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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I'm pretty confident that everyone who initially played WoW made do without line trails telling them where to go. I say initially because I know they've changed the game dramatically and it may be different now. I just object to the developer notion that players are too dense to figure out where to go themselves, if, as I said, it's a well designed system. Assuming that, it's typically more that players are too impatient. imo. Games have become too streamlined in this way ... being an MMO isn't an excuse.
  2. Still not able to reasonably sleep so I bought some antihistamines, which I usually avoid even tho I have allergies. Maybe they'll put me to sleep in a few hours. Hope so, because I have a busy morning planned.
  3. Thanks, but that's really not the point. Skyrim had a similar thing going on - not trails, but follow-me markers. If a game is well designed that sort of thing shouldn't be necessary at all.
  4. Yup...that's usually when I start to enjoy the MMO more. I don't mind some people running around, of course, but that was crazy. Heh.
  5. Jack Reacher wasn't quite what I was expecting. I was thinking more action-action movie. But it was a very understated thriller type movie, I guess. With a few cheesy moments. Watchable, nothing special.
  6. @Astiaks - haha, I remember some old website that was devoted to duct tape things - duct taped couches, duct tape wallets, and of course, duct taped people, like in that pic. Funny.
  7. Slept a few hours. Housework. Gamed. Did other "stuff." Now settling onto the couch with hubby to watch Jack Reacher.
  8. I could do without the "go this way/follow me" sparkly quest directional trail line. Do people really need this these days?
  9. I've never read Ender's Game so despite the trailer it'd still be a surprise to me. Lately every time I see Harrison Ford, all I can think is that his voice makes him sound like he's 200 years old. It's great that at 70 he's still hale enough to make a movie, but don't these super rich actors ever feel like retiring and relaxing?
  10. Got to that Blacklake quest and there are way too many people all competing for the same little things. MMO's....maybe it's better at 3am.
  11. Even the first real quest after you get to the town is better than those tutorial quests. At least in terms of action. General chest respawn timer: about 5 minutes. The things that require kits respawn too, but those take more like 40-60 minutes or something outlandish. At least I have 30 minor healing pots, 20 nature kits, a few of the other kits, better armor, etc. for my Cleric now. Off to the tunnel quest.
  12. Tried the Cleric. It's definitely easy, at least those starter quests. I haven't used a potion or healing fire at all, compared to the Fighter. Her healing seems to be fairly minimal on herself vs on allies but ranged+a bit of AoE + a bit of healing is potent early on. Also, don't have to deal with clunky melee interface. I noticed the basic treasure chests seem to respawn if you just hang out in the zone area instead of leaving. Handy for collecting healing pots, early materials and such. Don't know if the respawn is timer based or distance-away based, or if it continues past the easy early stuff. Not that many besides me would have the patience to take advantage of it, but works for me. Heheh. Edit: seems to be timer based. Had one respawn w/sparklies while just standing in front of it. Kewl.
  13. Tried the Alt key, and that's not what I want. It toggles the mouse but it still takes you out of the game ... eg, I can't even mouse over skill descriptions in the GUI hotbar or adjust the size of the chat window on the fly. It's a minor thing I suppose but I still find it annoying. And yeah, I remember that about WoW mages. I guess my question about playing a Cleric is does her healing work on herself or can she only cast it on other players. If the latter doesn't help you solo at all. Combat with the Fighter feels clunky. Never like being trapped in the skill/fight animation once triggered (can't break away to back off). How do I get a panther, besides having to be a certain level for a companion? So far I have 3 silver and a healing potion costs 1 silver. Yay!
  14. It'll probably be a few days before I figure out what class I feel like progressing with or even if I want to spend much time playing at all. ...the companion aspect is the one thing I'm reading about that makes me grin. I could definitely go for a panther...I don't even care if it's not the sensible thing for my chr, just have to have a panther. In WoW, the whole reason I started with Hunter's is so I could have a big cat. Maybe a cleric would go well with a panther as a defender of her person? Haha.
