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Everything posted by Reent

  1. stats that i will regret late on... maybe i should have chosen less dex... however whats done is done: 19 might 15 con 19 dex 3 per 19 int 3 res
  2. res is about concentration - not about defense... if you get interrupted while running and the melees get to you - disengages can kill you... and interrupted while casting is bad too - sure its not such a problem with high dex (thats why i have 3 res now) got to gilded vale - no problems up to now, moongodlike is just too strong early
  3. i need high int for the linger duration of the speed chant (speed chant->damage chant... too much damage not to use it)... i need dex so i dont get long recovery (about 1 sec of no phantom vs maybe 3 secs without phantom) i was thinking about a max res, con and dex build - but i dont know how i would get past chaed nua that way... and jeah, moon godlike is a given, the moment i opened the char creation screen i picked it...
  4. okay - after almost killing my ironman chanter (i knew there was a xaurip skirmisher there, i just didnt know the game wouldnt pause the game -.-) he managed to get zero stacks vs the skirmisher - figurines killed it (with fists... no way) after that... i found some xaurips to kite - with speed chant and +1 movementspeed armor (in a naked run it would be survival) i ran in a circle and could summon my phantom, tried with a 2nd group, ran in a straight line - not even 2 stacks before the fight reset (despite trying to get the attention back^^) so... rolling a naked (no ironman) chanter now... i have no clue what race/stats to take and damn you for taking the druid, that would be the class i would try it with^^
  5. hmmmm.... chanter without equipement? Let me try it with lvl 6 chanter in a low level area - if i can get one summon out without taking a hit, i will try it for 60 mins with a new character - i will stop if i rage too much after.
  6. So... you never used a solo chanter cause it feels like cheating... okay - right. Sure, lvl 1,2,3,4 the phantom just owns everything... however the problems keeps comming, you just dont get anything worth it before lvl 9, sure, white worms and phantom are monstrous - but situational... phantom cant be used with figurines - so after chaed nua? I dont really use it that much. White Worms? Is the only damage spell worth using before 7 nights - and you need bodies for it. Full tank chanter has the endurance- aura so enemies die slowly... and he can use phantoms to kill enemies slowly - while he tanks, so full tank chanter has nice abilities to solo even lvl 5-8, however about everything he uses he has since lvl 2. - i dont use full tank chanter, atm i am using speed chant and use a ranged weapon to kill the enemies slowly - i think every other class can do that better, however its the most reliable and not even a slow way for the chanter to kill stuff - sadly. i have played druid, rogue, priest, paladin, wizard, chanter, barb, monk, ranger, cipher and the fighter solo - all until some part in act 2 or even further... i have to say... despite the fact that chanter is the class i can play best, despite the fact that i play 90% of the time chanter solo - i feel that the game is easier when i play other classes, no matter which one... its just that i know that i have the tools to defeat everything with chanter - thats why i invested the time to play chanter - in the beginning with endless time summons they were very good at soloing - even before lvl 9, however now? I am much faster with most other classes to act 2... and the best part? In act 2 many fights: i stand behind my figurine summon, shoot arrows and use endurance- aura... with 2-3 dex and plate... you know, every other class can do the same (not endurance- aura) and be faster at killing the enemies... only if a fight allows white worms... then chanter is number 1 - ah, no, after the scroll of waels quest i use the armor and use that spell all the time - without that spell i dont get enough fuel for white worms in heritage hill.... jeah, right - chanter is so strong before lvl 9
  7. have you solod with chanter? have you solod without ranged weapons and figurines? i play solo chanter 90% of the time - early game you have to wait 9-12 secs to cast one phantom, i struggle to get it out without figurines. Now lets look at what you can do: a) you can tank them for 9-12 secs, get the phantom out - you have trouble surviving the 9-12 secs and you still have the aggro, so no real meatshield for you. b) you can run to a place where only one enemy can attack you - maybe you survive it and get the phantom to soak everything else... c) you can run until you have enough stacks to get your summon out, however: c1) the enemies are faster than you, so they surround you and you are left with stopping to tank or die to disengagement attacks c2) you are faster than the enemy and: c2.1) you can run in a circle not loosing the aggro despite running faster - congratz, you managed to get to the point where you can summon without dying c2.2) the enemy stops running after you - you cant get the game to keep the fight going without a ranged attack - so no summon for you c3) the enemy is as fast as you - sometimes you manage, sometimes you dont... up to luck. so while chanter summons are indeed nice, the "naked" makes it almost impossible to use them - sure, fights such as raedric could be much easier then with a monk... but non forced fights? Pure horror.
