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Everything posted by Shdy314

  1. That's a great idea Cord. Makes me think of FF8 when you split into two teams to stop the missiles and one team goes to the missile base and the other goes to Balamb. Or when they have the teams to assassinate the sorceress. Those were fun moments. Made it really feel like a team situation.
  2. Whatever LS combination I decide is the most powergamerish after reading the manual. ;-)
  3. No he wouldn't. Better also ask for a Z-axis THEN this.
  4. That has nothing to do with what i'm trying to say. The point is to try to resolve the problem of hitting your beloved 'honest' cap well before the end of the game. Since the game WILL end eventually, why not just allow the player to simply level as long as the game allows and that's it ?!? If you are afraid he's going to be too powerful, simply balance the number of XPs avaible so that the character will eventually end up around a reasonable level span (which was Bioware should have done in the first place, cap or no cap), and that's it, problem solved. Reatching your maximum level within 2/3 of the game, now, THAT'S just dumb... I'm all for better XP distribution. Id prefer all RPGs be like Vampire TM Bloodlines and only give XP for quests. But I don't see why it's worth whining over if a game developer is honest and says you can hit level 20 and thats it or one that says there is no level cap when really there is and they've just cleverly placed a certain amount of XP or the cap is 100. You are asking for dishonesty. Level caps are in place for casual gamers. That way they can put in a lot of XP for people that don't do everything little thing in the game to still reach the high levels. Unfortunately these bastards are the ones that decide whether a game is a big commercial success so we have to grudgingly accept we need them. Also this is based off the D20 system. So there is really no way you could let a character get above a certain level. There aren't enough force powers and feats so it could lead to all kinds of crazy bugs when the crazy people farm the few ever spawning monsters untill they get to level 50 or what have you and then Obsidian would be blamed for this because they DID say there was no cap.... Honesty is the best policy.
  5. Very well, Torment had a 'virtually' unreachable level cap, happy now ?!? I don't take into account whatever cheese tactics or exploits a few fanatics may use in a game to gain unparalled power, the fact is that for most normal players Torment was reasonably balanced to end within a certain level limit, and yet there was no cap, or at least the cap was so hight to be almost unreatchable. (you would have to cloudkill so many worms to reatch level 99 you'd better off just shoot yourself in the head). The point is that it worked, so why not ?!? In BG1 i had reatched the cap beofre completing 2/3 of the game. It pissed me off immensely, and i would have thought Bioware would have learned by their mistake, but apparently i was mistaken... Nah there were plenty of dialogue exploits too. Point is invisible level caps are just dumb. Why not just be honest about what level you are aiming for characters to be at? Anyways there is always a cap. who cares if it is 100 or 20?
  6. Yes. However Bastila is different since she doesn't have a choice. The Jedi council need you to find the Star Forge. They have no other options whatsoever. So as horrible as you may be Bastila can never just leave. She is supposed to find the Star Forge and keep an eye on you. What would have been kewl instead of that pathetic and wholy predictable Bastila falling to the darkside is to make her try and kill you when you find the last star forge and are a really low alignment. Maybe even make it so you could have made her fall to the dark side. Especially with how much influence you have over her by the end (especially with the romance) then you would keep her on the light by being good and get her to fall when she battles you and loses. A lot of people complain about the temple and that the focus isn't on Revan. This could have been much better. Oh, well. Too late now.
  7. How would it spare time if you never have to do it? Anyways Krea communicates with you telepathically. That is much kewler. I'd say this idea is rather weak.
  8. Those characters didn't have a lightsaber. And you could use the tons of dynamite in the game to blow open doors. And it did frustrate me a lot that I couldn't break open a dumb wooden door with my crowbar.
  9. You are not ditching anybody, they are just lagging behind not far form you, you defenatly don't need to wait for them to cross a stupid door, how realistic would that be ?!? It's not like they don't know where you are going, stop threating your NPCs like children... As soon as they stop acting like little kids. Lagging behind the group. They need leashes. They start running towards a mine Ill give it a sharp tug. And Mission is a child.
  10. All the arguments about strength checks with a lightsaber are completely fallacious because the saber's ability to cut is not dependent on strength at all. Comparing a saber cutting through anything to an axe trying to break down a steel door is ... weak. I came up with a few ways to make security viable without silly arbitrary gameplay restrictions on lightsabers. http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=727&st=0 It also is not likely that anyone would screw up and destroy the whole lockbox. Cutting with the LS doesn't require fancy wrist flicks. You just ignite the saber hold the tip to the lock and voila. No one bashed your idea of getting rid of the "you must gather your party." I was the only one to mention it and all I said was it might be necessary for some reason I don't know and it's realistic you can't just ditch some party member. It wouldn't have been so annoying if NPCs didn't sometimes stop following you or do stupid things. Id much rather THAT be fixed than the area transition.
