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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. I miss the days when it seemed like there were local "computer/electronic conventions" every weekend. I know you still have (bigger, big-name, oft expensive) conventions in the big cities at certain times, but I don't mean those. Smaller, local ones. I liked walking around, checking things out, rifling through software, listening to local small business pitch people. Maybe there are still some around, but it's not the same. Today, after doing some typical Sat. morning things, I ate some lunch while ogling Scott M. from HGTV's "Income Property" (honestly, what other reason is there to watch that show outside of Scott? ) and am now considering a bit more yard work. The scraggly blackberry bush on the side of the house is getting a bit out of control this year. Trimming the top requires a ladder now, tho. Hm.
  2. Probably the pic angle and wide angle lens. It's in there fine. Hm. Well I like my jerky pretty dry, actually. Moistness isn't my thing. Most jerky I buy I'll put in a bowl to let it air dry even further because it's still too moist. This stuff I bought has very thick slices and it's cut so you can't just tear a piece off...you're rather pulling bits off like string cheese, which is awesome. Mahogany has something they call Indian Jerky - long thin strips that kinda look like what's in one of the biltong pics, tho I'm sure the process/spices makes it not taste the same. A lot of jerky in the US isn't actually my thing...not into super sweet jerky for example. But I have a feeling I'd prefer the smoked vs. just air dried. Not that I wouldn't be willing to try it. And I definitely am a beef person. Tried buffalo jerky once (which was made the same way as the company's beef jerky). It was ok, but I could tell it wasn't beef, and I didn't much like it. P.S. I've done "beef jerky" in the oven, where it's marinated then just dried at super low temps vs. in an actual smoker. It was ok, but...not the same.
  3. There was a 2000 Gatsby? Never saw that one. The Redford one has plenty of faults too, but I still liked it. I saw some low budget thriller/horror with Val Kilmer last night, called the The Traveler. For the type of film it is, it started off almost promisingly, but then devolved rapidly into a groan-inducing predictable cliche fest. And Val Kilmer's performance was making me giggle...not that he had much to do, really. The best thing about the film was looking at this one chr. for the whole movie, thinking "who is that guy? I know that guy." ... turns out it was the doctor from Stargate Atlantis.
  4. I...must...have...one of those tents. ...that cat gif makes me feel like I shouldn't laugh at poor little kittah's misadventure, but I did. Loudly.
  5. If you don't hear from me after today, I've OD'd on jerky and am playing a harp in the meat-lovers heaven. ...also...have they invented wireless pc hardware yet?
  6. That's what a manual is for. (there will be a manual that describes a bit more than hotkey configs, right? right?) We were all newcomers to a genre/gaming at some point or another. One either has the patience/desire to discover/learn all those nuances for fine tuning, or doesn't. I'd guess/hope the game is still playable/winnable even if you don't care to bother too much about such details...it'd just be that much harder.
  7. I'm not sure whether to laugh or to be creeped out.
  8. I think I love Kirill's hair more than anything else. Also, why does YouTube's video loading suck so much so often these days....
  9. I haven't been playing any pc games, but I've become pretty good at Remote Juggling. ...at least end of 2013 to end of 2014 should pick things up a bit for me, gaming wise.
  10. That supposes you actually login to the KS site with any decent frequency. But yeah...maybe I'll test that out, see what happens.
  11. Raw kale tastes a lot like the small leaves off a bunch of broccoli, only with a much more bitter aftertaste. I like raw broccoli/leaves, but kale...blech. Not to be added to my "green vegies that are at least tolerable" list. I wish green didn't seem to = bitter 95% of the time.
  12. My attention span is about equal to a cat. Which is at least better than a fruit fly. I think. I mean, cats can at least sit still and stare at the same object/face for long minutes, even if they don't notice/care that their tail is floating in the water bowl behind them. The latter being more of an indication of individual intelligence rather than attention span. So Mr. Grey must have a 1.5 INT. I give Mr. Black about a 3 INT...but he has 20 CHA to make up for it. I wonder what a dwarf hamster would be? What was I talking about, again?
