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  2. https://www.axios.com/2024/05/07/us-israel-hamas-hostage-ceasefire-talks Sneaky Americans.
  3. Today
  4. Heroes of Might and Magic 6 comes to me immediately as a first example, of what they are talking about
  5. End of the day, if you enter into a contract in any other field and find you're losing money you can't arbitrarily decide to cancel the contract, with no consequences. If your options are literally literally shutting down a server or going bankrupt... your company is figuratively literally in the crapper already. Otherwise you're just trying to dodge obligations that you don't think you should fulfill because now they're costing you money- and often trying to get people to buy [sportsgame_currentyear] instead of playing [sportsgame_currentyear--] they'd otherwise be perfectly happy with. Software companies have got away with a load of crap you wouldn't get away with if you were selling sandwiches, beds, cars or even service contracts like catering or cleaning just because it's software. So your Suicide Squad game released 3 months ago as a GaaS and sold appallingly? Tough noogies, that's the risk you take as a company, Warners. It costs you money to run the servers for the 27 people playing it you say? That's the risk you take. You can tell how hard up WBD is, Dave Zaslav only took home 300mn in pay and stock options over the past three years, wonder how many servers even 1% of that would keep running... [yes, I know it isn't shut down, yet]
  6. If there's no challenge anymore and if there's no meaningful purpose/reward, then it gets boring very fast...
  7. <disclaimer> I am not a lawyer </disclaimer> To me it is a bit like the different approach to garbage in different countries. In Germany, you pay for your garbage weight allowance. It is your garbage. You have your own bin. You have a padlock on the bin so no neighbour can sneak their garbage into yours and have you pay for it. In Greece, you do not have your own bin. You dump the garbage (ideally) in the city's garbage bins. You pay the city tax based on the square meters of your home, and the amount of actual garbage you produce is irrelevant. As a result though in Germany, throwing something in the garbage does not automatically relinquish ownership. In Greece it does. Taking this to gaming, does a permanent shut down of servers allow for the argument the company is relinquishing it's financial interests in the specific title and therefor a non-profit, community run server or a community coded removal of the always online system should be allowed?
  8. And these are all valid examples but what is the petition expecting to change legally In other words if there is an online gaming service that is losing money is the legislation going to say " you cant shutdown the gaming servers " ? And thats fine but then who is going to pay for the servers to be maintained? Maybe the idea is where the community maintains it like City of Heroes I just think trying to get the state to legislate this type of thing is problematic
  9. Darkspore when EA shut down the server. It was always online even when playing single player. Yes, it wasn't a great game, but because co-op didn't do well, people couldn't relax in single player anymore? Any Microsoft Xbox live game when Microsoft decides to stop the live service on PC back in... Can't remember when. City of Heroes on the other hand proves that if the company is willing, it can allow the community to create the means to enjoy the game, even when the company has no more financial interest.
  10. I still dont understand what the petition is suppose to achieve, this what the petition website says " Many videogames rely on servers. When these are shut down, games can be left unplayable where no action is taken to remove this dependency. We believe this is effectively robbing customers, leaving them with no recourse to retain their purchases. We have concerns that existing laws and agencies do not effectively solve this problem. Thus we believe government intervention is needed to stop this practice." What if a company goes under, then the online servers will also be shutdown. But whats more relevant is what is an example of what they talking about ? Specifically around what they mean by " When these are shut down, games can be left unplayable"
  11. Hello.I have a problem.All of a sudden I can't login today. It says my username up in the top corner, press F1, wheel spins, nothing happens. Click Multiplayer, get the you need an xbox account error. Maybe someone has a solution?
  12. My pet Disappeared with inventory, there were valuable thing with him, where did it go? Need him back. Is this a bug?
  13. It's really depressing to see how people defend the megacorps for free.
  14. Yesterday
  15. I don't think she ever stopped acting. She had that Mother movie last year that was decent. That being said, this looks terrible, but it also looks like she probably got paid well to get bounced around in a box for awhile. Wait, she did that one before...is this a sequel to The Cell? Ah well, they can't all be Hustlers.
  16. Seeing their dumb**** fans suffer is always good.
  17. Hello everyone, I would like to suggest an update where the "summoner" class has a "fix" the invocations made by the player to help end up getting in the way because they often attack the pet that accompanies them and also remove the possibility of being able to generate an invocation beating its own invocation!
  18. Teaser: First Community blog goes live tomorrow Life as a Gamer ...
  19. Damn, her comeback tour flopped and now she's going to be an actor again? /Edit: Watched Twisted Metal on Amazon. No clue how close that is to the old video game since I never played it, but the show itself was surprisingly not bad. Enjoyed it for the most of it and would totally watch a season 2.
