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Everything posted by LadyCrimson

  1. Hubby will be asleep soon, so I hope they fix the game, because I'm going to have withdrawals. ...I told you it's probably not a good idea for me to play a MMO long enough to get "into" it.
  2. From Sat: Don't think that's normal. Or that. But when it's not doing weird things from certain view-angles/spots, the scenery can be quite nice.
  3. Ah. Sometimes I'm glad I play solo (don't even trade, tho I do occasionally use an AH, if a game has one), for my own personal reasons ... none of that kind of stuff affects me. Well, except the inflated AH/diamond prices maybe, but I figured that was from people getting all those diamonds in the two founder packs and not much in the AH worth buying even if I had the diamonds. I hope they don't end up rolling back everyone or something. I'd be rather ticked. Sounds like their support/service is jack, too.
  4. What exploit? I'm trying to read their forums again but they're loading slower than a 200 year old human might walk. Speaking of the forums, today I just learned you can turn off patching on demand. I'll have to do that because it was driving me nuts, every time I'd go into a new area it's 5 minutes of waiting for stupid patches/the server to respond.
  5. Cloud Atlas - weird movie. Beautiful, lyrical, but weird. I think I understood most of it but parts, especially the end, was "wait, what, how'd they get there?"
  6. Has the server been down for maintenance all afternoon for anyone else? Both the game and the gateway. Long maintenance ... wonder what they're doing.
  7. I'm getting a bit tired of two things: bosses/enemies whose attack is a knockdown (basically everyone bigger than a zombie lackey) every 5 seconds, and bosses with the constant adds. Even if it's not that difficult of a boss, the "spawn 3 grunt adds every 15 seconds" gets old ... they need different enemy tactics. I can avoid some knockdowns, but doing the slide-dodge all the time + changing action micro-delays = you not doing much attacking (when you're solo), plus when it occurs in narrow hallways or small, low-roofed rooms the camera stuff becomes super annoying.
  8. Yeah...I've noticed that about some spots in the game. It's because the "open" areas they have are so small and it's their solution to make sure people don't have to wait long to get their quest req. from the area. But it can get fairly ridiculous ... and I'm not even in super high lvl territory yet. I can imagine it gets worse and worse. They really need to lower the respawn rate a bit.
  9. Merge? As in layers? I think paint.net does layers, but if not, GIMP does. I'm not sure that Photoshop is free even with a logon anymore ... I haven't checked, but I read some articles that made it sound iffy/like they took it down.
  10. Still haven't played much of the Grim Dawn alpha, but early on I was a bit annoyed with the rate of healing enemies have. It's not that it's troublesome or anything, but just enough where if you're focused on one guy then have to switch to some closer, the first one might be mostly healed up by the time you get back to it. Mostly, I could see that becoming tiresome in the harder difficulties if it scales up.
  11. Went to a park today and saw the sun. Wish the wind would die down tho. Hubs is situated on the couch for the evening, watching his bad TV, so time for me to do a little gamin'. One of the things I like about Neverwinter Online is it's really easy to play for an hour and feel like you did something, unlike most MMO's.
  12. I'll be right down! Congrats on the 10 years and vow renewal...pretty awesome.
  13. Yup...just another method to get impatient people to spend to get astral diamonds faster. I'd have to agree with the general consensus on their forums that even if you're willing to spend cash, it's not that the real-money Zen prices are too high, it's that the costs of the things you can get for Zen/diamonds is too high. A lot more people might be willing to spend $5-$8 to get a decent mount or companion fast, say, but $20-40 is a bit much, especially for those things that are one-chr/use only.
  14. Has anyone tried Age of Wushu? It's another F2P type game and unfortunately (to me) it's also a PvP-only environment, so you could be wandering around and get ganked by competing faction groups. One review I read said it wasn't hard to avoid most PvP if you want, but still. But stuff like how, if you're offline, your character becomes a working NPC to populate towns (a waiter, a shopkeeper, a beggar) and might be "kidnapped" and sold by other players, is interesting. So you could come back online and find your chr. in prison. And if you're online and you see someone's chr. being thus taken, you could try to stop/prevent it (they have restrictions to prevent the kidnapping thing from being overly abused). Reviews make it sound likely frustrating in terms of skills and certain game mechanics and other issues, which might overshadow everything else, too much. I'm curious enough I might try it a bit later, tho.