  13. Ah...I missed that, just saw the email-icon you can click on and off. Do you know if that stops email notification of pledge reward surveys and the like, too? That's one reason I haven't turned them off on any project...I was worried about that.
  14. No more overweight gamers?
  15. I must admit the amount of updates on this KS can be a bit....over the top. There have been 5 in the past 30 hours, for example. But one can always turn email delivery of updates off temporarily, if one wishes, and just check the KS project page when one feels like it. Altho, I think that option turns off all project updates, not just a specific project. Still...it's an option.
  16. Hemlock Grove: Realized I had watched the 2nd episode (thinking it was the first) by mistake, so no wonder I was all "huh?" Fixed that then watched a couple more. But then .... I skipped to the very last episode and watched that. It's a problem with having a season all at once. Or a benefit, depending on your point of view....like when you skip forward because the pacing of the show is so glacial/weird/soap operaish you end up with no patience to sit through 9 more episodes for the "answers." So...mildly interesting with some ok actors but ultimately pointless - a bit like a less-amusing Twin Peaks with a horror fantasy setting. House of Cards was much better.
  17. I love him, but I'm not actually sure I feel like giving Zach's project funds, myself, unless I had enough to get one of those top tiers. Because as mentioned, he's going to get plenty of cash anyway and I'm selfish like that. Maybe the $20 tho, I like soundtracks .... Besides, I'm still waiting for Michael Biehn's "I used to be almost famous and now I do terrible B movies" Kickstarter.
  18. Woldan is my new favorite poster. Lovely photo. Hubs injured a shoulder so it was a take-it-easy Wed. Made some grub for him, had him all comfy on the couch, watched TV. And that sack of oranges he brought home during the weekend - turns out they are pretty good. I ate 3 this afternoon.
  19. Started watching Netflix's new original Hemlock Grove. 1st episode was kinda "huh?" with all this character setup, but then at the end...ewww, that makeup scene of a werewolf change, heh. It's not, btw, very Twilight-y, despite seeming like it might be from the pics and such. Darker. Going to watch a couple more.
  20. Backpacking is great. I tend to like being isolated too, at higher elevations, but I've only backpacked a few times. Hubby's always been a car camper...but we did it as isolated as possible (he hates the "campgrounds"). Just drive these random dirt roads until you hit some spot you like where no one's around and go from there. We've had lots of adventures like that...driving places where we never saw another car/person, having to bring in your own water, that sort of thing. Also ... my new favorite beef jerky is Ray's Own Brand. I ordered a few pounds today. Found that popular Best Beef Jerky review website. I'll have to try some of the high rated ones sometime.
  21. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1869987317/wish-i-was-here-1 It's Zach Braff, y'know? I wish I had $5000+ to spare. Maybe I can at least convince hubby that a LA premiere can be a fun vacation.
  22. Yeah....I've never liked the "psychic guard" concept either. It's fine to have a reputation system where after you do so many known "bad" things or whatever in a town, the guards of that town start to chase after you but... Along with them knowing you've done wrong even when there are no witnesses, I don't like it when the rep system applies equally to all cities/towns everywhere in the world at once, or something. Unless PE has the magical equivalent of video surveillance, a global media news system and a TV in every home, at least initially such rep. systems should be town/area based. Manage to do "bad" and escape the guards in one town shouldn't mean the very next town you arrive in should immediately know you're an outlaw and chase you as soon as you try to step foot in. So each town/city could have a separate rep. counter and only when rep is bad in multiple places does a more widespread rep counter kick in. Or some such.
  23. If humans always behaved logically, we'd be Vulcan instead.
  24. The internet was made for LOLcats/animals, silly debates, and shopping. Besides, what else am I going to do at 2:30am.
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