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Posted (edited)
  On 12/5/2015 at 4:15 AM, Zenbane said:

I also enjoy starting over from scratch (level 1 rat killing madness), but I also enjoy maintaining a character connection, ala ImagiNation Network. Any Sierra fans here?

I second the rat killing xD. As far as Sierra is concerned, only in so far as it concerns Homeworld. I can't really remember any of their other titles that well actually.

Edited by gogocactus
Posted (edited)

Shadow of Yserbius is another from the Sierra network. I have it on my PC under DBox and still play it from time to time.


Free download from Abandonware: http://www.myabandonware.com/game/shadow-of-yserbius-2aw


fyi, the Sierra Network is in a semi-revival mode. A project to bring it back up has been going on for awhile. Not that it would every make a real comeback in its original form, but it is great nostalgia for some folks


Edited by Zenbane
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  On 12/4/2015 at 1:31 PM, Sensuki said:

I'm about as diehard of an IE fan as it can get and I really don't want Obsidian to try and do BG2. There are so many things in Pillars 1 that are trying to be BG1, BG2 or PS:T and failing at it or are just there because one of those games did it.


I'd rather Pillars 2 content-wise just be a natural evolution of what they come up with rather than trying to badly emulate things that were done in the Infinity Engine games. Obviously they put that pressure on themselves with their Kickstarter campaign, but now they don't have to and I think they'd be much better off not doing it.


I'm not even sure if I'd buy what they come up with but I think they'd be much better just making a game that naturally suits the story that Eric & Carrie come up with rather than going "BG2 had this, so we must have it too".

Sen, Can you name the top 3 rpg you played please :)

Just curious to see if i missed one of them.


Posted (edited)
  On 12/4/2015 at 11:15 PM, Sedrefilos said:


  On 12/4/2015 at 10:35 PM, Infinitron said:

One thing we definitely know about PoE 2 is that you will not start at level 1.


I believe that will make it the first "high level campaign" RPG since Mask of the Betrayer. Yes, it's been a while.

Hmm how do we know it for sure? Is there a link to an interview or a tweet? The last thing I read about a possibility of PoE 2 was in a recent Fergus-Josh interview were Josh said "we'll try something like Baldur's 2; something familiar yet more exotic and unusual" or something like that. Didn't mention anything about continuing the watcher saga or whatever (although I'd like that! I want to port my character and continue the journey!).



Hmmm, I guess it's less of a clear-cut thing then I thought at first, but:




If we make a sequel, we will likely be hitting higher levels with commensurately more powerful items.







[Are you looking at save imports for a sequel too?]


JS: We'd very much like that. People like the idea of taking their characters on a long, epic journey. Even going back to the classic RPGs, it was nice to bring your character in and keep going with it.


One thing I could envision is the sequel allowing you to start from Level 1 with a new character, but pushing you through the first N levels very quickly in the intro/tutorial area. Just to make character creation less overwhelming for players who are new to the series.

Edited by Infinitron
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I'm not sure if I'm a big fan of taking a single character through a 2-3 games epic journey. It seems that the character is too much of a trouble-magnet or something. I know sometimes that makes sense, like having to deal with the consequences of the previous game, but if you play "2 or 3 epic journeys" with the same character, and every NPC in the world is asking you for help, it just seems like you're the centre of the world, like the biggest hero that ever existed.


For that reason, I think I would prefer playing PoE2 with a different character, but in a connected story, maybe even with some NPCs from PoE1.


Am I the only one who doesn't like being the game world's living legend or something like that?

  • Like 3
Posted (edited)

I'm almost certain they've planned to have PoE 2 to continue following the same watcher we played in PoE 1.


For one thing the +1 Dex bonus from Skaen that you can get after the final fight seems kind of pointless if it's not planned that you're going to be able to import your character into PoE 2.


One problem for PoE 2 is what level to start the character if its a continuation of PoE 1. With BG 2 the difference between base BG1 xp cap and Tales of the Sword Coast xp cap wasn't that significant, but for Pillars it'll be level 12 vs level 16 which is a huge difference.


Also what will they do with caster progression? Starting at level 16 casters would get 9th level spells on their first level-up in PoE 2, and then pressumably only getting more talents and spells becomming per-encounter on level-up untill level 25 when they'd have 9th level spells per-encounter and then get nothing but accuracy/deflection/endurance on odd-numbered level-ups. Certainly they wouldn't be hurting for power but maybe some people would find not getting any 'new stuff' other than talents for the entire game unsatisfying?

