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There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.

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I would rather not pollute my head with filth.....

Too late, the pollution is thick!!!


and unfortunately oozing out!!!


Sure, but you don't clean the river by throwing more toxins into the


There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.


Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that.


Guess twice my party? True Finns that is the nationalistic party of Finland though even nearly so hardcore as AFP is in Germany.  True FInns was in last elections second biggest party in Finland and they are in the Goverment. Their party for different views got split up and realistically they are not in next goverment ruling section.


Finland goverment is ruled by 3 big parties currently: The Center biggest party, True Finns, Kokoomus (whatever it is in English but they are very capitalistic party for being Finns though less capitalistic then USA).


In next elections I think Kokoomus is going to be biggest party they seem to have most support currently. The Prime Minister is selected from biggest party and he is the man who has most power in Finland.

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There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.


What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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You said you weren't familiar with these sources, you should know just how low quality they are. Unless all you're interested in are other nationalist movements.

Yes but I started watch a couple of her other videos.... no not very familiar but slowly getting to know her.

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I would rather not pollute my head with filth.....

Too late, the pollution is thick!!!


and unfortunately oozing out!!!


Sure, but you don't clean the river by throwing more toxins into the


There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.


Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that.



Edited by algroth
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My Twitch channel: https://www.twitch.tv/alephg

Currently playing: Roadwarden

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There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.


What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?


Jones is respected by me and some other Finns. He is not perfect. If I would critize they do advertising for nutrient this and that pills on his channel.


On the conspiracy theories I do believe some of them. There is no smoke without fire. There is that huge globalist conspiracy theory but from that I do believe everything that considered banks etc.


Problem with Alex Jones is perhaps he present every possible conspiracy therory out there but lets say I believe in some of them and keep an open mind.

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What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?


My grandpa thought Alex Jones might have something worth while to say just because Megan Kelly setup an entirely unfair interview format against him, so it's not like people don't get dupped into his shtick.


I actually really like Jordan B Peterson. I started following his academic stuff even before the whole Bill C-16 which smuggled in compelled speech laws. I'm actually a fan of Sam Harris as well, and I know those two and their respective communities don't seem to get along all that well.


I think he's buckling a bit under the immense media pressure, doesn't always express himself the best than he can, and a huge swath of the left can't help but misinterpret him. I think he's trying to formulate his insights in a way that lay people can digest it, and it's far from as good as his academic lectures. If you dig back and look at a lot of his material you start to see a really profound picture unfolding. It actually takes some effort though to understand it all, and it's very routed in academic neuropsychology.


I do agree with Harris that a lot of what Peterson talks about could be reformatted in a secularly humanistic manner, but I do think Peterson is very right about a lot of what he speaks about. I don't think Harris appreciates the fact that certain morals are hard to formalize unless experienced in a highly figurative sense. Peterson is far more the pragmatist.


I'd be happy to go on but maybe in another thread.

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What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?


My grandpa thought Alex Jones might have something worth while to say just because Megan Kelly setup an entirely unfair interview format against him, so it's not like people don't get dupped into his shtick.


I actually really like Jordan B Peterson. I started following his academic stuff even before the whole Bill C-16 which smuggled in compelled speech laws. I'm actually a fan of Sam Harris as well, and I know those two and their respective communities don't seem to get along all that well.


I think he's buckling a bit under the immense media pressure, doesn't always express himself the best than he can, and a huge swath of the left can't help but misinterpret him. I think he's trying to formulate his insights in a way that lay people can digest it, and it's far from as good as his academic lectures. If you dig back and look at a lot of his material you start to see a really profound picture unfolding. It actually takes some effort though to understand it all, and it's very routed in academic neuropsychology.


I do agree with Harris that a lot of what Peterson talks about could be reformatted in a secularly humanistic manner, but I do think Peterson is very right about a lot of what he speaks about. I don't think Harris appreciates the fact that certain morals are hard to formalize unless experienced in a highly figurative sense. Peterson is far more the pragmatist.


I'd be happy to go on but maybe in another thread.


I believe in this what they tell about banking and so does the vast majority of my friends do most of them:


Nevermind the other conspiracy theories 9/11 etc. Bear with me. I said I believe everything they said about banking cartels and that video is from Alex Jones channel. Of all possible conspiray theories out there I really believe in the conspiracy theory of banking cartell see it.

