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Boeroer last won the day on February 21

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    Berlin, Germany
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    family life, basketball, weight lifting, programming, gaming, making, gardening, reading, zoology


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  1. Symbol of Eothas is pretty good because the "+20 to all Defenses" stacks with individual defense buffs like for example Wizard's Mirrored Images/Arcane Veil etc. I like Priest of Eothas best anyway because there's so much Eothas/Gaun/Dawn/Sunshine related gear in the game you can wear (helmet, flail, mail armor etc.) and also there's lots of dialogue options etc. Two Priests are great in a party because you can stack Inpiring Radiance to +20 ACC and you can cut the buffing time for the party in half. A very useful paladin build against bosses is if you combine Coordinated Attacks with a marking weapon and then support your party member with the most reliable and sustainable disable/CC (Monk & Cipher mostly but any build with high ACC and good cc works). You will grant your party member +20 stackable accuracy passively which is awesome. If the party member uses a coordinating weapon then he/she even gets +5 ACC on top. If you flank the enemy it's like having additional +10 ACC. This makes locking up a boss very easy. Best case: your party member is a Cipher with Borrowd Instincts and Tactical Meld and uses a weapon that can prone on crit. There are several marking weapons in the game: Spectacular Spetum + Blade of the Endless Paths is the combination I would recommend most because they complemet each other so well in terms of weapopn focus and damge types, but there's also a pistol, an arquebus, Shame or Glory and Cladhaliath. I made a build that uses this Coordinated Attacks/Marking approach. It has some other features, too, but that is the core idea: Can easily be adopted to work with Pallegina. For example: put her in fat armor and get the Spactacular Spetum asap. Make her an offtank and mark her enemies so that the nearest ally can get +20 acc. againt them. Later add the Blade of the Endless Paths.
  2. Hi! That depends on what you like better. Arcane Veil is limited per rest and can never be a spell mastery (per encounter) spell. So that's limiting. Also there's normal spells that function in a similar way (Mirrored Images etc.) and don't stack with it. But if you are melee-focused and if you tend to rest often then it's great to have. Parasitic Staff and Spirit Lance both have very high base damage (twice the amount of other two handed weapons) and the Staff is of exceptional quality right at lvl 1 - which is very powerful and feels just great in the early game. Also spares you a lot of other spells per rest. The Lance is superb and has an AoE - and it has speed! In combination with Deleterious Alacrity of Motion, some damage bonuses (Two Handed Style, Might, Apprentice's Sneak Attack, Savage Attack etc.) you can reach very good melee/AoE dps. The pinnacle would be to gain Gauntlets of Swift Action so you could reach 0 recovery with the Spirit Lance. Which is kind of bonkers. A melee Wizard has to be more sturdy than a ranged one, even if he oly operates from the second row - so you need to either invest in defensive talents and/or abilities/spells and use them. This can be Arcane Veil, but you can also do without it. Melee Wizard needs more micromanagement. Blast is a passive so it will always be there. It becomes very potent in combination with Combusting Wounds and Kalakoth's Minor Blights (summoned wand-like weapon): because every hit in the AoE of Minor Blights will cause a Blast, you can have a LOT of damage rolls that all trigger Combusting Wounds - if you manage to hit many enemies with Minor Blights+Blast. Lots of damage rolls (no matter how weak) in combination with Combusting Wounds melts all mobs but the fire immune ones. Good crowd control is nice to have (sturdy front line, disables, using choke points etc.) so you can reach many enemies with the AoE. This approach can work with a glass-cannon build. If you get rushed you need a plan B, but you don't have to be somewhat sturdy at all times like a melee wizard would. For a main character I think the more fun approach is the melee way - if you like that in the first place. Because one tends to micromanage the main character a lot more than the others anyways. The Blast Wizard is better for companions and adventurerers imo because you don't have to move and position them a lot.
  3. I missed that (or I have forgotten) - but this is actually very cool.
  4. Haha yeah - well she was known outside of France, too: for being in a relationship with Johnny Depp for about 15 years I believe, end of the 90s until 2010ish or so. But maybe that's too long ago for the younger forum members. Some of her songs were hits in Germany (and the UK), too.
  5. I can joyfully report that the motion sickness problem is much better now. What is helping are the many sensational views in this game, holy moly. The combat is still too wild for me, but level 2 of Steady Aim improved it a lot. I also learned to find spots where enemies usually don't go - so I can camp and shoot them relatively unbothered. In confined spaces it's still a panic-induced dodgefest where I (very) often throw random grenades because my nervous index finger slipped. I prefer the bow because I can spend a lot more combat time in slow motion. But the guns sound and feel awesome, especially the arquebus. So I often use it for an opening shot. I'm thinking about adding Shadowing Beyond to get out of tight situations, but I have to say it's hard for me to use active abilities - because my index finger needs to find the fitting number key blindly - and when it returns I throw a grenade instead of moving forward. I thought I could profit from Arcane Veil's projectile reflection - but I almost never use it because I have to look at the keyboard to reliably hit the right key. So I usually restrict myself to Binding Roots (which is great). Now I wonder if I would use Shadowing Beyond at all. Maybe using a gamepad would improve things? I think I have an old PlayStation Controller lying around somewhere. Besides the controls I am starting to really enjoy this game. If it would do exploration etc. in first/third person (the views! ) and zoom out to top down/isometric style TB or RTwP combat it would be THE game for me. Cheers!
  6. Btw: because I cannot play Avowed for long bc. motion sickness (and generally finding those types of first person games meh in the first place) I started a Shifter/Kind Wayfarer build in Deadfire just to see how it plays in the early and mid game (before all the Nature's Terror/Sacred Immolation shenanigans) - and it's surprisingly good. You get the Ring of Focused Flames so early and that boosts your FoD accuracy so much (in comparison to enemies' deflection) while you also heal at the same time (white flames). And you add either bleeding dmg (Boar) without recovery malus or have great speed (Cat) while having decent armor "for free". I would totally recommend this to new players who don't want to wait a long time until a build comes together. Maybe the mid game until Sacred Immolation is more boring, haven't reached that point yet. What I also learned is that bringing an Arcane Archer/Beckoner hireling with Essence Interrupter to Gorecci Str. and the Digsite is the best thing you can do imo (maybe besides AA/Ancient). Animal Companion + Essence Interrupter "summons" in the middle of the enemy lines (after some Imbue missile shots) + (what feels like too many) skeletons or wurms turns all those difficult encounters into cakewalks.
  7. One of the founders was named Vanessa iirc.
  8. Okay I edited the title. Hope this clears things up.
  9. I guess my title accidentially turned out to be the equivalent of a klickbaity youtube thumbnail.
  10. Ah, I can see how one could interpret the title like that. No, I met my wife in my (shared) house when we were students. My flatmates and me had rented a whole house and one of them had build a fancy home cinema in the basement. We often invited friends (and friends of friends) for movie night. And one of those people was/is my wife. But yesterday I found her again - in that old magazine.
  11. My plan was to build a Ranger mostly but with the Wizard's Blackbow and Spirit of Decay and so on. Unfortunately my progression in the game is veeery slow so far. The lack of info/explanation/numbers is not helping. I would like a mod that added all that useful info (combat log etc.).
  12. PS: my wife is 40yo now and doesn't want to look like Julia Stiles anymore.
  13. Hi, check this out! We found a big box in my father-in-law's attic and in it - among other stuff - was an old German youth magazine. "Why did he keep this?" we asked ourselves - until we discovered this: Awesome
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