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  1. Yesterday
  2. Não consigo realizar um salvamento manual no meu jogo que está no NG4, aparece um erro dizendo que não tem espaço no armazenamento ( mesmo tendo espaço de sobra ) ... Criei um jogo do 0 e os salvamentos funcionam normalmente. Inclusive só meu mundo que está com problema o salve aparece como Desconhecido (onde seria o local que eu estou no mapa ex: matagal aparece desconhecido) . Não sei o que fazer pois o erro aparece como se não tivesse espaço mas relembrando tenho muito espaço livre de armazenamento!!
  3. Not the USSR? Or the UK? Or any of the pan Arabists? Or France (ok, maybe they haven't quite given up their imperial ambitions) Some selective choices and almost certain conclusion shopping going on if the author thought the last two were Germany and Japan. Ironically the Ukrainian TCC (ie recruiters) are probably the closest. Kind of telling that despite all the media blackout laws in Ukraine we get vastly more videos of their citizens getting obviously press ganged than Russians.
  4. It's 6/03/2024 I downloaded the the game outerworlds. I read up on the game and like you, I can't assign the points to get to level 2. Has anyone fixed this problem?
  5. Easy to sum up what was actually wrong with JA3 in one phrase: it just has no Buzz.
  6. This is a fake trailer, btw. Or as Screen Culture terms it a 'final trailer concept'.
  7. I just fixed this issue with mine by syncing my clock via internet on the switch
  8. Cowboys Hall of Famer Larry Allen dies suddenly at age 52 - ESPN 2 Live Crew Member Brother Marquis Dead at 58 (tmz.com)
  9. Wrapping up the work day, and I caught the trail end of a BBC reporter in Las Vegas, an interview with a Trump supporter who was asked how the result of the trial is going to affect his voting. he said it won't and that the whole thing highlights what's wrong with America "the witch-hunting, the finger-pointing, the demonising of people on the other side. Not coming together as whole communities to discuss matters and develop proper solutions" and that was why he would keep on voting for Trump. .. I'm trying to decide if the man is meaning to be satirical or not. That level of cognitive dissonance is breaking my brain. On the upside, one of my friends scored tickets to a showing of The Crow (the original, not the remake) at a cinema near here, so I'll be off to that later tonight for the nostalgia gothic-ness. Debating on pulling out the full length black leather trenchcoat... But it is kicking off summer weather here so probably not.
  10. Great stuff! Will follow-up in DM
  11. It's just whenever I see people write about the Venom movies, they seem to be quite disliked. I get that some parts of them are a little meh and probably could be better, but at the end of the day, I didn't fell asleep while watching them, so it's at least better than Wonder Woman and... some other super hero movies which I can't remember right now, because I slept through them.
  12. It must have done well enough to warrant 3 movies, so I don't think you are alone. It's a pretty fun dynamic and doesn't take itself too seriously, so I've enjoyed them.
  13. Maybe that is partly tied to the difficulty? I always play on normal because I don't like the way the difficulty slider works by buffing the ai with extra gold and units with stats that are inflated quite dramatically, I really wish it would just make the AI more intelligent. In my experience a group of order or chaos factions will ally with each other and then dominate pretty early on, but I've been part of that order/chaos tide just as often as I've been against it.
  14. I probably belong to the few who thought Venom 1 and 2 was ok and at least watchable once. Will watch the third movie for sure.
  15. D4 works for me again, so trying to catch up. The tempering gambling is nice, some nice perks even in Wt2. Hellfire maidens sure hurt in Wt3, though
  16. Fair amount of user reviews moaning about woke stuff, or just being two lines. Is why I want more MTX and GaaS.
  17. Whole lot of inaccuracies about that in WW2 though. Seems a ok even without the US weapons and strike permission they were crying for though. Ukrainian DEAD is working well lately. F16s will run riot
  18. Bought both Ghoswire: Tokyo and HI Fi Rush from the PSN because I couldn't find physical copies and I simply had to jump in the 'Xbox closed down Tango Gameworks' bandwagon. Tried Ghostwire: Tokyo a bit on the PS5. The vsync is non-existent no matter which mode I choose. The game looks great regardless. Finished Alan Wake and now I am heading for Alan Wake: American Nightmare. I also started Batman: Arkham Origins on the Xbox. Still have to finish Control. Goddamn was this game big! Once I am done with all of these I'll head for Alan Wake 2 and Psychonauts 2.
  19. Its an interesting question " what does it take for a nation with imperialist ambitions to give them up" And as you mentioned its very hard because its also tied into political survival and the legacy of the person and government , its very seldom about whats best for country in the long-term so they will continue to the bitter end in many cases like WW2 Germany and Japan Its similar to Netanyahu and what matters the most to him, his own political survival is more important to him than what is in the best interests of Israel and how people think of Israel around the globe
  20. But also a major difference between any Western country and Russia is Putin has the advantage of no political consequence in elections for a war objective that has failed to reach its primary objectives after 2 years and body bags piling up and being sent home If this was a Western country I can guarantee you the anti-war candidate would have gained huge support in any normal free and fair election Autocratic governments dont have to worry about public sentiment in any election. Putin will never lose any election so the meatgrinder and cannon fodder Russian strategy is considered fine and has seen success on the battlefield
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