Edited by Terminator
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What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?


My grandpa thought Alex Jones might have something worth while to say just because Megan Kelly setup an entirely unfair interview format against him, so it's not like people don't get dupped into his shtick.


I actually really like Jordan B Peterson. I started following his academic stuff even before the whole Bill C-16 which smuggled in compelled speech laws. I'm actually a fan of Sam Harris as well, and I know those two and their respective communities don't seem to get along all that well.


I think he's buckling a bit under the immense media pressure, doesn't always express himself the best than he can, and a huge swath of the left can't help but misinterpret him. I think he's trying to formulate his insights in a way that lay people can digest it, and it's far from as good as his academic lectures. If you dig back and look at a lot of his material you start to see a really profound picture unfolding. It actually takes some effort though to understand it all, and it's very routed in academic neuropsychology.


I do agree with Harris that a lot of what Peterson talks about could be reformatted in a secularly humanistic manner, but I do think Peterson is very right about a lot of what he speaks about. I don't think Harris appreciates the fact that certain morals are hard to formalize unless experienced in a highly figurative sense. Peterson is far more the pragmatist.


I'd be happy to go on but maybe in another thread.



I have similiar view on him, altho he sometimes comes out as .. too cold? Harris on other hand sounds like a robot sometimes. I think Hitchens was good but I don't like some of his left leaning ideas that much

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I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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Are you just ****ting out media content that validates you're views, or are you going to put a little more effort in of your own?


There are issues with banking, and you'll never come to truly understand what the problems are if you follow **** like that. It's a much longer, slower, and tedious road to get a handle on it all. A lot of the issues aren't even conspiracy level but relate ignorance and unmanageable complexity.

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Are you just ****ting out media content that validates you're views, or are you going to put a little more effort in of your own?


There are issues with banking, and you'll never come to truly understand what the problems are if you follow **** like that. It's a much longer, slower, and tedious road to get a handle on it all. A lot of the issues aren't even conspiracy level but relate ignorance and unmanageable complexity.

Unlike Algoth who only put some denial video I put out videos that I believe in.


You have already proven to me you don't share same views as me that is crystal clear. No why would I put huge effort in writing hundreds of words? I don't see it worth doing. I rather find what I believe in.


There are lot of creative youtube creators out there. I never said that I am creative but it is easy to post a link. What so I should put some huge effort to make you happy when end result is that you don't believe in same things as I do unless you might really watch something and perhaps learn:). No not writing essays. I am not paranoid if I would be really scared I would have no investment debt but I do have investement debt. Even if a banking cartell exist I don't think they are all powerful and globalists have had some setbacks.

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I reiterate, this forum is especially hopeless today. I sympathize though, the Deadfire delay also hit me pretty hard. :(

Yeah hopeless you can tell that in the mirror lol. Deadfire delayed to May? Ok so be it then. I think they want to develop a really good game and sometimes that takes time.

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What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?


My grandpa thought Alex Jones might have something worth while to say just because Megan Kelly setup an entirely unfair interview format against him, so it's not like people don't get dupped into his shtick.


I actually really like Jordan B Peterson. I started following his academic stuff even before the whole Bill C-16 which smuggled in compelled speech laws. I'm actually a fan of Sam Harris as well, and I know those two and their respective communities don't seem to get along all that well.


I think he's buckling a bit under the immense media pressure, doesn't always express himself the best than he can, and a huge swath of the left can't help but misinterpret him. I think he's trying to formulate his insights in a way that lay people can digest it, and it's far from as good as his academic lectures. If you dig back and look at a lot of his material you start to see a really profound picture unfolding. It actually takes some effort though to understand it all, and it's very routed in academic neuropsychology.


I do agree with Harris that a lot of what Peterson talks about could be reformatted in a secularly humanistic manner, but I do think Peterson is very right about a lot of what he speaks about. I don't think Harris appreciates the fact that certain morals are hard to formalize unless experienced in a highly figurative sense. Peterson is far more the pragmatist.


I'd be happy to go on but maybe in another thread.


