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Why do I keep seeing that review? It's all the hallmarks of bad internet humor mashed together.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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Yeah, that's it. I wasn't too happy linking it though as while a lot of places have mentioned the story that site is still the only real source. No point getting hopes up too far until GOG/ Meadowbrook/ EA or someone who should know for certain confirms/ denies.

I was thinking the same at first, but then that'd make the whole Night Dive Studios website a big prank. Their (nicely designed and animated) website and facebook acknowledge the article, and the facebook site was launched last November.


Then again, this studio has no contact information, which does make it seem a bit fishy

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He's right, demos are a bad idea, trailers that have no relation to the game are great. Human stupidity is an infinite resource.


Although the stats are raw, so obviously there's going to be a difference in the nature of the games in categories: no trailer or demo, only demo, demo and trailer, only trailer. Making a demo is a lot easier for certain types of games, where as making a trailer with no relation to the game is expensive.


"Magical interfaces" and 3D, this is the same concept, all promise, people get fooled, but then they fall for something very similar again and again.

Edited by AwesomeOcelot
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He's right, demos are a bad idea, trailers that have no relation to the game are great. Human stupidity is an infinite resource.


Although the stats are raw, so obviously there's going to be a difference in the nature of the games in categories: no trailer or demo, only demo, demo and trailer, only trailer. Making a demo is a lot easier for certain types of games, where as making a trailer with no relation to the game is expensive.


"Magical interfaces" and 3D, this is the same concept, all promise, people get fooled, but then they fall for something very similar again and again.


Mmm, I use to be opposed to Demo's but then I was told that by not having a Demo this  would increase Pirating, and since I am bitterly opposed to Pirating I thought Demos may be a good thing. Now I am not sure if there are statistics that suggest they effect sales. Was there a Demo for successful games like ME3 and Skyrim?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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In general I support demos.


That said, not all games need them (and they aren't trivial to do either, especially since the timing of doing them is usually inconvenient for the project as a whole), and a bad demo (for an otherwise good game) is something that is very bad and unfortunate.



I'm adamantly opposed to pirating too, and actually do not consider a lack of a demo to be a quality justification for piracy.  Even if your intent is to download it just to see how the game is, and if it's good you'll buy it, it still has some negative consequences such as being another blip on the "this game was pirated" counter, which as questionable as that may be in its effectiveness, isn't going to do much to hinder some data analyst guy that goes "Hmm, this is a lost sale and maybe a DRM can take advantage."


I'm of the mind that very, very few games are so must have.  If it's not already a game that has me going "Oooo I want now!" to the point where a demo would be useful, then it's a game I probably have no problem just waiting to pick up when it's cheaper, or even just not playing it at all.

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In general I support demos.



I'm of the mind that very, very few games are so must have.  If it's not already a game that has me going "Oooo I want now!" to the point where a demo would be useful, then it's a game I probably have no problem just waiting to pick up when it's cheaper, or even just not playing it at all.

 Good points, did  DA1&2 have demos?

"Abashed the devil stood and felt how awful goodness is and saw Virtue in her shape how lovely: and pined his loss”

John Milton 

"We don't stop playing because we grow old; we grow old because we stop playing.” -  George Bernard Shaw

"What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived. It is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead" - Nelson Mandela



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And one was good, Origins, and the other not that great (while both were the intro sequences, DA2's was alot weaker than DA:O's). At least that's what I remember off the top of my head - was there more to the DA2 demo or was it those first few battles?

"Geez. It's like we lost some sort of bet and ended up saddled with a bunch of terrible new posters on this forum."




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I think the DA2 demo went until the Flemeth scene.


One of the primary reasons for doing it was to show the combat differences (one could argue we hurt our sales, but honestly I'd rather have a lost sale with someone going "eh, that game isn't for me" rather than to be caught completely unaware.  Heck, due to preorders we already had people who were disappointed with the change).

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In general I support demos.



I'm of the mind that very, very few games are so must have.  If it's not already a game that has me going "Oooo I want now!" to the point where a demo would be useful, then it's a game I probably have no problem just waiting to pick up when it's cheaper, or even just not playing it at all.

 Good points, did  DA1&2 have demos?

Yes they did, and i thank god DA2 had one so i canceled my pre-order. ( But my ex-gf bought me its PS3 version as a birthday present... thank you karma)


I support demos too(or ye'olde sharewares) A well done demo can give you details of how full game is going to be. They helped me countless time either not buying the game (latest exp. Omerta) or buying (exp. MG: Revengeance)

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I like the demos that have shown up lately that are just the full version of the game with saves disabled and a time limit coded in.

The area between the balls and the butt is a hotbed of terrorist activity.


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Schell forgets the #1 rule of any statistics reading:


Correlation does not imply causation


The data on that graph is positively spartan (is that graph based on means or medians? Where did EEDAR get the sales data, VGChartz?), and Schell doesn't take into account if many publishers and developers in AAA field of gaming are simply confident enough in their marketing to not need a demo. This'd mean having no demos would be a result of expected good sales, not something that slashes your revenue by half


Simply a gross oversimplification of data




An example: I could make a chart where games are categorized by their launch prices, and then compare their unit sales. You can bet your ass that $60 games would be way above $10 in sold units. Does it mean higher price gets you more sales? NO

Edited by Nordicus
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Now we know for sure why they didn't release a demo for Aliens:CM!!!





Game over man, game over!



Ouch... Back to playing AvP 2 then i guess...

I was expecting a decent shooter at least from the makers of Borderlands 1-2...



Edit: Let this be a lesson for mankind, if a game is shelved ando long forgotten let it die. I'm running short on nukes for orbital bombardment...

Edited by cyberarmy

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Im not buying this (both the game and excuse) Game is out with lots of bugs and no Aliens feeling at all, i dont really want top notch graphics, animations or PS:T equal story/characters just some solid shooting mechanics and feel. RAGE was a disaster both from technicaly and storywise but it had solid shooting, making you grin with every shotgun shot or with a well placed windblade throw.

They even dont have great MP it seems which the part they did. With this problems everybody just continue L4D2 or other "Horde" type games which are cheaper/even free.


And i just dont understand why they continued on(or hell even begin) this project if this was a trainwreck from start ... They lost lots of their hard earned credit for nothing.


Gamespot review, on the par with all others...



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That's harsh, Section 8 was a competent multiplayer FPS. A lot of companies out source now, and have been doing for years. They haven't created a good single player FPS, but then it seems as if they weren't completely in control of the design.


It was hyped as a Gearbox game. The bulk of the work however was done by TimeGate. They lied to us. No monies for liars.

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And they cancelled Aliens:Crucible over that load of ****. Well played Sega, well played. The world definately needs more generic, boring and bad shooters. Kinda knew something fishy was going on when I found about SEGA not allowing magazines to release reviews before the actual release date, not even if the magazine was coming out 1 or 2 days prior to the release date.

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Hate the living, love the dead.

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