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Woldan: Bad luck really is a matter of a myriad of events that now and then burst into dangerous and sometimes flat out lethal situations. It's chaos theory in action, it's like them rogue waves at sea. Most waves can be small and ever so safe, but at a certain spot, out on the vast ocean, one wave gets ridiculously large all of the sudden. Boats have been engulfed in seconds. Or let's take war and soldiers as an example. You have an extremely well trained marine that makes every right move, but some tiny bit of angle from some roof top is enough for him to be taken out by a sniper. All that experience and physique doesn't help much then. Or why not the super-healthy non-smoker teetotaller vegan that gets run over by a car on a zebra crossing: equally absurd, but still logical in the weird world of chaos theory.

Edited by IndiraLightfoot

*** "The words of someone who feels ever more the ent among saplings when playing CRPGs" ***


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I was playing FONV last night and, now that I know who Calax was, I shot him! Then I reloaded and threw a plasma grenade at him. Then I reloaded and led him to a rad scorpion. Then I reloaded and used a Fat Man... the possibilities are endless!


It was like my own private screening on that new movie 1000 Ways to Die in the West!


just kidding Calax, I didn't do any of that! But I could. :lol:

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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You clearly must have had a guardian angel or something breathing down your neck. I'm very glad you survived that split-second ordeal! :)

Thanks, but I give myself all the credit, I spend lots of time and energy on improving myself and staying healthy, my reward is a tough, efficient body that is hard to destroy. 

I'm sure the angels up there have better things to do than to care about puny mortals like me. Always remember that the only being you can depend on is yourself. ;)


I compensate for the temple of debauchery that is my body by not going 60 kmh an hour on my bycicle. I mean, I would rather have yours, just not all the work that goes with it. 

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Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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I compensate for the temple of debauchery that is my body by not going 60 kmh an hour on my bycicle. I mean, I would rather have yours, just not all the work that goes with it. 





Yeah, it's really insidious. Not only do you have to work your ass of (quite literally), but you also have to continue putting in the same amount of work if you don't want your efforts to be for naught in a few years.

"Lulz is not the highest aspiration of art and mankind, no matter what the Encyclopedia Dramatica says."


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You may have heard of the latest shooting in the US in Isla Vista near UC Santa Barbara where I'm graduating from pretty soon. Thankfully, I as well as most everyone I know were home for the Memorial Day weekend and the ones who were still there at about the time of the shooting are okay. 


Going to be a rough couple of days when we get back, and can't help but feel that my couch burning experience will be a somber afair.

a marginalized kid with aspergers (and possibly other mental health issues) going on a killing spree don't particularly shock us. nevertheless, after reading some o' the post hoc ergo propter hoc nonsense from every dirt-bag with an agenda who wishes to exploit this tragedy, we kinda dislike society a bit. oh sure, we ain't gonna go on a killing rampage, but Gromnir is not having to work hard to be disgusted by lots o' different folks.


we attended ucsb in the mid/late 80s. biggest school related tragedy we faced were when the pub at the ucen were closed down for a month or so due to ucen remodel. our ccs advisor at the time were a serious alcoholic, so pub being closed made him particular grumpy. 


oh well, if you can find an excuse to do so, never graduate.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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I was playing FONV last night and, now that I know who Calax was, I shot him! Then I reloaded and threw a plasma grenade at him. Then I reloaded and led him to a rad scorpion. Then I reloaded and used a Fat Man... the possibilities are endless!


It was like my own private screening on that new movie 1000 Ways to Die in the West!


just kidding Calax, I didn't do any of that! But I could. :lol:

You wound me sir! Besides, I run to rad scorpions anyway.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I compensate for the temple of debauchery that is my body by not going 60 kmh an hour on my bycicle. I mean, I would rather have yours, just not all the work that goes with it

Yeah, it's really insidious. Not only do you have to work your ass of (quite literally), but you also have to continue putting in the same amount of work if you don't want your efforts to be for naught in a few years.

Its ''work'' only the first couple of years or so, after some time that ''work'' becomes part of you and you start to enjoy it so immensely that you can't live without it anymore. I know its sounds totally cliché but you truly learn to love the pain. All you need is the discipline to hang in there with full devotion to get over that hump where you start loving it.