I believe in this what they tell about banking and so does the vast majority of my friends do most of them:


Nevermind the other conspiracy theories 9/11 etc. Bear with me. I said I believe everything they said about banking cartels and that video is from Alex Jones channel. Of all possible conspiray theories out there I really believe in the conspiracy theory of banking cartell see it.



Primary source material is generally always best. The documentary you link is at least third tier, it lifts material from many others, some second tier (ie: Zeitgeist). Watch the originals. ;)



For documentaries on modern banking, see the following:


The Money Masters:
(some of the information in this video is slightly dated or incorrect (the maker, Bill Still later corrects himself in other videos), however the vast majority of it still applies and is correct. And while he has newer videos, this is still the best single documentary on the history of modern banking that I've seen. If you were lucky enough to have had a good history teacher or two somewhere along the way, much of the contents of this video will be familiar to you.)
Money as Debt:

The Banker's Cabal:
I highly recommend watching all of these, and in the order I list them. As the latter two build on the ones that come before.
There are other good documentaries on the subject, but having watched many, these are the best three to start with.
If you're interested in others, or documentaries on other subjects, PM me. I have a long list of recommendations.
Understanding this world, and how it really functions, vs. how it's advertised to function, begins with understanding the world banking system.
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Are you just ****ting out media content that validates you're views, or are you going to put a little more effort in of your own?


There are issues with banking, and you'll never come to truly understand what the problems are if you follow **** like that. It's a much longer, slower, and tedious road to get a handle on it all. A lot of the issues aren't even conspiracy level but relate ignorance and unmanageable complexity.

Unlike Algoth who only put some denial video I put out videos that I believe in.


You have already proven to me you don't share same views as me that is crystal clear. No why would I put huge effort in writing hundreds of words? I don't see it worth doing. I rather find what I believe in.


There are lot of creative youtube creators out there. I never said that I am creative but it is easy to post a link. What so I should put some huge effort to make you happy when end result is that you don't believe in same things as I do unless you might really watch something and perhaps learn:). No not writing essays. I am not paranoid if I would be really scared I would have no investment debt but I do have investement debt. Even if a banking cartell exist I don't think they are all powerful and globalists have had some setbacks.


Just posting that video out of the blue with nothing to suggest why or what I should be gleaning from it is not all that helpful. Otherwise it just seems like a low-effort way to "throw a book" in someone's face.


We don't have to debate our differences now or ever, but I'm not inclined to put up with what I consider to be low-quality discourse. I know English isn't your first language, but "Jada jada I dont respect your political views so how about that." does not instill me with much confidence that discourse will be anything but low-quality. Nor do posts where I have to guess your mind and intentions.


I get it, you're trying to stake out your views for everyone, just don't be surprised that on a discussion forum people expect actual effort by you to defend them.

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What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?


My grandpa thought Alex Jones might have something worth while to say just because Megan Kelly setup an entirely unfair interview format against him, so it's not like people don't get dupped into his shtick.


I actually really like Jordan B Peterson. I started following his academic stuff even before the whole Bill C-16 which smuggled in compelled speech laws. I'm actually a fan of Sam Harris as well, and I know those two and their respective communities don't seem to get along all that well.


I think he's buckling a bit under the immense media pressure, doesn't always express himself the best than he can, and a huge swath of the left can't help but misinterpret him. I think he's trying to formulate his insights in a way that lay people can digest it, and it's far from as good as his academic lectures. If you dig back and look at a lot of his material you start to see a really profound picture unfolding. It actually takes some effort though to understand it all, and it's very routed in academic neuropsychology.


I do agree with Harris that a lot of what Peterson talks about could be reformatted in a secularly humanistic manner, but I do think Peterson is very right about a lot of what he speaks about. I don't think Harris appreciates the fact that certain morals are hard to formalize unless experienced in a highly figurative sense. Peterson is far more the pragmatist.


I'd be happy to go on but maybe in another thread.


I believe in this what they tell about banking and so does the vast majority of my friends do most of them:


Nevermind the other conspiracy theories 9/11 etc. Bear with me. I said I believe everything they said about banking cartels and that video is from Alex Jones channel. Of all possible conspiray theories out there I really believe in the conspiracy theory of banking cartell see it.



