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Everything posted by Valmy

  1. We only had eight companions the first time around and we will have eight again...probably. Plus now we have sidekicks. And maybe we get more in any expansions. So man I will stretched even more to try to get everybody involved.
  2. Bioware's roots retired a few years ago. Their games are what they are. Looking forward to my softcore porn space opera.
  3. None in that long list of reviews are lower tier?
  4. Just watched the video review. Did you know Obsidian made this game? CONGRATS ON THE NEW RELEASE GUYS.
  5. No. It came out of it today. Or at least Steam sent me an e-mail telling me so.
  6. Those are pretty good reviews for a game that is light on action and heavy on text like a Torment style game. I look forward to checking it out sometime in the next few weeks.
  7. What!? Is that true? People don't complain becaues they don't know!! I mean, hookers are kind of a waste of money in RPGs, so who actually tests this stuff? http://i.imgur.com/BatxdgU.jpg I hope you can save Gjefa at the start of Deadfire, if you recruited her. She deserves better. Save her from yourself? Anyway if they have a romance that is this obscure I don't think any of us would complain.
  8. I suppose I would have if I was aware of it. That sounds stupid.
  9. Is it though? I thought the Wutai trope only works if it just randomly located in a Euro civilization. In Eora there are already three fantasy human cultures. So adding a fourth East Asian one would not really be in the true spirit of the trope. Not that the trope is bad. I find it fun.
  10. If the game is going to come out next Spring we do not have much time to get them up past 5 million after all.
  11. Yeah it was a different kind of crowd funding this time. And it looks like the game is pretty close to being finished as well.
  12. She is already a sidekick. She will just be quieter.
  13. Yep. I enjoyed the campaign victory stream. No drunk Avellone this time though. Adam said the game will be out next Spring.
  14. Well fine. Change the parameters on me.
  15. Even I could make 750K without a time limit.
  16. The ship the ship nerds enthusiasts keep posting is of a similar size and had a crew of 75 so I think we are good.
  17. The main weird thing for me is how static the ship is but I presume it will rock in the waves once the final product is complete.
  18. Can I talk to them in mariners lingo? 'Mr Forton man the coxswain please' 'But captain I am the coxswain' 'Whatever I would like to change our bearing to that island off the Port bow.' 'Um Captain that is the Starboa..' 'Just get us to that island ok?'
  19. Xoti seems cool. But then think about how off this poll would have been if we had voted for our favorite PoE 1 character during that kick starter.
  20. That is what I am telling myself about PoE 1 learning that I have to start out at level 1 again.
  21. I presume there is some handwavy way all of our gear is gone. Maybe an evil wizard has captured us and stripped us of all our gear. That worked once.
  22. Yeah now that I know everybody is starting over again from level 1 I am less concerned about this. Just glad they are keeping custom companions in the game. I just hope you don't need to play a bit to get access like in PoE.
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