Unfortunately self discipline is what most people sorely lack nowadays, and it saddens me greatly. Many friends asked me for serious advice about exercise and getting into shape, I helped them knowing they'd never get off their asses because they lacked the proper mindset / tenacity. I'm sure if I was personal trainer I'd get super depressed in no time at all. 



And speeding with a bicycle is really fun, 100+ downhill is where it starts to get interesting.  :thumbsup:

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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I was playing FONV last night and, now that I know who Calax was, I shot him! Then I reloaded and threw a plasma grenade at him. Then I reloaded and led him to a rad scorpion. Then I reloaded and used a Fat Man... the possibilities are endless!


It was like my own private screening on that new movie 1000 Ways to Die in the West!


just kidding Calax, I didn't do any of that! But I could. :lol:

You wound me sir! Besides, I run to rad scorpions anyway.


"I won the lottery".... POW! :lol:

"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I compensate for the temple of debauchery that is my body by not going 60 kmh an hour on my bycicle. I mean, I would rather have yours, just not all the work that goes with it

Yeah, it's really insidious. Not only do you have to work your ass of (quite literally), but you also have to continue putting in the same amount of work if you don't want your efforts to be for naught in a few years.

Its ''work'' only the first couple of years or so, after some time that ''work'' becomes part of you and you start to enjoy it so immensely that you can't live without it anymore. I know its sounds totally cliché but you truly learn to love the pain. All you need is the discipline to hang in there with full devotion to get over that hump where you start loving it.


Unfortunately self discipline is what most people sorely lack nowadays, and it saddens me greatly. Many friends asked me for serious advice about exercise and getting into shape, I helped them knowing they'd never get off their asses because they lacked the proper mindset / tenacity. I'm sure if I was personal trainer I'd get super depressed in no time at all. 



And speeding with a bicycle is really fun, 100+ downhill is where it starts to get interesting.  :thumbsup:


ah, the folly and arrogance o' youth. 




we stay in shape, but not like we once did. Gromnir played d-1 college football, so we were in great shape at university. had third highest bench on the team and we were a db. for many years following university, we kept up a work-out regimen that were quite intense-- all the way til we hit 40.  but guess what? it gets harder to do the hardcore workouts every year. we gets more responsibilities. we gets business trips. we get medical issues. we get family issues. also, we simply get... older. am single, so in spite o' some injury/health issues, we can still workout regular, but if we had a wife and kids, how much/little free time would we have... and yeah, working out IS free time. is a ridiculous long list o' things that has gotta come before workouts. and if we were not making good money And had all the aforementioned responsibilities, how could we justify taking so many hours outta the day/week for what amounts to a vanity pursuit?


perspective is a wonderful and terrible thing.


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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You are calling exercise ''vanity pursuit''? I call it '' Injury and health issue prevention''.


Anyone who says that he can't spend 60 minutes / day 4 days a week to keep himself healthy is not just a lying lazy bum, he is also stupid. Why? Exercise and sports greatly reduces the odds of getting sick because it boost your immune system by a great deal. So you are actually SAVING time, time you'd otherwise spend being sick and rolling around in your bed or healing injuries you could have prevented with some regular sports.

Edited by Woldan
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I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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You are calling exercise ''vanity pursuit''? I call it '' Injury and health issue prevention''.



sure it is. the amount o' exercise you need daily to be healthy is actual small. "serious" workouts IS a vanity pursuit. are you doing more than 40 minutes 4 days weekly? yes? well?


HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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sure it is. the amount o' exercise you need daily to be healthy is actual small.

Depends, if you are that kind of person who is happy with the bare minimum, well, thats fine.


I've never been a fan of half measures and doing the bare minimum, when having an accident there is no such thing as ''too muscular back'' , muscles that prevents it from snapping. And that example is just one of many.  

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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sure it is. the amount o' exercise you need daily to be healthy is actual small.

Depends, if you are that kind of person who is happy with the bare minimum, well, thats fine.


