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Everything posted by Reent

  1. going to white march blind with my chanter (solo ironman always) today was so nice - could clear the matron, went to the other side of the village, first enemy pack - underestimated (didnt see everything) - paralyse to dead with just one spell in between (+25 heal from athletics, didnt get any stacks for chanter spells...)... nice one! Max might/con with both talents vs paralyse... i wanna see noober clear them - they run so fast xD
  2. Iron Man Noober? I want to see that! I am playing Iron Man and i have to cheese so hard - my Character has been knocked out 6 times... noober wont be able to win the game (dont see him killing thaos), ironman noober? Jeah right :D
  3. 6 Figurines? have i been gone for too long? i know only 5 you can have at that point and more than 1 trap? I thought you could place only one?
  4. The Spiders would be easier with a Chanter - the first few fights you can take in parts with the Animat, after that the game doesnt stop the combat - you can just wait and summon, makes it much easier. Defiance Bay has some Quests you will be able to do with time, some i am quite interested in if you manage them. ? The man who waits ? - the main quest where you go to the Sanitarium. I dont think there is enough room to kite and i dont think you can take the fight in parts, but its been a long time since i did the quest...
  5. Have you played enough solo yet? You have problems keeping the fight going (you dont use targeted spells/actions on enemys (charmed enemys dont count) and the enemy isnt targeting you=fight stopps, even summoning or AOE damage spells stop the fight), thats why its impossible to use the "hide and let the chant kill" strat, of course, you can use summons to keep the aggro, however - the moment you summon can stop the fight (really, happened to me over and over again - you have to either be lucky enough to get it out in a good timespot or they have to aggro you) The next problem, your summon isnt up all the time, phantom needs 3 stacks, lasts 12 secs - thats theoretical even, however the cast puts your chanting into a long recovery - thats why there is a pause, can be quite some time with low dex+heavy armor. The Figurines have the problem that you cant summon them while you have a summon out - leads to spots where the aggro can drop... The "fight" mechanics of Pillars are even worse (for solo and pure spellcaster groups) then the log... Chanter may look good for solo, but i am not convinced that lvl 1 chanter mechanics are that good. And now lets speak about the Powerlevel... phantoms are pure Power lvl 1, however it drops hard - enemys kill it fast in act 2 - sometimes you get only about 1 hit out of your phantom. The Death Chant is really great for a lvl 1 ability, you can get it to around maybe 60 acc vs fort - not many classes can get that high, however... we havent looked at enemy abilities, the moment they use something other then "charge at you" you cant do anything... you simply die The Chanter has great solo mechanics, however without level - its useless
  6. you cant solo the game with a lvl 1 character, thaos... you dont have the acc to hit him? ranger pet is nice since he has enough aggro to defend you and enough speed to kite most stuff... but... i dont see you getting past most stuff, since your acc is too low later on... and the figurines stop getting kills in the later parts of act 2 - its a game of figurines +scrolls (without acc) vs mobs... not seeing it.
  7. "doesnt show"... thats such a big problem with Pillars... i wanna solo monk, is turning wheel compatible with torments reach? Who knows? You never know with Pillars, Chanters get 1handed no shield acc bonus to chants, however they dont get the survival resting bonus to acc for chants... dragon chants doesnt get the scion of flame bonus damage, the monk turning wheel gets it... sometimes it looks like turning wheel and torments reach is uncompatible, sometimes it looks like it stacks... example: monk (torments reach) crits Villager for 31 Crush damage. hover over it... acc: 59 - Def: 1. roll 45+58=103 (crit). 30,5 - DR: 0,0 = 30.5 Crush+15,3 Crush+9,2 Burn... Jeah, right - so i deal 31 crush damage... however it deals 55 damage...? Nice one, a different torments reach doesnt show burn damage, despite wounds... and a third one shows it again :D
  8. you dont generate new wounds when you have 10 wounds, so you dont trigger Rooting Pain when you have 10 Wounds and the timer isnt reset. The duration is dependend on your int (so low int=spam them away, high int... reset them so they dont fall off after time) But i dont know if the oldest wound is used first if you use wounds, i think so... but i didnt test it.
  9. i dont see the rogue getting past chaed nua, maybe he can use scrolls to kill the phantoms, but the spiders? I dont see that happening.
