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Everything posted by Meshugger

  1. Taks, GD and all the other americans: How exactly does the tax-system work in each of your states? And what is payed to the federal government? The more i read, the fuzzier it gets. Here in Finland there's tax on goods as well as income-tax. But it is all payed to our local government, not the EU. Our government however, pay a certain amount to Brussels every year though.
  2. Yes. And add a couple more quests on Dantooine and Nar Shaddaa, some other character-specified quests, small extras for the Ebon Hawk (characters meditating, playing pazaak, and so on) and an extended ending.
  3. In Soviet Russia, Windows Vista owns YOU! (It does in a weird, funny way. You don't own your copy, you own a license for Vista to operate on your computer + it is the most paranoid system ever. It doesn't trust anything from the internet or other external media, it hates you for changing hardware and it spies on you to make sure that you don't do anything funny. It simply hates.your.guts.) Have a nice day
  4. While i agree with Mus about the choice of having a silly "green-ish"-desert, i will buy Halo 3 the day it's released. Then, just like with Halo 2, i will most probably b*tch to no end on how bad it is compared to the legendary first one.
  5. Meshugger


    Those in Hollywood, then yeah.
  6. Ron Paul, is that you posting under a pseudonym? Well at least you sound like him (and i don't mean it in any condoning way, that guy is an interesting fella, wanting to leave national health care and the public school system to the states, abolishing the federal reserve-system, income tax and the IRS)
  7. Meshugger


    27 here. I feel for you, one year left and you'll turn out like one of my friend's dad (he's an engineer as well): Buying a motorcycle, riding it with the wife through the alps of Europe or something similar. You will suddenly feel the urge to do something different, and quickly, while your body still can handle it. Trust me, you're doing fine.
  8. Interesting to see how the thread has gone from the use of empirical evidence in evolution to borderline philosophy: "How do we view reality? What is time? What is life? Can we actually understand/know everything?", which is an evolution of the thread itself.
  9. Interesting? Deadwood is also interesting, with archetypes
  10. In the words of Professor Arturo: That is a sound scientific possibility!
  11. Maybe Shadowstrider has crossed the "Einstein-Rosen-Podolsky bridge" like in the Sliders-series? Maybe he lives in a parallel world where Alan Wake is released? Think of the possibilities!
  12. I will not spoil the dialog, but it was quite a humorous moment worshiping the Lady of Pain-doll
  13. Next time, ignore the doll, no mater how cute it would be.
  14. I think that one would have some issues with unbalanced classes. - Gunslinger (best to use guns) - Cowboy (little bit of everything, really good at nothing) - Barkeep (Charisma and mercantile) - Golddigger (Constitution? Strength?) - Prostitute (Charisma) - Indian (Dexterity) Not impossible though.
  15. Yeah, ever since 1980-ish there's been a Bush or Clinton at an atleast vice-presidential level. Maybe someone else this time than the same dynasties.
  16. Sadly, i never tried either. I've never played SS2 with the hacker-class.
  17. There is a Rebirth 2 mod out (can't find the link) now, which makes the models a bit more scarier. For example, the midwife has been adjusted for a more natural, scary version.
  18. A rare thing to happen at a forum. Someone admits that they have acted in error, which takes more strength of ones character than to counter-attack with ad hominems. Welcome and enjoy the wait with the rest of us. Atleast we're better off than the forum-peeps at 3DRealms. Some have registered 1999 and are still waiting
  19. Hoho, listen here my little expert chancellor. This comes from someone who is a software engineer, working at R&D at one of the biggest companies in the world. First, the KotOR-series were shipped with no tools for modding, these guys have to do everything by themselves. Anyone within the industry knows that working with bigger software projects that has no tools or editors are very difficult, thus the extra time. Second, the scope of the project. This isn't some re-skinning project or adding robes. They are dealing with modules that weren't any near finished when KotOR 2 shipped. They have to add rooms, characters, scripting, dealing with camera angles and lost dialog. Again, a pretty huge task without any software tools. Third, they are bit picky on when to release it. Have you seen the bug-hunting they are dealing with? 832 issues so far, ranging from everything between blocks and crashes to the angle a character is looking at the camera. You can see all of this at their web-based repository called mantis. All of this, in their spare time. Finally, considering your behavior, you have no experience with software development or project management. I suggest that you change that little "ME ME ME ME"-attitude of yours if you ever want to taken seriously, let alone getting a job within the software industry.
  20. Agreed. Animals is a very underrated album.
  21. Wait what? Crytek is developing Crysis with their engine. Will the same engine be used in Far Cry 2? Fun fact, Far Cry sold as much copies as the NWN-series.
  22. When you have a HDTV, upscaling is necessary for a console. Otherwise, they just don't look old, they look old and pixelated.
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