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List of Subclasses as we learn about them.

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I have been giving more thought to the options for Barbarian subclasses. My original thought was there woul be a high risk high damage rage focused option: Berzerker, or Reaver (a better fit for the pirate theme). The other subclass would then be more tanky.


However, they could take a leaf from certain other games and go with animal totems. Then you could have "bear" the standard raging meat shield, "wolf" the team player with buffing yells (howls) and "Eagle" the ranged specialist, with bonuses for hunting and war bows.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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I also think that a ranged barb variant with grenades would be fun (it could be a simple x/encounter ability similar to an AoE spell like Fireball, no need to introduce throwing weapons for that). Could scale with level or simply get some additional talents which alter/improve it.


Other than that, I don't see how you can go into "rage mode" with ranged weapons. I mean a machine gun would fit, but luckily we don't have that. ;) The thing that comes close is using all guns you have, run into the fray and go berzerk, fire away, dropping guns and pulling out fresh ones - until they are all empty. Kind of Heart of Fury, but with pistols or blunderbusses. 

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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I don't see how a grenade weilding barbarian could function thematically. The whole point of Barbarians is they are low-tech.

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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I don't see how a grenade weilding barbarian could function thematically. The whole point of Barbarians is they are low-tech.


Thematically, it'd be more about the destructiveness and volatility of their weapons of choice rather than being low-tech per se. In the absence of any throwing weapons from the game, fiddling with explosives seems like the only thematic form of ranged offense available to barbarians, low-tech or not, if you take raging to be iconic to the class experience. There's an amount of preparation and deliberateness in timing with regard to archery (carefully aiming, keeping the arrow drawn back for the right moment, etc.) that seems foreign to a barbarian's rage, for example, while stopping to reload your pistols or arquebus between shots seems like an out-and-out break from the violent urgency that their rage would engender.

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That's function, not theme, that you are talking about.


The revealed subclass names suggest that they are more about theme than function. Our druggie monk is unlikely to function very differently to a regular monk. He is still going to punch and kick people.

Edited by Fardragon

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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Sure, but other subclasses like paladin orders or priests' faith have special talents. Same with the Black Jacked Fighter: less damage, less ACC, but more weapon skills. It's not that far fetched that you could give a barb subclass a "madman tosses grenades" ability or something like that. As far as barbs are concerned I can't think of too may distinct subclasses.

Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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Barbarians aren't "mad". They are uncivilised.


And I have already suggested several subclasses. If you are getting into animal totem territory, as Pathfinder and 5th edition D&D do, I can think of dozens.

Edited by Fardragon

Everyone knows Science Fiction is really cool. You know what PoE really needs? Spaceships! There isn't any game that wouldn't be improved by a space combat minigame. Adding one to PoE would send sales skyrocketing, and ensure the game was remembered for all time!!!!!

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You like some good hairsplitting I presume. I just responded to a post where someone said that they would like a ranged barb - and I agree. Nothing more.


I think we should leave it to OBS how they want to see their barbarians. By the way:


Brutes. Madmen. Berserkers. Though city-dwelling people often use the term "barbarian" with a dose of disrespect, these rural warriors are respected by their communities for their ferocity and fearsome presence on the battlefield. Barbarians have a special, almost religious role in some cultures, but in many places, the undisciplined, fearless style of the barbarian is simply how warriors conduct themselves.

From PoE, ingame description of the class. Increased font weight by me.  


Pwnd! ;)


Maybe OBS doesn't want do get into animal totem territory. Maybe they do. But I guess since druids and rangers already are associated with animals the chances are not too high. But who knows?

Edited by Boeroer
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Deadfire Community Patch: Nexus Mods

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That's function, not theme, that you are talking about.


A bit of both actually, with theme emerging through function. Recklessly tossing around dangerously unstable pyrotechnics becomes a practice that has implications about the set of characters who elect to do so to do so not from time to time, but as a career choice more generally. Though as Boeroer already mentioned, function-focused subclasses are already a thing.





As far as barbs are concerned I can't think of too may distinct subclasses.


Aside from the berserker subclass Fardaragon mentioned, a headhunter-type barbarian whose base rage benefits might be diminished normally but spike following crits and kills might work. A firebrand who infects enemies with their rage might allow for more exploration of taunt mechanics (I can't really recall them being present much elsewhere, but that could be because I just didn't use them myself). A foeslayer with an anti-creature focus like I described earlier in the thread could be an option (hate feeds well into rage and vice versa), though I'd tend to prefer it as a rogue or paladin thing (ability/abilities or subclass) at this point. Maybe a barbarian focusing on heavy armor and brutishly leveraging their mass across the battlefield as a form of wrecking ball mobility could fit into the list somewhere as well. I'd wouldn't be adverse to a totemist subclass either, but it shouldn't engulf the entire set.


Edit: Can someone tell me why my quotes keep creeping out of the boxes? It's a bit disturbing.

Edited by blotter
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I got a question...



