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Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens


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I think the real issue isn't really that people look younger per se, it's that they keep casting people with less flaws. Take Ghostbusters. Dan Arkroyd has a weird head, Bill Murray was balding and pockmarked, Ramis looks like a stuffy nerd. They weren't actually much older than people cast nowadays... but nowadays people their age have great hair and perfect skin. They lack grit and dirt and features of people who actually live instead of people who pretend to live for a living.

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Actually I'd say that people their age look just about the same, (or at least you could still find weathered guys if you wanted to) its the hollywood casting process that has gone to ****. Actors were often expected to be good looking, particularly for certain roles (leading man), but then you could get guys like Humphrey Bogart who obviously didn't skate in on looks alone (or at all). Anyway, I agree.


Nowadays unless you're a an ex star like Ford or Nicholson, the demands are that you look perfect in every respect - even for movies that are "gritty" and "dark" and these two just don't mesh together at all.  Jennifer Lawrence's chubby babyish features shouldn't be the poster face of hardcore surivalism in Hunger games (ever seen anyone who looks less hungry?) unless the comedy is intentional. 

Edited by Drowsy Emperor

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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For the rest of us who always wanted our very own C-3P0 to give us the odds...Vegas odds for gross opening weekend.




Don't let the 250 to 1 odds fool you. Anything under $250 million --let alone under $100 million is dead money. Incredibly enough, the safe and conservative bet is over $401 million at 4 to 1! That's a decent enough hedge especially if you're going in for 30 to 1 at $376-$400.99 million.




$529 million worldwide opening weekend gross. 4 to 1 isn't a bad ROI.


*edit - hmmm...the table is for USA gross. $248 million? Still, 3.2 to 1 ain't bad either.

Edited by Leferd

"Things are funny...are comedic, because they mix the real with the absurd." - Buzz Aldrin.

"P-O-T-A-T-O-E" - Dan Quayle

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Well it's just another dumb SW episode in which a lot of main plot elements is making no sense. It funny how hard the film is trying to leak fanboys asses. Like literally, all wimping from side of fanboys about prequels is has covered in this film. What is not funny is blant and obvious copy-pasting of Revan helmet and design, but without all others improvement from the OldRepublic to the story as well. So once again it's a dumb story about - "GUYS WHO LOOKS SCARY" VS "NICE LOOKING GUYS". 


2 of 3, Watchable but even OldRepublic MMO add-on had a way better story.

Sorry for my bag English.  :dancing:

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To be fair, it did look for a short while like Shia Labeouf was going to be a decent actor.  But then he turned out to be a crazy person.  Ah, hollywood.


I should add that a good chunk of the enjoyment I am getting out of this film comes from the fact I get to share it with my kids.  I took my daughter to opening night, and she had a blast.  She came home from school the next day with pictures of BB-8, R2D2, and the map that they had displayed.  It is great that I can share that with her.  She is reading a Princess Leia comic in her room right now.  

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To be fair, it did look for a short while like Shia Labeouf was going to be a decent actor.  But then he turned out to be a crazy person.  Ah, hollywood.


I should add that a good chunk of the enjoyment I am getting out of this film comes from the fact I get to share it with my kids.  I took my daughter to opening night, and she had a blast.  She came home from school the next day with pictures of BB-8, R2D2, and the map that they had displayed.  It is great that I can share that with her.  She is reading a Princess Leia comic in her room right now.  


The enjoyment I get out of it is I'm a big kid. All the New Hope references had me grinning rather than complaining that it was derivative. Even the end I was like "NICE, THEY ARE FLYING THROUGH A TRENCH!" *big grin*


Haters gotta hate.

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The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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To be fair, it did look for a short while like Shia Labeouf was going to be a decent actor.  But then he turned out to be a crazy person.  Ah, hollywood.


I should add that a good chunk of the enjoyment I am getting out of this film comes from the fact I get to share it with my kids.  I took my daughter to opening night, and she had a blast.  She came home from school the next day with pictures of BB-8, R2D2, and the map that they had displayed.  It is great that I can share that with her.  She is reading a Princess Leia comic in her room right now.  


The enjoyment I get out of it is I'm a big kid. All the New Hope references had me grinning rather than complaining that it was derivative. Even the end I was like "NICE, THEY ARE FLYING THROUGH A TRENCH!" *big grin*


Haters gotta hate.


That's true for me too, but.....


I think the Death Star 3.0 was a little much even for me.


"Good thing I don't heal my characters or they'd be really hurt." Is not something I should ever be thinking.


I use blue text when I'm being sarcastic.

