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Everything posted by tmp

  1. Heck, there even is dialogue branch for Mira already where you can talk about 'understanding men' with her ... it'd make perfect spot to insert more dialogue to let one express whom they find most interesting, there... "
  2. Yes, meant those horrible things ;.; They had few slightly different names and 'types' i think, but all looked very similar and well.. fuuuuuugly. >.< In that one aspect the first game was much better for me, it had a nice selection of good looking stuff... in KotOR2 i pretty much settled for Echani light armour with some modifications throughtout whole game simply because everything else was just... eeew. (and no, didn't mean you when i mentioned obsessive and scary... there's just one person in the thread that really sets the bar -.^;;
  3. But my Merriam-Webster dictionary says that: good adv : well ... so wouldn't that mean you can use "it'll serve you good" in exactly the same way you'd say "it'll serve you well" since they'll mean literally the same? (not a native speaker here so just puzzled and curious, really...
  4. The way it was described made me picture it like a huge power suit sort of thing, a cross between a mechwarrior machine and those japanese battle robots i guess ... since (an)droid usually implies some resemblance to human form. So the tiny milk-carton ship the game showed me was a little disappointing... but hardly something to complain about. (found it way more aggravating personally that nearly all light armour in game came with these crazy flaps that made the "does this make me look like my ass is _really_ fat?" a rhetorical question >.< That said, this thread is downright scary, never realized just how obsessive fans can get... bet that poor Obsidian guy who decided to reply to it didn't quite realize it too... now we both know better. :s
  5. It's mentioned in the game that the academy at M5 is ancient and somehow managed to 'survive' the destruction of the planet, likely due to dark force it's imbued with... can't remember if it's in the dialogues, or in those brief pieces of text you get while loading save games.
  6. Just because it was derived from a weasel-like creature doesn't mean that's the whole connotation it carries... 'bitch' is technically just a female dog, too. ;s
  7. Pretty much; can't swing a cat without hitting at least three people who have their opinion on Revan and are dying to share it...
  8. Loved that part, i mostly blame the voice acting here... :">
  9. I thought they did it as sort of 'putting the dead back to grave where it belongs' deal. That ship was meant to stay a wreck at M5, part of the past... not some zombie mockery haunting them even now.
  10. Well, he eventually asks you to make him something he used to despise the most -- a Jedi -- so he can "protect you or at least buy you some time when it matters" ... it's not exactly outright "omg i luuuuuuuv you so much i'd die for you" declaration, but with the guy like Atton it's probably as close as it gets. (i didn't really feel a need to require more from him, anyway :s
  11. Can't believe no one mentioned Darth Curly, Moe and Larry yet... That said the ultimate villain is obviously going to be Darth Lucas. the man who first restored the Sith order from its long slumber, and then thought it'd be cute to add furry little creatures and computer-generated sidekicks to it, at which point all hell broke loose...
  12. "the Devil's best trick was convincing people he didn't exist" ;s
  13. I think it'd be interesting to have the Exile follow Revan's trail into the Sith empire territory, finding out at some point the latter got drawn into the 'eveel' (s)he intended to fight... ultimately resulting in face-off between these two. This is one of the very basic dramatic situations, but it both fits the "once you go dark, there's never a real redemption" theme, and after things revealed in KotOR 2 there's lot of personal reasons for the Exile to want this kind of confrontation... plus you can throw in all the usual Light/Dark stuff and reasoning on top of it. And since Revan throughout whole KotOR 2 was made to be some sort of 'force of nature', both military and political genius with triple master plan for everything ... it's going to be difficult for the 3rd game to establish a more impressive villain (unless maybe someone who actually managed to defeat Revan, but even then the fact would have to be hammered down for quite a while to fully sink in) Alternatively this could all be made part of back story that happened between 2nd and 3rd game and is just something for fresh character to discover... still, the question was about Revan's possible fate ;P
  14. Might be you. My character was l.24-25 by the time she reached the academy at m5, and since she was 'alignment-neutral' and neither excessively force- nor sword- oriented getting past later half of the academy all way to the end on the 'hard' level was actually quite a challenge. Kreia herself was about an equal match, and those lightsabers of hers sent me running around, as it'd take just 3-4 hits to kill me. On unrelated sidenote, that picture of eveel Atris made me think "omg, Willow's Bavmorda got cameo as easter egg" at first glance... :s
  15. So that's why i never saw it do anything... guess it's a hint it's time to upgrade my midichlorians or something... :s
  16. Mhm Revan is mentioned specifically as not present during the battle, due to getting delayed along with part of forces... possibly on purpose but that's not really the point. The point is, it's your character that makes the final decision to spring the trap and as such responsible for it. It might've been Revan's manioulation that put them in that spot, but the decision itself was 'yours' nonetheless. To try to shift the blame on someone else would be a 'victim of society' cop-out imo. Quite correct, but there's large similarity here; the actions of your character caused simultaneous deaths of many people attuned to the force. The actions of Nihilus in a way did exactly the same -- 'hurt' the force by striking at population in close touch with it. (which btw i don't think was Nihilus' intention, he's just a guy blinded by his hunger and manipulated by Kreia all along... just like she lured him eventually near Telos by actions of another of her pawns) Ahh but the very point Kreia is making throughout the whole game is, how one-sided and often wrong the teachings one gets from the Jedi academy can be... isn't it? To say you don't need to listen to others because you already went through academy is exactly the kind of conceit that's mentioned frequently as the weak point of the Jedi order, and a reason of their fall during the Jedi wars... I don't remember the exact wording, but iirc what she says is something along lines of "And just what do you think you achieved by doing that?" She isn't really 'faulting' you for helping out the bum. If anything, she disapproves apparent lack of forethought on your part -- she wants you to recognize there's no such thing as 'simple actions' and you shouldn't ever do things without consideration how that might affect the big picture. Which again is something that the dumbed down version of the 'Light Side' with its "See someone in need, do their errands for them, don't ever think, that's the *right* way" attitude is clearly lacking.
  17. Why do people keep bringing that 5 credits thing like it's some sort of valid argument against Kreia..? Thought it made perfect sense in the given context, as long as you have some basic attention span. * the 5 credits lesson: even the tiniest actions may cause ripples that will affect things in ways way stronger than the action itself, and in direction often unintended. * the Nar Shadaa 'force streams' lesson which you get soon after: it's possible to cause destruction on incredible scale without having excessive brute force to match it... all you need is to know where to hit. * at this point you already know (or learn very soon after) about destruction of the planet of the force-sensitives, and that your character was involved/responsible for something on similar scale. These are three puzzle pieces, and when you learn them and they fall together it's sort of a revelation moment. Not only you realize that --just like that 5 credits-- whatever you'd done at M5 might have side effects much greater than "just" destruction of life on planetary scale, and perhaps that's what affected you... but also, that if someone applied this kind of push to the "right" spot, they'd be able to bring the whole house down, so to speak. And seeing what the 'bad guys' are doing, perhaps that's exactly what they're after... they're looking for that exact point to hit. Kreia is basically telling you so early in the game what *you* have done and what the master plan is, without spelling it out for you: "Grab on something and hold firm, because thanks to you the force is going buh-bye." ... "5 credits, who cares?!" indeed. :s
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