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Everything posted by Valmy

  1. Gaider is moving on eh? End of an era. This Weekes guy better be prepared to be considered worse than Satan by the internet mobs.
  2. If the complainer is from Russia is that a #secondworldproblem or is that no longer a thing?
  3. Gaider was obviously just repeating the line that was fed him, of course he did it poorly. Yeah DA:A was where I jumped of the Bioware bandwagon back in 2010 I was so upset by it (well and ME2). Just now deciding to go back and play their games again, with my new lowered expectations.
  4. As long as you keep accumulating EXP you can use it in the expansion. So there's that.
  5. When I think of the term SJW I tend to think of that mob that seeks to strike down those with impure beliefs, or even those with pure beliefs but said that stupid thing that one time. Rather than simply people with a SJ agenda. I mean I like to think I am on those people's side.
  6. Pity because I would find it interesting. But probably a good idea. Another thread and another day then.
  7. Man what was your issue with Gaider about Awakenings?
  8. My understanding is it is very regional. The white people are all in the western part of the country.
  9. Nope. Europa Universalis/Crusader Kings player. I know my obscure European ethnic groups now.
  10. I think he was only speaking about countries which are white majority. Once you venture into areas with different dominant ethnic groups things are different. Of course South Africa also has that history that makes things more complicated than say, in Thailand or something.
  11. Fixed. Sorry, Just trying to get my self psyched for Witcher 3. (which, btw, you should be *really* interested in Bruce. The Main plot is about Geralt finding a lost love. Isn't that, like, what you live for?) Ah really? I thought Geralt was dead inside.
  12. The pathing issues made it fit right in with the IE classics.
  13. Bioware's great betrayal. Oh wait no something about a youtube personality.
  14. I enjoyed Dave's antics back in the old days of the Bioware Forums. He sure seems to be a bĂȘte noire of sorts these days. I am glad DA2 does not entirely stink. It seems like one of those things that sounds awesome in theory, I mean a whole game in one city? Time passing and maybe you get to see your decisions impacts on the game world? I love cities in RPGs so always wanted something like that. It just seems like it was not as cool in reality and it was in theory. Or the execution was lacking. Still going to play it. My expectations are for melodramatic cheese and contrived plots.
  15. Yeah, it was annoying to see only one example. I guess they wanted to keep it American. But you could easily put that in other contexts and see how it transfers.
  16. Yeah these kinds of things just make you feel hopeless because they indicate these sorts of things are so ingrained in a society's DNA and everybody is caught up in it. Looking at it you can also see this probably exists, in different forms (probably more ethnic in places than racial and of course that gender thing), in basically every society in the world. Definitely a problem in an increasingly globalized world. They make it seem almost impossible to overcome we just have to do the best we can.
  17. Again *sigh* Of course other people have done so, but no other people have done so with such a lasting, global impact as white people. Slightly off: it was a coin toss pretty much whether it were gonna be white people, or Asians. If one Chinese emperor, of which the name eludes me now, had not decided that ocean going ships should be burned and never built again, we'd be having this conversation in some form of Chinese, and not in English. We will see how lasting it is. It just ended in living memory. Culture is shifting rapidly and in unpredictable ways thanks to all this globalization and the digital age. But I guess in some ways that is all the product of it. I just hope that whatever does develop as a result of all this is not too horrible. It seems like a toss up now. I am not sure the Chinese had the motivation to do it even though they could have. The driving force for the Spanish and Portuguese was to defeat the Morrocans (which ironically they never really got around to doing, well the Portuguese tried but it did not end well). Then once they did it the other Euros had to do it to keep up. The national rivalries was the driving force, the Chinese had the means but not the sense of existential threat. But if they had we would not be having this conversation period because the world would be incalculably different hehe. Edit: Man cropping quotes on this forum is a pain.
  18. And that last point... lol are you serious? Of course other countries don't care as much, they didn't sail across the world and subjugated the native populace, or exterminated them outright. Racism is our (white people's) burden, not theirs. They've only just recently escaped from the shackles of racism. That you even dare and equate this to white countries is absolutely absurd. Is it more noble to subjugate or exterminate your neighbors than sailing someplace to do it? Because that is an ongoing and permanent fixture of human existance. I have to question your assertion that we have recently escaped the shackles of this sort of thing. I also question the idea this is uniquely something white people have done. There is nothing special about us. Again unless there is something distinctly important about sailing to do it instead of dominating the local neighborhood.
  19. Eder is gruff? Wha? I mean he is exactly the opposite of that. And I have to say Aloth is not your typical Elf Wizard...
  20. I really enjoyed this game. But there was so much grindy combat I could never play it a second time but man it was fun. The humor parts were really great. I remember one of my characters upon his resurrection: 'There IS life after death! But it wasn't that interesting. Oh well' the dead pan the voice actor did really sold it.
  21. Yes. The ease of mob rule is one of the really unfortunate effects of the internet. Even a small mob can intimidate and terrorize people. I have no idea what to do about it and the only idea anybody has is to create opposition mobs which does little more than make things more terrifying.
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