  11. You could perhaps say something similar of how easy battles are, they both are effected by skills which you get when you gain a new level (though I admit you don't use many skills anyway but will apparently use them more in KotOR II) and since a level represents the characters improvement from practice, experience and learning in a number of areas.. I do agree that the AI scripts aren't very interesting though, even Malak was basically plain BAB and AC boosted .. but then I can't think of many things off the top of my head that would really make it more meaningfully challenging. More force powers, more use of said force powers, use of items, retreating and healing, traps etc. Blah Blah Blah. Basically imagine if Malak were the PC what would he do? Then have him do that. Then you won't need that annoying, overused, cheap as hell cop out of the boss drawing power from something in the fight that must be destroyed before you can beat him. NWN had this TWICE! One of which was the final battle. So sad that modders can increase the AI enough to make combat challenging (TOB perfect example) but the devs can't ship it with good AI.
  12. The problem is there are already books about Boba way before AOTC. Some pretty kewl books. Especially when compared to the crappy background they gave him in AOTC. So I think most people are like me and prefer to just ignore everything having to do with the prequels including crappy spin off games.
  13. That's a really crappy argument. It is totally fallacious. A closer analogy would be trying to cut down a tree with a self contained incredibly powerful cutting laser. TSSEEEW. Tree is down. EASY. As I said before the usefulness of a LS is not determined by the strength of the wielder. It cuts all on its own through any material (technically even cortosis which only shuts off LS). Not to mention you can keep slamming that axe into the tree all you want until it falls down. Don't know any lumberjack that would take one swing and then give up declaring the tree impossible to knock down. I completely understand the need sometimes for arbitrary gameplay restrictions to maintain balance. But it should be avoided at all costs and SOME attempt should be made to explain it away. The explanation may be ludicrous but at least Bioware tried to explain it by saying they use a cortosis weave. Its not silly at all for the lightsaber to function in the capacity of slicing things open since that is what it does and part of why it is so kewl. There is no strength multiplier for dual wielding. In fact strength is actually halved. At least in the off hand. So the lightsabers are actually balanced as long as Dueling is made just slightly more powerful. I already agreed having this as optional feedback is just fine. Not sure how easyit is to implement though and not many people would care or use it. So I don't think the devs would waste time with it. I am only arguing it is not important. Not that it is a bad idea.
  14. I THINK there is a strength or damage multiplier on Double sabers. Meaning that they do (or CAN do) the most damage in a single hit of pretty much any weapon in the game. Which powergamers LOVE.
  15. People will read a post in the forum regardless of how much of a crazy bastard you try to present yourself as. Only problem is they have a tendency to stop reading when they reach a part like that and write a response to it and then ignore everything else and not respond to anything else you say except to debate and have lots of useless discussions and posts on how big an idiot you must be. Best to just be polite about it. Yes good stuff. I know you didn't expect there to be slavery specifically but the Teen rating will keep most truly evil and adult things like that out of the game and this is unavoidable. So we will just have to settle for more ambitious evil actions. I too thought for sure killing Uthar would get me respect at the Academy not turn everyone hostile. The game is easy enough! :D Can't make a game to cater to powergamers. No power is ever enough to satisfy them. Double LS and single LS are a little underpowered compared to dual wielding though. I think Dueling should be made more powerful. Double LS in D20 is supposed to give something like a 1/2 attack more, way more damage(I think some extra damage is applied by using Double LS not relfected in LS damge, like how Dual wielding means you do less damage, double sabers should have some kind of strength multiplier), and not hurt your defense as much as dual wielding. Not sure how closely this implemented in KOTOR though. I do know Double LS was very popular so I don't think changing it is a big deal. I think we have a misunderstanding not a disagreement. Of course people just reload every time they fail. Nothing can change this. I said the strength check to bash the door would frustrate players when they are using an LS for obvious reasons.(In case it isn't obvious the LS can slice open anything and isn't dependent on strength. As you know I made quite a few suggestions on how to make secuirty more viable) Some skills are obviously one shot. Like persuade but others obviously can be made repeatedly unless you critically fail. Like disarming/recovering a mine. And this should remain so. I figured thats what you were trying to get but it just won't happen. They were useful until you get off Taris. Especially when you are doing like me and staying at level 2 the whole time till Dantooine. Having it follow the PC around isn't so much a programming impossibility or even a difficulty as it is time consuming and not worth that time. Anyways I don't claim to know much about programming. You claim to be a future dev though so... Hilarious sure. I didn't have a big soldier though. I was always a scoundrel. Once a scout. And I don't scan. I am a close reader. The DDR dance routine would just be another mini game at best and we have enough of those. Yeah Energy Absorb. Not quite the same as Force Absorb in D20. I want it to be called Force Absorb and should definitely be beefed up. Having a hand out to block shots animation when using it would be kewl but too hard to do. Either you'd have a hand out all the time till it wore off (really dumb) or it'd come up after shots hit you since it would be so difficult to get it to time blaster shots perfectly without a lot of work. Well optional is fine but no one will use it. Think how many numbers having it all on would produce! Especially since you can often get in like 4 hits in one round. Still don't see how you can make math puzzles random. Other than just flat out changing the puzzle. In which case the math puzzle would have to be verbal. And who wants a ton of random math puzzles to figure out? Everything is KOTOR was made so casual player friendly it was sick. The options in puzzles definitely needed to be tricker. More dialogue options in general would be nice. Derf is bad. You can just tell. Just proves my point on behaving yourself or you just get posts like that. <_<
