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  3. David Axe is a bit weird like that. He was also theoretically skeptical about all those Su-34s being shot down in February, but then proceeded to write an entire article on the imminent collapse of the Russian air force as if they were confirmed. Then literally literally* two weeks later... "Russia's Air Force is Back" by David Axe for the torygraph. You can't really write nuanced and well balanced stuff for Forbes Sites anyway since concern #1 is attracting clicks/ad revenue. Of course nowadays you can't do nuanced and well balanced for the Telegraph either most of the time. *ok it was actually 15 days, so literally figuratively literally, but close.
  4. Yesterday
  5. @BruceVC are we still waiting for your contribution?...
  6. Hi everyone, I don’t know if there are many Total War players here but it’s mainly been the only game I’ve played for well over a year now. I used to love roleplaying games and anything with a story but I just don’t have time for them anymore. Warhammer 3 is brilliant for just wasting a couple of hours without any pesky story details or character builds to keep track of. For those who don’t know, this is obviously the third game in the series and with each sequel they’ve combined the previous races, DLC and maps to make a giant mega-campaign called Immortal Empires. The game is pretty huge by now but there are still a couple of factions that feel a bit limited or outdated compared to the others and originally the plan was that Warhammer 3 would get several more years worth of DLC. In a recent DLC called Shadows of Change there was massive community backlash due to the DLC being released at a high price with a lot less content and polish than fan felt the DLC was worth, then also there were a couple of PR disasters with badly handled public statements and heavy handed forum moderating. Sega have recently done two rounds of layoffs at Creative Assembly in no small part in relation to this, which is a shame because the most recent DLC Thrones of Decay was very well received and things have got a lot better on the PR front. Rumour has it that the plan has now changed and that the game will only get I think around one and half years worth of support and around 4-6 more DLC. If true this really sucks because there was still a lot of really cool things that could potentially be added to the game. Most if not all of the tabletop races have already been added but CA have added quite a lot of obscure things from Warhammer lore into the game and in some cases almost entirely created races from scratch which have turned out really well. Plus they’ve made this giant world map and two regions of the map are very conspicuously off limits. I think at this point, if the rumours are true which is looking increasingly likely, I’m hoping that CA will at least do a DLC for the last two chaos god factions and also release a rework for Norsca who probably need it the most out of all the races. But even though if they stopped working on the game immediately I think there’s certainly enough content and the game is stable enough to declare it finished already, it does sting knowing that there is so much really fun stuff they could have added to the game still that will probably never be implemented now. Because despite everything CA have proven that they’re a really talented studio and despite all the problems the TW:W series has faced, it has been an incredible trilogy and accomplishment for them. What do you guys think? Do you think the game is about to get scrapped in favour if Total War 40k or some other title? What do you think about Warhammer 3’s lifespan possibly being greatly reduced but them doubling down on Pharaoh? That rumour is wild, I mean it looks very much like it’s true but as an outside observer that seems like such a strange decision given that Pharaoh absolutely bombed at launch and Warhammer 3 has been CA’s main title.
  7. The June 7th blog is primed and ready. Feel free to read (perhaps again) @Gorth musing from last month: As well, currently looking for someone to contribute to the August 7th edition. Please DM me if you have an inkling to create something.
  8. Dread Delusion I guess the wording is off - achieving one would be good, while getting both would be amazing. The other parts of writing do not feel so heavy-handed, so it is the character, rather than the writers. So, this is the boss. Nothing too spoiler-y, but might be better to experience first-hand. This is a mushroom. He is not wrong.
  9. Dread Delusion. So far so good - I have been mostly avoiding combat by running and closing the doors in front of NPC. The writing and the visual style are excellent, the soundtrack is present (I noticed it changing significantly only around the Hollowshire Castle). The RPG systems (as in numbers) are simple, but present and generally satisfactory, same for roleplay - some quests have options for the methods and outcomes. The equipment has been rather limited - I have found 1 piece of armour, bought a stat-increasing hat and another armour set, and upgraded the rusty sword I got in the tutorial. Also found a bow, which I have not yet used. Somehow, it is nice when the game does not vomit Legendary Fire Swords +99 on you. I am not quite fond of the checkpoint-based saving system, but it is not the first game where save file management performed in Windows Explorer. Reloaded once so far -
  10. Afaik for SU-34s has been shown some evidence. Most of them have been destroyed directly on the airports though. And they stopped reporting on them after alleged destruction of two Patriot Launchers in Doneck Oblast. And yes, Axe is correct, the late claimed downing of SU-25s lacks footage. Anyway, back to the myth of Ghost of Kyiv:
  11. Been a while but I don't recall it actually working. Was some feel good BS spread by non-Ukrainians, from what I recall. There's a continuum of propaganda, doesn't matter blue or red team, ranges from stupid to clever. It's died down here, pretty telling, but boy was it annoying as hell in the first months, reporters blathering "Slava Ukraini" Speaking of such, David Axe of all people with this article - https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/05/27/the-sukhoi-apocalypse-might-be-a-myth-ukraine-claims-it-shot-down-seven-su-25s-but-theres-evidence-for-just-two/?sh=83e20283da1d Probably same applies for huge number of Su-34s suposedly downed earlier this year.
