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Ah, forgot Tucker Carlson still lives. Disappointing. Should not have denied her entry, even if she is just a troll essentially.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.

What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?

Jones is respected by me and some other Finns. He is not perfect. If I would critize they do advertising for nutrient this and that pills on his channel.


On the conspiracy theories I do believe some of them. There is no smoke without fire. There is that huge globalist conspiracy theory but from that I do believe everything that considered banks etc.


Problem with Alex Jones is perhaps he present every possible conspiracy therory out there but lets say I believe in some of them and keep an open mind.

drop the “globalist” and at least be honest. You’re talking about (((them))), that is to say, you’re little but an antisemite. Or, and perhaps worse, you didn’t notice yet.

Everybody knows the deal is rotten

Old Black Joe's still pickin' cotton

For your ribbons and bows

And everybody knows

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I would rather not pollute my head with filth.....

Too late, the pollution is thick!!!


and unfortunately oozing out!!!

Sure, but you don't clean the river by throwing more toxins into the

There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.

Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that.


Guess twice my party? True Finns that is the nationalistic party of Finland though even nearly so hardcore as AFP is in Germany. True FInns was in last elections second biggest party in Finland and they are in the Goverment. Their party for different views got split up and realistically they are not in next goverment ruling section.


Finland goverment is ruled by 3 big parties currently: The Center biggest party, True Finns, Kokoomus (whatever it is in English but they are very capitalistic party for being Finns though less capitalistic then USA).


In next elections I think Kokoomus is going to be biggest party they seem to have most support currently. The Prime Minister is selected from biggest party and he is the man who has most power in Finland.

There's a party calling themselves 'true finns'? What are they campaigning for, lebensraum? :lol:

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I would rather not pollute my head with filth.....

Too late, the pollution is thick!!!


and unfortunately oozing out!!!

Sure, but you don't clean the river by throwing more toxins into the

There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.

Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that.


Guess twice my party? True Finns that is the nationalistic party of Finland though even nearly so hardcore as AFP is in Germany. True FInns was in last elections second biggest party in Finland and they are in the Goverment. Their party for different views got split up and realistically they are not in next goverment ruling section.


Finland goverment is ruled by 3 big parties currently: The Center biggest party, True Finns, Kokoomus (whatever it is in English but they are very capitalistic party for being Finns though less capitalistic then USA).


In next elections I think Kokoomus is going to be biggest party they seem to have most support currently. The Prime Minister is selected from biggest party and he is the man who has most power in Finland.

There's a party calling themselves 'true finns'? What are they campaigning for, lebensraum? :lol:


If you ask me what they are campaigning right now dont know since I become more interested when it is election year.


In previous elections they campaigned for:

Less immigrants intake. However nothing so radical as fence building like for example Hungary have done. Less money to other countries since we have our own economy to worry about.

Increase police force. Lots of police were in recent years laid off from goverment side and they wanted to reinstate more police.

In the capitalism vs left party they are somewhat in the middle.

Pro Nuclear plant policy as energy source.

On take on NATO joining they are somewhat neutral and divided opinions in the party, but many are against NATO.


I am not so much interested in that party because they got divided in half and will likely not be in the goverment next time.



The interesting party that really interest me if they will likely be biggest party in next elections is Kokoomus that is economically very capitalistic party though they try to mask themselves a liberals which they are somewhat also but very capitlistic on the employer/entreprenur side against the employee. What makes it very interesting that this time they strongly advocate NATO joining, but whole Finland is quite divided on that subject. President is from Kokoomus party and he recently got elected for next 6 years again with crushing majority of votes.


Personally I am pro NATO joining but I know my country is very divided around that subject. No I will not predict if we join NATO or not but Kokoomus is PRO NATO joining.


Schulz in Germany leader of sosialistic party would not like Kokoomus they are economically the most capitalistic party in Finland. Still less capitalistic then USA, but a step in that direction. Kokoomus wants increase also in own military budget but that notion is shared with every big political party in Finland those that matter and that have power. In a nutschell I believe Kokoomus will be biggest party in Finland after next elections and Prime Minister is selected from biggest party.

Edited by Terminator
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Ah, forgot Tucker Carlson still lives. Disappointing. Should not have denied her entry, even if she is just a troll essentially.

Can't say I know him either... that said ANTIFA and liberal people that hate right are the trolls.



They are, but the woman being banned is pretty much one as well.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Lauren Southern is definitely a troll in the older sense. Which makes banning her entry pretty stupid, and about sums up modern Britain unfortunately. Needs a big chequebook for buying some Typhoons, then she'd get receptions from Queenie and the Archbishop of Kent even if she were deliberately starving half a country.

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I would rather not pollute my head with filth.....

Too late, the pollution is thick!!!


and unfortunately oozing out!!!

Sure, but you don't clean the river by throwing more toxins into the

There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.

Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that.


Guess twice my party? True Finns that is the nationalistic party of Finland though even nearly so hardcore as AFP is in Germany. True FInns was in last elections second biggest party in Finland and they are in the Goverment. Their party for different views got split up and realistically they are not in next goverment ruling section.