Edited by limaxophobiacq

I'm not normally a fan of "epic" gameplay so I'd rather have PoE2 be a new start as it were. But, if they do continue the Watcher's story I hope they can at least A) make it feel like it makes some kind of sense with how powerful characters now are and B) have some sort of tie to PoE1, ideally referencing some choices we make there.

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Posted (edited)
  On 12/5/2015 at 1:56 PM, limaxophobiacq said:

I'm almost certain they've planned to have PoE 2 to continue following the same watcher we played in PoE 1.


For one thing the +1 Dex bonus from Skaen that you can get after the final fight seems kind of pointless if it's not planned that you're going to be able to import your character into PoE 2.


One problem for PoE 2 is what level to start the character if its a continuation of PoE 1. With BG 2 the difference between base BG1 xp cap and Tales of the Sword Coast xp cap wasn't that significant, but for Pillars it'll be level 12 vs level 16 which is a huge difference.


Also what will they do with caster progression? Starting at level 16 casters would get 9th level spells on their first level-up in PoE 2, and then pressumably only getting more talents and spells becomming per-encounter on level-up untill level 25 when they'd have 9th level spells per-encounter and then get nothing but accuracy/deflection/endurance on odd-numbered level-ups. Certainly they wouldn't be hurting for power but maybe some people would find not getting any 'new stuff' other than talents for the entire game unsatisfying?


In a previous post, I suggested that the character could have his level halved due to some sort of "soul-drain" (which is something that could have happened to you in Baldur's Gate 2 as well, due to Irenicus' "experiments", if you think about it).


So instead of a spread of level 12 to level 16, you get a much more reasonable spread of level 6 to level 8.

Edited by Infinitron
  • Like 4
Posted (edited)
  On 12/5/2015 at 2:20 PM, Starwars said:

But, if they do continue the Watcher's story I hope they can at least A) make it feel like it makes some kind of sense with how powerful characters now are


I certainly hope we wont get just another town but for some reason every city-guard and ruffian is an appropriate encounter for level 17+ characters, and spellcasters in every street corner are throwing 9th level spells.


Preferably a high-level adventure should be set somewhere where an abundance of high-level threats feels at least a little bit plausible. Maybe the living lands? Its described as being full of giant nasty dangerous beasts. Or some other more out-there locale.

Edited by limaxophobiacq
  • Like 3

I'm pretty sure the dev already thought about all this.


According to what i seem to remember, they said long ago that PoE should become a saga through several games (like Baldur's Gate). But in the meantime they crafted PoE 1 so that the end could suffice  for a stand alone title (not like Baldur's Gate 1 way, where there still had one huge thing that wasn't solved at the end).


There may be a big "truth" that wasn't tackled in PoE 1. Like if in BG1, we'd have killed Saverok without knowing we were half brothers.


I really hope for a true saga. A very long journey, where everything is somewhat linked. it was the case in BG, and i loved it (and still love it). I really want to see what destiny has in store for my PoE 1 character in PoE 2 and 3.


As for the characters' leveling, they're not stuck with D&D rule books like Bioware was. Bioware had to put a drastic limitation on lvling because lvl 20 was somewhat known as "epic level" in D&D world. I guess Obsidian can decide that epic level in PoE is 50, or whatever. There is even no proof that there is not 20 spell lvl in the Pillars' world. Or no one i know about.

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Well, i did not say they will. Just, they could. Level 16 means nothing to me in the Pillars world. It would be huge in D&D though.


On the power curve PoE 1 already ends etching at the end of midgame-tier. I did not play TWM yet but nothing beats Gaze of the Adragan in terms of power.

With TWM part 2 we will very probably penetrate the "we either invent some really crazy stuff or reiterate what we already have but with bigger numbers"-barrier.

That's why I would like to start at low levels again, with a different set of magic and different pacing.

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I still never went past beginning of act 3 in the game. But there is one thing i felt while playing: the quests give too much experience points, while dungeons (and combat) don't give much. And now, you'll level up quite fast doing quests in Defiance bay, and stall in dungeons. Plus, the reward for fighting mobs, and even more mobs isn't there, making fights a bit boring. Am i the only one to think this is a bit too unbalanced? And that Exp points from quests make characters level up too fast at times?

  • Like 3

Ideally, dungeons should be part of quests that give you XP; there should be no bestiary XP (and definitely no exploration and trap-disarming XP); and there should be less trash mobs and more set-piece encounters.

