkieGorilla's funny cat avatar.
  18. There should be an 'edit signature' option in your user panel (I think under 'My Settings'). To add a picture, you have to use the forum IMG tags to link to the URL of the picture in question.
  19. I'd prefer swamp over sewer, I think. Mossy trees and murky bogs appeal more than marching through the waste of the city. Not that sewers can't be fun, or useful rpg devices. One reason I'd probably like the swamp is to also have more environmental landscapes in the game. I get tired of tromping through seemingly endless green-grassed forestland every time you leave the confines of the cities. Of course, depends on the world setting (a desert planet is going to be mostly desert, ala Dune). But in general, I like variety.
  20. What a great idea for writing a short story ... like writing a story/interpretation of a picture, only using music instead. Creative. I think you capture the drama the music brings to my mind, so I like it. Only nitpick might be that sometimes the sentences are a little bit too staccato in rhythm occasionally (vs. "flowing"), but that's just a stylistic preference. Thanks for sharing!
  21. I feel the same about the side quests. They were never BL's strong suit. We've been finding that we only need to do a few sides between main-quest mission level jumps. The town still has oodles of exclamation points all over the place, that we're ignoring. Haven't had too much trouble with respawn in most areas...if they respawn on your way out we just run past everything and don't try to kill 'em all again. But the city with the statues was a pain when you're trying to figure out what to do the first time and don't get to it all fast enough.
  22. I love humor in my games. Even if it's an unintended consequence of my silly sense of humor rather than actual design. For the intentional....for the type of game I'm envisioning inside my head, as long as it's not a constant slapstick spiel, I'm probably good with anything they'd think to insert. Little jokes, lines, attitudes, easter eggs. Things like that.
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