I've never been a fan of half measures and doing the bare minimum, when having an accident there is no such thing as ''too muscular back'' , muscles that prevents it from snapping. And that example is just one of many.  


is not a matter of being happy with bare minimums. as we said above, folks got responsibilities.  take daughter to her ballet class or get in a good back & chest day? ride bike downhill at 100 mph or cuts grass with a scythe (HA!) or takes that final class to complete your MBA?  am agreeing that exercise is good. never did we say otherwise. gd said he weren't gonna workout like you and you came back with self-discipline... which is nonsense.
Gromnir was/is one o' the better athletes you is likely to meet. our strength-to-speed ratios were ridiculous and is still better than most. we were a football player who could run track, rather than other way around... and we had competed at state level for fencing and swimming. wrestled but didn't make state. working out were a way-of-life for us. but again, we grew up. we got responsibilities. we got distractions. and we got older too. working out beyond the "bare minimum," is a vanity pursuit. if we had familial responsibilities, we doubt we could manage much more than the "bare minimum." *chuckle* we prefer working-out to work, so the self-discipline bit is reversed. takes far more discipline to do those things you don't like than those you do.
HA! Good Fun!
ps am recalling when we were in our 20s. we would see some slight overweight guy playing tennis poorly 3 times a week to "stay in shape" and would kinda roll our eyes. we saw as funny. am older now. we see same guy nowadays and we says, "good for him." 
Edited by Gromnir
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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Responsibilities and age, the usual, weak excuses. I say it again, those who say they can't spend 1/24 of a day 4 days a week to improve their health are either lying, lazy or have serious problems with scheduling their ''responsibilities''. I can't tell you how many times I heard ''Oh I can't exercise, I've got responsibilities'' only to see them waste an hour in front of the TV or computer doing mindless stuff each day. 



gd said he weren't gonna workout like you and you came back with self-discipline... which is nonsense.


working out beyond the "bare minimum," is a vanity pursuit.

No, working out beyond the bare minimum isn't vanity pursuit, its a better preventative measure. Like taking the better, more expensive insurance. Doing things the better way is not  vanity.

Edited by Woldan

I gazed at the dead, and for one dark moment I saw a banquet. 

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"I can't tell you how many times I heard ''Oh I can't exercise, I've got responsibilities'' only to see them waste an hour in front of the TV or computer doing mindless stuff each day. you is making broken and subjective value judgments. use your free time to workout beyond bare minimum rather than...l"


and Gromnir is saying you lack perspective. am not knowing how many kids we knew who spoke as you. we weren't so arrogant 'bout it, but we had similar (not same) notions when we were younger. am able to look back and see just see how self-righteous and smug it sounds with benefit of experience. 




if you got free time, how you gonna spend? working out or:


volunteer building houses for homeless

increase your personal level of education

mentor foster kids



hell, pick-up litter on side of the road


is vanity and you got a choice. and sitting in front o' tv... well, is kinda hard to criticize given how much time "we" (that includes you) spend at the computer each day. folks in front o' the tv or computer still has all those important responsibilities we mentioned in other posts. 


aside: you is gonna have difficulty showing that working out more necessarily=better health. in point o' fact, various kinds o' exercise tends to create health issues, especially down the road. *chuckle* for chrissakes, you just told us you fell off your bike going 100 mph. having a "duh," moment yet? 


oh, and our mistake... were gorgon not gd. our bad?


HA! Good Fun!

Edited by Gromnir

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Today I worked out and then hung out with some old friends. Going to unwind with some FONV then get some sleep.


I was playing FONV last night and, now that I know who Calax was, I shot him! Then I reloaded and threw a plasma grenade at him. Then I reloaded and led him to a rad scorpion. Then I reloaded and used a Fat Man... the possibilities are endless!


It was like my own private screening on that new movie 1000 Ways to Die in the West!


just kidding Calax, I didn't do any of that! But I could. :lol:

Strangely enough, I did the same thing. Used a laser pistol first, then reloaded because the game crashed and killed him with Lucky.

"Akiva Goldsman and Alex Kurtzman run the 21st century version of MK ULTRA." - majestic

"you're a damned filthy lying robot and you deserve to die and burn in hell." - Bartimaeus

"Without individual thinking you can't notice the plot holes." - InsaneCommander

"Just feed off the suffering of gamers." - Malcador

"You are calling my taste crap." -Hurlshort

"thankfully it seems like the creators like Hungary less this time around." - Sarex

"Don't forget the wakame, dumbass" -Keyrock

"Are you trolling or just being inadvertently nonsensical?' -Pidesco

"we have already been forced to admit you are at least human" - uuuhhii

"I refuse to buy from non-woke businesses" - HoonDing

"feral camels are now considered a pest" - Gorth

"Melkathi is known to be an overly critical grumpy person" - Melkathi

"Oddly enough Sanderson was a lot more direct despite being a Mormon" - Zoraptor

"I found it greatly disturbing to scroll through my cartoon's halfing selection of genitalias." - Wormerine