  8. aumaua max might/con, talent for +10fort - thats what i did before i looked at the figurine... at that time i played chanter and - ironman, to make it safe i even cleared raedric (took about 10-20 mins the fight alone - god that was about the maximum for a low fun part^^ - summons lasted the whole fight then...) With survival acc bonus you could be able to kill them fast enough - maybe take the talent for 5 DR against frost or +25% damage vs spirits... if everything else fails - clear the whole act 1 first - if you can clear enough and get to lvl 5 it should be easier^^ (cant say anything about the harder fights - vanilla game shouldnt be a problem and iron wheel could be the thing that makes other things possible, maybe you can tank for a bit with it... maybe you have to use speed and use only ranged... but since monk has a "ranged weapon" its one of the few classes that can kite naked)... i think wm1 is possible - wm2... hasnt seen me yet, the furthest i got was the fight before the room with the forge)
  9. I think the Monk is a really good choice - chanter has many problems, your "chanters dont actually need to ever attack" - http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/76050-domination-and-charm/ you will get many fight resets that way, without something "focusing an enemy" the fight resets and you are ****ed - thats why you can forget the "run around" part... sure, sometimes it works (ice blights are easy to kill this way) however most enemies cant be kited around the spawn point (that way you would have a chance that the fight doesnt reset) - without a ranged weapon... chanter has hard problem while kiting - the system suXX
  10. You think so? Want to know more? Every buff ends, chants go on cooldown - so no new chant for the first few secs... now tell me - is there a real reason you want the fight to reset?
  11. At first this bug was quite annoying. But hey, it can be actually quite useful, if you want to reset per-encounter abilities They say one picture says more than 1000 words... no - you are simply wrong. If the fight reset occurs you dont get your per-encounter abilities back, i NEVER not once have gotten anything but focus back with the fight reset. To show it i created a cipher - used 2 knockdowns with Calisha, charmed one wolf and made the charm fight reset occur - as you can see, fight restarts and no charm no knockdown.
  12. You missed the problem (i think) i just tested it again, charm doesnt break on attack (if it should, it could be a bug - but thats not nearly the point) The problem is: (if all your characters attack a charmed enemy and all your enemys attack a charmed enemy -) the game stops the fight (every non forced fight (raedric, thaos etc are forced fights) stops when no enemy targets you and you dont target enemies directly - non target AOE spells, summons, heals etc etc can break combat if the enemy isnt attacking you but for example attacks charmed enemies. The game stopping fights is the problem (not just because of charmed but in all its glory), charmed can just lead to the problem - fast. Other things can do that too however thats a little bit harder for a group, in solo play it would trigger about every fight if i didnt know how to avoid it (when i play my normal build - changed it so it doesnt trigger as easy... thanks to retraining i can change it up when i come to harder fights) Charmed is a single case, there are much much more cases where the game stops the fight and it should never happen: lets take withdraw - there are very good reasons to stop it when the fight ends (in your favor) - you arent stuck for up to 30 secs - but what if the fight isnt going in your favor? What if you want to heal your tank for 100 endurance with withdraw and let him finish the fight after - but your healer dies before that, your tank is the only one alive - in withdraw - the fight ends, withdraw ends, the fight starts anew - with your tank almost dead - you die... sure, you can say that withdraw is a defensive mechanism that could be abused to get the enemies to return to the starting point and you can just walk away - what is more important? That the player can be assured that his spells work - or that the enemies dont get abused??? Look at shadowing beyond - your rogue is engaged by a tanky enemy, your tank has the aggro of everything else, you use shadowing beyond (your tank is bad, your rogue can finish the fight as long as he kills the enemy healer/caster/(whatever) you use shadowing beyond, the tank dies - the pathing system suxx and you have to manually move your character - fight stops, shadowing beyond stops, you loose the fight. One more trigger for fighting would do the trick: as long as an enemy is in aggro range of one of your character, the fight doesnt stop. (okay, it wouldnt stop all the problems, but almost every "game stops the fight->i die problem") Okay, so all the examples have only one character left - so what if you still have 3 ranged characters left, you kited the enemies a bit and now you are using healing/buff spells with your priest, summoning with your 2 dex plate chanter, your X is unconscious - since you kited them a bit at the start of the fight, the aggro range isnt very large - so they dont always aggro onto the backline... "Every non forced fight (raedric, thaos etc are forced fights) stops when no enemy targets you and you dont target enemies directly" - is a bull**** way to stop fights, its the highest form of knowledge in such games that you make enemies kill each other while standing near and laughing- doing nothing else - i really want to kite enemies using max int chanter with come come wind chant and kill them without weapon attacks - not possible, the chant is no targeted ability, so the enemy can simply start moving back and stop the dot - so even if you are damaging the enemy... the system ignores it... so much wow... i have to ignore my mass damage spell, my summon, my DoT chant... just to fire one arrow, move one step (enemy targets you after the arrow and stops targeting you after the step) no matter how long it takes to fire that one arrow, the fighting doesnt stop - but if i try to summon something or use my damage spell - while the enemy is moving back... the fighting stops before i get the effect (2 dex plate chanter - you may get lucky enough, but i would never try - not worth it)
  13. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/l5ggvp10zuse9ju/AABFtXJ6zTuzqg4N7-VhbtVSa?dl=0 Should have a safegame with a monk in it and the outputfile (right after the safe i used torments reach and it bugged, closed the game and uploaded the output file).
