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Known Issues (And some possible fixes) in 1.0.2


Posted (edited)

Hello everyone!


We're listening and looking into the issues that are being reported.  Below is a list of known issues.


Please Note:

While Android phones can download the game, phones, emulators, and smart TVs are not currently supported.  We plan to have an official launch on phones in the coming months, with a better UI and better optimization for them.



Known Issues




- Card stuck in the middle of the screen after canceling. 

WorkaroundIf your card gets stuck on the screen, go to menu > vault > exit vault. The card should now be back in your hand.



Performance/Crashing Issues


- Performance issues on Main Screen or when Character Health is low on some devices

Fix: Open options and turn off "Effects".

- Crashing when character has low health (particularly on iPad 2 and older)

Fix: Open options and turn off "Effects".

- Sometimes you'll be unable to load your party and see the banner with overlapping text in the middle of the screen

         Potential Workaround:  Clear the app cache and/or play through the tutorial again.



Interface Issues


- Certain card interactions that require a drag are missing a button option

- You currently cannot view character's abilities and cards in the store.




- Network Connection issues (Frequent popups even when there is a strong wifi connection)

        Potential Workaround: Ensure you're connected to Gamecenter / Google Play games

- Can't login with Google Play Account

        Potential Workaround: Clear cache on the game app and Google Plays app, then sign back in to Google Plays.




- Seelah: Using Inspired Grace when Illsoari Gandethus is on top of the deck causes problems.

- Cannot use Potion of Ghostly form to evade Poison Trap henchman

- Rat Swarm at the Garrison causes a literal Rat Swarm to happen

- Seelah's Insprired Grace can see the next card in the deck

- Lini's Beastform is not recalculating extra strength dice that were added before power activation

- Rare the Game is not doing math correctly for dice rolls

- Using Mending can cause progression breaks



Purchase Issues


- Character Add-On not being granted with the Rise of the Runelords Bundle

Fix: Go to this thread and follow instructions so we can resolve the issue.

As of 7:00pm PST, 4/28 anyone with this issue should have it resolved.  Restart the game and the deck should be part of your bundle.

- Daily Gold purchase problems

Potential Workaround: If the timer seems to have reset and you don't have a button, restart the app to display the button

- Bundle Purchase showing as owned but not granting characters


        Possible Fixes:

  • Restart the app
  • Log out/in of Game Center / Google Play Games
  • If you are logged in properly and can access the characters or adventures part of the store, contact support at support@obsidian.net
Edited by Aarik D
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My latest bugs as of today (New ones to me since the update!)


There is no wisdom check before Goblin Warchanter shuts down my weapons and spells, 


Tap on the locked Weapon/Spell and it will do the Wisdom check.  If you pass, you can use the Weapon or Spell.

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I've noticed a few issues. I saw complaints about Lini so I won't mention those. Seelah's inspired grace often causes the wrong check to be used. Often times the check isn't even available, it will insert a combat check instead of whatever the correct check should be. One time it said "unknown" and made the check number 0 to hit. Also, I've been using Horse Chopper +1 with her and it keeps making the combat checks 4 points harder, but she is proficient in weapons.

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1) Seelah's Grace is a known issue.  It's taking the check from the top card of the location deck.

2)  The Horsechopper is SUPPOSED to make checks more difficult when you're proficient with weapons.  It's on the text.  Only people NOT proficient with weapons avoid the penalty.  (It's a Goblin weapon, so people with proper training have a harder time with it...)

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"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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Hi, I have a bug that has been annoying me and my searches are not leading me to finding someone else posting the same issue.



Version 9.3.2 (13F69)


Scenario 3...the mission where the dam is going to break and the monster is eating up cards and you need more allies than him to win.


If I am at the inn, and I complete the inn - it works properly . Roll dice, and items appear.


However, if the monster eats up the final card at the inn and then it goes to my turn (for a character who was at the inn), I roll my die and then the screen goes blank.   It is unavoidable and it causes the game to become unplayable.  My only option is to quit.