"I love cheese despite the pain and carnage." - ShadySands

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on a complete unrelated note, we saw three snakes today while walking the dogs. surprisingly, no rattlers. a couple years ago we had a minor explosion o' the rattlesnake population in norcal. with the extreme dry weather we had here during the winter, Gromnir expected that by may we would be needing to show extreme caution with our dogs to prevent rattlesnake bites. so far this year we have only seen one rattlesnake while walking dogs. anywho, the snakes we saw today were two good-sized gopher snakes and a very handsome kingsnake with black and cream bands. the kingsnake were 'bout 100 cm and darn near the most attractive snake we has ever seen. dogs didn't seem particularly impressed-- ran right past it. 


HA! Good Fun!

"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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Responsibilities and age, the usual, weak excuses. I say it again, those who say they can't spend 1/24 of a day 4 days a week to improve their health are either lying, lazy or have serious problems with scheduling their ''responsibilities''. I can't tell you how many times I heard ''Oh I can't exercise, I've got responsibilities'' only to see them waste an hour in front of the TV or computer doing mindless stuff each day. 



"I can't tell you how many times I heard ''Oh I can't exercise, I've got responsibilities'' only to see them waste an hour in front of the TV or computer doing mindless stuff each day. you is making broken and subjective value judgments. use your free time to workout beyond bare minimum rather than...l"


and Gromnir is saying you lack perspective. am not knowing how many kids we knew who spoke as you. we weren't so arrogant 'bout it, but we had similar (not same) notions when we were younger. am able to look back and see just see how self-righteous and smug it sounds with benefit of experience. 




if you got free time, how you gonna spend? working out or:


volunteer building houses for homeless

increase your personal level of education

mentor foster kids



hell, pick-up litter on side of the road


is vanity and you got a choice. and sitting in front o' tv... well, is kinda hard to criticize given how much time "we" (that includes you) spend at the computer each day. folks in front o' the tv or computer still has all those important responsibilities we mentioned in other posts. 


aside: you is gonna have difficulty showing that working out more necessarily=better health. in point o' fact, various kinds o' exercise tends to create health issues, especially down the road. *chuckle* for chrissakes, you just told us you fell off your bike going 100 mph. having a "duh," moment yet? 


oh, and our mistake... were gorgon not gd. our bad?


HA! Good Fun!



Sorry Gromnir but I am Woldans side on this debate where people say they can't exercise because " they don't have time or have other responsibilities"


The reality is in almost cases they choose to do other things instead of exercising. This could be watching TV, gaming or partaking in Internet debates. And that's fine, no one is judging you. But don't say you don't " have time to do 1 hour of exercise 4\week"


The only acceptation I can think of  is there are people who live in poverty who due to there financial situation don't have time because of long trips to work( 2 hours + one way to get to work) on public transport. I see this in South Africa.


But exercise just needs to become a part of your lifestyle and then you will always find time for it.

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"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I've mentioned to Woldan that he has no idea what is in store when he hits his 30's.  It's no joke.


I agree about other responsibilities when you get older  but lets take you as an example. You are married with 2 kids and have a full time job. But you also manage to still do some jogging and exercise, and you have time to do some gaming. How do you manage?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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I've mentioned to Woldan that he has no idea what is in store when he hits his 30's.  It's no joke.

LOL during my entire time in the Marine Corps and long after I got out I ran and lifted with about the same intensity that Woldan does now... and I wake up stiff & sore every day! Those chickens do come to roost one day!


As he (Woldan) and I have already debated, weightlifting and other static anaerobic workouts are not the end-all of exercise regimens. I lead an active life with a good deal of outdoor physical activity and that alone keeps me in shape as well as disciplined & concentrated exercise. And it comes with the added bonus of actually getting work done while doing it.  

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"While it is true you learn with age, the down side is what you often learn is what a damn fool you were before"

Thomas Sowell

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I've mentioned to Woldan that he has no idea what is in store when he hits his 30's.  It's no joke.

LOL during my entire time in the Marine Corps and long after I got out I ran and lifted with about the same intensity that Woldan does now... and I wake up stiff & sore every day! Those chickens do come to roost one day!