  15. Does anyone know what the max limit is to the mail inbox? I often use it to short-term store items (mail to another chr). Yeah, the drow chr. was appealing too. But they'll be releasing a draw class for "everyone" later, even if it's not the "renegade" drow. Spider mount is neat, but I haven't found much use for a mount yet (haven't even used those free rental icons). Not like I have to travel insane distances, ala WoW. The main thing for me is whether I feel like the game is repeatable. Love going through it once but is it still fun to make a highish lvl a 2nd time, etc. I've played it enough hours now tho, and am still playing, that I didn't mind the $30 at least. I think of it as a really big tip. Undecided about anything else, still. @Bok - I've wondered about the Honey Badger myself. I think they need more companion options, personally. Guess they added another human companion recently ... but I want more animal/non-human ones. Also, a healer companion that can get to companion-lvl 30. The limits are lame. Lesser companions should just do less dmg/have lesser abilities, not leveling limits.
  16. Hubby snores loud enough to wake the dead (sleep apnea). It's not cute little snuffles, it's full bore, can hear through 2 shut doors buzzsawing that makes your ears ring. Which is yet another reason I'm often up late and sometimes I end up coming in here and sleeping on the daybed in this room. Love him madly, but I also like getting good sleep. Luckily, one doesn't have to always sleep with someone to have fun with someone. Not sure whether to try to see the Star Trek movie today, alone, or wait until Tues afternoon when hubs will likely be willing to go with me. Or both. I'd like to see it now, but I hate huge crowds....
  17. It does make me wonder about the whole F2P w/micro-transactions thing tho, since that seems to be where much of the MMO is heading ... even if it starts out as subscription for a couple years. I mean, someone has to spend or F2P doesn't work. It doesn't seem to me that subscription-based is the way to remain, since most don't want to commit to that these days, but F2P isn't ideal either, depending how it's done. Ah well.
  18. Leave me alone, stupid henchmen, I'm killin' your boss.
  19. I spent $30 for 3000 Zen, to see how far that would go (and I didn't mind idly being a sucker by giving them that amount). Not very far. I got one 24 slot backpack for 1000 Zen, "sold" 500 Zen for around 177k diamonds, bought some of those lockbox keys for 125 Zen each (nothing awesome came out of the 4 or 5 I opened), and am left with 1000 Zen. Haven't spent any astral diamonds and see nothing I'd care to spend them on without having several million of them. I think character slots (if you don't feel like making multiple accounts) and bag space would be where I'd put micro-transactions. Those keys definitely aren't worth it unless you really want that horse ... but I had to try it a little. But yeah...it's pretty ridiculous how much money you could spend even if you only wanted inventory/bank space per chr. and extra chr. slots. ...still want the panther.
  20. Social call finished, early prep for making dinner later finished...now I could play a game for a few hours, but I can't decide which one to play. ...maybe Grim Dawn.
  21. @Volourn - the difference, in my mind at least, is that the human race is nowhere near any danger of extinction. Well, we might do something like invent the Matrix and have a problem one day, hardehar, or an asteroid might fall on us, but you know what I mean. I've never minded the hunting of animals per se - I simply don't like the aspect of humanity that can't control itself to the point where what is coveted is no longer available to anyone, at all, forever more. Course, I have trouble eating just one piece of beef jerky at a time so it's not like I don't understand "I want" and self-control issues.
  22. I definitely agree with this. I like games where characters have a combat-stance and once a brief time has passed after combat is over, they go back to a relaxed/non-weapon stance...or something. It definitely has always felt a bit weird when a game has you walking up to people to have a convo while still pointing a sword/gun/laser/bow/whatever in their face.
  23. Only evil and/or not-human characters are allowed to be topless, y'know. And tribal women in National Geographic.
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