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Hey all!


Just wondered if anyone has happened to stumble on any extremely powerful wizard builds. There's so many spells I'm not exactly sure what to focus on.


For stats I maxed out int and might to the best of my ability. Think they're 18 each. For skills I'm not too sure, focusing on lore right now.


Thanks a bunch!

Posted (edited)

I had the same difficulties and finnaly chosen these 1st lvl spells:

1) Fan of Flames – Creates a cone of fi re that does Burn damage to everyone caught inside. (couse having a fire spell is always good, lol)


2) Jolting Touch – An electrical current travels from the caster and damages the target, then jumps to the nearest available target within 2m twice, doing reduced damage along the way (reminds me of Homm's Lightning strike think so it was called)


3) Thrust of Tattered Veils – Generates a precise thrust of Crushing force that does little damage but has a high Interrupt. This fast-casting spell is often used to disrupt enemy spellcasting. (Wizards are tricky folks, so i must have something against em),


4) Slicken – The floor takes on a slimy consistency. Everyone entering the area (including allies) has their Refl exes attacked (on entry and at regular intervals after) to avoid going Prone ( Sounds fun, I've chosen this one fastest as I was certain it'd be nice, wizard disables a bunch and my folks kick em).


Not saying this is the ultimate setup just my own choices.
Also I invested in suggested by the game, Might & Intelligence.



Edited by mhadina
  • Like 1

Wizard is kinda crap, it doesn't really fit in anywhere, cipher and druid do the things the wizard does, but better.

That said max out int and might take a few points from con and put into dex to reduce cast time. Focus on aoe spells that knock down enemies, daze them or aoe damage over time.

  • Like 2

Wizard is kinda crap, it doesn't really fit in anywhere, cipher and druid do the things the wizard does, but better.

That said max out int and might take a few points from con and put into dex to reduce cast time. Focus on aoe spells that knock down enemies, daze them or aoe damage over time.

 Got to the first encounter after leaving the caves.  Threw my spells, used both of the once per fight attacks.  OK, no more magic left.  Using my weapon gives me "weapon ineffective", every single time.  So here I am, a mage with no magic, two mobs beating on me, and no way to fight back.  Dead every time.  Time to try a different class I think, at least until this one is given a LOT of loving.

  • Like 3

Hey thanks for the replies guys.


Yeah running out of spells in that little portion with no followers kinda sucks. I just ran to gilded vale to grab people and then went back. I found that bunching up enemies and using that stock AoE spell actually does a lot of damage. But yeah I'm hearing from a few people that wizards need a buff. I'm too early in the game to decide.


Thanks again and please post if you find a powerful build.

Posted (edited)

you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?

Edited by RevBlue
  • Like 7

you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?


I lol'd. Hard. Neighbors want to know what's so funny hard. Haha. 

  • Like 4

you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?



I tried to solo a bear in a cave as a lvl 2 wizard and kept getting my ass handed to me.  I eventually left... but I WILL return to enact my vengeance.  


I do worry though, people keep saying the wizard is weak compared to the druid and cipher... is that just early on or does that scale to later on as well?  wizards are always weak in games like baldurs gate early on, but later they become the single most over the top powerful things in existence, stopping time, summons up the wazoo, dragons breath and comets raining from the sky, even opening locks, stone skin and other defenses that make them immune to damage for a bit.  Is none of that incalculable power going to materialize later on?


If not I may just reroll a cipher or druid/chanter.


dude, you took your lvl 2 wizard agains 2 giant bears and got your ass handed to you, what did you think was gonna happen? Its a WIZARD.

Like you said yourself they are always squishy at first and grow exponentialy in power, so I dont understand your frustration.


Of course you can't solo with a lvl 2 wizard, you need at least one meatbag


Not sure if you were talking to me or not, but in any case:



you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions?



Not really, but there was one point where we had no choice. Won most of the encounters there. The bear was hopeless, I came back with a tank and rocked him. I expected to lose the encounter, and therefore not frustrated in any way, shape or form lol.



Is this your first RPG....ever?




Well, all 8 of the spiritual predecessors where this was extremely possible come to mind, but other than that :p



Thanks for the feedback :)


Posted (edited)



you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?

I tried to solo a bear in a cave as a lvl 2 wizard and kept getting my ass handed to me. I eventually left... but I WILL return to enact my vengeance.


I do worry though, people keep saying the wizard is weak compared to the druid and cipher... is that just early on or does that scale to later on as well? wizards are always weak in games like baldurs gate early on, but later they become the single most over the top powerful things in existence, stopping time, summons up the wazoo, dragons breath and comets raining from the sky, even opening locks, stone skin and other defenses that make them immune to damage for a bit. Is none of that incalculable power going to materialize later on?


If not I may just reroll a cipher or druid/chanter.

Unfortunately, druid and cipher will likely stay ahead of you on the power curve but they probably won't match you on versatility (well, maybe the druid can). That said, I'm playing a wizard right now and having a lot of fun with it but I am also playing with a few "adjustments" Edited by ShadySands

Free games updated 3/4/21


I'm  playing on normal, with the exception of the bear I was able to solo with my level 2 wizard.  First you throw up arcane veil, when the enemies come at you use the fan of flames, and the two arcane assault. Fans of flames is an awesome spell. It pretty much kills  most of the enemies right off or leaves them near dead  where you can clean up with arcane assault. The Arcane veil helps avoiding getting interrupted.  I had to rest between the wolves and the bandit camp.  Not sure I can do it hard mode, maybe with some potions. Wizard/Mage is the class I generally play in all RPGs  and so far POE version seems more powerful right off the bat than what I am use too. Wizards are extremely weak at the beginning but build into powerhouses at the end of the journey. It usually at level 5 when Wizard/Mage begins to feel useful.   My character stats are M-14, C-11,D-14,P-11,I-18,R-10. Not a min/max build but a well rounded build in my opinion.

