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Everything posted by tmp

  1. Neither does bounty hunter Mira, a class trait perhaps?
  2. Bao-Dur: Yes, General... oh yes, General (ok am not too much of bao-dur fan but someone had to spin that one :">
  3. Whatever it is that allows the character to use fields, it's not strong alignment either... my Mira was nearly perfectly neutral when i found these fields and she could enter them with no problem (i didn't know what to expect but since they weren't different from the Nar Shadaa background noise she had no problem with remaining calm, and came out half way towards blue out of the ordeals :s Don't think it's a level that makes the difference, also... i don't remember what levels my characters were, but they had quite a bit of problem near the temple entrance so am guessing they wasn't too high. :">
  4. Kreia. if being your mentor that's clearly superior to you throughout the whole game *and* the final nemesis is not a huge role, i dunno what is... In comparison Bastilla was mostly a tool. A tool of republic to gain upper hand n battle, the tool of the Jedi Council to keep the eye on Revan... she was a pretty tool of course, but hardly ever had any active part on her own, she's mostly following orders. Compare it to Kreia who *plays* the whole galaxy as pawns, your character included, to have *her* goals realized... it's no contest, really. You appear to judge people by the looks, which pretty much renders your opinion unimportant, and yourself a very shallow person. Plus, you need to get out more, seriously. If you think Mira is dressed like a prostitute, a walk down a street might make you realize just how real prostitutes dress, and that's quite a bit different from Mira's outfit... Kreia is specifically mentioned as someone who must've been beautiful in the past, and i found her a distuinguished lady even in her older years... is she ugly to you because she's old? i think we're back to the shallow judgements you make. As for strong characters... *your* character can be a woman. If *you* failed to play a strong person, who is to blame for it but yourself? "
  5. I've read about a bug in game where it can skip through cutscenes at breakneck speed if the cutscene is triggered while your character is affected by the 'master speed' force or whatever it's called... maybe it can affect the dialogues too, and that's what happened to your friend?
  6. Actually "manga" is not a company, it's general term for "comic" the Japanese use. And 'drawing properly' complaint is funny like hell considering the things people moan about the most (big eyes etc) were copied straight from early Disney cartoons... i guess this makes Disney movies "improperly drawn dirty yankee cartoons" or something equally dumb. "
  7. Didn't KotOR2 deal with this very subject, just how little these "masters" really know. " dark, light... i'm the one with lightsaber...
  8. Maybe. The game is still easier with the Jedi bunch so no reason to go all "ohnoes you didn't have so and so as Jedi, you must be 12 year old or something"... different strokes for different folks. <_<
  9. Metagaming can be quite boring to some people, so nothing strange in not having your whole party converted into Jedi as soon as possible.... not to mention, it makes the game even more trivial than it already is, so why would you want your characters to be Jedi if you're trying to make the game challenging..?
  10. omg omg omg too many purrrty pictures (btw, the 'different reactions'... is that reactions to walking on the Exile in the shower after she 'accidently' forgets to lock the door? " :">
  11. why oh WHY there's no option to play some pazaak with Atton on the ship using Nar Shaddaa rules for a change... I mean... :"> gods lookie at the time, if there's any problems, i'll be in my chambers... "
  12. ... OMG. You, shop, the Longest Journey, now. :">
  13. tmp


    How do you make game engine a "shooter" engine, exactly? Here is a list of Unreal features. They're about as generic as it can get. Even according to the authors who instead of claiming "hey, our engine is the best thing for you if you want to make a shooter!" say instead: "Unreal Engine is suitable for many genres of 3D games targeting today's popular platforms." Perhaps what is actually irrelevant is "what they've actually done" with it, because it's hardly 'fault' of game engine that the most popular type of game at the moment happens to be FPS, so everyone and their dog tries to make one rather than risk money on something less "safe"...
  14. ... Damn. if there was one reason to slip off my grey path, that'd be it... that'd make quite interesting version of the trial scene, too. Gathered Jedi, Atris et all: So, do you have anything you'd offer as your defense? Why did you not listen to our orders, why did you follow Revan into the war? the Exile: I wanted some better looking underwear. *casually shrugs her robe off, does a half-turn showing off the black-and-red skimpy garment* See..? ::cue Master Vrook getting a heart attack:: "
  15. tmp


    With small catch being, the game engine handles this very part of the game -- the mechanics. and nothing else. Plot or lack thereof, characters and whatever else you throw on top of it to make the complete experience is up to the game creators, and quite detached from the code running behind the scenes. As for winning/losing... it's not a match. And even if it was one, then you'd still have yet to score a single point by giving just one example of single crpg mechanics that Unreal engine couldn't handle.
  16. :"> omg. dunno if it was more funny than disturbing, or more distubing than funny... ^_^
  17. Am not sure, but isn't that underwear in the first KotOR as well, just for some other starting class than the scoundrel? I recall other classes were getting some rather fugly starting outfits...
  18. tmp


    Geez. the whole point was, if i remember right, the question if it's possible to make CRPG game with Unreal engine. From the point of game mechanics the difference between 'crpg' and 'mmorpg' is next to null -- the "central plot" you mention is just a string of loosely arranged quests you do as your character keeps levelling up, with quests becoming available in sequence as you finish them one after another. MMO games have their quests not arranged in a sequence and thats' about it. All other elements that make the CRPG you can find in MMO game as well. So, if you can make the MMO game with certain game engine, then the same engine is perfectly valid as backbone for single player CRPG. Simple as that.
  19. The coolest part about Revan's undies was, if you went Dark Side it'd change to match your alignment. :s no clue if something like that happens for the Exile though. ;.;
  20. tmp


    CRPG is rpg played on computer. MMORPG is rpg played on computer by massive amount of real people at once.... so yup, Lineage would be CRPG utilizing Unreal engine. (and if you think about it , there's very little difference between game like KotOR and Lineage when it comes to functionality... so there's nothing really the engine couldn't handle)
  21. tmp


    Lineage 2? "Good" is obviously relative here, but the game does utilize all regular elements of typical crpg -- teams, fights, equipment, magic, stats upgrade and whatnot...
  22. tmp


    Huuuuuuuuuuge worlds are up there right next to physics when it comes to dumb features in games. No developer has enough resources to populate such big world in any sort of sensible manner, so in the end all you get is lot of reused graphics that doesn't serve anything, one significant building every 1-2 km and people running everywhere to cut down on travel time... which totally breaks the immersion, hardly a good thing for the RPG. GTA gets away with it because with all the cars, bikes and whatnot it has you don't travel much on foot in it...
  23. tmp


    is that cheese I smell? " Smells more like Shadowrun put through a blender. Speaking of which, Microsoft could use a prod in behind to finally do something with the license they've been sitting on...
  24. No. (and re: the poll... i'd have to say Revan, not only the Exile was cut from the Force for a long time and quite likely weaker than Revan to begin with, Revan spent that time gods know where fighting some mysterious Sith and learning new tricks... which is why being able to face Revan as the exile in 3rd game would be (finally) a good challenge ;.;
  25. He already did; unless "syncophant" is an ass-kisser with great love for ragtime... "
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