Arcadia Fallen
There were occasionally unavoidably unwise options and somewhat odd, though well-meaning, social commentary. The game was rather nice overall.
Some story paths do not offer choices.
This part of the main quest always felt off - why does the PC have to save the locals who clearly want to be left alone (technically, exploited by another local who was digging magical fossil fuels)? I strongly suspect that the mages were the stand-in for immigrants and/or LGBTQ+ persons (including the conversion therapy subplot), which is not unusual, but does not quite work when the story needs the PC motivated, instead of saying "Lol, good riddance" and riding into the subset with the party. Adding a likeable NPC or two who are neither party members nor wizards could have helped.
There are options to choose how the PC feels about things and they are clearly communicated.
But no option to lie to the person in power who threatening you. The PC is unavoidably honest.
The florist mage is very nice and trying to integrate.
One should always use password managers and memorable, but not guessable, passwords for them.
The alchemist should have thrown acid at the attackers or at least a smoke bomb, but there was no option to do so, only to run or to fight.
To be fair, the world being destroyed can threaten one's research.
Ironically, he was right.
I was honest with a child and the child disapproved. But I got an achievement for it.
That particular quest lacked any tough moral choices, though. And the PC lacked the perception to find the McGuffin before the quest.
The alchemy mini-game. The challenges are on the right. It is rather fun.
It gets a bit spoilery from here and onwards.
Seems to be only one additional costume and it's a flower crown.
Technically accurate.
Arcadia Fallen II (Demo)
The game did not trust the players to be completionists and befriend all possible NPC. Disappointing.
The scene was slightly animated (the carriage was moving), so I did not notice the painting in the background being so stylistically different.