  12. If this forum were a robot/mecha anime, you could merge @Gorth and @Gorgon to create the Super Moderator Mega-Gorthgon. Just an observation.
  13. No they don't care because it's Africa. Surprising amount of people think the entire continent is like Congo circa 2000
  14. https://www.metacritic.com/game/homeworld-3/ Ouch. The industry score means nothing. The bad user score is either a hissy fit, lots of those around, or a good indication of a terrible game. In truth I probably resemble all the old-school fanboys who have written bad reviews, so, I dunno. A pass 'i think. Jagged Alliance is 50% off, the new one. I might get that instead.
  15. I meant God of War in this case, from searches and from what Yongyeas said in his video God of War doesn't have any multiplayer at all.
  16. It does. The post release "Legends" mode. In GoTs PC release you don't have to have sign in to PSN account to play singleplayer, but you will to play the multiplayer mode. Yeah, I know of country limitation. It seems like Sony exects haven't fully thoughtout this "port to PC" thing, more than anything else. From what I understand that issue popped out rather recently and even PS employees weren't fully aware of remifications. They will definitely have to sort this thing out (either by expanding availability of PSN or, prefferably, use existing PC services.
  17. Im not sure what examples of military coups you referring to but if its recent coups of the 6-7 African countries the problems in these countries is no reason to justify a military coup or believe corruption is going to end because the military is in charge These African governments were elected in free and fair elections as far as they can in the context of new Democracies in Africa. They failed to maintain security effectively against Jihadist groups and so did the French military intervention but the security situation hasnt changed since the military took power and in some of these countries the military has been in power for years We also have rampant corruption and security problems in South Africa but that doesnt mean the military should take over our Parliament And predictably the military leadership in Burkina Faso said " we will restore Democratic rule 1 July 2024 " and Mali was suppose to be February 2024 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5117d8kz16o And guess what? They have ignored this pledge and they staying power because these coups are about that Its about taking power in an undemocratic way and staying in power irrespective of the future for the country and its citizens. When has a military coup in Africa ever actually benefited the majority of its citizens?
  18. I think a lot of “democratically” elected governments gets toppled by either military coups or uprisings because of rampant corruption… i.e. being “democratic regimes” in name only, not functionally. No easy fixes for deep rooted cultural problems
  19. I completed Dungeon Hack after about 50 hours, its similar to EOB and is a Gold Box game but simpler than EOB because all keys are on the same levels and there arent any complicated puzzles Its just a fun D&D dungeon crawl with all the same rule mechanics as EOB I did have to use a cheat twice to progress on certain levels because doors were closed with no keys and on one level I couldnt find the steps down and I think it was a bug which certain Dungeon Hack forums confirm can happen so I had to '' cheat " just to progress The game gets a well deserved 62\100 on the globally respected "BruceVC game rating system " and is a recommended CPRG to play from a more light-hearted perspective
  20. Classic and hilarious Juice Media and its what they do well. There videos always the same, some truth or accurate observations and then humour and exaggeration I love the US view " we prepared to defend our Democracy against terrorists , Commies and even aliens " Once point that is valid and I have raised this concern is we tend to take the principles and foundation of Democracy for granted and you can have this being undermined and eroded because of government policy in any country because of a change in policy from a more extreme left or right wing government. But it generally requires Constitutional change in all our countries but its still something that should concern all of us So just being able to vote in a free and fair election is something we should appreciate and realize it needs to be protected So when you hear about Democratically elected governments in Africa being overthrown by military coups this should concern us all. But many people dont really care because they think its about " French Colonialism being ended "
  21. No we havent had a active right-wing movement like the AWB for decades.They still exist but you never hear from them Afrikaners rights are protected the same way as all minorities, in the Constitution But there is also a more Afrikaans party called Freedom Front Plus but they represent more farmers rights and they got 1.4% of total votes Most Afrikaners would have voted for the DA
  22. i was playing on xbox in co-op and the achievement dont popup for me, and my friend already has it from the first gn, we tied to finish the gn1 and i press the button but it didnt work :(
  23. Brown butter cacio e pepe and we ate out on the porch while sipping on Bourbon spiked smashed strawberry lemonade.
  24. Last week
  25. It doesn't have multiplayer from what I heard, and you can't buy the game in any country that PSN doesn't "support".
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