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Everything posted by Reent
Brisk Recitation pushed chanter over the edge, now they are monsters that can carry a party - every clutch fight the chanter can carry... withdraw on the chanter is a confirmed (bull****) interaction, so you can use the chanter as a damage aura in the middle of everything - not getting CCd nor damaged but killing everything under boss level, against strong enemies they can simply summon stuff en masse, bodies that block make the game much easier - i love chanters now, they can carry the early game, the midgame and the lategame, they have a really nice power curve... now, if they only balanced the chants and invocations a bit
The "doing" wasnt that fun, the releasing steam in the forum was much more fun :D Act 2 is a real pain with chanter - items or no items, after that i tried a new strategy and used the run to learn ways for my ironman runs... the combination of forum+new content (first time wm2) was what made me keep going - the eyeless where a real pain... it took me a few hours (i decided that i would do it in one session or i would have lost the steam and not started again for a few days, that made me play until late night^^) just to get past them to the kraken... in front of the entrance there were 3 eyeless or something, the last 2 ranged there took me >10 mins to kill... inside there were 2 ranged eyeless in a difficult spot for me, in the end i skipped them after trying for >10 mins to kill them - i didnt come close since i couldnt get into dragon chant range without getting focused by both. I dont know if i will ever do a Chanter run to the Kraken for "fun" again, i can tell you, killing stuff in slow motion is no fun at all if they heal for about the same amount of damage you deal before the heal is up again (if you play safe, if you rush in, you deal more but they attack you)... i dont think items would make a world of difference (slow attacks, high damage=armor doesnt help) Now i will pause before playing again, chanter is the only solo class i have the knowledge to try ultimate with - and chanter is the class i am sick and tired off at the moment :D Maybe i will take some time to write the stuff that disturbed me this run in the technical support forum... or i will stop playing for a time or change the class, but after this run i just cant start playing chanter from lvl 1 without... pure frustration factor overload :D
PS, i am kinda surprised my run didnt take that long - i saw the >140h on the lvl 1 character, i expected that i would need a long time too (if i even managed to do it)... but its only 44h long, sure i had quite some reloads loosing time in it... but i was afk for at least a few hours that made it in the 44h too...
high lvl scaling only does one thing for the chanter: it makes the game longer, as long as you can get the "My Enemy" part done, the map is over, sure, the Kraken would be harder - not, Take out Hyleas Boon and take one that gives you +1 Survival and i could use a different resting bonus and still get my +2 movementspeed, get the other bonus from the quest in act 3 and i can have +18 acc (if i do the +1 perception quest too, and thats possible, i just didnt do it because i tried it before using the "My Enemy" strategy) Take out Ancient Memory, get +25% damage vs Vessels, take out Wound Binding, get +25% damage vs Primordeals - maybe you could take out envenomes strike, but that can be used vs the kraken... if you get more acc it could be usefull without the acc i hit 1 out of 3 tries... maybe you could take the attackspeed talent or something for it... dont know. You can go to Stalwart before lvl 9, so you can get your lvl 9 in wm1 and get the +2 DR talent instead of the Dozens Luck talent - that would be much much much more usefull... some more things and you can deal with the enemies even if you upscale - you'd only upscale act 4 and wm2, maybe act 3, but act 3 is irrelevant... but upscaling makes it no fun - i dont know what upscaling changes... because i never did, if its something like +defense, then it suxx extremely for chanter, because the spore summoning would need more summons per kill - and that makes some fights extremely long... The chanter is running in a circle, an enemy behind him that wont reset no matter what you do, with 5 stacks he summons ogres, the enemy attacks the ogres, you wait to 6 stacks, summon the spore at max range so it can attack one enemy - the chanter goes back to getting chased so even if the spore dies, as long as one enemy is dominated the enemy dies... and you do it again and again until the group is small enough so dominated enemies dont get killed anymore, thats the point where your summons survive long enough to deal damage... sure, if the enemies are immune to dominate you will summon many many many many "weapons" that deal about 20-30 damage to one target (or more if they arent that strong) per summon, with a good "My Enemy" you dont take any damage... so eventually the enemy dies... No, upscaling is the last thing on my mind.
