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KotorII side/mini games

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There any some particular mini games I would like the modified in Kotor II.


1. Swoop racing. I would like if I could race an opponent(s) instead of just doing times trial, but I don't know if this is possible with this engine. At least have the course go uphill and downhill, instead of having it going just straight and level.


2. Pazaak. No real major beef with this game except I would like it if the player doesn't always start the game (set down the first card) off first. Major disadvantage t othe player.


3. Dualing arena. Best mini game in Kotor IMO, only wished there was more on them on different worlds.


4. Turret fighter. I think it was an okay game. Don't know why so many people had I problem to it. Only wished it wasn't mandatory, but that seems its going to be corrected in the 2nd game. I guess it also could have your ship moving while shooting at the other ships.


Since I'm not very creative I can't think of good ideas for new mini games. Maybe have a some type Jedi's skills competition or some type of shooting target game.

Your thoughts.

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There any some particular mini games I would like the modified in Kotor II.


1. Swoop racing. I would like if I could race an opponent(s)


3. Dualing arena. Best mini game in Kotor IMO, only wished there was more on them on different worlds.

>1. If they put swoop raceing in Sith lords. It will be nice if you can actually upgrade your swoop. Plus have more swoop races.


>3.I think there was supposed to be at least one more dualing arena. It would have been on Slaheyron(a planet Bioware Cut due to time constraints)The model was left in the game, and it looks like it would have been awesome.


Hmmm. I wonder IS Obsidian useing any resources unfinnished by Bioware for Sith lords?

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3. Dualing arena. Best mini game in Kotor IMO, only wished there was more on them on different worlds.




I wish they would have some Roman Colosseum inspired events for the dueling ring. For instance team vs team, every man for himself, animal vs human/alien, and vehicle battles! I know thats a lot to ask for but hell wouldn't it be fun? :blink:

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The turret game is optional now which is good news, but it is also extremely repetitive. "Incoming fighters" was the most dreaded piece of dialog in Kotor - worse than anything Malak said. I knew what to expect. Their formation was exactly the same, make them unpredictable.


Pazaak is fine. More cards, not having to play first every time, the tournament idea, are a few ways to enhance Pazaak. not sure what else though.


Swoop racing is decent but it does need more variety. Just heading straight down the track moving left and right is not that impressive. More twists and turns if possible, and definitely swoop upgrades.


Taris duel arena is the best 'minigame', better than all the others combined.

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The turret game is optional now which is good news, but it is also extremely repetitive. "Incoming fighters" was the most dreaded piece of dialog in Kotor - worse than anything Malak said. I knew what to expect. Their formation was exactly the same, make them unpredictable.


Pazaak is fine. More cards, not having to play first every time, the tournament idea, are a few ways to enhance Pazaak. not sure what else though.


Swoop racing is decent but it does need more variety. Just heading straight down the track moving left and right is not that impressive. More twists and turns if possible, and definitely swoop upgrades.


Taris duel arena is the best 'minigame', better than all the others combined.

Agreed, the Arena was the only minigame that truly "added" anything to the game.


The turret game was horrible and thank the gods of my ancestors that some kind soul made a mod to remove all the unscripted encounters (leaving 2 left)


Pazaak was fun, but didn't really belong. Letting the computer go last was a gimmick, because it's easier to let the AI make competitive decisions when going last. Wouldn't mind seeing a PDA version of it, as it's just a dumbed down Blackjack variant (and just as addictive).


Swoop racing was fun, but didn't really belong in the game either. Apart from Taris where they tied it into the game, it was just there for people with short attention spans. Could be expanded upon and become a fun little racing game a'la pod racing.


If they want to add a bit more twitch parts to the game, they could add something like asteroids, steer the Ebon Hawk clear of asteroids while plotting coordinates, manual fencing duels in the arena, rewire circuitry against a timer and a lot of other awful things. Personally I would rather be without them. :ph34r:

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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My suggestion for mini-games is dump 'em completely, as they just get in the way of the core gameplay, IMO.


If I wanted to play a lame turret shooter, racing or card game I'm sure I could find something appropriate in the bargain bin at EB. Of the three only Pazaak was barely tolerable - the swoop racing and turret shooting was atrocious.


I mean are X-Box gamers so lame that they need poorly implemented twitch games to break up their RPG experiences? I'm no console gamer but I'm pretty sure most people that played the first game on X-Box could have done without them and I *know* virtually everyone that played the game on PC hated them.


So do us a favour and please scrap 'em.

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I think the Swoop Racing games should've been longer. 22-28 seconds just wasnt enough. As soon as you start to get tence and the race starts to get exciting, the race would be over. It shoul have expaned to atleast 50-60 seconds.


As for dueling arenas, there should be one on each planet in some way or fashion.

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I hate mini games. Real CRPGs don't have mini games.