Primary source material is generally always best. The documentary you link is at least third tier, it lifts material from many others, some second tier (ie: Zeitgeist). Watch the originals. ;)



For documentaries on modern banking, see the following:


The Money Masters:
(some of the information in this video is slightly dated or incorrect (the maker, Bill Still later corrects himself in other videos), however the vast majority of it still applies and is correct. And while he has newer videos, this is still the best single documentary on the history of modern banking that I've seen. If you were lucky enough to have had a good history teacher or two somewhere along the way, much of the contents of this video will be familiar to you.)
Money as Debt:

The Banker's Cabal:
I highly recommend watching all of these, and in the order I list them. As the latter two build on the ones that come before.
There are other good documentaries on the subject, but having watched many, these are the best three to start with.
If you're interested in others, or documentaries on other subjects, PM me. I have a long list of recommendations.
Understanding this world, and how it really functions, vs. how it's advertised to function, begins with understanding the world banking system.


Web of Debt is a good book if you want to follow up on the subject.

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I'd say the answer to that question is kind of like the answer to "who's the sucker in this poker game?"*


*If you can't tell, it's you. ;)


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I’m from Germany. Knowing a bit of history, I have a deep rooted respect for the anti fascist cause and those who stand in for it.

I consider they are as bad as nazis. Do not use a disease as bad as the disease to get rid of it.


You don't understand. If I see ANTIFA it is likely going to be fight. I have never met ANTIFA in my country because they are cowards that operate at night and rarely do anything anyway in my country.


I am sorry Ben with that statement you have proven we have totally different view. I HATE Antifa and they are my enemy wherever I go.


There exist like Schulz that is leader of Sosialistic party in Germany. There exist left party in my country. None of them ( socialistic party in Germany or left party in Finland) I consider as Evil. ANTIFA I consider as criminals and Evil.

They've always looked like brown shirts. An intimidation political tool to be used by a party that doesn't share their ideals.

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There are political thinkers that tackle issues from the centrist/conservative position, who may or may not be liberal on certain matters. Then there are reactionary people who drum up hysteria and play to the same mentalities that antifa, sjws, and other radical leftists do.


Alex Jones has zero journalistic integrity and should be disregarded whole-sale. He's a conspiracy theorist who got his start by leveraging conspiracies that turned out true, and has become a hound dog with a nose trained to follow anything that might pair well with his deep-state narratives. I thought he was probably half parody for the longest time, but I think he used to maintain plausible deniability. He's completely lost it. Anything worth while that he speaks of he's likely to taint, not worth trying to sift the wheat from the chaff there.


Black Pigeon is a trash-tier alt-right mouthpiece porked up with plenty of unsavory sexist, racist, and bigoted opinions. Terrible source if you're interested in opinions that counter the current movements on the left.


Tommy Robinson is a nationalist, and that means he flies close with ethno-nationalists. He certainly doesn't work all that hard to keep his network clean. Probably the least worst out of the lot, but not exactly someone who I'd follow for his intellectually take on things. He probably speaks on some lived truths that a lot of white working class people in the UK experience, but I'd be very hesitant to follow him whole-sale. He too relies far to much on appeals to emotion, and suffers from tunnel vision when discussing issues.



What is your take on that new guy Peterson I sometimes see on YT


Also I think everyone know that Jones is joke no?

Jordan Peterson?


He is a brilliant observer and commentator on social psychology, just watch a few of his videos, very grounded yet intellectual take on social mores.

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Thanks for shopping Pawn-O-Matic!

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Are you just ****ting out media content that validates you're views, or are you going to put a little more effort in of your own?


There are issues with banking, and you'll never come to truly understand what the problems are if you follow **** like that. It's a much longer, slower, and tedious road to get a handle on it all. A lot of the issues aren't even conspiracy level but relate ignorance and unmanageable complexity.

Unlike Algoth who only put some denial video I put out videos that I believe in.


You have already proven to me you don't share same views as me that is crystal clear. No why would I put huge effort in writing hundreds of words? I don't see it worth doing. I rather find what I believe in.




I, for one, am happy that you're so clearly abandoning even the pretense of having a discussion for the purpose of changing minds here  :lol:

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"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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Well I guess securing borders is well and good until someone you like gets denied entry.

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"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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