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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Borderlands 2 - mostly making item mules, since they refuse to give people a bigger bank stash and I don't think any inventory hack works with the current version of the game. It would be nice if it didn't take 2 hours to make a single mule (it's not just getting to Sanctuary, it's getting the eridium to buy the slots). But with the weekend, will probably do some more co-op with hubby. It's our thing. Just don't understand why they don't give more bank stash. I'm fine with the backpack space....but c'mon, bank stash ... it's not like you can access that while out in the middle of a boss fight or something. Give players more room there.
  2. It's almost a pirate dog! ------------ ...we sometimes get a little bit of frost on car windows here, but I didn't know 2 inches of dishsoap could freeze...while still in the garage. Weird.
  3. So do they include cable On-Demand in sales figures these days? Would that be lumped into DVD rentals?
  4. Oooo so the sniping game is good? I love taking out the baddies from a distance like that. So far away they don't even know you're there. Darn you, stop tempting me to get the game now. Must...wait...for...sale.
  5. Heheh, yea, seems like it. Not sure if I'd like the actual gameplay (zombie hack n slash) but after seeing some of the cutscenes, the over the top humor seems like my thing.
  6. Time of the year for me to start paying more attention to the Red Sox news again. Not looking great, but it's gotta be better than last year. Youkilis going to the Yankees was kinda a downer but oh well, that's the business. The reverse lights on my car decided to stop working. Can't have that...off to fix.
  7. This picture isn't quite accurate....the TV's may have become thinner, but they also got wider too.
  8. Why do I have a feeling you'll find it offensive? Why would you think that? The English version has Michael Rosenbaum voicing once of the characters? Hahah, I'd love to hear that. Sadly, it's console only. Thankfully there's YouTube. (just watched an Eng. voices trailer where Michael makes some hilarious comments...)
  9. Now I want a game that's set on a world surrounded by billions of moons, so I can constantly summon them to smoosh my enemies. Just imagine looking up at the sky and seeing all those moons! .... it'd be beautiful! ... granted, they'd have to be pretty small moons, more like tiny asteroids, but that's all you'd need to smoosh enemies with. Hang the consequences of depleting all those tiny moons from the sky. That's tomorrow. Today, let the destructive chaos reign. The power, the power!
  10. The pure awesomeness of the title "Lollipop Chainsaw" demands I Google it and find out what it is.
  11. You get the option 'playthrough mode' after beating the game. I'm aware of that - we've beaten the Truevault Hunter mode before and messed around after (also did that in the first game, multiple times). Not all of us mind the leveling process, even if it means you need new gear now and then because of leveling. That's part of the fun of these types of games (vs. regular FPS with no leveling) for some folks. Once you're lvl 50 and have 1000000 pieces of farmed gear from farming the same bosses over and over, the game is boring. I tend to only get one or two chrs. to max level etc. and then ....it's more fun to start again, imo.
  12. I'd personally prefer not to need Steam to run a game when possible, so I cling to all my old game discs + patches like rare treasure. But I understand, I was just teasing.
  13. Google says it does, so I got it. Bit of an audio nerd, so I've got to have atleast that audio patch when playing the damn Sith Lords. Is it really that difficult to have copies of the patches on a hard drive or DVD to easily access when you need them?
  14. Don't think I'd care about a Far Cry story. Is the explore area large, tho? I mean, sometimes I can like a game simply for wandering the whole map and seeing what's there, even if I'm not really doing very much. Depends on the scenery. But if it's not really very big so you'd be done with that in 5 hours or something...well, anyway, like I said, when it's on sale. Then I won't mind either way.
  15. Tombraider is a series where I/we kept buying the newer ones because of our love of the first two games. Each one became less than the previous but we kept on trying them. Or at least, my husband did. He'd try each one (except the console-only ones) and with each one his frown grew deeper. Even his goodwill is gone now. We won't be buying the new one.
  16. The way things are going I'm going to have to hit hubby on the head with a big stick and drag him to the theater to see The Hobbit. It'd be easier if it was a summer release.... My first thought was "That Swayze mini-series?" Then a Google said Patrick Stewart played in an old version of North and South....can one still find that version? heh Armitage's handsome enough I suppose, but doesn't do much for me. And Thorin even less (based on preview images of the dwarves).
  17. Haha...the panda sign on the boat in the first pic.
  18. Is it as "free roaming" as they say? I read after doing some of the main plot stuff to get skills or something etc. you could then just wander around a long time instead, if you wanted. I was half tempted because it sounded more exploratory than most shooters but I'll probably wait for a good sale before trying it.
  19. Nice scenery in those pics, but the whale leaves a bit to be desired - especially in contrast to the nice bits below it.
  20. I sometimes play a lot of games by trying but not actually finishing a lot of games. ...I may spend oodles of hours playing, some years, but usually all those hours are spent on one or three specific games. If no game captures me like that, I don't spend very many hours on gaming at all.
  21. Paying bills and thinking about taxes. We made more money in 2012 than is our typical, so the taxman will be a bit harsher. Wondering how cheaply I could build a 3rd PC for ... not a "fancy" main rig but still enough to play games on. Seems like the biggest expense would be the video card, because I'm picky. Even the evga gtx275 (the old card of mine that hubby's using) still seems to be $200 these days. ... probably not worth doing right now.
  22. Please note that I have zero insider information or anything, but my personal thought is that if there is ever any type of "private" forum it'll be when the beta rolls around. At the moment, I see no reason for a "backers only" forum, since there's nothing to discuss that has any reason to be private or privileged - but that's just me.
  23. Neither of us has tried Commando's "nuclear" skill, but the other two work fine. It's nice to either have two turrets to toss out or to have the turret slag enemies, but the biggest difference is still when you get the rockets added to the turret, imo (mid-tier). One "problem" with the Commando is you can get too used to leaning on the turret (it's especially great that its kills count as a 2nd wind) and then get lazy, haha. Gunzerker - hubby hasn't gotten to the top tiers yet (we're lvl 32). But by lvl 20 or so hubby was liking the class quite a bit, when he didn't think he would. He uses the dual-wield thing fairly frequently for health and thinks it works great with large magazine SMG's. It's hilarious to watch. But the ammo regen is still hubs favorite thing.
  24. Apparently we did enough nutty partying in our 20's to last a lifetime because we haven't cared to do anything wild and crazy for New Years since. Somewhere we got old and just like to stay at home and maybe drink a drink. I remember as a very young kid watching D. Clark's countdown on TV and that NYC "apple" falling. It was a big deal back then I guess, even to the W. Coast ... people gathering around to watch it, counting down, then running outside of their houses to whoop and holler with the neighbors. Er...at least that's what it was like around my parent's house for some years.
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