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Everything posted by Lord_Mord

  1. Yeah, or the sidekicks, cause that's what they're for. You are not reasonable. You are just constantly repeating what you want. Achilles on the other hand just stated, that there are reasons for the sidekicks to be in the game and that they are alrerady in, so all that complaining is useless, especially as you didn't even play the ****ing game yet. And guess what: Surprisingly other people want other things than you and guess what else: They will get them and you won't. Get over it! Seriously: What's your problem guys? All that whining and nagging and "I want, I want, I want" that came to this forum in the last year or so. It is so incredibly annoying.
  2. Am I the only one that has the feeling that master guardian and sonic mage are the same person? Something about the writing style... Or did you choose to ignore that and I am spoiling the fun with this post? Or am I just paranoid, because I spent too much time on facebook? Anyway: I never tried carrot pie. I didn't even know that it's a thing. Should I try?
  3. Do I really need to elaborate further? *sigh* OK ... I'll do what I can, but expect very little. As if the sheer existance of people that already desocialized themselves so far that they start to treat ficticious people as real ones, even as partners, get together in groups to help each other desocialize even more and find excuses and social rituals to help them hide their delusions from the remaining contious parts of their brains was not pitiable enough in itself, the fact that this kind of people are able to create this kind of discussion in this high halls of reason is just embarrasing. Not only that some of the forum members can't seem to help themselves to reveal their masturbation habits to the public, some don't even spare themselves the (futile) effort of trying to show how they are being repressed by an anonymus political authority just because not everyone here is convinced about the "improvements" someone made to those insignificant pictures. And before you know, what was a quiet and really productive thread turns into a display of the most primitive facettes of human behaviour, where everyone shows their most disgusting faces with the pride of children playing with their own poo. I thought, I gave up humanity a long time ago. Those are the things that let me give it up even more. Oh sorry. Did I ruin the mood? Of course, what I wanted to say is: Xoti is so hot! That is what I call a real milf. Wonder what her boobs look like. Man, I really want to **** her in the ****.
  4. I hate to repeat myself, as it always makes me sad, but this forum is especially hopeless today.
  5. My first playthrough is almost always a dwarf and his name is always Poomchucker. In PoE he was a mage. Second playthrough, I try to find something that is good for roleplay, in the case of PoE a female, black human that I called Seeräuber-Jenny. At first that was meant as kind of a joke, but she became my favourite character and will replace my beloved dwarf as my new default. Third playthrough is for humor and powergaming, in PoE I plan to play a gay barbarian named Calas. No mocking of homosexuals intended, I just had that idea that Calas would be a good name for a gay barbarian. So my characters are very different and of course that includes dwarfs. The cliche characters (Mental disturbed necromancers, dumb barbarians and stuff like that) are for my third playthrough as it is always the humorous one, where I try out how far the game lets me go.
  6. Hoo hoo hoo ho. The little wascal has spiwit.
  7. I don't know, if there are more people like me, but I choose my games very carefully and if I found one that I like, I play it over and over again, sometimes for years, as I don't have much time and often don't touch it for weeks. My last BG playthrough (together with my wife) lasted 2 years (We installed every possible mod, that wasn't cheesy). Since PoE came out, I didn't play anything else and I like it that way. What I expect from PoE2 is even more content and a high replayability (Which is part of the reason, why I will always prefer variety to balancing). I have no interest in other than IE-style games and that is unlikely to change.
  8. Fluffle raised money for a pirate crew inside the game, called the Black Isle Bastards. Obsidian gave us the "create an island"-thingy from the fig campain for free. So the game will have a pirate crew, a ship, if I'm correct and said island, called the Black Isle.
  9. I had no girlfriend until I went to university. Maybe that was a factor.
  10. Of course I did. I never really understood the hype, as for me Firefly didn't really feel innovative or something, but it was fun. I was more into older and/or more obscure series at that time. Beyond westworld, the prisoner, that kind of stuff. Whatever I could get my classmates to find and burn for me, as I didn't have a normal PC or any clue how to manage that on my own. Oh and endless TOS repetitions on TV of course.
  11. I just watched a video. The Kirk character is indeed ... ok. But now I've watched more gilmore girls than I ever intended to. What have I done with my life?
  12. It scares me that you know the names of these characters.
  13. Never played him any other way. Spelltongue upgraded to legendary plus some Concelhaut spells, plus the ability to confuse everyone around, when it gets too dangerous. My Aloth is unstoppable in melee (I recently found that cloak that lets him disappear on crit. Makes him even more unstoppable). And he's a good shooter, too. I never understood all that whining about useless mages in PoE. Aloth is the most important member of my group and can even replace Eder as a meatshield if necessary. At least for a while. Like some kind of swiss army knife. I think, I'll try an Aloth solo run.
  14. Would you mind explaining that to me? In what regard? Sounds very interesting.
  15. How about that: It works with guns, but only if you threw alcohol on them.
  16. If they would really decide to make Ydwin a full companion, but leave out the fishing and sea monsters, I would be really, really, seriously disappointed.
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