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I've heard nothing but squealing about the film since the kids saw it, to sate that little obsession i've introduced them to KotOR, they're enjoying themselves and arguing about the light or dark side choices. I'm really not sure whether the Sith Lords is appropriate however, though i'd like them to experience Kreia.

Edited by Nonek
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Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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I've heard nothing but squealing about the film since the kids saw it, to sate that little obsession i've introduced them to KotOR, they're enjoying themselves and arguing about the light or dark side choices. I'm really not sure whether the Sith Lords is appropriate however, though i'd like them to experience Kreia.


I would say KotOR II is in order by the time the kids start to ask questions like "What is good? What is evil?" and such.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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i'd like them to experience Kreia.

Why would you inflict Kreia upon your own children?


Edit: Do you just want to familiarize them with your plan of installing webcams all across your house and surrounding neighborhood and then calling them with sage advice every time they do something?

Edited by Fenixp
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I've heard nothing but squealing about the film since the kids saw it, to sate that little obsession i've introduced them to KotOR, they're enjoying themselves and arguing about the light or dark side choices. I'm really not sure whether the Sith Lords is appropriate however, though i'd like them to experience Kreia.


I would say KotOR II is in order by the time the kids start to ask questions like "What is good? What is evil?" and such.



Yes they're already finding problems with the binary morality, partly thanks to Jolee Bindo, which is why I think that it might be time to introduce a character who deconstructs the nature of the force.



i'd like them to experience Kreia.

Why would you inflict Kreia upon your own children?


Edit: Do you just want to familiarize them with your plan of installing webcams all across your house and surrounding neighborhood and then calling them with sage advice every time they do something?



To familiarise them with one of the finest characters ever created in video games.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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To familiarise them with one of the finest characters ever created in video games.

She's a good character, but I feel like you need a lot of experience with a ton of various characters (especially videogame characters) to really appreciate her. Without that, she's just an annoying hag who's constantly shoved down player's throat (seriously, while replaying KOTOR2, I was not all too happy that I can't just disable her interruptions) and doesn't really work well with the game's mechanics which were never designed to support a neutral character.
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I liked her from my first playthrough, and never felt that she was an "annoying hag" or shoved down my throat. Her points were fair, her advice though obviously biased and quite manipulative was on the whole wise, she is fighting a worthwhile cause trying to end the binary tyranny of the force, and as the player interacts with her they can find where her vulnerabilities lie, her speciesism, her lack of empathy, her counter-productive ruthlessness. She is as I said one of the finest characters in games, and I believe a perfect tool for deconstructing the simplistic and stupid nature of the force.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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shoved down my throat.

If you disliked any other character you could just leave them behind on ship and (almost)never interact with them again. It was apparent -someone- wanted player to take note of her whether player wanted or not.


"annoying hag"

The way Kreia functions contradicts the game's mechanics, which is probably also the biggest downfall of that particular character. KOTOR is built in such a way that choosing a side and always sticking to it brings you great benefits - doing anything but that weakens the player character.


I believe a perfect tool for deconstructing the simplistic and stupid nature of the force.

Absolutely, and that doesn't apply to the force alone - she was generally written as a character to deconstruct binary decisions in RPG genre overall. Which is why I'm saying that the more experience you have with the genre and generally with binary ideologies, the more you'll appreciate the character. Kind of like RPGs, fantasy and appreciating the entirety of Planescape: Torment
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shoved down my throat.

If you disliked any other character you could just leave them behind on ship and (almost)never interact with them again. It was apparent -someone- wanted player to take note of her whether player wanted or not.


"annoying hag"

The way Kreia functions contradicts the game's mechanics, which is probably also the biggest downfall of that particular character. KOTOR is built in such a way that choosing a side and always sticking to it brings you great benefits - doing anything but that weakens the player character.


I believe a perfect tool for deconstructing the simplistic and stupid nature of the force.

Absolutely, and that doesn't apply to the force alone - she was generally written as a character to deconstruct binary decisions in RPG genre overall. Which is why I'm saying that the more experience you have with the genre and generally with binary ideologies, the more you'll appreciate the character. Kind of like RPGs, fantasy and appreciating the entirety of Planescape: Torment



1. There's a narrative reason for this with the player being force bonded to her, it is perfectly reasonable to expect her to be a vocal presence (and in character) rather than the unpaid slaves that other NPCs usually are.


2. This still doesn't make her an "annoying hag."


3. One just needs a basic level of intelligence, though well written her arc is hardly complicated or incomprehensible.

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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1. There's a narrative reason for this with the player being force bonded to her, it is perfectly reasonable to expect her to be a vocal presence (and in character) rather than the unpaid slaves that other NPCs usually are.