It had a chance to be good with ciphers, since novices suffering has extremely high base damage and every multiplicator is really strong, but everything but might only applies to the base damage (5-8 ) not the bonus novices suffering damage (19,5 at the end i think)... so +40 % damage is +2-3,2 damage... pretty worthless... if it worked correct if would be +9,8-11 bonus damage, making a novices suffering cipher pretty fun (hitting for something like 44 damage with 20 might) third chance is done...
[3.01] Kraken, incomprehension
Reent replied to theBalthazar's question in Pillars of Eternity: Technical Support (Spoiler Warning!)
I killed him this night with a naked lvl 16 chanter solo... okay, i didnt upscale... but i didnt prepare for the fight at all, the strategy "chant dragon chant from beginning to end - run straight at him and hit him until you have 5 stacks, use 7 nights after" almost killed him... if i had the +25% damage talent... (i have talents to spare) he would have most likely died... that's 5 dragons chants so 22 secs into the fight the enemy could be dead - the eyeless dont spawn if the kraken dies too fast... with better preparation (lets say, instead of 5 dragon chants you use 1-2 times fast movement chant) you can make the fight even faster... thats a naked character talking here, there is about no enemy in wm2 i can kill with "stand before him and tank him"... and the strategy works against the final boss?! -
Okay... so now the journey is over! First a few pics from before the fight - so you can see my character in all its glory! Then i started the fight, i was confident, oh so confident until the 2nd spell... Thaos had a great opening! I panicked - forgot about moongodlike, forgot to look where i was running... and it was over, i ran into 2 statues and my first try was over long before it realy began! Next try is the charm! Looks familiar? Jeah, thats what i thought... but this time i didnt panic, i simply paused the game, clenched my teeth, counted to 10 and resumed! Gotya sucker! Not even close! The counteroffense began, summons vs thaos+the hammerstatue - i was using the dragon chant to speed things up, wanted to make another screen aaaand... got caught in his AOE prone attack... almost died (i deleted the shame instantly, who needs such a screenshot - i stood right in his death explosion and got to 9 endurance^^) after that i learned my lesson, i made thaos sit in a corner while i killed his second statue, it was such a nice looking fight (used ogres vs the first statue, with his aoe the ogres are better) After that it was routine to get to the natural result! And with that... Pervert will go his way... together with his mascot - he wouldnt have had the persistence to get this far without her!
ultimate naked? No way in hell... I plan on getting the achievement, i see some difficulties on the way, but the things i learned in this run... will make a really big difference, before i had trouble with some things - those are a real joke now - the "My Enemy" strategy is that much more powerfull in a normal Solo run - i can kill stuff to make a big pile of corpses and use the figurines+white worms to kill the harder enemies on top of the pile - thats how you do it :D Enable all enemies in one area and deal with them in one long long fight or "without loading"... and your clearspeed is very very high. With items the dragons should be no problem (soulbound weapon so you dont get terrified and the soulbound armor for triggered immunity, should give you enough time to kill adds and get to the summoning circle) so i dont fear the dragons, i dont fear the main story, i dont fear the bounties (did all but one, cilant lis - i need figurines or mass loading to do that^^) - so only the 2 mages are left... i never did them so i have no clue how big the problem will be (2 dragons are fearsome, but if the adds are no trouble the fight is no trouble... so i dont know :D)
Oh wow, the Kraken is kinda easy O_o I wanted to test the fight, wanted to switch resting bonus but didnt have any camping supplies left... so i simply went in and tried... first try? I just rushed at her with dragon chant active all the way - used my stellar boxing and... almost finished her with 7 nights... just a little bit more and i would have done it (the other resting bonus should have been enough) So i saw blood and tried other ways, in the end i killed the Kraken 2 times, the first time 3 eyeless spawned and i died to a tentacle my summons finishing the kraken, i stood up again but the eyeless rushed at me and i died again the fight i won i was unconscious for the kill too - my summons finished the job - no eyeless spawned - easy. It should be possible with either strategy - fight her head on while dodging some tentacles so the damage doesnt spike - run so you can summon one volley and switch to pure damage after... the 0 DR makes for a good punching bag, 7 nights deals easily >250 damage, had around 280 the one time i looked... with a few dragon chants and your summons and you attacking... the fight is very short. Druid should be able to do that fight too, the eyeless dont spawn early for me - the timing is a bit random... however the way to that point? HOLY, its no fun, it took me some mins if >1 ranged eyeless was there, they switch targets to me and heal too much for my summons... The Kraken has so little defense, with proper planning (i got wound binding so i have to rest less - in fights its not needed since i have no potions) i could have killed her within 20 secs... (maybe even within 13 secs, but i dont think so) And i am a solo character without items - thats the last boss? I am a naked solo Chanter and i am here saying "if i had the correct resting bonus and one different talent, i could bum rush the last boss?!" I am utterly, honestly dissapointed, i had hoped i would have to plan how to make it work, maybe cheese them with timings so they dont... no, nothing like that, o preparation, no big plan, just plain trial and error for a little bit RNG luck - with normal luck i was just a bit short everytime. (if you wonder why i dont post a big winning screen with the kraken or something and the achievement - i had to restart the game and use the steam "start" button - else i dont get my achievements -.-) (and i call the kraken the last boss because its the last boss of the latest expansions main story) Tomorrow i will finish thaos - after that the challenge should be finished? ---- and with that i can say:might is needed! - without might this fight would have been much harder... relying on the summons is kinda hard this fight since you always have tentacles that focus you, outlasting them is kinda hard if your damage is low...
