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European Refugee Crisis : Part 3


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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



Why would you need a common currency to have free movement of goods? The EU as a trading bloc with free movement of goods within it and the European commission simply in charge of negotiating trade for the bloc is what most EU countries signed up for if I remember correctly.


The EU real purpose is about economic trade and access to the single market., its suppose to be about a group of countries that have agreed on tariffs and  trade laws  so that business  within the union is cost effective and easy. So for example someone living in Hungary who wants to export .....swords? to Spain and Italy knows that the cost to do this is understood and regulated and that no government can suddenly charge extra tax and make the sale of the swords expensive. This makes understanding things like profitability  and costs of doing business much simpler 


Logically this is much easier to maintain with a single currency because if you had the original multiple currencies it would make the ability to manage this system much harder  because some currencies are weaker and more unstable than others 


And yes free movement is also an objective for citizens of the EU but I question how balanced this is as its normally the same countries people want to immigrate to ...like the UK which can be seen as unfair if you live in the UK

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all european nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead, in order to effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.

Edited by Meshugger
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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Forced and "forced"; as in no material or expressive privileges for your previous cultural identity and it will be expected of you to join celebrations of local festivities. That is the temperament of a good guest.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?

The Danes on the forum are likely to disagree with your assessment ;)

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


 You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?

The Danes on the forum are likely to disagree with your assessment ;)


Yeah I knew someone was going to raise the Denmark example....there is always someone who likes to be clever  ;)


But Denmark is an exception and Denmark is very integrated into the structures of the EU ....I cant imagine Denmark ever seriously leaving ?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


 You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?





I think economic collapse isn't something that is necessarily a big concern.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


 You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?





I think economic collapse isn't something that is necessarily a big concern.



It is so nice that British economy don't necessary collapse just because they had a vote.   

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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


 You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?





I think economic collapse isn't something that is necessarily a big concern.



It is so nice that British economy don't necessary collapse just because they had a vote.   


But guys again I need to stress this point, the UK is in a unique position compared to most other EU countries  where they can leave the EU and after the 12-18 months of adjusting to there new reality I am confident they will  be in a sustainable and relatively robust economic position. And this doesn't mean I am saying the UK is necessarily better than many other very strong EU countries it just means the UK is less dependant and integrated into the EU on a economic structural level 


The UK does have some of the strongest industries in the EU and there really are some very bright people who live and work in the UK. 


That article about Teresa May says " the UK will avoid a recession " ....that was never something I even considered. The definition of recession is 2 quarters of negative growth so that would mean 6 months of negative growth. This would be a huge problem if it happened but it takes something like the 2008 crisis to impact a country like the UK and it did happen then  ...and BREXIT isnt the 2008 crisis



Of course there is risk the UK may go into recession if it makes bad decisions or is impacted by unforeseen consequences of BREXIT. For example Japan has invested 38 Billion pounds in the UK and has warned Teresa May what they expect from BREXIT and what would cause Japanese companies to relocate




So one of the worse case scenarios is where the UK fails to create meaningful trade links and new agreements with the EU and certain foreign investors will pull out of the UK but this is highly unlikely as most investors do like and prefer having there HQ in the UK and the Teresa May government understands this and will ensure these companies dont pull out 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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So one of the worse case scenarios is where the UK fails to create meaningful trade links and new agreements with the EU and certain foreign investors will pull out of the UK but this is highly unlikely as most investors do like and prefer having there HQ in the UK and the Teresa May government understands this and will ensure these companies dont pull out

It's not the industry per se that worries the politicians. It's the financial services sector which makes up 78% of the GDP. The Brits are the true masters of Banking, making the Swiss look like amateurs. They've just been better at keeping a low profile and maintain their tax havens and general lack of transparency on the channel islands, London and Gibraltar. If they suddenly can't do all those less visible transactions without scrutiny through the already existing channels, it might cause more than just a few sleepless nights.

They might even start frowning.

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Bruce is changing history since he was one of the Doom and Gloomers predating that Brexit would destroy Britain previously. Now, that Britain is just sayin' along,k he's all 'I knew they remain awesome all along'.Again, it needs to be made clear, exiting the European Union does not mean Britain  exited Europe. All it means is final say to what happens in Britain is Britain not some  scumbag Nazis elsewhere.


