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Everything posted by Lord_Mord

  1. Because you want a similar experience no matter what class your MC has. Is that really so hard to understand?
  2. Josh Sawyer ignores this forum for a while now. Nobody here sees themselves as representing a majority. Most users here just see the reasoning behind those fixes. Please stop claiming things like "The majority thinks this or that", "People on this forum think this or that". You do exactly the thing you're complaining about.
  3. Because the ones that created it, think it needs improvement. Certainly not because a handful of idiots in a forum demanded it. This is not a solution for the aforementioned problems. But I'll let you figure out yourself why. You need the training.
  4. Just stack and combine a few of these items and they will work. Before the last patch they worked too well. For a while, my Aloth was equipped with Whale of a wand, the wand from a certain temple (both enchanted to the max), the illusionist mask, Arkemyrs Book, a few minor items that helped him trigger the wands abilities and his intelligence and perception boosted as far as I could. What I ended up with was that Aloth confused, charmed, dazed and whatever absolutely everyone, no matter their will defenses. If you are in a boss fight and the big monsters side with you or just stumble around for the whole duration of the fight, the fun is gone. Those items needed to be tuned down.
  5. Of course. But not a minority in the sense of "just the members of this forum".
  6. Can minorities please stop claiming they where the majority? It is really annoying. I don't think people who want to have fun while playing PotD-difficulty are a minority. And people who don't want their character to be able to eliminate whole encounter groups with a single blow aren't either.
  7. Ok, ok, let me try it. We have the Kingdom of ... let's say Azgaardia in the north and Uthgaardia in the south (Nobody will ever get that references, because I'm so clever). Azgaardia is inhabited by the Azians, a mighty elder race (Exports: Mead, Meadhorns, Freedom and Honor), while Uthgaardia is inhabited by giant fire demons called ... the Joth (Exports: Metalwork, Weapons, Beef Jerky). They have an infinite war going on that devestated their lands and will ultimately lead to the end of the multiverse. So. Worldbuilding done. How was I? I know. I backed it because of fun. I would never claim that it was the best example of worldbuilding there is. But it's frankensteined way more subtle than D&D. Where do you come from? I wanna live there.
  8. Hamlet. Apart from some minor Deus ex machina thoughout the story most notably in the end Fortinbras arrives to take control over Denmark and prevent the land from falling into chaos. In As You Like It, Hymenaios comes to the mass wedding to sort out the problems of Rosalind's stay and disguise in the Forest of Arden. The lord of the flies ends with a ship appearing, just at the moment where the protagonist is to be killed. And you will shurely remember the eagles in LotR. I won't tell you the and of the dragonslayer, as it's a major spoiler.
  9. Says who? Homer did it, Shakespeare did it lots of times, Tolkien did it. Lord of the flies ends with a Deus ex machina. It depends on what you want to tell with it. In Dragonslayer the whole point of the story is that in the end the deus ex machina appears.
  10. Someone has to tell you. Can as well be me. D&D is silly. It is cheap. It has nothing to do with worldbuilding. It is just an incredibly big pile of mythological and fantasy tropes, loosely frankensteined together. I wanted to say that out loud for a very long time.
  11. That guy should be sent to Solowki for the rest of his life. Yes, I do. Dont get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with explaining how magic works in your setting, but I have a very great problem with the expectations that exist nowadays regarding that topic. Namely the common comparison to science and the demand that it should be explainable in the same way. Just look at this stupid topic here. "That soul stuff does not make sense" "That soul stuff is lazy". No. It's just their way of dealing with magic. (And it's quite scientific, too.) If magic was a metaphor for science, we could as well use science, couldn't we? Just look at the Discworld books: At first glance magic seems to be the same thing as in D&D: Scientific fireworks. You have the academic mages, you have witches who use earth magic and all that stuff. But it isn't. Magic in that setting means potential, creativity, ideas. A mage can be a mage for his whole life and never cast a spell once, because he lacks what is necessary to do it: potential. Every idea in the discworld can take physical form, because it is time for it or simple because enough people belive in it. In my opinion that's how you deal with magic. I mean, of course the reader gets what magic is about on the Discworld, but most readers don't get it consciously. It just makes sense and you know that while you read it. What's wrong with that, if done right? The entire movie "The Dragonslayer" was built around a deus ex machina.
  12. You don't read that much oldschool stuff, do you? Even the "the whole world/planet has some kind of soul material under the surface, so everyone has strange powers"-trope is very common. P.S.: And as we are already on the "nowadays kids" level. In my opinion D&D has irreparably corrupted fantasy literature and is the main reason for what I would call fantasy positivism or in medical terms explainitis fantastis.
  13. I don't. Ok, I do, but I come to different conclusions. So don't speak for me. My other character is a rogue. As long as it's not WoW-level fireworks-bull**** I'm totally fine with a few "supernatural" abilities. Even if the lore clearly states that they are special soul powers, most of them could as well be seen as abstractions. The only exception in my opinion is the paladin, but paladins suck either way. And whatever you say, I think the lore makes total sense and is in no way lazy. That soul stuff reminds me of oldschool fantasy or scifi books and explains almost everything. If you disagree because D&D, than you're the one lacking imagination. That said, I also prefer low fantasy settings, but that would in my opinion include mages not using their powers most of the time, which wouldn't be a great idea for a fighting game.
  14. How incredibly subtle of you. Saw that coming three posts ago.
  15. Seriously? Mirke is just naked, equipped with pukestabber and the small monk-shield. Aloth uses Squids Grasp and has a lot of squid-like spells in his book. You know everything that makes a cloud, blinds or lets him escape or confuse people. And he has 21-22 intelligence and still growing. Eder wears a lot of Huana stuff, like a turtle shield, the BIB-sword and a strange scale armor. Looks like a complete idiot.
  16. Yeah, who doesn't know that? Naked people make me angry too. Every time I see a nipple it makes me wanna kill a hooker. Perfectly healthy reaction, if you ask me.
  17. Is she naked or not? If she's not, I won't install the patch. Naked-Monk-Mirke is an essential part of my group of pirate idiots as much as Squid-Aloth and Ethno-Eder. Fishboy doesn't need a thing. He's Fishboy already.
  18. Funny, I always thought socialism was about giving everyone what he deserves for his hard work and making shure that nobody gets 1000 times more than what he deserves. But probably I'm just a communist traitor, who hates The Vailian Republics democracy freedom people in general.
  19. I'm the CEO of Microsoft. The one that invented the iPhone. And I don't like you. At all.
  20. Does anyone have a clue if sinking the enemy ship has an influence on what/how much loot you get? I'm always boarding, because I'm paranoid. In principle I like the ship combat. It could be a little more interesting, but I like that nostalgic feel. The storms are even better.
  21. More of that sneaking and stealing and find clever solutions stuff. Utility spells/creative use cases for out of combat spells. And more interactive objects like those barrels and amphoras. All in all: More Deadfire.
  22. That is strange. I thought it did fit their characters very well. But what do I know, I'm just a straight white male who enjoys gaming and does not waste thoughts about weather or not it is fitting for a character to like ****. Is it fitting for me to like vaginas? What do you think? Maybe I'm more of a homosexual kind of character but never knew?
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