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The more manly.......?

Which of these guys is probably the manliest?  

71 members have voted

  1. 1. Which of these guys is probably the manliest?

    • Carth Onasi
    • Darth Malak
    • Atton Rand

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Carth's manliness: Near zero, he whines, bitches and whines some more. Also, he has tendency to flee when seeing Sith Lords.


Malak's manliness: Closet homosexual. Anyone who is comfortable running around in full body-spandex just oozes homo-eroticism.


Atton Rand's manliness. Still unclear. But apparantly he's done a facejob after being picked on at last E3, which isn't exactly helping him getting any manliness-points.



...so that leaves Atton Rand as the winner, since he doesn't have a fetish for spandex and he hasn't shown signs of cowardice either. You go Atton!




But i can't agree with ur conclusion though. I still have to say Malak because atleast he's not a total wimp.

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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Carth's manliness: Near zero, he whines, bitches and whines some more. Also, he has tendency to flee when seeing Sith Lords.


Malak's manliness: Closet homosexual. Anyone who is comfortable running around in full body-spandex just oozes homo-eroticism.


Atton Rand's manliness. Still unclear. But apparantly he's done a facejob after being picked on at last E3, which isn't exactly helping him getting any manliness-points.



...so that leaves Atton Rand as the winner, since he doesn't have a fetish for spandex and he hasn't shown signs of cowardice either. You go Atton!

I agree with ur comment about Carth, but Malak doesn't really seem gay to me; notice in the temple, he slowly strokes Bastila's face in a strange, almost molesting manner. ;) :ph34r: But Atton definatley doesn't seem manly. Well, at least his face job would make him compatible with the vain Michael Jackson. :o:p:lol::(

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I would voted for Malak because he was manlier than Carth but I can't say anything about Atton because I dont know what he is like and I doubt anyone else does either. You all go around talking about how gay he is yet none of you have played the game yet so you wouldn't even know if he was.

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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I would voted for Malak because he was manlier than Carth but I can't say anything about Atton because I dont know what he is like and I doubt anyone else does either.  You all go around talking about how gay he is yet none of you have played the game yet so you wouldn't even know if he was.

-_- Ahh...but we do know he looks like he is. :huh:

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The way Malak flourishes a lightsaber is insane. And his style is most excellent too. I wish I had moves like that.


As for Carth and Rand, I honest believe Malak can whip them to no end. I was laughing hysterically when Malak pushed him on the Leviathan after deflecting his shots. "Take that!".... uhm, no Carth, you're not quite as manly as you think you are.

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The way Malak flourishes a lightsaber is insane. And his style is most excellent too. I wish I had moves like that.


As for Carth and Rand, I honest believe Malak can whip them to no end. I was laughing hysterically when Malak pushed him on the Leviathan after deflecting his shots. "Take that!".... uhm, no Carth, you're not quite as manly as you think you are.


:wacko: I remember that well. I, for one, do not dislike Carth Onasi at all, except that he is very whiney for a guy his age. The voice actor should have gone for more "angsty".

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Carth's just having a mid-life crisis. Whilst this does mean we have to dock him some manliness points, it doesn't eliminate him completely from the running.


Malak, unfortunately, has to be disqualified for not having a chin. I mean one look at Bruce Campbell and he'd break down and cry. Not at all manly.

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because of a chin being gone along with the rest of his lower jaw? that was melted off by his enchalightsaber chillie, prior to his soup incident, malak never learned, don't put lightsaber crystals or acid into ANYTHING you plan on eating! In my book, malak's still the manlinest, his suit isn't so much spandex as it is overwrapped cloth with an armor chest plate, then again mabey that counts even further towards the suggestion that he's......


Carth- second manliest, rough tough battered war hero, though he may be whiney, stupid, and all be it a bit of depressed paranoid.... hmm this is realy starting to stack up againts him


Atton- The manly man, though he did get a face lift to become more of a man and less of "girlie" man look, he still looks less manly then carth and has a bad past clinging on to him. Until he starts acting like han, he'll still be the least manly of the bunch, unless that is, till the malak theory is proven.

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Define 'manliness'...

I think a better word is masculanity. :) I think Carth is the most 'manly' because he is the only one of the three that was married [or married at all] to woman. ;):p


Maybe Carth was married but that doesn't equal that he was the MAN of the house, does it? ;)

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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bwahahaha! I love to be contradictory.