With only 2 Camping sets its rather stupid to make the player rest right after he moved - and why the heck wouldnt he rest while travelling? He should be able to get camping supply on the way or no one could travel.
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The Abbey is done! It was much easier than i thought I had to fight only 1 group of the normal monks, 1 group of Low Tide monks, 5 enemies that were patrolling and the group with Kaoto... wow, side entrance is really good! In the end i almost had to redo the whole long long long fight against Kaoto... i almost ragequit: no camp supplies, nothing else... to my left? one enemy, to my right? More enemys! But then... a symbol was shown a Compass! Instead of going left or right i could just go back to Caed Nua! :D
62 ACC or something was the acc, it was enough to graze sometimes :D And i used 2 figurines - however i didnt use them at the same time, i waited till the first summons were dead. And cleansing flame is just... so damn "WTF", the enemies dont have the same problem, but for lvl 12 characters that dont do everything they can do to survive - its one hit kill -.-
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camping like mad? Hmmm, its not that bad for me, if i get a foothold in a map i can get things done without resting - fight after fight after fight, its not even the difficulty that makes me rest more, its about the foothold, if the foothold is strong i can clear a whole area without resting once - but i am too sloppy for it, dont concentrate enough and try to speed things up. Lets take the Hall of Silence as an example, i didnt trigger the Low Tide Enemies, i attacked a single Low Tide Cipher, got my stacks and killed the Low Tide Monks near that point with the summons, leaving the Low Tide Cipher alive - it would be preferable if the one enemy alive is a slow moving pure melee, however the low tide cipher doesnt do that much more - so i run in circles around the Cipher, summon ogres, let then get the aggro, go near the next group of enemies (without aggroing them) and summon something - i can try for my Spore - if i can dominate the nearest enemy he will soak all the aggro and can die in time... however if i miss its wasted time, i can try to make the 3rd or 2nd hit work, but most of the time i have to get back to the cipher and run in circles - i will keep summoning until the enemies die... with this system the only enemy my chanter fights is the "My Enemy"... every other enemy fights against summons... if they have a nice aggro system (they aggro once and dont run out of engage) i can speed things up, but thats risky... So, you see that the thing that makes me rest isnt my fightings system but my skill in using it... done well i could clear the whole hall of silence without taking a single point of damage! Areas where the enemies deal extremely high damage - the spore is really strong (most times: high damage=low defense, so easy dominate) its just a question of range (when i summon the spore i dont want the enemies to aggro me - so just inside the vision range) With lvl 16 i can trade my new summon in quite nicely, they deal damage before dying (different to ogres, if the enemy group was too strong they didnt deal damage worth trying to kill them this way) So, while i use quite some camping supplies, its more because i am sloppy.