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There seems to be a problem at the Desecrated vault. When you have the option to recharge a discarded card when pemanently closed. This causes the game to freeze on my ipad air 2. Playing with Valeros, Seelah and Merisiel. Valeros closing (of course, because he is awesome).

Similar problem seen in 1.0.3 on ipad pro. The first card dragged off the discard bar doesn't reach the discard pile, but disappears. Attempts to reload or continue the game, even after restart of the app and the ipad, do not draw the discard bar or continue button. The current blessing and other characters can be selected, but other character selections don't cause the background image to change. Forfeiture was the only option.

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1) Seelah's Grace is a known issue.  It's taking the check from the top card of the location deck.

2)  The Horsechopper is SUPPOSED to make checks more difficult when you're proficient with weapons.  It's on the text.  Only people NOT proficient with weapons avoid the penalty.  (It's a Goblin weapon, so people with proper training have a harder time with it...)

Thank you for pointing that out. I unfortunately have to take your word for it since I can't find the card in my gallery. So that's a new issue. The Horsechopper +1 doesn't show in the gallery. Ugh.


And I couldn't find anything about Seelah's power in the topics I looked in so thought I would post it. Will there be any new bug fixes prior to the next actual update? I'm...disturbed that I paid as much money as I did to unlock everything only to find out that some of the characters are broken along with the other bugs. I just want to know what to expect. I keep seeing people saying that this company does a great job with customer service so I'm trying to be patient but I have to pull the trigger soon if I want to get my money back.

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Playing Approach to Thistletop


It rolled for the modify goblins, but then no interface buttons to click on


I quit game, came back and it did the same thing


Any fixes/workarounds? Or do I have to try forfeit game?

I'm having literally the same problem. The only difference is that I was playing a Quest. My druid cast Strength in the previous turn when in a middle of a Goblin Raid. The Scenario Power was increasing the difficulty of goblins in 2d4, so after my druid defeated a goblin and I passed to the next (and last) character, the Paladin, the game calculated the 2d4, and then didn't start the combat. It probably has something to do with the recharge of the spell, because the spell is still active in the druid (the card is still displayed), and the game didn't asked to recharge yet.


It's certainly a bug, but I wouldn't say it's a crash. The game is still running and did not "froze". I'm able to restart and quit the game, but it keeps calculating the goblins' difficulty and then gives no option to start the fight.


Someone knows how to solve this without forfeiting the game?

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Horsechopper is a treasure card so it should not be seen in your gallery unless you find it.


This game has bugs, but if you keep some prinsibles in mind at this moment you will be fine.

- use only heroes of the same level in the party. It should be ok at this moment, but just to be sure.

- don't kill your characters, it should be fixed at this moment, but just to be sure

- if stuck, go to vault and come back.

- if it does not help forfeit.


With these I have done story mode B-3 three times with no real problems

And quest mode up to level 29...

So not bad at all for game that is not quite ready yet.

There Are some scenarios where you have to follow certain procedures at this moment (I am watching you Here comes the Flood) but how to manage that has been well dokumented in these forums.


Happy Gaming, and good paches!

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Horsechopper is a treasure card so it should not be seen in your gallery unless you find it.


Unless there's a non-magical variant, the Horsechopper +1 is a Promo card, which you only get if you picked up the bundle.  To find it in the Gallery, hit the P at the far right top and the weapon symbol (the Axe) below that row.

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

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Playing Approach to Thistletop


It rolled for the modify goblins, but then no interface buttons to click on


I quit game, came back and it did the same thing


Any fixes/workarounds? Or do I have to try forfeit game?


I'm having literally the same problem. The only difference is that I was playing a Quest.


Someone knows how to solve this without forfeiting the game?

I have had it happen multiple times in quest mode to different characters, but always in the Shrine of Lamashtu. Had to forfeit too :(

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Current bug for me, stated after the Hook Mountain Massacre release patch: I cannot swap out any cards from my character decks with cards from the vault. I go through the same process of accessing the character decks and when I try to access the vault to change character loadout, the vault button is "greyed out".