Finland goverment is ruled by 3 big parties currently: The Center biggest party, True Finns, Kokoomus (whatever it is in English but they are very capitalistic party for being Finns though less capitalistic then USA).


In next elections I think Kokoomus is going to be biggest party they seem to have most support currently. The Prime Minister is selected from biggest party and he is the man who has most power in Finland.

There's a party calling themselves 'true finns'? What are they campaigning for, lebensraum? :lol:


One more thing on sosialism and capitalism spectrum giving immigrant vs antiimmigrant a rest.


Germany landlords do not get any tax reduction from their investment loans.

Swedens tenants can sue Sweden landlords for to high rent.


Finland landlords laugh at those socialistic things in Sweden and Germany regarding rules concerning tenant vs landlord. I am member of Finnish landlord organisation. Kokoomus is very capitalistic and Martin Schulz in Germany leader of socialistic party would dislike very much Kokoomus. It is Kokoomus that matters in next elections in Finland I think so. They want increase military budget more captilastic society and that Finland joins NATO.

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I’m still unclear on Schulz’ presumed position towards Kokoomus

No I dont think Kokoomus hates Schulz or that Schulz hates Kokoomus first thing they dont meet or have things to do with each other. Personally I like more Schulz then say Merkel. If Schulz would be in future elected as Gemany leader then Finand would respect that. I don't think Kokoomus in Finland and Schulz party in Germany has to do with each other.


I meant more that I find it hard to believe that Schulz party would adapt the capitalistic views of Kokoomus in Finland. No disrespect meant to Schulz in fact I think Schulz could be a good replacement of Merkel.


Kokoomus many capitalistic suggestions are often voted down in Finland from other parties. Regarding NATO I can't predict that it is very hard for me how that will go.

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I consider they are as bad as nazis. Do not use a disease as bad as the disease to get rid of it.

But it works!








Petersen is a pretty cool guy. Eh fights wamen and doesnt afraid of anything

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- When he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when he is worst, he is little better than a beast.

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The fact that Britian fears Lauren Southern is hilarious. And, sexist. Then again, Britian is one of the most evil countries ever who went around mass murdering and such so no surprise they are anti woman and pro Nazism.


And, Petersen isn't 'fighting women'. He argues on behalf of them and everyone else.  He is pro woman just anti SJW.

Edited by Volourn


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I consider they are as bad as nazis. Do not use a disease as bad as the disease to get rid of it.

But it works!






Simpsons joke aside, antifa showing up is why Richard Spencer had to cancel his speaking tour and (part of) why the TWP fell apart. I guess we'll just have to wait for antifa to kill someone or attack Doctors without Borders to see if they are as bad as what they're fighting in the US.
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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Do you guys think Terminator is a serious poster? I mean he literally described the process of inoculation as if it didn't exist. That was pretty funny.

I think it's either Bruce's new alt or unironic, 55/45 odds.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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Do you guys think Terminator is a serious poster? I mean he literally described the process of inoculation as if it didn't exist. That was pretty funny.

I am serious poster. Funny post you have. Inoculation? I have said nothing about vaccine or such things. What is this offtopic ramblings:). Do the sun exist really? Do the Moon exist really? Teasing you I take this as friendly comment and have nothing against you.

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How can we see if our eyes aren't real?

We see what we see and it's different from everyone else. The reality you see around you is different than the reality of someone sitting beside you. It's amazing we can even get along at times lol.


Yes lets simply get along and stop this mild funny harrasment that someone is not real lol.


We might have different political views, but that is life. There are also like different religion beliefs Christians, Muslims, Jews and Atheist the list goes on in what people believe. I think most of us look forward to Pillars of Eternity 2 or some other Obisidian game and we share that we like Obsidian in general. Current release date for Pillars of Eternity 2 is set as 8th May 2018.

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Do you guys think Terminator is a serious poster? I mean he literally described the process of inoculation as if it didn't exist. That was pretty funny.

I am serious poster. Funny post you have. Inoculation? I have said nothing about vaccine or such things. What is this offtopic ramblings:). Do the sun exist really? Do the Moon exist really? Teasing you I take this as friendly comment and have nothing against you.



You don't have to say X, talk about X, or even elude to X, in order for some people to genuinely believe you to have done so, or for others to think you hate X.


Also, note that some folks on this forum find it near impossible to make a serious post themselves.


And finally, the moon doesn't actually exist.



  This post is about 2/3 serious. :p


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This is not complex, true or uneasy to understand. It is the most basic, simple, dumb hate. Black Pigeon is simply some angry white kid who dislikes that women can refuse to **** him. Add to that old fashioned fascism, you got him. Don’t listen to this Idiot.


That video is just disgusting. I've seen a lot of disgusting stuff in my life, mostly for fun. But that got me a feeling in my stomach that not even cannibal holocaust or the guinea pig series could produce when I was about 16. We are deservedly doomed.


We're all doomed

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