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Went back to NWN": SoZ. My mage can finally be of some use! Using 2 melee guys, one caster and a buffer. Going fairly well right now. Did a couple of quests that netted me some easy money and exp. Made a 3000gp net profit on that wine quest.

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I have never seen so much pretentious hogwash written about a computer game (games journalists = contradiction in terms) as I have about Bioshock Infinite. According to the online hivemind it was like John Paul Satre meets The Seven Samurai. I watched a live feed and it looks like a very average steampunk-ish FPS.







I think I made this exact post about Bioshock relative to System Shock 2.


Why must you steal my thunder, sir?



Whoah, Slowtrain. Great to see you, sir. I hope you are keeping well.


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Bioshock infinite was a mediocre shooter wrapped up in better than average (but still not OMG WOWZERS) packaging.  a big let down imo.  dishonored is a vastly superior game in every way


I have never seen so much pretentious hogwash written about a computer game (games journalists = contradiction in terms) as I have about Bioshock Infinite. According to the online hivemind it was like John Paul Satre meets The Seven Samurai. I watched a live feed and it looks like a very average steampunk-ish FPS.




Because most games set the bar fairly low for that sort of thing. As I said in my long points about it, the game isn't really about the "philosophy" of everything. It's about the two primary characters with a bunch of imagery thrown in for imagery's sake.  The themes and imagery are AMAZING, but ignored, and just having those puts it a step above most of it's competitors in that department.

Edited by Calax

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Bioshock infinite was a mediocre shooter wrapped up in better than average (but still not OMG WOWZERS) packaging.  a big let down imo.  dishonored is a vastly superior game in every way


I have never seen so much pretentious hogwash written about a computer game (games journalists = contradiction in terms) as I have about Bioshock Infinite. According to the online hivemind it was like John Paul Satre meets The Seven Samurai. I watched a live feed and it looks like a very average steampunk-ish FPS.





Can't remember the last time I enjoyed a game that got "universal acclaim"... IIRC even DXHR was "too yellow"?


You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Got the BL2 season pass, so plodding along with that as my friends should be getting it soon so more fun co-op action awaits. 

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Bioshock infinite was a mediocre shooter wrapped up in better than average (but still not OMG WOWZERS) packaging.  a big let down imo.  dishonored is a vastly superior game in every way


I have never seen so much pretentious hogwash written about a computer game (games journalists = contradiction in terms) as I have about Bioshock Infinite. According to the online hivemind it was like John Paul Satre meets The Seven Samurai. I watched a live feed and it looks like a very average steampunk-ish FPS.




While I liked Bioshock Infinite, I can't say that its story is terribly compelling. They telegraphed the "twists", IMO, and the primary thing I think that catches one is the somewhat novel setting (which isn't steampunk) and its use of old-style-feeling pseudo-Americana.


The shooter aspect of it is serviceable but the maps aren't terribly interesting (not sure on how it plays tactically as I had it on a lower difficulty setting - my reflexes just aren't what they used to be).


To me its a case of style over substance and probably how much you like it will tie into how much you like its style.

I cannot - yet I must. How do you calculate that? At what point on the graph do "must" and "cannot" meet? Yet I must - but I cannot! ~ Ro-Man

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I'm playing a recently released NWN2 module called 'Crimmor'. It's a solo adventure for Rogues (featuring... well, rouge-ish gameplay). Really enjoying it, definitely among the top tier of NWN2 modules. Some bugs to be ironed out but it's an impressive effort.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Came back to my Dark Mode run of Witcher 2 after leaving it for 10 months.


I found a way to totally cheat one of the Act 1 bossfights

If you go to the hidden rose-filled elven room with Triss, or perhaps find another way to get there before the fight with Letho, you can fill the floor of the boss arena with bear traps, and the traps will stay there. Bear traps deal heavy damage, they won't hurt Geralt if he arms them, and they seem to bypass Letho's Quen spell. Just kite him around a bit and he's defeated thanks to stepping on so many traps


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Might & Magic: Duel of Champions


It's a free to play collectible card game similar to Magic the Gathering, but with slightly adjusted rules, and I think it has the best free to play model I've seen thus far. You don't have to pay for the game, you don't have to pay subscription AND more importantly you don't have to pay for the cards. I have only 4 hours worth of experience but it seems to me you could acquire all the cards just by playing the game. You're rewarded with ingame currency after every game and that can be used to buy the cards, it's a slow process but at least it exists unlike so many other "free" to play games where all the essentials is locked behind a payment wall.


One game can last between 2-15 minutes on depending how well you're matched against your opponent. I've run into few players that CLEARLY have bought hundreds of dollars worth of cards and I get creamed in few minutes, but those games are far and few between. Most of the time you're matched pretty evenly since the game uses ELO rating for it's matchmaking and those games are really fun.

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