I can visit the vault separately and look at all the cards I've acquired but I can't use them.


Running on a Galaxy Note 5, with the most updated version of the game at the time of this posting.

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You're not supposed to be able to access the vault at will, the only times when you can access to some cards is when you create a new character (and only with basic cards), or when after a scenario you don't have enough cards of a specific type in your whole party to cover the cards types needed (like for exemple after having banished an item to close a location and not acquired any other item during the same game).


Cards in the vault are simply the pool that is used to fill the location decks each game, that's how you're suppose to get new ones.


Or did I misunderstood what your problem was ?

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Yes and no. Before the release patch, I could exchange cards before or after running a scenario (never during).


The immediate problem I have is that I have characters that have acquired spell cards they cannot use (divine caster with arcane spell card, or vice versa). Kyra has ended up with arcane spell cards acquired that scenario that I cannot swap out for divine spells. Nothing I try will allow me to fix this problem.


And again, I can view the cards in the vault all I want, I just can't swap out cards. I can move them down to "discard" them, but the blue arrow will not light up to give me access to spell/any cards in the vault.

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Posted (edited)

It should not light up if you have spells. If game allowed card exhance between games before the patch, then it was a bug in that time.

If you want to get rid of them, give those spells to characters that don't know how to use them, so They will get banished. Also go to the locations that forses banishing a card a get rid of other cards you don't want to have there. After that you should have too few cards and the game allows you to pick up replasements From the wault. Just don't get anything during the game that you don't want to have after the "cleaning up the decks" scenario.

Edited by Hannibal_PJV
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I think this is something new - during the action phase after revealing a card, I decide to not go with that card and try and reverse the selection with the big red X. However the card does not return to my hand, but ends up discarded (and remains as a ghost image in the play area). Something similar also occurs during combat resolution - I will select a piece or armor or perhaps an item, change my mind and reverse it, again with the big red x, but in this case the amount of original damage jumps up - last time I experienced this the damage increased from 2 to 6 points. (iOS version, iPad Pro, both up to date, as is the Pathfinder App, as of today's date).

Same thing here - Google Nexus 7, Android 6.0.1

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Rolling the 1d4 for the Goblin trait still bugs (not all the time, but occassionally)

Going to the vault and back just causes the d4 to roll again but doesn't allow me to fight the creature (bugbear)


This Goblin trait bug has been around for over a month and still no fix?

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Posted (edited)

Definitely hard to kill Little bugger ;-)


I don't think that this has been confirmed to be fixed. That may mean that it is not ready to the next patch either, but Lets see. It is not as bad as it used to be though.

Edited by Hannibal_PJV
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So, I just completed Black Fang's Dungeon, but only two of my six PC's got a skill point. Is there a reason it didn't apply to all of them?

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Had they each completed all three scenarios in Perils of the Lost Coast?  The feat comes from completing all the scenarios in the adventure, not from completing the Scenario Black Fang's Dungeon...

"I need a lie-down" is the new "I'll be in my bunk..."

  • 0

Hello, apologies if this has been posted before.

I experienced similar network problems to other users (endless failed attempts to sign into Google Play games)

I've had some success with solving this. 

I'm using Avast mobile security. It will (annoyingly) flag up your wifi connection as a potential risk that it wants to scan.

You can still browse etc, so it's easy to ignore day to day - but I think it interferes with Pathfinder.

At least I get better results connecting when I've resolved avast.

Maybe other users are suffering due to anti-virus software too? Worth a try anyway.

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I'm having issues w not being able to roll the dice. It's especially bad playing Ezra. I try and grab the dice but nothing happens. The interface is fine everywhere else. I can click on my decks, etc but the dice won't move. I end up wildly swiping the screen which sometimes works. But often I kill the game and go back in. Not ideal when you're trying to recharge cards

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