I find it hysterical that Malak now has thirty votes (coincidentally, I'm sure) after I helped out with defining malak as non manly. I don't agree that only a gay guy would run around in skin tight clothing, (I mean, hell, who doesn't?) but the idea is still really funny to me.






I don't think any of us need help defining manly; we all have our definitions.

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I don't think any of us need help defining manly; we all have our definitions.


That was my point. They're all male, and being of that gender is as far as being male goes...


But, I'll leave you to your deliberations of such imaginary 'qualities' as 'manliness' and 'masculanity'. ^_^

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Juhani was manlier then all of them combined. She vill be their DOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!


This is true...


I still think Atton Rand will turn out to be the most masculant...

Lou Gutman, P.I.- It's like I'm not even trying anymore!

One billion b-balls dribbling simultaneously throughout the galaxy. One trillion b-balls being slam dunked through a hoop throughout the galaxy. I can feel every single b-ball that has ever existed at my fingertips. I can feel their collective knowledge channeling through my viens. Every jumpshot, every rebound and three-pointer, every layup, dunk, and free throw. I am there.

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Juhani was manlier then all of them combined. She vill be their DOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!


This is true...


I still think Atton Rand will turn out to be the most masculant...


We'll have to see, won't we. For now i still think he is a shirt-lifter. post-1139-1093556285.gif

Another great idea by the people who brought you beer milkshakes!


"I don't see a problem...then again, SW isn't my life, so what do I know...." - some who makes 27.8 post per day on a SW forum!

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So long as this doesn't turn into a bashing thread of any sort, I have to vote Carth.  *swoon*


Why am I not suprised. <_<


I'm not even going to touch the masculinity subject but I will tell you who I think out of the three was the better character. That of course would be Malak hands down because he is a Sith, enough said. Carth was a cry baby who's entire existance was to captivate female gamers with his complex and sensitive personality; which if you are a male said personality will make you want to climb the freakin walls! As far as Atton goes nobody really knows much about him so I really can't make a judgement either way. Personally though I fear Atton will be Carth 2.0 which makes me shutter at the mere thought of it. I don't like Carth but I respect other peoples opinions and if you like him thats cool with me I am not trying to start a flame war here and there is no reason to alert the Carth fan girl death squads.



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So long as this doesn't turn into a bashing thread of any sort, I have to vote Carth.  *swoon*


Why am I not suprised. <_<


I'm not even going to touch the masculinity subject but I will tell you who I think out of the three was the better character. That of course would be Malak hands down because he is a Sith, enough said. Carth was a cry baby who's entire existance was to captivate female gamers with his complex and sensitive personality; which if you are a male said personality will make you want to climb the freakin walls! As far as Atton goes nobody really knows much about him so I really can't make a judgement either way. Personally though I fear Atton will be Carth 2.0 which makes me shutter at the mere thought of it. I don't like Carth but I respect other peoples opinions and if you like him thats cool with me I am not trying to start a flame war here and there is no reason to alert the Carth fan girl death squads.




After witnessing the sheer amount of anti-carth threads, one should be sure that the devs have taken this in considerement.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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I don't know about any of the three being 'manlier' or more 'masculine' than the other. But I do know who of them garners my full attention. After Malak wiped out a significant portion of Taris, he instantly became (at least on surface appearances) the most dangerous and imbalanced of the three. And after pulling the same stunt on Dantooine, he became (in my eyes) Public Enemy # 1.


Saul was just a toady, who I saw as likely to die anyways. My PC wasn't about to strike him down, but I figured Carth would if given the chance (guess he isn't such a wimp after all, if he's willing to waste a guy after he's been downed <_< ). But luckily for him, Saul bit the big one on his own.


And as for Atton, (I haven't seen a pic of him, or if I have, haven't identified it as him) that 'shirt-lifter' impression might just be a ploy. I think he's the dude that starts off with you at the beginning (as in showing up ala Morte [PS:Torment], in the 'Hawk). Which leads me to question his abilities and true allegiance. For all we know he could be a Sith agent or one of the Sith Lords himself (damn, I'm starting to sound like Carth! :ph34r: - and despite all that, I have to be mindful that his instincts are sharper than most people give credit for. His initial suspicions were largely dead on after all in KotOR :ph34r: ).

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