As he (Woldan) and I have already debated, weightlifting and other static anaerobic workouts are not the end-all of exercise regimens. I lead an active life with a good deal of outdoor physical activity and that alone keeps me in shape as well as disciplined & concentrated exercise. And it comes with the added bonus of actually getting work done while doing it.  



So for me when I talk about doing regular exercise I am talking about cardio, not weight training. And my objective is fitness and  not to see how much weights a person can lift.

Edited by BruceVC

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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gorgon said:


"I compensate for the temple of debauchery that is my body by not going 60 kmh an hour on my bycicle. I mean, I would rather have yours, just not all the work that goes with it." 
woldan responds with some nonsense about self-discipline. 
is woldan doing 1 hour 4 times a week? no? so, am not thinking you is actual on woldan's side. Gromnir is in favor of moderate exercise. everybody benefits from exercise, but a little goes a long way, and to get more serious 'bout exercise is a vanity pursuit... or a career. most o' us got far better things to do-- far more important things to do. if you don't have better things to do and it ain't a career, then we does see a problem... or youth. the older you get, and the more responsibilities you acquire, the less time you gots for vanity pursuits.  even basic bare minimum exercise plays a distant second or third to familial and work responsibilities.  you is gonna get more of those.
also, as we noted already, woldan sure as hell ain't actual talking 'bout self-discipline as he seems to believe. up til 2010 we were doing workouts 5-6 days a week, sometimes 2x a day, and workouts were each more than 1 hour. those workouts weren't the thing that required the self discipline. they were a release. and they were vanity fueled. we has no difficulty admitting that we weren't benching near 500lbs and doing ridiculous cardio just for health benefits. we liked it.  we liked how we looked and felt. we liked being able to lift the gym. if you like working out, as some of us do, it ain't requiring genuine self discipline. it may seem like self discipline to some folks (particularly young folks) but it ain't. yeah, there is always those days where you don't wanna go to the gym or don't wanna do cardio, but the self-discipline spiel from a workout junkie is complete poppy****.  the thing is, even when we were younger we didn't have no illusions 'bout what we were doing.
get some cardio a handful o' times each week. do something that strains some major muscle groups. anything more is...
well, you will eventual figure it out.
HA! Good Fun!
Edited by Gromnir
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"If there be time to expose through discussion the falsehood and fallacies, to avert the evil by the processes of education, the remedy to be applied is more speech, not enforced silence."Justice Louis Brandeis, Concurring, Whitney v. California, 274 U.S. 357 (1927)

"Im indifferent to almost any murder as long as it doesn't affect me or mine."--Gfted1 (September 30, 2019)

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gorgon said:


"I compensate for the temple of debauchery that is my body by not going 60 kmh an hour on my bycicle. I mean, I would rather have yours, just not all the work that goes with it." 
woldan responds with some nonsense about self-discipline. 
is woldan doing 1 hour 4 times a week? no? so, am not thinking you is actual on woldan's side. Gromnir is in favor of moderate exercise. everybody benefits from exercise, but a little goes a long way, and to get more serious 'bout exercise is a vanity pursuit... or a career. most o' us got far better things to do-- far more important things to do. if you don't have better things to do and it ain't a career, then we does see a problem... or youth.
also, as we noted already, woldan sure as hell ain't actual talking 'bout self-discipline as he seems to believe. up til 2010 we were doing workouts 5-6 days a week, sometimes 2x a day, and workouts were each more than 1 hour. those workouts weren't the thing that required the self discipline. they were a release. and they were vanity fueled. we has no difficulty admitting that we weren't benching near 500lbs and doing ridiculous cardio just for health benefits. we liked it.  we liked how we looked and felt. we liked being to lift the gym. if you like working out, as some of us do, it ain't requiring genuine self discipline. it may seem like self discipline to some folks (particularly young folks) but it ain't. yeah, there is always those days where you don't wanna go to the gym or don't wanna do cardio, but the self-discipline spiel from a workout junkie is complete poppy****.  
get some cardio a handful o' times each week. do something that strains some major muscle groups. anything more is...
well, you will eventual figure it out.
HA! Good Fun!


Okay, I think I misunderstood you.


The thing is we have had this debate before and the point I am objecting to is where people say " I don't have time to exercise., I am older now and have other responsibilities"


All I'm saying is exercise should become a lifestyle choice and then you will always find time for it

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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