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About Vendetta

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    (1) Prestidigitator
    (1) Prestidigitator
  1. Any game that allows you to pick your path through it has to have some way of ensuring that any path you do pick is equally valid and enjoyable for a first time player. Having enemies that gain attributes and skills as you do (though not at the same rate, so you still feel like you are becomeing more powerful) is the most consistent way to do that, since just hauling off and chucking hundreds of the buggers at you sometimes just doesn't 'feel' right.
  2. What you are suggesting is already in the game. It's called a Blaster.
  3. Slightly more than 'inspiration'. The entire plot of A New Hope is a direct lift of The Hidden Fortress. the only additions are Luke and Han, and Obi-wan sacrifices himself in his analogue of Mifune's big spear duel with the enemy captain.
  4. There is, indeed, such a menace. One far more powerful and destructive than the Sith. Fortunately for your character, they don't show up for another 4025 years. The ship Canderous frees is a Yuuzhan Vong scout.
  5. There isn't an 'official' story for Revan because by imposing one you would basically invalidate the gaming choices of anyone who didn't play the game that way. Which is poor business sense. If you want a demonstration taken to extremes, loo kat Pokemon. when they started merchandising it to buggery and laying down an 'official' story they used something totally outside of the gaming choices, so it didn't hurt the game's sales.
  6. Err, no it didn't, it just diverged at about half way through, not right at the end. And that didn't actually affect anything in real terms, other than the powers you obtained and which bird you ended up with. There were only about two cutscenes that were different.
  7. Every man who grew up in the 1980s or 1970s has done that. Even the ones that won't admit it.
  8. Yes, but it was a silly reason that had to be manufactured for her in a complete and terminal breach in consistent believaability on the game's part. Just because Malak's been playing Munchkin, and still thinks he has the 'Shagging the GM' feat.
  9. I for one learned the mysteries of how to use an Index.
  10. How could he have been better? Use his Wizards of the Coast D20 rules implementation, being a Jedi Guardian 11/Sith Lord 9 (or close fudge thereof) with more powers and stronger powers than his normal level allows, rather than just a Guardian 20 with super-high stats. And take out those Jedi-in-a-can health packs of his, cause killing him nine times because you didn't take the 'right' powers is tedious. (Note to devs: If TSL does anything like that, I am gong to hunt you down. I know you can hear me. If you thought Carth suffered around here, you ain't seen nothng yet...)
  11. Common misunderstanding: Hitpoints in the D20 rule system don't just mean your sheer resistance to damage and difficulty to put down, they represent a whole host of things, like your skill and luck in avoiding serious wounds, your ability to withstand injuries, and so on. when you run out of HP it's not because you've taken 'too much damage', it's because you've taken the one vital hit that put you down.
  12. I doubt T3 wll start with the best armour available, since he'll be joining the party again...
  13. Yeah. I hope that's changed for a proper unique design, after all, that's the kid of thing that will give all the real geeky Star Wars fans The Fear. Entire backwaters of the internet will seethe and boil with outrage.
  14. Carth's just having a mid-life crisis. Whilst this does mean we have to dock him some manliness points, it doesn't eliminate him completely from the running. Malak, unfortunately, has to be disqualified for not having a chin. I mean one look at Bruce Campbell and he'd break down and cry. Not at all manly.
  15. 8. Two things would have to be added to make it the full 10. 1. Feat structure and mechanics closer to the real SWD20 game (especially Feats and BAB tables/attacks though) 2. A compelling and believably threatening villain, rather than Darth Chinless.
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