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So one of the worse case scenarios is where the UK fails to create meaningful trade links and new agreements with the EU and certain foreign investors will pull out of the UK but this is highly unlikely as most investors do like and prefer having there HQ in the UK and the Teresa May government understands this and will ensure these companies dont pull out

It's not the industry per se that worries the politicians. It's the financial services sector which makes up 78% of the GDP. The Brits are the true masters of Banking, making the Swiss look like amateurs. They've just been better at keeping a low profile and maintain their tax havens and general lack of transparency on the channel islands, London and Gibraltar. If they suddenly can't do all those less visible transactions without scrutiny through the already existing channels, it might cause more than just a few sleepless nights.

They might even start frowning.


100 % correct, half my family live in London and work in the banking sector 


Its the strength of the UK financial sector in the UK  that I was alluding to earlier when I said the UK has some clever people and can survive BREXIT 


But I find  on this forum and other mediums some people have an understandable but unnecessary automatic dislike of the banking sector and I felt that I may actually create some bias towards the UK if I came across as saying " the UK can survive  leaving the EU easier than many other countries because the core strength of The City (London financial sector ) is not at all dependant on being part of the EU. This is a huge advantage to the overall sustainability of the UK once it leaves the EU

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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Bruce is changing history since he was one of the Doom and Gloomers predating that Brexit would destroy Britain previously. Now, that Britain is just sayin' along,k he's all 'I knew they remain awesome all along'.Again, it needs to be made clear, exiting the European Union does not mean Britain  exited Europe. All it means is final say to what happens in Britain is Britain not some  scumbag Nazis elsewhere.

Volo, well done. You have found one of ways to actually annoy me even though I know I should ignore it and now you are forcing me to respond .....even though I know you dont care in the way you should  :biggrin:


I never said anything of the sort, I had several detailed chats to Raithe and my predictions so far have been correct 


So why dont you produce the links where I said that? 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


 You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?



Countries in Europe in recent memory have been utterly destroyed in wars, famine and have had economic depressions. Despite all that, the people in those countries have survived, thrived and risen again thanks to the people inhabiting the land, namely families, traditions and each other at large. That's what kept society together, it was the very foundation of their society and people were ready to die to protect it.


When an economic crisis starts anew, it will be a lot more violent if there is no such underlying foundation or if it has been heavily subverted into something meaningless.


It was the same thing with empires of older history, as then the legitimacy of the state came from the sovereign and the nobility. They were the foundation of those states and once that was removed, oh boy. An economy in itself is no foundation for any society.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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"Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany"


im curious to hear about this alternative. What's their solution beyond "closing borders" and hoping millions of ppl will disappear or go somewhere else?

They are Eurosceptic, they want to end free movement, dissolve the Euro, keep the common trade bloc, promote traditional family roles, are pro gun rights, etc. With multiculturalism a failure, immigration driving low skill wages down making the poor poorer, and the leftist feminist drive to destroy the traditional family I can see the appeal


But some of these objectives seem inconsistent, you cant have the EU and the single market without the Euro as the currency and the central government in Brussels


It surprises me people keep bringing this up as a reasonable objective ?



More and more people are seeing this as a mistake and wish to decentralize, return to old currencies and work as partners instead. People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration and people are getting fed up with it. A soft democratic process of removing political power from Brussels, abolishment of the multicultural project (which is ironically enough destroying our cultural differences), forced integration, enforced borders and a sound policy of return of refugees will alleviate the worst of sociatal grievances and ensure a calmer future for all europeans nations. Then they can finally make the necessary structural changes to make sure that their central banks are not privately owned and controlled by their governments instead in order effectively destroy the cancer called 'globalism' (for more information on the last part, i would like to refer to the documentary 'The Princes of the Yen').


If not, then we will be heading into a manufactured crisis with a resulting war and a final death in the vein of the poem 'The Hollow Men' by T.S. Eliot.


 You raise some good points that are relevant to you and your personal experience which I'm sure is shared by many others in the EU


In the past I have been a little condescending by these types of comments and said things like  " you think you want this but you dont really  " ....but I'll explain in more detail what I really mean



When you say "  People are witnessing the erosion of the things that matter the most to them(their people, culture, heritage and identity) and the EU is actively collaborating in its acceleration " what if you gained these things by leaving the EU but the consequence was the crash or utter dysfunction of your economy? You see basically every person on this forum who lives in the EU has probably only known about life in the EU, its not anyones fault but you guys all live in first world countries where the EU and your governments are functional. You are use to this and unintentionally take this for granted


You complain about lack of sovereignty and immigrant quotas being enforced and I understand these things matter but imagine a failed healthcare system, broken government institutions, high unemployment or a government simply not caring what its citizens think. This the reality many countries and there citizens face outside the EU


I am not fearmongering but I cannot see how any current member state , outside the UK,  could in this current reality of such tight economic integration leave the EU and gets it old currency back and somehow be able to sustain its economy outside the EU....the economic impact would be so severe to the average citizen it would almost unimaginable 


So imagine a failed economy outside the EU but you have your sovereignty back ...would it matter ?



