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Gorth last won the day on December 28 2024

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About Gorth

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    The Internet
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    Pretty girls, good Cognac, tabletop wargames (Warhammer) and travelling


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  1. It does sound impressive though. Maga cultists are not known for their critical thinking edit: I know I shouldn't, but I can't help but see the Trump presidency as the forerunner to the events in the movie Idiocracy
  2. Not really seeing anything obviously grabbing my attention these days (and to fair, following in the footsteps of Frieren and Dandadan is no easy task), I decided to turn back the clock a bit and pick up on something I missed in the past (because of time constraints). Watched first season of Nier: Automata and about to start on second season. I liked the first season, but then I also liked the game(s). Both Replicant and Automata
  3. Just waiting for Trump to suggest they can solve the problem with bleach… He obviously doesn’t have a clue (Im Westen nichts Neues), but people keep making the mistake of giving him free rent in their brains. It’s what he wanted. He’s first and foremost a reality tv showman and a narcissist. Any attention is good attention. As for the actual subject I suspect the Ukrainian rhetoric of borders back to pre 2014 status as well as Russian ambitions of recreating the USSR are both unrealistic. The former would require Ukrainian troops to hold a victory parade on the red square and the latter train departed the station when Gorbachev led the process of disintegration
  4. Just a bit of fun from domestic Australian politics... I made the joke in the past that the liberal PM Scott Morrison was similar to Don Quixote because of his perpetual crusade against windmills (and any other form of alternative to fossil fuels) While he got the message, he's universally hated, his former deputy and old party have decided to switch to nuclear power. Again, anything that keeps the poor starving mining magnates in power and keeps renewable energy out of Australia!
  5. Because you can never have enough misery... continued from previous thread!
  6. Death, taxes and... politics? It was inevitable I guess. Continuation here
  7. Saw a Danish movie that I hadn't seen before. To be fair, it's relatively recent (by my standards). The style reminded me a lot of "Adams Apples" and "In China they eat Dogs". A comment said (correctly imho) the trailer doesn't do it justice (pun unintended) as it makes it look like a dime a dozen revenge movie. It's anything but "normal". It helps if you like "Nordic Noir" style movies and the sometimes over the top dark humour which were also prevalent in the first two mentioned movies. Mads Mikkelsen is almost always fun to watch.
  8. Who knows, maybe they heard the stories from Iraq and are desperate to say what they *think* the interrogators want them to say. Even without being at the receiving end of torture and sexual abuse (because they expect that’s what follows, even if only in their heads)
  9. I don't have a link at hand, but I wonder if that matches up with the time flightradar24 lost track of the plane (which was some minutes before the crash, it disappeared and could no longer be traced) edit: https://www.flightradar24.com/blog/jeju-air-2216-muan/ "It appears that ADS-B data was either no longer sent by the aircraft or the aircraft was outside our coverage area after 23:58:50 UTC."
  10. No idea how long it was in the air after the bird strike. I was lazy and just took the time from the pilot reporting the bird strike (8:59) to the crash (9:01) and concluded 3 minutes https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/ckgzprprlyeo.amp Weirdest thing I do remember from the 3 videos I’ve seen is the one from the ground showing the actual bird strike also shows flaps and gear deployed, the two different angles showing it crashing both showing it having power on the damaged engine (producing thrust and thrust reverser deployed) but the supposedly undamaged engine being inactive
  11. Let the conspiracy theories begin… who could have an interest in an airplane crash remains unsolved? Both black boxes are suddenly missing the data from *before* the bird strike until the crash https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjr8dwd1rdno
  12. Just a google translate for those who doesn't speak Portuguese... "I killed the hedge mother spider 5 times in a row and the trophy didn't come, I got the mutation but no trophy for killing her, I play on PS5 unfortunately I can't platinum because of this bug in the maternal genes trophy"
  13. Matches my hypothesis, that the Youtube algorithm is a greater demon of Nurgle. It enjoys inflicting despair and resignation on you...
  14. According to my LGBT friends, trans people are lowest in the "pecking order". The group that other LGBT groups will bully and throw to the wolves. I.e. the most vulnerable group with the least friends.
  15. Not normally a fan of “reaction” channels, but I do regularly watch one called ‘The Charismatic Voice’
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