  10. thats what i thought too, then i learned that its wrong, saw it when i killed the 2 wolves with a chanter, tested a bit more, the spells dont get the acc, wind/dragon chant get the acc, 110 acc with dragon chant without items just 1h bonus, lvl 16, talents and 18 perception - 120+ possible with items, with survival bonus about 135, against beasts it could be 155 (if everything stacks), sure, against dragons it doesnt look like the 20 acc is usefull, however i if you want to use different chants, with high int+hit/crit the dot deals damage for a long time, you can rotate for other benefits, you can simply switch between no shield and shield before the dot is applied
  11. If you want to hit more... there are ways to make it happen! Chants acc is lowered by shields, so no shield (the moment the chant is applied) =+20 acc (+8 no big shield, +12 1handed bonus)
  12. the ones that play enough ironman solo should know, you dont need 100% confirmed... showing the last fight (in a way thats easy to repeat) is more than enough for me, if its "oh, the trap crit"... sorry, but^^... If someone tells me "i finished TCS chanter run" i dont need a video, thats enough for me... its easy, a streamer did it not legit, he had a bug where his character didnt react anymore, he had to quit and load the game... it was his first try with a chanter and it wasnt done good... but the run was easy...if the bug didnt occur, he would have finished the run legit...
  13. The test is: We take all classes, take all abilities away, only the fighter keeps his most OP ability and the Paladin keeps a decent ability... so, from the beginning you could have made the test "whats the best weapon/shield/armor combination for auto attackers hitting each other" and whats a decent attribute combination in that case. If you try some things with weapons and attributes you can get answers what weapons are best, however, thats it... If you want more, you need the active abilities... spellcasters are hard, i would never try them (i wont try anything outside the game) Tried your winner, beat him bloody with a monk... +15 accuracy ability fighter vs Torments Reach Monk, max con/might aumaua monk, thats why i didnt take knockdown with the fighter... 5 times out of 5 tries (platemale monk), naturally not nearly enough to come to a conclusion, however since i was almost able to win without armor (4 endurance for the fighter, 4 out of 5 times, the 5 the fighter hit too good and he won with almost no endurance lost), i dont really care, always think about what your test can and cant do... it cant tell you the ultimate duelist... it can help you choose weapons... maybe your stats... but i am not sure i would use them... like ever.
  14. I started my Cipher solo run and... i am quite frustrated, charm/domination not working when it's the only enemy alive may sound good, that's not even a problem for me... but why? There are more CC abilities that work against "all remaining enemys"? But that is not the Problem here. A Strategy i had was: charm/dominate some enemys and run away, let them kill each other... however that didn't work, when i got out of range for the enemys, the charm simply stopped... okay, looks good, no easy way to abuse it - if it wasn't so hard, sometimes i was using hit and run against one enemy while most enemys where fighting with the charmed monster... charm simply stopped, i got killed. I accepted that charm is a tool that is not intended to help in hit and run fights... I used figurine summonings to "force" the charm status to stay, it made the fights quite frustrating, the moment my figurine died i had to be in "the right position" or the charm would end on all enemys... and "the right position" isn't always easy... but the last case i had was too much, i was fighting 6 enemys, used "ringleader" took 4 enemys, had my figurine out... was shooting with my bow... and the fight simply reset (figurine deactivates and the auto pause activates) After that i started some tests... look for yourself and judge if it's working as intended An easy one: Start a Cipher, use charm on one wolf, walk around him until the wolfes hit each other, hit the one that is charmed... ANNND you get: (18.3 sec charmed remaining) 17.x sec should be remaining: Charm ends prematurely (with Combat reset), nice one, i have to attack the stronger wolf? Why? Clearly, the checks for "Combat" aren't taking Charm/Dominate into consideration For those that don't work with Cipher: If you Charm one Monster the Cipher will still target the Charmed Monster, leading to the Problem that you have to manually change the target or the System could restart the fight, if you are unlucky with the aimbot (sure, it could be a good for you to get your "focus" back, but... that is really wrong). A Situation that can easily happen: Start a game, create a Cipher, use a bow... Charm a wolf, don't look at the cipher (auto target the charmed wolf, with a bow) get Calisha killed, the wolfes will (most cases, tested it once) start hitting each other, fight will reset... easily more situations possible, much more... targeting the Charmed Monster is a good Strategy... but... it can lead to the resetting of a fight (the poor Chanter that to start Chanting from zero...) The things you want most (easy hitting the enemy (Charmed enemys have reduced deflection) and not charmed enemys hitting charmed enemys) get yourself out of combat... Another thing: Flanking, enemys can't be flanked by you+charmed Monster, i don't know... should be possible...
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