  • Like 1

Has anyone tried a 18/3/18/10/19/10 wizard?  I'm trying one on hard right now and it's rocking the early game but wondering if that 3 con might cripple it late game.


Wizard is kinda crap, it doesn't really fit in anywhere, cipher and druid do the things the wizard does, but better.

That said max out int and might take a few points from con and put into dex to reduce cast time. Focus on aoe spells that knock down enemies, daze them or aoe damage over time.

You can augment a Wizard's AoE with Eldritch Aim and Merciless Gaze, the latter alone makes the Wizard's AoE standout more from the Druid's. Disregarding potions of course, a Druid can get the same effect otherwise.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Has anyone tried a 18/3/18/10/19/10 wizard?  I'm trying one on hard right now and it's rocking the early game but wondering if that 3 con might cripple it late game.

similar build (18/5/16/10/18/11) never had a real trouble on hard and now im lvl 6

Edited by norfar

There is a set of gloves in the game, which I just got and gave to my druid that makes your spells do 20% more damage, and boots...maybe that add 20% to AOE, I don't know if that's just area, or damage as well, I have just been cruising through the game not putting too much into the testing.

Posted (edited)


you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?



I tried to solo a bear in a cave as a lvl 2 wizard and kept getting my ass handed to me.  I eventually left... but I WILL return to enact my vengeance.  


I do worry though, people keep saying the wizard is weak compared to the druid and cipher... is that just early on or does that scale to later on as well?  wizards are always weak in games like baldurs gate early on, but later they become the single most over the top powerful things in existence, stopping time, summons up the wazoo, dragons breath and comets raining from the sky, even opening locks, stone skin and other defenses that make them immune to damage for a bit.  Is none of that incalculable power going to materialize later on?


If not I may just reroll a cipher or druid/chanter.




Lol ... no one can solo a bear at lvl 2... he will wipe your party even with 3 members ... xD (well i did kill it with 3 members ... xD)

Edited by Arctic

Has anyone tried a 18/3/18/10/19/10 wizard?  I'm trying one on hard right now and it's rocking the early game but wondering if that 3 con might cripple it late game.


Thats great, dont worry about constitution late game .. if you get hitted you will die , with 3 con or with 18 con.  unless you get fully builded like a tank ... and then you will cry for having so little endurance and health .. still with the 18 con so ....  xD


Finally found a decent order of spells to kill a pack of wolves and three bandits in third map.
Veiled myself first (ability), than Slicken in front of me, than Flames, Jolting Touch etc. I didn't even had to use Wizard's Double.

Maybe to wait with Veil in the future couse targets where on the ground for some time?

Anyways, what a difference, I didn't know how to do it right a day before. Been killed in 5 seconds. Bear?
Not yet,  thanks. At lvl 3 maybe?
Now, some friends need to be joined first.
Bug. I tried it in towern, built a new companion for 250 cps, however, black screen was a result after 15 mins of creating, just hearing sound, restart...sleep....dont know what to say....
bug, and not the first...


Con is dump stat anyway. 10 -> 3 con = -20% endurance and health, and even 10->17 per (another dump stat) give you +7% deflect, and stacking deflect mean less hits, less crits, more hit -> graze so overall less damage taken.

  • Like 1

I will try a solo Wizard for PotD solo and Im thinking on droping some points on MIGHT ( i mean not maxing it not reducing initial base value), after all its just some % of dmg, and getting full resolve and con so Im more tanky and I cant get interrupted.

What do you guys think of this. Maybe adding some Dex so I can go 1h and shield.

Posted (edited)



you guys serisouly trying to fight with a lvl 1-2 wizard alone with no companions? Is this your first RPG....ever?



I tried to solo a bear in a cave as a lvl 2 wizard and kept getting my ass handed to me.  I eventually left... but I WILL return to enact my vengeance.  


I do worry though, people keep saying the wizard is weak compared to the druid and cipher... is that just early on or does that scale to later on as well?  wizards are always weak in games like baldurs gate early on, but later they become the single most over the top powerful things in existence, stopping time, summons up the wazoo, dragons breath and comets raining from the sky, even opening locks, stone skin and other defenses that make them immune to damage for a bit.  Is none of that incalculable power going to materialize later on?


If not I may just reroll a cipher or druid/chanter.




Lol ... no one can solo a bear at lvl 2... he will wipe your party even with 3 members ... xD (well i did kill it with 3 members ... xD)



Well, not to brag or anything, but - I couldn't solo the bear with my own lvl 2 Wizard, either. So, I left the cave after a few tries, and headed on to Gilded Vale. Where I met





..you can guess what I did next..


went back to the bear with TWO lvl 2 Wizards, and rocked his world!. xD


slicken + bad kiting + multiple attempts = bearly made it.

Edited by Asmodean-

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