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Everything posted by Lord_Mord

  1. Looks like our special children get their own PoE now. With an easy to understand story and visually stimulating graphics, so noone gets bored. I think that's a good thing, we don't want to leave anyone behind. Nothing for me to be honest. I'd rather have an engaging story, excellent worldbuilding and good writing than playing with toy soldiers in my little fairy kingdom. But I understand that this can't work for all of us. I just hope that the weapons will do loooots of damage. It's frustrating for that kind of target group if the game does not give enough positive feedback on their actions.
  2. I remembered something. I know a guy from Russia. His family were German migrants from some generations ago and in the 90s he moved back here. I don't know were in Germany his family is from originally, but he has a very distinct way of speaking. The most noticeable thing is his frequent use of the word "Nu", spoken "Noo". It means something like "well" and he starts every second (German) sentence with it. I like it by the way, as it makes everything sound very calmly and relaxed. His German is not bad at all, he just has a slight accent, but it's just very different from nowadays German and therefore sometimes really hard to understand. However, "Nu" reminds me strongly of "Ac!" or "Ekera". I know that such kind of habits are common for German communities in Russia, as they were isolated and spoke their own German for a couple of generations.
  3. No problem with Serafen, too. I'm not a native speaker, but I have a much more harder time understanding that Australian guy in Doctor House. Udyne is awesome. I don't get what that's about, but she uses some german words, or at least words that are understandable for a german. As for the Ekera stuff: I liked it very much, though I agree that it was slightly overused. Genau!
  4. Apart from the fact, that there is a forum section for bugs and you are a very untalented bug reporter: Is it common at your workplace that random customers enter and shout orders?
  5. I like her, too. And I'm convinced there is no objective reason not to. You just don't like her, that's all. As for dumbing down the writing: Seriously? Just enjoy that you have the chance to learn some vocabulary. When I came from school my english was so bad, I couldn't even fully understand a Simpsons episode. Nowadays I can watch foreign movies, even complicated ones and get 90-100% of what's going on depending on the movie. All of that because I just did it again and again and looked everything up, that I couldn't understand. Unfortunately, it doesn't improve my speaking or writing very much.
  6. Yes, yes. But how are they adressing each other in Deadfire? In some games with a historical setting "du" is used every time. In some they use "Ihr" (medieval babble) and in a few they use "Sie" (Personally I don't like that, sounds to modern).
  7. Haven't thought it through to be honest, but at first glance, I like it.
  8. Perfect. I wish, the official translation companies would ask such stuff in the forums. P.S.: Maybe not perfect. Do they use "Du", "Sie" or "Ihr" in the german version (Edit: Of Deadfire)? Depending on that the sentence could be "Habt Ihr einen Norwegischen Blauling?" or "Hast du einen Norwegischen Blauling?"
  9. No it's not. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skudrinka It's the same for almost all In Extremo songs. They do not compose most of that stuff themselves. Those idiots didn't even get the lyrics right for Ai vist lo lop. Edit: Someone was faster P.S.: "Verehrt und angespien". What a bunch of idiots.
  10. Same for me. I definitely didn't, but it said I did.
  11. I don't want to attack the translators or something. But that whole workflow is just plain bull**** and it's obvious that the translation company as a whole didn't really care. I think the problem lies at Obsidian, be it because of budget problems or whatever. The translation company is crap, the whole workflow is crap. Mods can't replace a well made translation. You can just fix the worst things, that is not the same as a thought out, lovingly crafted translation. Besides, lots of people will never even download it. I want, and maybe I'm just very naive and idealistic here, that the kids these days get a game that is at least as much a good read as the games in our days, maybe even better. In the best case it would be just like reading a book. Deadfire came very close to a good book. Not Dostojewski, but better than Ayn Rand (Maybe I just don't like Ayn Rand, but you get the point. It's definitely better than Rowling.). In German it's just gibberish. And with the mod it's corrected gibberish. You can read it, it makes sense, some phrases sound more natural but it still does not feel like something.
  12. I agree that the cooldown mechanic can be overused easely. But it is a nice mechanic that can feel good and make sense. What I would do is using cooldowns for things like sword moves and kicks but never for magic or special abilites and the cooldowns would not be per ability, but per action. So the fighter would have a lot of cooldowns, other classes not so much.
  13. I like that. Now let the length of the cooldown be determined by the characters athletics and I'm in.
  14. By the way: I'd prefer it too, that fighters stick to sword moves and stuff. Maybe on a very high level they could gain some super martial arts abilites. But I think PoE handled that very well so far. I think there's no reason to complain. Why? How often in a row do you think you could swing your big twohander in an arc iwthout a pause before your arms start getting weak?
  15. That makes no difference. You play it although it is boring, because you like what it stands for. That doesn't change the fact that it comes with very limited options and repetitive gameplay. Also, you are sooo alpha. May I touch your muscles? Just once?
  16. Yes, charge is not a no brainer anymore, so it finally makes sense to use other fighter abilites.
  17. I heard in France you try to avoid the english language as much as possible. I wonder how you did it in the Pirates of the Carribean movies. In Germany most of the terms (Like "Black Pearl" for example) were kept in english language, with a few exceptions. How's it in France?
  18. I can answer that. It started in some company, where a person who was told that he is "in charge" felt the need to justify his pitiful existence. So he decided to make things more efficient. He managed to make the product cheaper by hiring unemployed coal miners from the street instead of qualified workers and totally ****ed it up in the process. But no one told him (so they wouldn't get replaced by an unemployed coal miner from the street, too) and besides he wouldn't have cared anyway. Problem was that now this company could offer their services cheaper than every other company in the field. At first that was not a big problem, but some of their customers didn't care much about quality so they had their little niche on the market. Which constantly grew. Why? Because out there's always someone "in charge" who feels the need to justify his pitiful existence. And before you can say "The free market regulates itself" hiring unemployed coal miners had become industry standard, the prices dropped and the end customers got so much used to buying games with 200 hours of gameplay for 5.99$ (Delivered next thuesday, without delay and in perfect condition) that they took higher prices for an insult and started attacking you with pitchforks if you dared offering them additional DLC content or (god forbid) a full expansion.
  19. At least for Poe1 it was. My wife switched to Russian, because it was easier to understand even considering the fact that her russian is far worse than her perfect german. I convinced her that for Deadfire english is the only real option
  20. I gave up with the german version during the tutorial. It reads like the translator didn't even know what the current quest was about. As if it was translated line by line in a random order. And not even that was done well. So definitely no benefit from my side. We had the same discussion about PoE1 and at some point I did shut my mouth. But I have enough. This is unbearable and even if it doesn't really affect me, I think it's stupid and wrong. Not even that this attitude leads to people becoming estranged from their languages, it affects how this specific game is viewed. In my opinion this is a quality of storytelling that you hardly see in fantasy games these days, but for a french, german, italian or spanish player it has become impossible to see in what regard this game is better than any of that cheap fantasy crap out there. This should be important to Obisidan. Stichwort Dieselskandal. I thought that too, when I read how translations are done these days: Am I really that old?
  21. Is that really how it works, or do you exaggerate it a bit? Do I understand you correctly that the localization testers get chunks of ****ty text, have to correct them somehow and that's what they call a translation?
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