Subclasses arent obligated.

Meaning if you want to stay fighter... and not become blackjacket you stay fighter.

In other words: we got 1 vanilla and 3 specials.


Now for a fighter this means hes just a standard fighter. Not a specialist.

For a wizard this means hes a universal wizard not a follower of a certain focus in the arcane.



But for priests and paladins...

They got Gods and Orders as their respective subclasses.


1. Does that mean a Vanilla Priest is a disciple of the Gods in general? A pantheonic follower instead of a deific one?


That could be explained that way.


As for Paladins...


They believe in a cause?

That makes them join an order. Is this correct?


So Vanilla Pally's will have a strong conviction but not to a creed of an order?


Like "Justice" for example.(pure rpg persective)

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Priests and Paladins don’t do vanilla.

Wth... thats a very weird rule then.


So they basically arent subclasses then but more like 5ed d&d paths

well listening to the different Q&A's so far its confirmed that all PoE1 orders and dieties will be there own subclass so even though there wont be a vanilla version both will have more subclasses than the other core classes.

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Priests and Paladins don’t do vanilla.

Wth... thats a very weird rule then.


So they basically arent subclasses then but more like 5ed d&d paths



Not weird, just logical. Priests and Paladins by definition need something to believe in. Rather, I find the lack of monk orders illogical. Surely their faith is also a cornerstone of their class?

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Not weird, just logical. Priests and Paladins by definition need something to believe in.


Less logical and more convenient, I'd say. Neither priest deities nor paladin orders come close to exhausting the range of things that one can believe in: Orderless paladins and godless priests (whose faith, the actual source of their power, lies in something else - like their own life's purpose, the will of a nation, the cycle of life and death beyond the gods' interference, etc.) could constitute more miscellaneous/individualistic categories with an emphasis on customization, but that could require undue focus on developing priest/paladins options in comparison to other classes. 



Surely their faith is also a cornerstone of their class?


If you're referring to their belief that mortification of the flesh allows them to strengthen their souls, sure, but that's already covered by the features of the base class. Even though we've seen monks with religious affiliations in Pillars 1, monks as a whole are not required to bow to deities or cling to established institutions in this setting. 

Edited by blotter
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Priests and Paladins don’t do vanilla.

Wth... thats a very weird rule then.


So they basically arent subclasses then but more like 5ed d&d paths

Not weird, just logical. Priests and Paladins by definition need something to believe in. Rather, I find the lack of monk orders illogical. Surely their faith is also a cornerstone of their class?
Did i just not explain that in my previous post?



Like... word for word the answer that i could give you now?

Edited by Leeuwenhart
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But for priests and paladins...

They got Gods and Orders as their respective subclasses.

I don't think it works like that.  I think the subclasses are more specific, and your order or faith just as an overall effect on your character.  Like  Priest of Magran may get some spells that a Priest of Wael doesn't, but the same is true in reverse.  However, there is nothing mechanically different about them outside some differences in spell selection.  They are both still just "priests".


A blackjacket fighter literally functions differently on a mechanics level than a normal fighter.  They get more weapon slots, they have lower weapon swap times, reduced or possibly no weapon swap penalties, etc etc.

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I don't think it works like that.  I think the subclasses are more specific, and your order or faith just as an overall effect on your character.  Like  Priest of Magran may get some spells that a Priest of Wael doesn't, but the same is true in reverse.  However, there is nothing mechanically different about them outside some differences in spell selection.  They are both still just "priests".


Given the lack of a "vanilla" option for Priests and Paladins I suspect you're right. My guess would be that each Deity and Order will have a little more distinction than they did in PoE (more unique talents and perhaps some unique abilities too) but ultimately they won't be fundamentally different in the way that other subclasses are. They'll all have the basic things that make their class their class.

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I don't think it works like that.  I think the subclasses are more specific, and your order or faith just as an overall effect on your character.  Like  Priest of Magran may get some spells that a Priest of Wael doesn't, but the same is true in reverse.  However, there is nothing mechanically different about them outside some differences in spell selection.  They are both still just "priests".


Given the lack of a "vanilla" option for Priests and Paladins I suspect you're right. My guess would be that each Deity and Order will have a little more distinction than they did in PoE (more unique talents and perhaps some unique abilities too) but ultimately they won't be fundamentally different in the way that other subclasses are. They'll all have the basic things that make their class their class.

They have already confirmed in a stream that different priests have different spells.  Like I said, a Priest of Magran will have different spells than a Priest of Wael.  I doubt they will have different talents.  I expect it works pretty similarly for Paladin Orders.

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They have already confirmed in a stream that different priests have different spells.  Like I said, a Priest of Magran will have different spells than a Priest of Wael.  I doubt they will have different talents.  I expect it works pretty similarly for Paladin Orders.


Well both Paladins and Priests get unique talents according to their Order/Deity in Pillars, so I wouldn't be surprised if that remains the case in Deadfire.

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