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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Well I tried everything browser cookie related I could think of. Still nothing. Tried searching their forums, see nothing similar. Only thing I can think of now is that they don't actually mean cookies...like network/port/firewall access errors or something instead. Not a problem with other online games I've played but y'never know. Bah. Guess I won't be playing, doesn't seem worth figuring it out. Just for reference, it looks like this when I login to the launcher.
  2. Click Neverwinter desktop icon. Launcher window launches. Login. "You must enable cookies to use this website." Enable cookies for perfectworld and nw.perfectworld. Nothing. Go to their website, login there, allow all scripts/cookies, turn off browser pop-up blocker in case launcher is considered a browser popup window in some funky way, allow third party cookies, etc. Still says I need browser cookies enabled when I launch/login the launcher window. To play a game. I'm not pleased...is this a browser game? I didn't realize that. What cookies am I supposed to be allowing? Or am I supposed to be using Internet Explorer instead of Firefox, in which case I won't be playing this game?
  3. It's at almost 70% now, so no point in starting over...sometimes it has bursts of almost 1500KB/sec. I'm guessing a couple hours total at this rate. *shrug*
  4. I dunno...if a game is designed to have a fog of war, seems like turning it off would really ruin the discovery part of the game. But I suppose if one doesn't mind losing that, an option to turn it off could be fine. Myself, in such games I just prefer to uncover everything by actually exploring. But then, I'm not the sort who is annoyed by a little bit of fog of war left on map or mountain edges. You could have the type of fog that some games use for after you've uncovered area ... the filter affect where you can see trees and landscape through it, but not people/certain features....instead of a total black screen effect. You'd still lose some of the discovery/surprise tho, even if towns, cave entrances etc weren't initially visible (just land/trees/water features). P.S. If you're more concerned about how much is completely visible even after "discovering" it (view/light radius distance of party et al), that's a bit different. You could still do something similar, with no fog of war at all but people/creatures not showing up until a certain distance, but that might feel a bit odd if they just popped into the middle of the screen. So seems like you'd still want some kind of light/other filter past the view radius "circle."
  5. One two three four I don't like to rhyme no more Five six seven eight Such is a path's ending fate Nine ten eleven twelve When our brain we store and shelve.
  6. As much as I dislike Steam at times, at least they're usually, for me, consistent with their D/L speeds. 15% done! I might get to try the game out before dark.
  7. The internet doesn't change your basic personality. If you're a non-social couch potato, you're likely going to be one with or without the internet in your life. The internet just gives you a reason to give to other people and to yourself. What I think the internet can do (to some people) is reduce their in-person social skills ... because of disuse. Use it or lose it, as they say. If one uses the internet too often as a substitute for in-person socialization, one starts to lose the skills of how to communicate in person, when there's no editing, no DEL key, no pause button, no "well I don't want to answer/deal with that so I'm leaving the page." Of course, this happens if you're just sitting at home reading books 24/7, too...but the 'net tends to give one the feeling that you're still working certain social skills, when you're not...or at least, it's a different kind of social skill. Kinda like how one can be the talker in a close relationship but fall silent during a party, because being talky in a comfortable/easy situation (spouse/friends or faceless 'net) isn't the same as being talky in a room full of strangers staring you in the face, waiting for you to speak. If you want to be a dynamo public speaker, you need to practice offline. So I don't find the guy's "findings" surprising at all. Like anything else, the internet is a tool, and how one uses it, and how "bad" (or good) it is to someone's psyche, lifestyle, etc. just depends on the individual.
  8. Not a good sign... (a while later) Well at least it's getting faster... ( a bit later) ...nope, slowed way down again. Then up. Then down. It's going to be like that, eh.
  9. Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of Tina - for the annoying factor, not for being racist - but my mind is conjuring up all kinds of Gearbox D&D humor for that DLC. I hope Claptrap is part of it. Hopefully it'll be good...and a bit longer than the last DLC.
  10. Saw some Nat. Geo. film "The Last Lions" (African lions) - it was great, if a bit edit-heavy to create a cohesive story, but meh who cares. It's main aim was to inspire "us", I guess, about how few may be left now (maybe only 20k). And on that level it works. Majestic, and a couple spots of nature-can-be-cruel heart-breaking stuff. Time to watch something a bit cheerier before I go to sleep.
  11. Kittahs! Luv that 2nd pic. Makes me wonder what the cat is thinking, heheh. Probably "no, no, I'm the cute one, bring that camera back over here!"
  12. Well I'll ask my usual question....how much can you solo this MMO? Their website makes it sound kinda interesting. Being free/open beta, I might check it out a bit this weekend, assuming I can get on the servers etc.
  13. I'm relieved to know that America at least still thinks shows like "Ready For Love" are garbage, causing such low ratings that it was cancelled in 3 episodes and replaced with Grimm. It'll be interesting to see how Grimm fares in that day/time slot vs. Friday. I liked Grimm at first but haven't kept up with it this year.
  14. Still listening to BB King vids while hubby naps. Also, for comparison, here's the 0 score look. Which if I stare at long enough, still starts to look not so perfect. Monitors...
  15. I've seen others with complaints about the offline mode doing that sort of stuff...I'd assume it's a bug of some kind since it doesn't seem to be universal. The only time Steam gets cranky (for me) is if you go online and it starts to download stuff and you don't stop it fast enough, then when you go back offline, if you try to play it'll tell you the game isn't ready to be played in offline mode (even if the patch didn't fully DL/install). That's inconsistent in that some games you can stop downalod/installs and still play in offline, some you can't. Patch differences I assume. I used to remove the Steam on startup via the msconfig but I haven't had to with recent versions of Steam...the toggle works just fine for me. The "don't update this game" still doesn't work, however, since that only seems to stop Steam updates ... not the game patch updates, if that makes sense. I don't think they'll ever change that aspect.
  16. At least it wasn't a 1500+ score!
  17. @Rosbjerg - I've seen that test site before. That's a 90? It is pretty off by individual squares, but you did get the general scaling concept. eg, no bright pink square next to a starting purple square, so I think you could still tell a gold wire from a turqouise wire. Just not a blue-green wire from a green-blue wire. I usually get a 0/perfect on that website (in the past and just now), but I did get a 4 once. Some of the gradients (especially on a monitor) cause a bit of a color illusion.
  18. Wonder if I can convince hubby to take a drive down to Saratoga for the Peter Frampton/BB King concert at the Mountain Winery. I know he'd love the concert, but getting him to do anything with crowds is always a challenge. But BB King might not be around much longer...we saw him a few times at the Circle Star, when it still existed. He's the man. The Monkees are also playing this summer ... but just wouldn't be the same without Davy Jones. And when did Jeff Bridges start doing country music? I'm not into country, but it's still tempting to go see Jeff play/sing. Heh.
  19. "Passionate Plea!" ...hahaha! That was great.
  20. Those pics make me think of the rec room scene in Tremors.
  21. Oh? That's interesting/amusing. I wonder which episode...I'll have to look it up, thanks.
  22. This guy is cameraman. I was expecting some beefcake pic of the bald guy but I was a bit disappointed. Sadly, I think that pic was just a bit too "cheeky" for even a non-embedded link. Dem pesky rules.
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