Why SHOULD the Figurine kill anything in POTD??? Thats what you are for - your weapon only increases your damage, it doesnt do the job for you; its the same with the figurines, if they could kill encounters on their own - thats simply too strong, i used them in every single fight, there was no fight i didnt use them - that sums my chanter game up quite nicely, he has summons but i rather use figurines - thats how good they are. Maybe they will kill one enemy, maybe they wont - but they will give you time to do your job... thats extremely huge. Assassins attacking you, you run to the Guards, they simply ignore assassins attacking you openly and walk past you - THIS IS WHAT YOU CALL RPG?????????????? 9 survival for +2, 15 for +3, +2 with talent is enough for most things, as chanter i can use speed chant - thats enough for everything but dragons and bugs. Use against Vessels, so you kill the 2 guards faster - and one fight doesnt make survival bad WTF - you can use speed too. The need to use this trick is extremely bad game design, there is at least one more of those i can think of (the xaurip skirmisher and the broken bridge - travel there from the wrong direction and dont react fast enough - GG and load again), but its simply a bug - its not abuse you use, its a bug that they havent fixed since the start - if they tell me anything else they **************************** (better to not write it) No, but he wrote a detailed description how he did it and uploaded the save so you can try it too - main parts: you need enough speed to kite them, you have to use figurines to get thaos out of casting (he will stop casting if figurines die while he targets them with spells (something like that), he will try to "tag" you, if he does he starts casting again - if not... he just runs) I tried it 3 times (first 2 times i didnt use alt+tab and was too slow with figurines and too sloppy so i died instantly) and the 3rd time i managed to survive gaining distance, summoned 2 figurines and started kiting then - thaos stopped casting and i could have done it in quite some time but stopped, just wanted to see how hard it is to get the situation where you can win...
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I am not even trying for the Zero Knockouts achievement anymore, if i want it i can simply go for a speedrun on a lower difficulty, i am playing solo chanter all the time and i always have summons out, so i always get knocked out - in some fights its even a good strategy for me :D triple crown solo is easy, really - i did it in vanilla, i told a streamer how to do it and he did it (he had one stuck bug when he was fighting the shadow drake- he would have killed the drake but the bug was endless gifht too he used alt+f4 the moment he saw the bug) on stream - i saw it all, so - jeah, it was easy in vanilla and now its even easier (you can simply grab good items from wm) Gratz! I am playing without Items at the moment, athletics looks a bit better to me, however i dont know - if i saw right athletics heal is faster... but i dont use it. Survival is OP, really really OP, the higher movementspeed allows for "no boots of speed" kiting and it should be stackable with the boots... and the 15 ACC is really helpfull too - thats 15 perception with high survival O_o It was a really good idea! It was much too easy with long Figurines, the class didnt matter in act 2 at all - no matter which class i played, the figurines did so much more than my character ->useless, too strong. And they are sooo usefull even now, they are soo strong. This, SO MUCH THIS! You ever went directly to Raedric? You can always mention the dead wife - you never saw her but you can... My solo Cipher didnt have the right spells and he either had no potions or only 4 item slots (was in vanilla, with endless figurine duration) i tried it for a few hours in all - i didnt manage it - but i find the thaos fight not bad... if they could only fix the bugs thaos has -.-
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okay... my killcount is wrong :D My character killed 410 enemies with his fists and spells, 349 enemies with summons and thats not all - but everything that the game mentions, chant kills dont count (so my ironman character would have a MUCH lower killcount - after lvl 9 about everything but the long range CC encounters get killed with the chant) did i say it before? I HATE BUGS! (wow, its not even as straightforward as "no chant kill is added to the killcount" - some get counted, some dont... nice one^^ clearing raedrics castle with dragon chant atm (cant do it the friendly way, cant wear robes :D) and looking at my killcounter... its not working as it should...)