  20. Playing on a shared world with a couple friends and their Milk Molar upgrade numbers don't match the hosts upgrades even though we've all been upgrading together. For example: the host of the world's HP stating +300 while everyone else's is stating +100. Then when swapping hosts, the host then has the correct hp stated while everyone else has the other and the previous host said the lower value.
  21. THE FALL GUY (2024) - an action comedy romance mystery film. Thought it was a real blast. It reminded me a little of F/X buy with a stunt man than an effects maker. MOONFALL (2022) - I'm surprised at how much complaint this film got for scientific inaccuracies when most of what is mentioned is explained by the central premise (which is, admittedly science fantasy more than science fact, but once it's established it throws out most issues with science in the rest of the film since youre in an alternate parrallel reality). Would argue that the NASA investigates side of the movie was more enjoyable than the 'disaster film' regular characters try to survive part. Did I mention I watched Airport (1970) the first if the big 70s disaster films? It's pretty good but I was surprised at how much of the character drama was rooted in marital infidelity.
  22. Oh, and maybe I overtuned my concept of an Explosive Resistance Mutation- but with some tweak you could make it feel good. Just... one shot explosions DON'T feel good....
  23. I can't wait to know the full story behind the 5th Teenager, they are still missing and I'm willing to bet they're not missing by choice. We know this game isn't 100% done yet, and with the latest sales and expansion over the consoles; I'm super excited to see all these loose ends being tied up finally! When it comes to getting games approved for further updates by the Execs.... Sales speaks volumes! I know I GLADLY bought a copy for my Wife on Switch and we are having a blast playing together with Switch as the host. If anyone has similar good or bad experiences with Switch please let me know. I can only see the stats of Grounded on Steam- however I can see that On PC alone the "Pulse" of this game has been at about 6,000 people for the last 2 years! -whom actively login every month to buy sign sets, and play with their friends in their Megabase. This means that over 6,000 people actively play this game 'without' consistent updates- think of how many will if they do have consistent updates! Come on execs- you know money will come out of this Franchise, trust in the people who love making their games!~ Anyway- I would love to see some sort of rescue in a Remix'd world inside Schmector's Lab within Moldorc- or even the (Largely Ununsed) Deck Porch with the Bench on it. When we rescue this teen, I would assume for functionality purposes they would unlock for the entire Lobby; able to be selected by changing Teens or restarting the Save and selecting the new one. If that's the case, please add in at least this 1 mutation based on Ominent Experimentation lore I have come up with "Explosive Gains"/"Explosive Personality" - Description: You Flex your Explosive Muscles during Blocks, with 50% Damage Reduction at Lvl 1, and granting complete Explosive Immunity at Lvl 2- - Mastery Bonus: Upon Perfect Parry you reflect all incoming explosion damage back onto the attacker (Levels up to 2 and 3 by blocking Explosions) I still hold true to what I said- I see so much relaxing building ability within this game that I can't help but compare it to these other creative "Giants" ;D like Minecraft and Don't Starve Together- whom initially supported themselves through game sales which were gained through consistent updates of the game. (I'm sorry for the pun, no I won't stop) - They now support themselves with skins, resource packs, and other superficial materialism that people like me or my Wife eat up like sponge-cake. If you play DST you know what a Megabase is, it's your pride and joy; and largely what keeps you logging in. (Because it's never big enough or done enough) This game is VERY fun to Megabase within, and I can't imagine how big some bases *will* get once they get to 1or2 years old with consistent players. With this last update, I've talked to people who love Grounded but never finished it, now coming back to see what the ending is all about. I've also talked to people who don't know Grounded at all- and people in their chat or their friends on voice call speak extremely highly of the game, so they all state they'll check it out in the shop at least. (A nose sniffing for pies eventually finds themselves eating a pie) -That's how you win in this race, it's just updates and people liking your game enough to gush about it to other people! -There is a down side to this though, I've seen on Forums and within Steam itself -the weird performance inconsistencies of the past come up. Some stating the game still runs poorly on this patch, which I haven't seen at all aside from wee bits of stuttering caused by a "Certified Switch Wifi Moment". I hope everything on that end isn't too much of a hassle, and I certainly hope the team can figure out what those issues actually are caused by and resolve them. Regardless, I have been having a blast with this last update! Keep up the great work team! TLDR; I love your game. I'm eagerly waiting for more. Please let me spend more money on Grounded cosmetics or a second game (Online servers wouldn't hurt for lonely people too- but I understand if that's unrealistic- maybe when it's going on the road and you have a Year plan/Second Game in the pipes)
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