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"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


Posted (edited)

The way experience points are structured in PoE is potentially great for balance. In a given act or segment of the game, you go to a town, do all the quests and get experience, eventually plateau at a certain level, and then go to a dungeon or other combat area with encounters that are designed and balanced precisely for that level. Rinse and repeat in subsequent acts.

Edited by Infinitron
  On 12/6/2015 at 6:19 PM, AndreaColombo said:

Ideally, dungeons should be part of quests that give you XP; there should be no bestiary XP (and definitely no exploration and trap-disarming XP); and there should be less trash mobs and more set-piece encounters.


I generally agree. Ideally all (or at least most) fights should be challenging and interesting and the only reward for disarming a trap rather than setting it off should be, well, not setting it off. This also has the advantage of, as Infinitron says, making experience balancing easy. You can even rebalance experience after adding in a mid-game expansion like White March by reducing experience gains of later quests.


I think I remember Josh Sawyer fantasizing about the Mage Battles in BG2. Maybe it was someone else. But I think, they will continue the story to allow more complex spells like time stop, chain spells and stuff. And if they do that would be great. Fireball, Icerain, Whateverdamage is pretty basic. If I wanted just that, I could play Diablo. In my opionion, leveling up on higher levels should bring you less talents, but better and more interesting ones. Less damage and more cool tricks. And I would like to see PoE2+3 at least.

  • Like 2


We're all doomed

  On 12/6/2015 at 8:50 PM, Lord_Mord said:

I think I remember Josh Sawyer fantasizing about the Mage Battles in BG2. Maybe it was someone else. But I think, they will continue the story to allow more complex spells like time stop, chain spells and stuff. And if they do that would be great. Fireball, Icerain, Whateverdamage is pretty basic. If I wanted just that, I could play Diablo. In my opionion, leveling up on higher levels should bring you less talents, but better and more interesting ones. Less damage and more cool tricks. And I would like to see PoE2+3 at least.


Agree with that. Plus the magic/counter magic spells in BG2 needed some learning time. But in the end it was very tactical, and rewarding. Especially with an AI mod called Sword Coast Stratagems. There were many protective spells and many spells to get rid of them. That was a good way to limit the damaging AoE spells spams.

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I'd like a sort of hybrid, where you can import your save into the sequel and it has some effect. Maybe only in small ways.


Would be cool if you could encounter your old character in some way. Maybe it's set decades later and your old character has succumbed to madness.

  • Like 1

I hope there will be PoE 2 (and other). And would be suprised if there wasnt.

Devs sink a lot of time into development of engine and world.

Trashing it now would be total waste.

Aedyr, Old Vailia and Living Lands looks like good location for sequels. 

Posted (edited)

Tbh, I'd love if the sequel takes part in the Valian Republics. We played the Dyrwood and Eir Glanfath, the mountainpart region is in the expansion so I'd love to see the Republics so to close with the Eastern Reach and then travel to another location (you know, PoE 3. They'll make it, right?) :)

Edited by Sedrefilos
  • Like 1

+1 for the Vailian Republics. The potential for architectural awesome is beyond belief :)

  • Like 5

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


Posted (edited)
  On 12/17/2015 at 5:49 PM, AndreaColombo said:

+1 for the Vailian Republics. The potential for architectural awesome is beyond belief :)

And not only that. The whole adventure can have a more renaissance feel, travel to different cities instead of villages (or parts of cities), you know, be more urban, have a side naval adventure and maybe return for a wile to the Dyrwood or Eir Glanfath (like for a smal/medium quest chain) 'cause I don't feel I got enough of them in PoE :p


Anyway, Republics first, rest of the world afterwards :p

Edited by Sedrefilos
  • Like 2
  On 12/17/2015 at 6:07 PM, Sedrefilos said:


  On 12/17/2015 at 5:49 PM, AndreaColombo said:

+1 for the Vailian Republics. The potential for architectural awesome is beyond belief :)

And not only that. The whole adventure can have a more renaissance feel, travel to different cities instead of villages (or parts of cities), you know, be more urban, have a side naval adventure and maybe return for a wile to the Dyrwood or Eir Glanfath (like for a smal/medium quest chain) 'cause I don't feel I got enough of them in PoE :p


Anyway, Republics first, rest of the world afterwards :p



And instead of stronghold PC gets own ship  (also use it for fast travel) . And can sail with goods. :-)

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