  14. Maybe it was answered in another thread, but i didnt find the answer: Is the "fight detection" unchangeable? This thread shows a clear case where it fails - hard. I can show you many many many cases where it fails - (playing a chanter with 2 or 3 dex and plate most of the time, i lost fights (or had to restart them) because i didnt react fast enough to cases where the fight detection fails (for example: i am standing in the way to the spawn point of the enemy, my summons despawn - i am trying to summon something however i am in my long long recovery - the enemy is walking past me, he didnt aggro me (i almost was in range for an disengagement attack because thats how near he got) before the summon comes out (or sometimes right after) the fight stops - since the enemy is right next to me - a new fight starts - my chanting goes on recovery (if i had the speed chant buff, because the fighting ends the speed chant buff stops) my stacks get reset... so now i am standing right next to an enemy, with no stacks to summon something, with no speedbuff to kite him, with no stack in sight - great. - in groups i am playing witout AI active, if the current target dies, they dont take another target - i dont always attack the next enemy, sometimes i let all of them cast something or reposition themeself - so even in teamplay it could happen (its harder but its still possible for the same case to happen) And if it is unchangeable? Thats fine - i'd just like an answer - (however, if it is - i really want the answer to be something like - jeah, its not possible for the us to change it for pillars, but we will keep such problems in mind for the next games with engagement type fighting) And if it is possible to change but its working as intended? Okay - thats something i want to know too.
  15. okay.. okay... 20 int is enough to get some fun - what would you expect here: i would expect that about 3-5 spiders get hit, with what i already saw, i expect that every spider but 2 get hit - now to the result Thats not what happens... not what i expected at all, its a cascade - first spider gets hit normally, 2nd spider gets hit by torments reach AOE, 3rd Spider gets hit by 2 torments reach AOEs - 10 targets get hit and 64 misses/grazes/hits/crits are recorded - so with 20 int i get around 6 hits per target - wow... i knew torments reach and high int was strong and fun... but thats a bit... jeah^^ i dont post a safe because its too easy to recreate... did it with 20 int no cheats just now again (you dont see the cascade because hits >kill dont occur)
  16. See a monk with 26 int (i saw it first with a 20 or so int monk and ring of overseeing) using torments reach - thats what i did to get a fast picture, i dont think you need 26, less should work too but (playing on the new beta patch) I dont know - is it a bug? is it a feature? However it looks like (if you have enough AOE+) every enemy hit with the cone of torments reach activates a new cone - making for ridiculous aoe... if its a feature, i like it, if its a bug... i like high int monks, but i dont want to play them with a bug... Here is a Screenshot of 26 Intellect Fan of Flames, red=5m, complete=9.8m, the 9.8m looks about right for some torment hits... however it should have target+just short of 4m cone... output_log.txt
  17. i dont know what all of you do... but i play a min/max monk... try it out: create a monk, cheat him 26 int - use "god"... go to the rogue and attack him - get wounds, position yourself so you can torments reach someone and the cone hits towards the caravan members - play PC monk with ring of overseeing and max int all the way... never look back. I dont know - is it a bug? is it a feature? However it looks like (if you have enough AOE+) every enemy hit with the cone of torments reach activates a new cone - making for ridiculous aoe... (jeah, 100% a bug - is it new in the beta patch or did no one see it before (okay, it isnt that likely to occure - when do you get your monk to attack enemys that are in a line before him? If someone can test it too - without beta would be best... posted it in the technical support subforum)
  18. rangers bad? That was when the animal companion was really ****ty - now they are really good.