  16. Yep. She'd definitely be dead. But if you read the posts I don't think this is serious.
  17. She probably will. Yavin and Korriban. Probably not. Dantooine. Definitely.
  18. :D :D :D This is a forum bud. And unless you're president of Obsidian you don't make to-Do lists. Not that your ideas are bad but no one listens to someone that acts like a prick about it. You can have the best idea in the world but if no one wants to listen to you... Are always good. And being added. You point out the evil path is made up mainly of bullying then you use as examples a bunch of the same kind of stuff. I think most people want their evil characters to have a little more ambition. Like becoming head of the slavers. Also realize Lucasarts wants Teen games and youre asking for situations that will make it Mature. Therefore it is not going to happen. Sorry for "discussion." You probably don't like to understand the reality of situations. This is going to happen. Sometimes some things will obviously need doing and you might not realize someone specific will ask you too until later. But I agree this should be minimized. Good stuff. What game were you playing? This is just not true at all. OH and don't bother debating me on this. Im right and you are wrong. No doubt about it. I wouldn't say big time but it does need a SLIGHT overhaul. First time or not at all? That is a horrible idea. You want to talk about frustrating players. Persuade only does work the first time or not at all. We don't need a special animation for bashing open a door. That's a waste of dev time. Definitely. Definitely. They aren't utterly useless at first. Following the main character is a bad idea for a host of reasons you should know since you claim you will be a future dev. Otherwise the rest is good. Though I wouldn't mind if they just gott rid of that entirely. It's very unrealistic. It's called force absorb and should definitely be a force power. But separate from throwing your lightsaber. Very true. Don't need autosave. We can save anytime. Annoying yes but necessary. And realistic. Sure but only if they also make fights harder. Yup. DDR Dance routines???? It was just a funny, quick sidequest (that also illustrates how hard it is to get NPCs to interact and do things in the engine) You don't need to make every little thing into something more. As an easter egg would be ok. Wouldn't consider it absolutely unrefutedly neccessary. Ok but no voices that make me want to tear my skin off. That's just better AI and should be if any NPC can see it. Some of them have low awareness. If combat is made harder as I hope then it will be neccessary for more casual less tactical players and should definitely be kept. There are many times I have had to get up and go suddenly. Savng anywhere is a good idea and very popular. You're definitely wrong on this. Yes. Yes. Okae we don't need a million numbers floating above everyone's heads. Definitely. Sometimes it could take me forever to figure out what I'd been given with that horrible inventory system. As long as they aren't math puzzles. Yes. Randomize it???? That would be tricky to implement and is just generally a bad idea. This was asked for on the KOTOR forums many times. If they didn't put it in then there is probably some programming reason. There are many reasons you would have more NPCs by being good than bad but I will just point out that this is being implemented in KOTOR 2. This would have to be judged on a case by case basis. Agree on the Sith lightsaber issue though. I got it and I couldn't wait to use it but then found out you couldn't. Yes. Maybe. Much doesn't make it through the development process. Yep. "Enough to give you some work." Let me tell you right now Devs don't care what one person has to say. You need an entire community behind you agreeing with how important each of these issues is. So you better change your holier than thou attitude. Like I said before. Better hope people don't "remember your name" or you're never going to be hired. You do realize your on a FORUM right? Do you know what that is? All you're going to get is massive flames which will do nothing for you at all. These points ARE up for debate if only because you posted them publicly on a FORUM! Just because you don't want to know what you're wrong about doesn't mean they aren't debatable. Only Obsidian can say what is and isn't debatable. And you ARE wrong about a few things and other points just needed to be expanded on.
  19. I don't think anyone's played Star Wars ROUGE Leader.
  20. Yeah we know you're powerful and everything but you can't take on a whole planet.
  21. The best Mandalorian armor on the Unknown world had a helmet. I think they were loathe to include armor with helmets because of the visors.
  22. I think he is supposed to make a cameo but nothing is set in stone.
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