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[Possible Spoilers] Pillars of Eternity will be livestreamed at Gamescom

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I mean, for every new clip I watch, I get even more eager to play the game. D:OS certainly blew me away when it was in late-alpha and early beta, but I must say, this is just deliciously divine! :w00t:  (Perhaps a bit thanks to a nostalgia hotbed the size of Manhattan)

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Only managed to catch the last few minutes coming out of a meeting...is there any chance that we can catch this on a different venue or in an archive later?  Don't know much about the limits of streaming.  


What I managed to see looked awesome...especially the deer!

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Nostalgia's a part of it I'm sure, but even so... I can't get over just how lush and lovely the game looks. They've struck just the right balance between restraint and effects; that firebally thing really stood out there for example, and also lit up the landscape beautifully.


Hype level is now over 9000. I think they hit this one out of the park.


(If this was Easy, though... poor Gfted1.)

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I have a project. It's a tabletop RPG. It's free. It's a work in progress. Find it here: www.brikoleur.com

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Nostalgia's a part of it I'm sure, but even so... I can't get over just how lush and lovely the game looks. They've struck just the right balance between restraint and effects; that firebally thing really stood out there for example, and also lit up the landscape beautifully.


Hype level is now over 9000. I think they hit this one out of the park.


(If this was Easy, though... poor Gfted1.)

 Great post!! I repost it here immediately, just because it deserves it.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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But I hope the main character dying doesn't equal a game over in the full release.

I'd expect it does.



I agree, but in NWN2, your main could flat out die, and the rest of your party could save the day.


Except there was no dying in NWN2, they just fell down and got up after the fight. PoE is like BG games, it has real death, not that **** NWN2 version.


Yeah, that kind of CRPG death must be killed with fire.

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Ability score arrays look a lot more natural now:




But that is a _woeful_ green color tint, please change that to a different shade so it looks more natural.


NONE of the IE colors looked unnatural.






This tint is a good color ^

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The Orlan female showcased looked like a male to me, btw. We haven't seen a male model, but if you told me that was the male Hearth Orlan model I would believe you because there was pretty much 0 definition in her body at all.

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Ability score arrays look a lot more natural now:




But that is a _woeful_ green color tint, please change that to a different shade so it looks more natural.


NONE of the IE colors looked unnatural.






This tint is a good color ^


Luchadors of Eternity?

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Nostalgia's a part of it I'm sure, but even so... I can't get over just how lush and lovely the game looks. They've struck just the right balance between restraint and effects; that firebally thing really stood out there for example, and also lit up the landscape beautifully.


Hype level is now over 9000. I think they hit this one out of the park.


(If this was Easy, though... poor Gfted1.)

Yeah that is what I was thinking.


"If this is easy against a bunch of mook beatles you can kiss a solo playthrough goodbye."

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Nostalgia's a part of it I'm sure, but even so... I can't get over just how lush and lovely the game looks. They've struck just the right balance between restraint and effects; that firebally thing really stood out there for example, and also lit up the landscape beautifully.


Hype level is now over 9000. I think they hit this one out of the park.


(If this was Easy, though... poor Gfted1.)

Yeah that is what I was thinking.


"If this is easy against a bunch of mook beatles you can kiss a solo playthrough goodbye."



I had even planned to do one on easy in like playthrough six, but after seeing this, I think I'll have to scrap that idea.

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*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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Nobody said that in solo run you need to do all quests and kill all monsters. If you can finish the main storyline in solo run that counts.

I am assuming (dangerous I know) that the main quest contains enemies more deadly than two stone beetles and one wood beetle. 


As far as Sensuki said... uh no, totally disagree.  The colors are bad, but they are the same colors Baldur's Gate used.  That same ugly "green green" was there, there was a crazy bright red, a puke yellow, the bright blue was terrible, etc etc.  It is just those models were so small and the colors were so barely used you couldn't tell unless you really looked.


On the aside in the defense of the solo player there are things we can't factor in.  Like...


1: Was Adam just ragged out from the whole timezone thing and simply playing badly? 

2: Did he take the time to properly level everyone and do skills to be effective or just to be "done for the stream"?

3: Is this even the final setting for the game or is it just this hard for the beta?

4: Did all those characters have purely starter gear?  It looked like the main character did.

Edited by Karkarov
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The orlan thing might have something to do with the armor. It was weird how when Adam picked a female Paladin she had like quite large breasts, and when he changed to the Plate mail, completely flat, as if taped down 20 times ... lol


They are absolutely not the same as the BG colors Karkarov, if you get a color picker and pick the RGB values from them they will be completely different values.


EDIT: That green he chose looks much better in the game though, almost as if it's a completely different (darker) green.

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The orlan thing might have something to do with the armor. It was weird how when Adam picked a female Paladin she had like quite large breasts, and when he changed to the Plate mail, completely flat, as if taped down 20 times ... lol

Well Sensuki the forums really did beg for realistic armor over, and over, and over, and over, and over......


A woman in realistic plate armor isn't going to be showing a lot of boob :p.

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