  19. if i had that patience... my cipher would have killed thaos too^^ and i wouldnt die in my ironman runs to stuff i do know (and i would have died only once in wm up to now - i am way too impatient... i can either drag the enemy out and get about 90% less chance to loose (enemies not near the start point makes for many many things that can make a loose not happen) - or i can go in, summon one figurine and kill the enemies (or die) very fast - if i dont see every enemy at the start of the fight... it can get ugly - fast - even if i know that 30-60% longer fights are no reason to force it (since one death means a few hours of playing to get back to that point) - i cant do it
  20. wow... it looks easier then i thought... first try i didnt manage to pause fast enough, 2nd try i triggered a disengage and got insta killed after with the dot spell... 3rd try i used auto pause with alt tab... had enough time to summon something, ran a bit - summoned 2nd figurine - thaos stopped casting, i could have kited them to death (one point (if it wasnt changed from before) the death explosion is instant, the moment they die - either you are next to them and get damaged or you are far away - so you know when to try for the kill - you cant dodge it with speed after the kill) i didnt try further - it would take me too long (i ran in a circle, each good circle i can attack 3 times - if i go too fast or something i miss up to 3 circles) - i dont know how long per circle... but it would take me much too long to do it just for fun xD (its not fun^^)
  21. its easier for me to solo act 1 and 50% of act 2 then to play it with a group... thats because i play chanter over and over again - the playstyle doesnt suit me at all (noobers) - i dont think i should try it^^ but... once doesnt hurt (much)^^
  22. I still feel the Chanter is in a bad spot - he should get a recoding... the chanting is so akward... it can crit - but the crit multiplyer has nothing to do with the spell... if you are dwarf, your +15 against wilder gets applied, the resting bonus doesnt... the spell doesnt scale with talents only attributes... it has an active "chanting" time and a linger duration - however you dont apply the spell continuosly but once... (would be much smoother if the spell would apply all the time while you are chanting and would start the linger duration if the enemy/ally left the chant range) so while all classes are in a spot where they are usable, the mechanics around the chanter are very bad (you have a mass charm - ever seen what happens if you accidently charm the whole enemy group? Jeah - you restart the fight, GJ (and the chants go on CD; since thats what they do when a fight ends - ever tried kiting with the speed chant? Dont do it - if the fight resets because you cast too slow or something... your speedbuff is gone and on CD) - same problems with cipher ringleader (if it wasnt changed)) i get my acc up to around 100 (chants) - with lvl 16... so its not very reliable to hit the hardest encounters - and i cant really buff it... wow... so i have to change to deal damage with 7 nights since it is buffable... what - really?! I like every class, but there is major pain (the "this is a fight - this stops a fight" rules for example) in everything (cipher spells generating focus...)... i made a post about the charm problem 06.04.2015 - no answers :D and the problem is still in play... that doesnt make me look forward to pillars 2... is it really so hard to make a good engagement based game? This game clearly ****ed it up (one of the reasons (not the main one) why my chanter doesnt take charm anymore) i dont look forward to pillars 2 from a fighting perspective - i hope they make a good RPG, clearly - the fighting isnt up to a good standart. (i still like to play pillars, but i weep silently about the very very very bad mechanics... my first day playing pillars (i played it the moment it came out, but not beta): create druid (since i like spiritshift), start the run - first fight, i spiritshift... fight over, 2nd fight - oh, i can still spiritshift, i thought it was per rest... 3rd fight, spiritshift randomly ends... 4rd fight, spiritshift randomly ends... i look for bugreports... i dont find anything, i try again - i dont know when it will end, i stop playing druid - i cant play a backline character (i would never give him plate etc at that time) that has a good melee ability - but no timer (it still doesnt - WHAT THE ****), after that fail i created a wizard - taking the melee weapon spell, only to loose my grimoire in gilded vale... created a ranger after, got a nice bug - at that time, if you created an animal companion with one specific name (dont know it anymore, bear god or something) if the animal companion started a fight the game didnt know the animal companion... so the cutscene to get you into the ruins didnt trigger - tried 3 times to get to the ruins until i saw that the animal companion triggered fights with ?? as trigger - changed the name of the animal companion, could advance - got to raedrics hold only to get the stuck bug - couldnt load the next area - that was when i went to bed... first 6 hours of the game and i started a new run the next day. So - i weep, pillars is a nice RPG - however the things i saw, the things i see... make for a very very bad foundation with a look at rulesets - spiritshift still has no timer, charm can still break the combat etc)
  23. as if steam had achievements -.- so i have TCS achievement, won the game and a bit more... but... i havent completed act 3 yet?!- havent cleared 4 bounties yet, havent enchanted 5 times, havent killed adra+sky dragon... jeah right... sure? My achievements bug all the time, with luck they work one day and i get some... but most of the time they dont... so "i wish i had achievements" too...
  24. If i am not mistaken... you cant get it, neither can you get the turn based quest items (damn... there is one very very very good item for my solo character T_T)... please prove me wrong and tell me otherwise^^
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