2. This still doesn't make her an "annoying hag."

Yes, the way she's written shoves her down the player's throat. You can't ignore her, there's just no way to do so. When playing an RPG, I value freedom of choice - not being able to choose characters I travel with (and she always travels with you) quite simply feels like a downside to me. As for being annoying, I'm glad you liked her. She just doesn't gel well with how KOTOR works, her advice is disassociated from what gameplay encourages you to do and there's no way to shut her up from constantly forcing you into decisions which don't necessarily suit your character. In the way she works she'd be a fantastic character for a book, but I'm not a fan of how she's implemented into a videogame.


3. One just needs a basic level of intelligence, though well written her arc is hardly complicated or incomprehensible.

Are you contradicting me just for the sake of being contradictory? Of course her character arc is easy to understand, understanding and appreciating something are not one and the same. You said earlier that you're unsure whether her story arc would be suitable for your kids, I thought you're posting this in order to get opinions - I am of the opinion that I've appreciated her mainly because of my experience with other games and media, I'm sorry.
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1. There's a narrative reason for this with the player being force bonded to her, it is perfectly reasonable to expect her to be a vocal presence (and in character) rather than the unpaid slaves that other NPCs usually are.

2. This still doesn't make her an "annoying hag."

Yes, the way she's written shoves her down the player's throat. You can't ignore her, there's just no way to do so. When playing an RPG, I value freedom of choice - not being able to choose characters I travel with (and she always travels with you) quite simply feels like a downside to me. As for being annoying, I'm glad you liked her. She just doesn't gel well with how KOTOR works, her advice is disassociated from what gameplay encourages you to do and there's no way to shut her up from constantly forcing you into decisions which don't necessarily suit your character. In the way she works she'd be a fantastic character for a book, but I'm not a fan of how she's implemented into a videogame.


3. One just needs a basic level of intelligence, though well written her arc is hardly complicated or incomprehensible.

Are you contradicting me just for the sake of being contradictory? Of course her character arc is easy to understand, understanding and appreciating something are not one and the same. You said earlier that you're unsure whether her story arc would be suitable for your kids, I thought you're posting this in order to get opinions - I am of the opinion that I've appreciated her mainly because of my experience with other games and media, I'm sorry.



1 & 2. I personally prefer well written and thematically powerful NPCs over being spoilt for choice over who your character develops a force bond with. Players nowadays have too much freedom of choice, look at the walking simulator genre, one can do anything but nothing is achieved, no impact is made and no choice recognised. RPGs are about reactivity, not lets pretend that doesn't even need a computer to indulge in.


Kreia gels perfectly well with the game, she uses both sides of the force as she wishes and tells you she is wont to do, none of her decisions are forced upon you and can be refused easily enough. She's a very well made character whether in book or game, as the Sith Lords amply demonstrates.


3. Partly yes, however I am saying that one does not need experience in RPGs to appreciate her character, its quite easy to do so for anyone who can read, listen and think. I was not doubtful of Kreia's story and never said so, more the horror elements Mr Avellone inserted into the game, Peregus, Sion, Nihlus etc, and I am simply giving my own opinion, i'm sorry if that runs contrary to the character being forced upon you.


Edit: Who is Wedge, how badly did his buttocks fare at school, and why did his parents hate him so?

Edited by Nonek

Quite an experience to live in misery isn't it? That's what it is to be married with children.

I've seen things you people can't even imagine. Pearly Kings glittering on the Elephant and Castle, Morris Men dancing 'til the last light of midsummer. I watched Druid fires burning in the ruins of Stonehenge, and Yorkshiremen gurning for prizes. All these things will be lost in time, like alopecia on a skinhead. Time for tiffin.


Tea for the teapot!

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I'm with Fenix on this one. It took me at least two playthroughs to even start using Kreia because my first instinct was to simply skip everything she had to say because she was annoying and judgy and you could not get her to shut up, even by not taking her with you because half of what she has to say to you in the game she'll say through the force if she's not even there.


Even then, she's frustrating because she's constantly talking about what gives you true strength (the grey path, so to speak) yet listening to her and pursuing influence with her weakens your character in the game. There's serious narrative dissonance between Kreia and the game mechanics. Even more annoyingly, if you don't pursue influence with Kreia, you get maybe half the story and that half doesn't make any sense without her input.


Then there's the fact that there are scenarios where every available path has her chiding you. Like giving the homeless guy on Nar Shaddaa credits is bad, but being cruel is bad too, and those are the only options given... thanks for telling me I'm a jerk either way when I wanted to do neither. You're literally being railroaded for the sake of an NPC's aesops instead of actually roleplaying.


Annoying hag. Well written annoying hag with incredible depth, but annoying hag nonetheless.

Edited by TrueNeutral
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