Countries in Europe in recent memory have been utterly destroyed in wars, famine and have had economic depressions. Despite all that, the people in those countries have survived, thrived and risen again thanks to the people inhabiting the land, namely families, traditions and each other at large. That's what kept society together, it was the very foundation of their society and people were ready to die to protect it.


When an economic crisis starts anew, it will be a lot more violent if there is no such underlying foundation or if it has been heavily subverted into something meaningless.


It was the same thing with empires of older history, as then the legitimacy of the state came from the sovereign and the nobility. They were the foundation of those states and once that was removed, oh boy. An economy in itself is no foundation for any society.


This is an interesting post, I never thought about the first paragraph and you correct


What I mentioned about leaving the EU is not something I want to ever prove I'm right about, I would rather be wrong but its something I have to mention because there is real context 

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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New Zealand needs migrants as some Kiwis are lazy and on drugs, says PM



Lol. Capitalists can tell truth occasionally. All these Western whines about necessity of help to refugees/migrants =  about necessity of import of new slaves for Western corporations IRL.


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Few of them go to 'western corps'. They don't work in McD's or similar, they take jobs with illegal conditions on farms/ orchards (especially, which is where the comment comes from) and other family type businesses (ethnic restaurants being the big one). They typically end up with below minimum wage jobs with no job security under threat of deportation if they complain and with other slavery like conditions such as mandated housing that result in practical payments of a dollar an hour. Western corps on the other hand are fine with high turnover legit employees with crap but legal conditions. Coincidentally, the farmers and small business who run these slaves vote overwhelmingly for the PM's party.


The other context is that if immigration is cut back then high value immigrants are cut back and they (1) vote for the PM and (2) contribute to the housing boom which gets other people to vote for the PM and (3) stop the housing bubble from bursting and splattering the PM with rancid sputum instant electoral rejection.


Our PM is an utterly appalling human being, even worse than most politicians.

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Britan is taking everything fairly well now, because they are still a part of EU, so far the only thing that happened is their declaration to exit the EU, but no legal change occurred. If people think that EU will let UK have a similar position outside of the EU as in the EU, they are delusional.


There will be legal framework created to make Luxemburg the better place for Financial market than London, it might work, and it might not work, but they will surely try.

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Well if EU would act as EUROPEAN union and not whoeveregetsneareuborder union there would be no problem at all

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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'London is generally safe - but be careful in areas populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people': Chinese airline condemned for in-flight magazine's 'racist' advice 




* The article appeared in the latest issue of Air China's in-flight magazine

* Guide to London was in both English and Chinese and has caused outrage

* Comment was called 'racist' on social media after it emerged this week





On a side note:


It's not the first time a Chinese company has been caught up in a race row over advertorial or commercial content.


In May a Chinese cosmetics company had to apologise for a detergent advert which showed a black man being put in a washing machine and emerging as a smiling, clean, Asian man.



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The EU should send a few million refugees to China to educate them on not being racists.

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"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Strange that they are not racist against whites :/

I'm the enemy, 'cause I like to think, I like to read. I'm into freedom of speech, and freedom of choice. I'm the kinda guy that likes to sit in a greasy spoon and wonder, "Gee, should I have the T-bone steak or the jumbo rack of barbecue ribs with the side-order of gravy fries?" I want high cholesterol! I wanna eat bacon, and butter, and buckets of cheese, okay?! I wanna smoke a Cuban cigar the size of Cincinnati in the non-smoking section! I wanna run naked through the street, with green Jell-O all over my body, reading Playboy magazine. Why? Because I suddenly may feel the need to, okay, pal? I've SEEN the future. Do you know what it is? It's a 47-year-old virgin sitting around in his beige pajamas, drinking a banana-broccoli shake, singing "I'm an Oscar Meyer Wiene"

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