Fallout didn't have minigames.

BG didn't have minigames.

Ultima 4 didn't have mini games.


Hell, not even NWN had minigames.


Mini games add nothing to the story of the game therefore a complete waste of time to work on, develop, and play.

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I want a minigame where you kill certain annoying spammers, like Darque, in different henious ways.


Seriously, didn't you mother tell you that spamming is bad?


Anyway, minigames can be quite good, but they can also take time away from elements the devs should focus more on... Better to keep it simple but functional, like Pazaak.

"McDonald's taste damn good. I'd rtahe reat their wonderful food then the poisonous junk you server in your house that's for sure.


What's funny is I'm not fat. In fact, I'm skinny. Though I am as healthy as cna be. Outside of being very ugly, and the common cold once in the blue moon I simply don't get sick."


- Volourn, Slayer of Yrkoon!


"I want a Lightsaber named Mr. Zappy" -- Darque

"I'm going to call mine Darque. Then I can turn Darque on anytime I want." -- GhostofAnakin

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I hate mini games. Real CRPGs don't have mini games.


Fallout didn't have minigames.

BG didn't have minigames.

Ultima 4 didn't have mini games.


Hell, not even NWN had minigames.


Mini games add nothing to the story of the game therefore a complete waste of time to work on, develop, and play.

Mini games if done well can be a great asset to the game. Make it a part of quests. Like Bendak Starkiller's bounty. NPC's reactions to how much a** you kicked on the swoop track or the dueling arena was great and it was a good way to gain money. So you see it did add to the story and experience just not the main plot line. But sidequests don't add to the main story and no one thinks they should be taken out. Think about it. You are a totally bad a** Force user. Why not use your reflexes to become a famous swoop racer or a legendary duelist. The turret mini-game did suck though. Should have been a one time thing.

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I want a minigame where you kill certain annoying spammers, like Darque, in different henious ways.


Seriously, didn't you mother tell you that spamming is bad?


Anyway, minigames can be quite good, but they can also take time away from elements the devs should focus more on... Better to keep it simple but functional, like Pazaak.

Well, I hope he's teasing or something, and I'd suggest he is. Whether or not it's intended that way, though, he's taken it completely out of context. You write a lot of responses, but err... you don't really spam.

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Sojiro Seta knows spamming Darque, so it's hard to argue with him on that front:


Will KOTOR2 have ninjas?


But, if Feargie has a head between his shoulders, it will be great, mainly due to the space ninjas he will no doubt incorporate into the game


It's disturbing. Once I seize control of Mistress' lair, I shall administer a suitable punishment for your crimes commited in this thread.


THEY are nutty. I am the only one (except for dear Winterfox, of course. Oh, to be the keyboard under her slender fingers) on to the absolute truth of the universe.


Marry me.
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Uhm.. the thing has over 1000 posts and is member 300 something.. YES IT IS SPAMMING. It doesn't bother me though.


I kind of liked the mini games. They felt undeveloped though. The swoop races could have been so good if only we had been able to configure and upgrade our swoop racers ourselves. And maybe add twists and turns to the race tracks. I didn't really like Pazaak, but at least it was a very easy way of earning money. The only mini game I didn't like was the turret thingie. It was easy, unecessary and took a lot of time away from the real game.

Swedes, go to: Spel2, for the latest game reviews in swedish!

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Uhm.. the thing has over 1000 posts and is member 300 something.. YES IT IS SPAMMING. It doesn't bother me though.

Nah, it's probably a girl thing. Girls talk a lot :p


*Considering where to hide from predicted retaliation*

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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  • 3 weeks later...

I quite enjoyed the concept of minigames but I was very disappointed with the implementation. PLease. please since these are being included agan can we have individual difficulty settings for them? I want my RPG elements to be tough as nails but as an incompetent twitch gamer I would feel no shame in dialling the swoop racing down to the level of that first race in KotOR. It really frustrates me that I'll never be able to do the Swoop racer sidequest so the opportunity to complete things like that in KotOR2 would be very welcome.

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I quite enjoyed the concept of minigames but I was very disappointed with the implementation. PLease. please since these are being included agan can we have individual difficulty settings for them? I want my RPG elements to be tough as nails but as an incompetent twitch gamer I would feel no shame in dialling the swoop racing down to the level of that first race in KotOR. It really frustrates me that I'll never be able to do the Swoop racer sidequest so the opportunity to complete things like that in KotOR2 would be very welcome.

Weenies, I still can't figure out everyone's beef with the minigames, I enjoyed them, and the only one I found even remotely difficult was Pazaak. :)


The turret game was kinda lame though. ^_^



P.S. I haven't seen one post that Darque has made that could be considered utter spam. Maybe humorous, but not spam. Sojiro Seta on the other hand... <_<

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