I reported a problem almost a year ago - no answer no nothing, the problem is still active - that didnt make me post more about bugs etc... i reported a few things since i started playing again. However... i report only a little, not everything - i could report one bug (or thing that isnt how it should be) for every session i play (if i look closely) And dont talk about balancing etc... that one is a real joke for me - my main class is strong (chanter) however about 90% of the abilities are utter garbage - its even worse than the barb, since you can HAVE more abilities but the spot they get USED in is limited - its a real trap - has anyone - ever - used the skeletton summon and it was better than anything else he could have done with that 3 stacks? The Items they created for WM1/2 are amazing - i tried the one with escape on it... my character was stuck in trying to use escape after that, i never used it again... please, Please, PLEASE! Obsidian created an amazing game... but the sheer amount of bugs... i wouldnt mind paying more if they simply reduced the bugs to a level where i can a) at release not: stop playing wizard in gilded vale because i have no grimoire anymore b) stop playing druid because the game doesnt tell me how spiritshift works, its talking about another version of it (and it still doesnt tell you how long the remaining duration is in fights) c) have to play the tutorial 5 times with ranger because my animal companion had a name that triggered something like "combat start (*no name*)" and after killing the tutorial enemies i was stuck and didnt get into the ruins... until i create my 4th ranger and tried a different name for my animal companion (realised the *no name* for the first time just before that)... d) and after that the ranger got stuck in raedrics castle since the game crashed everytime i tried to change the venue :D That was my first day of pillars - thats not the start you want in a game... and if someone shows me that utter garbage **** release class (druid spiritshift with wrong informations) it shows how truly bad they are. Now... how long ago was the game released? I still find 100% of the time (and easy to find) bugs - dragon chant doesnt get the benefit of X... it doesnt get easier than that, really. It doesnt even get the ACC+ survival grants (ok that one is new - but the old one: damage+ talents still dont apply). So, your tired... i am too ... sure, i havent played that many games compared to many friends i have, but pillars is the clear winner in terms of time spent in game per bug found... whats amazing, since i play almost only one class (chanter solo) and since WM2 was released i have played quite a bit but yesterday was my first time in wm2 areas :D And i havent used most of the new items...
i havent reached my limit yet - only a point where i have to kill so many enemies that its faster to lvl up a bit first. Your problem is the problem why i play chanter - i dont want to run out of steam, i can either go back to rest some more or i can go and summon until its done...i am sacrificing me first strike for that (not that big a deal with items) I will try and try and try, until something like the ambush makes it impossible - the other possibility would be loading an older safe and getting lore high enough to get into it without a fight... but it would take a few hours since i have no safe before aggroing the monks that isnt a few hours old^^ So i think i will go ahead and kill them, i have the weapons to do it i think... everything i saw up to now with the monks looks doable - very very (but a few more verys there) long, but doable... but first a few more quests, if i can manage lvl 16 it should work out (from now on i will make a safe everytime i clear an area - that way i could have lvld uo to 16 and get my lore up before the monks... but you said if i clear all the monks there wont be the bossfight?^^ If its that way, i have a long but clear path ahead instead of a short unclear one xD)
resolve lore or perception - those were the possible choices xD if i dont mind a worse start (really, just 3-4 hours or something more i think, it could be that i am thinking too much and it would be much lower), i could change might and get resolve up - with resolve i could do some more quests peacefully later on and... lets be fair, i cant use the damage later on... dragon chant is too slow for a naked run and damage spells are too slow too - the healing is the only part thats a problem - with more resolve its less interrupts, less interrupts mean cleaner kiting, cleaner kiting=less damage taken... the parts where it could be a problem? Bear cave - i can accept not doing it. Cliaban Rilag - i killed some casters in melee, however it should be possible without might too... Before Ogres i attacked a bit more, but cliaban rilag is the one place where it could be a real problem... (main quests are the only thing that make a real difference, everything else is just so i can level better - maybe i cant do nalrend without might... since i have to kill the 2 bears before the ogres - but with resolve it could be that i can kite them since interrupts dont matter)
okay... if i only had different attributes maybe i wouldnt need to fight everything, but it looks to me... as if i have to kill about everything in the path of the main quest EVERYTHING -.- god, every group is hard, every little group is hard - i looked with nofog and invisible a bit further - since i cant lie to them i have to kill so much I dont know if there is a different way... i can use a shortcut for the first map, but after that? It looks like Diablo 3... God, sidequests here i come, i want the 20% faster castspeed and the other summon (50% less casting time vs 40% less casting time is 20% faster)... maybe then i will clear it in a reasonable time, else? It looks like i'd need a few hours for this Not looking forward to this quest at all... I am a student and i have (a few things here and there ignoring) nothing to do for the next few days :D
Jeah, the different groups make for some interesting situations - sometimes charm stops because the 2 enemies i faced werent in the same group at all :D These bugs... ITS A JOKE -.- I have to fight the monks and... its not really nice, not nice at all... killed 2 monks up to now and man... 1 monk alone kills 1,5 ogres before i can summon them again O_o I need more knowledge, so i can deal with them somehow, the direct approach looks... bad
so... the eyeless are a real dissapointment X_x 2 can defeat my ogres before i can call them again - if i use dragon chant all the time... and with dragon chant... they are almost done anyway... they have real low aggro range and its a forced fight -> please, send me a hundred eyeless, i would still get out -.-