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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Sexual encounters between species? Screw Jack Bauer in space, my character will be a smooth-talking, William Shatner-look-a-like, seducing every alien as he travel the deep end of space. Or Zap Brannigan. I also expect the character to able to scream 'KHAAAAN!' whenever possible.
  2. Fascism, in Mussolini-style, means that the power of the state and the corporate-world are merged into one. Class-systems and old aristocratic societies will continue to exist, making fascism a form of anti-communism. Here's a better definition found at Wikipedia:
  3. And therefore, should be the standard for any RPG
  4. It seems like they've added the same 'Grey'-filter as in Fahrenheit in order to increase the cinematic feel. A nice little touch there by Bioware. But white blood? Boo!
  5. While the productionvalues certainly are over the top with Mass Effect, there's two things that worries me: The story and the implementation of the dialogue-system (Will my Shepherd actually do what i expect him to do?).
  6. Yup, agreed. The seven first episodes of Death Note easily classifies as one of the best ever in any anime.
  7. Heh, i was actually suprised that Mass Effect actually managed to stay within 2007. And right before christmas when i get my taxreturn. Win-win situation (unless the game itself turns out to be very crappy).
  8. You're not alone with that, but let's leave that for another thread at the "way offtopic"-subforum
  9. Warning!! Death Note spoilers below! I liked the manga ending more:
  10. Looks fairly average. Killzone 2, that is. Call of Duty 4 looks like one would expect an Iraq-shooter would look.
  11. "MGS4 on Xbox360" i bet that one is a false announcement. The Xbots would've imploded the Internet in self-satisfaction and joy.
  12. Alan Wake is released to PC as well. Too Human has "teH Potental!", but is still not an AAA title. All that's left is Mass Effect. Sony welcomes you
  13. Linky! This has to be one of the more promising games for the PS3 in 2007.
  14. The only ones angry are those that are shareholders in MS. No one wants to see their investment take such a setback for a simple failure like that. My Xbox360 has been working perfectly, and loud, since February 2006.
  15. PC version for me. Still above the recommended specs
  16. First, they should beg, on their knees for forgiveness from the victims family. Then nend them to the peace-keeping forces in Bosnia or removing mines in Cambodia until they have directly contributed to the peace and made the country better, everybody wins.
  17. Oh, CGI-effects were top-notch. If you're going to see for only that reason alone, then you're not getting disappointed.
  18. No. By that criteria, everything mainstream (MTV-yoyo's, hack movies and popular culture in general) is considered great. Never, EVER use popular magazines and box office results as an indication for a good movie/music CD/game. Use your own criteria on what you think that is good or entertaining, think for yourself. I never had a problem with people thinking it's a good movie, judging from want they think about it. If you like it, good. If i don't like it, good.
  19. An understandable point, but the original series weren't as intrusive. There were of course commercial during the show, but never embedded in the program itself. I have never condoned movie-based merchandise when it's broadcasted outside the movie/episode itself. except that, GI Joe and Transformers were both giant walking talking commercials. I mean they designed all the characters to be toys rather than to be animated characters. How much more product placement do you need than "We've already made the toys children!" Really, no difference at all? Take some newer shows with even more blatant self-marketing, like Pokemon. Are people driving around in GM cars? Are they playing the Nintendo Wii? Are they drinking Pepsi-Cola? Are they using Motorola cellphones? All of that filmed slow-paced, making sure that you don't miss it. Another reason on why i disliked the military "F*CK YEAH!" attitude in the movie, earth military had nothing on the Transformers. Such things were simple mosquito stings for them. It was more of a "F*CK NO!". But these errors are only scratching the surface of a movie that sucked a lot, even for a summer blockbuster perspective.
  20. An understandable point, but the original series weren't as intrusive. There were of course commercial during the show, but never embedded in the program itself. I have never condoned movie-based merchandise when it's broadcasted outside the movie/episode itself.
  21. Francis Ford Coppola blew up an entire island at the intro of "Apocalypse Now!" (Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, all highpayed actors) And blew up a forrest and a village as well without Colonel Kurtz drinking a nice can of Coca-Cola. Need another example? I would like an example that wasn't made over 20 years ago, yes. Read over this trivia, and you can probably see why movies aren't made like this anymore. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0078788/trivia I am well aware of the story behind Apocalypse Now, it just shows that Hollywood has become more like a stock portfoolio with outside, sponsored investors, not willing to risk to go beyond PG-13 (Which is not Transformers related anyhow) since the risk is too high. The 1970's are long gone. Outside of 80's action (a guilty pleasure of mine), there's little action-movies that i've seen.
  22. Francis Ford Coppola blew up an entire island at the intro of "Apocalypse Now!" (Marlon Brando, Martin Sheen, Robert Duvall, all highpayed actors) And blew up a forrest and a village as well without Colonel Kurtz drinking a nice can of Coca-Cola. Need another example?
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