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  1. Past hour
  2. IIrc her name was Natasha or something close. Last video I saw (a year ago) was posted from some other country. I *think* she was staying in Georgia https://www.youtube.com/@NatashasAdventures/videos
  3. She doesn't mention the pricing of those electronics compared to before the sanctions. I always wondered if Kazakhstan taxes the goods that go through their country to Russia.
  4. Today
  5. What did happen to that girl in Vladivostok
  6. A Dance of Masks. Not exactly informative and I am quite certain that these are combat barks from the base game, but the focus on the companions is welcome. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sycs4vdpxYw
  7. Finished the There is no Light review. After some reflection, the general thing is that it is an action-adventure (and not a Souls-like nor a Metroidvania) with nice art and character development system and not so nice story/writing and level design. The foes clipping through each other and environmental hazards were also unpleasant. I am thankful for the key provided by ShadySands. --- Started The Last Express Gold Edition. Failed after wandering around the train for 10 minutes - could not find the quest NPC. The game looks amazing for its time, though the screen resolution and the mouse-based controls suggest it would work wonderfully on handheld devices. The in-game navigation is somewhat challenging.
  8. Sad thing is, it's entirely possible... although I think that is giving FSB too much credit.
  9. After activating the SPAC.R, it says I need to collect more milk molars but I have collected every milk molar I can and the ASL terminal is maxed out. I'm not sure if I need more but as of right now I have collected all of the ones that have loaded into my world
  10. Her channel is nice, came across people claiming she's some FSB operative..based off a video of a pickup artist in Odessa, heh. People OD on propaganda, I guess.
  11. Dallas vs. Boston? Um...is it too late to cheer for Denver? I think it's too late.
  12. Noticed something else: Snap to grid will say that a build is unsupported when it is on the ground (Grass floor) there are tiles surrounding it on all sides but it won't let me place the structure.
  13. Grass plank storage (large and normal) will not fit on one grid tile. Snap to grid won't allow things to be placed in spaces that could be placed in the same spot without snap enabled. Some structures float when the support connecting it to the ground is broken.
  14. The Trump party leadership unilaterally deciding to kick Trump off the ballot would lead to both a total collapse of the current party structure (i.e. themselves, the leadership) as well as electoral disaster, neither of which the Trump party, in its own self-preserving interest, wants any part of. I feel confident in saying that the old Republican guard is largely just hoping that they can outlast Trump one way or another without ever having "betrayed" him - that's why, over the years, you've even seen cracks in the wall here and there, such as after January 6th, where Republican party leaders did actually attempt to pivot away...before quickly realizing that no, even that still wasn't enough to turn their core voting base against him, and attempting to pull further away would only endanger themselves instead. Powerful cults of personality do not leave easy/feasible ways of getting out once they've taken hold, and they signed an unbreakable deal with the devil by embracing Trump that they're now reaping the rotten fruits from.
  15. Isn't that what you get as a politician if you put all your eggs in one basket... and the basket turns out to be a basket case? Personally, I see that as karma for being followers rather than a leaders, despite marketing yourself as society's leaders. Sometimes the path of least resistance is a dead end... Edit: That last one actually sounded quite nice, have to remember that, if I think I need to sound profound some day
  16. @BruceVC you may or may not find this interesting. After my favourite Russian blogger left Russia at the beginning of the war, inside information sort of dried out. Stumbled across this girl a few weeks ago, ethnic Tatar (she also has videos about the 190+ ethnic groups living together in the federation), but Russian citizen, giving insight into life in Russia. Her blogs are from the perspective of what I consider "enlightened" Russians, not the "bogans" from the "only in Russia" videos. If interested, you can find a 2 year old video on her channel where she explains why she isn't leaving and why politics doesn't interest her.
  17. Yesterday
  18. Would be cool if the Republican Party leadership wasn't completely inept and they decided to push him off the ballot. It seems weird because they would win the presidency with a different candidate, but I guess they are worried about losing their own seats. Crazy time.
  19. For state charges, Florida defers to the state where the convicted criminal felon has been criminally convicted as a convicted criminal felon...criminally, as to whether they're allowed to exercise their right to vote as a convicted criminal felon as a result of their criminal felon conviction. So in this particular case, Donald Trump the convicted criminal felon would be allowed to vote, as a convicted criminal felon, in Florida, because his criminal felon conviction occurred in New York, where criminally convicted felons are still allowed to vote with criminal felon convictions. Woof, sorry, that was a mouthful, but I couldn't think of any other possible way to word it.
  20. I’m 14 m and just got the game. Im down to play anytime.
  21. I seem to have stuttering issues on PS5 as well, and this is with a VRR-enabled display. I hope it will get patched/fixed.
  22. In all honesty, even though it IS 34 felonies, they're all the least serious type of felonies, and they're all for the same crime. Even though each charge carries a maximum of 4 years of prison, it's not completely unusual to avoid any prison time here. But sentencing (now announced as June 10th July 11th) is left up to the discretion of the judge and what they feel is appropriate given the general conduct of the defendant throughout the trial (as well as post-trial) as well as other considerations, such as whether it's a consistent pattern of criminal behavior. Really, all bets are off as to exactly what the sentencing will be.
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