  15. I don't remember it doing that. I think the prompts tell me to use the Alt button for a lot of things, lol. I'll try it again later tho. Oh and I've seen people talking about the voice acting...it is pretty bad, especially that narrator/tutor helper. That's the worst. Since I'm not sure I like the fighter ... has anyone made a Cleric? Would they be ok in solo combat or are they not the best for that, if you know what I mean? Some games they are, some not. Not into paladin types and not sure the thief type appeals. So mage/fighter/cleric seem to be my options to try. Guess I should find a wiki or something and do some reading. I don't like going into MMO's "cold."
  16. Made the fighter type, who apparently is limited to giant sword-envy 2H weapons? Not sure I like the fighter styling or available chr. classes much. GUI - why is mouse cursor/click disabled when in-game and only enabled once I've used a hotkey to open a panel? eg, I can't zoom in/out the corner minimap without opening the inventory/character sheet or something else? Early tutorial leveling seems to be like Diablo3, where skills are given to you automatically? Maybe higher level skills are made/bought/whatever? Got my "peasant town clothes" and some newb quest then quit. I dunno...it looks fair and I'm sure once you play a while you can get into it, but it's all so "busy..." I'm too tired to check it out properly.
  17. Just starting out. It feels weird to be in an MMO again, eg. confusing. The older I get, the less I like having to "learn to play" every game. In another 10 years I'll be back to playing Minesweeper and Solitaire 24/7 instead.... Not to ruin the "dramatic moment" of this tutorial cutscene, but this made me LOL. Couldn't help it. It's not just in real life...even in a game, I don't like wearing pants. You can make a thin, small chested female, if you want. MMO's = "People everywhere, too many people..." I WANT ONE.
  18. I made a character on the Mindflayer server earlier (didn't play, just made the chr and am standing by the beach campfire). Max high graphic settings makes my GPU run a bit warm. It's an argument for a liquid cooled GPU next time. Minor question: Is only two character slots a "beta" limit or is having more character slots one of the micro-transactions?
  19. Ate some take-out, watched a bit of TV with the spouse, managed to force myself to nap about 2.5 hours, woke up, am wide awake again. At midnight. Sigh.
  20. Yay! Initially it gave me the same "need cookies enabled" message. Then I mentioned it to hubby (asking about the network actually) and he said "Maybe it uses Internet Explorer, what are your settings there?" I normally never touch IE at all, not even once, so that didn't even occur to me to check it's cookie settings but I must have opened it at some point since last reformat because when I looked IE's privacy setting was on "High." Must have been to remove/block their addons or something I read about, once. I put it down to Medium and the launcher was suddenly happy. So...basically, it uses IE for the cookies, even if it's not set as your default browser. I'll try it later ... it's almost dinner time and I might need a nap first....
  21. Bad timing then. Such is my life. I'll try again later. MMO's ... WoW sucked away my life for too long - it's that obsessive personality thing. I might actually be better off if I can't get it to work/don't like it. But you're all playing and I wanted to check out the game that has captured so many Obsidianites attention.
  22. That 3rd screen has got to be an homage to Alien. The robot's head/mouth looks like a freaking Alien. And I tend to think the majority of FPS tend to look the same, too. Art style differs of course (people and object looks), but there's a general sense of graphical or design similarity about them when you look at screenies. What's different for me is that I'm not sure it was that different in the PC-gaming past. I mean, Doom came out, a lot of games looked like Doom for a while. It happens.
  23. Ok I downloaded from one of the partner sites, which was much faster (3.5MB/sec, 12-15 minutes) but their launcher version is slightly older and so the launcher puts up a box saying it's trying to update itself .. and it can't connect/fails. I can't connect to the game forum either tho, so maybe it's just them. At any rate...maybe the next version.
  24. Interesting read. The Foundry is intriguing. Sounds like a better/complex end game along the lines of PoE's (simpler) endgame is these days (ability to make map instances to play in using certain parameters or something). I'm not reformatting for a single game. I don't think it's an OS issue, anyway. The game may not be browser related, but I feel like the launcher is, so it's probably some weird browser issue. Or if it is OS, it's because of some Win7 feature I've disabled and have no desire to turn back on. Or whatever. I could try redownloading it to see if a file got corrupted or something, but I haven't bothered.
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