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New interview with Adam Brennecke (small spoiler for a new character)

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Hearing that there would be so many "feats" right out the gate made me very happy. I definitely agree that there needs to be an easy way for people that don't like obsessing over character choices to quickly make their characters, but for those of us that love spending hours customizing their character builds this is a big plus.

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That sounds completely delightful.


Aside from just being a very charming concept, I appreciate that there's a distinction between a character's class and that person's job or role in society. The two should certainly relate to each other, but I like that magic users might think less-obvious ways to use their talents and that they're not all just sitting around in wizardly colleges.

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Also, looks like these characters being the companions has been confirmed:


Here are five of the companions that you may choose to have accompany you on your journey in Project Eternity (assuming they survive this encounter). Edair is on the left. Aloth is next to him. Then Forton and Cadegund. Sagani is on the right.
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Why do I think "Hercule Poirot" when I hear well dressed, short detective?

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“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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We have for companions an Orlan Cipher decective, A human monk, a gun toting Priestess, a human fighter, a Dwarf ranger, an Elf Wizard.


That leaves a Godlike ? and a Aumaua ?.


One of those is likely a rogue as we don't have one yet and its one of the traditional core four.


My guess Godlike Rogue, Aumaua Chanter, Paladin, or Druid.


I'm dying to get more lore on the races.

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I perfer he can use the ability to become a murder, not just investigating :devil:


Anyway, great companion setting!

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted, She got the Mercedes Benz

She's got a lot of pretty, pretty boys, that she calls friends

How they dance in the courtyard, sweet summer sweat.

Some dance to remember, some dance to forget

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Thanks for sharing. The orlan cipher sounds interesting, looking forward to that one. 372949_208052699260164_38621146_q.jpg



[Adam] Several of the classes function differently than they did in DnD. The Paladin is a little different. They function more like the Warlord class from DnD. The Priest is a little more like a traditional paladin. They like to use firearms, which are good weapons to use against wizards. We want to keep a lot of things familiar for fans, but we also want to twist them. That’s what we like to do here at Obsidian. Firearms are another twist that, while present in DnD, weren’t really used commonly.

Paladins are not paladins, and clerics are paladins with guns. This doesn't sound too good. :down:


On the other hand:

[Marceror] It would be awesome if this engine became the catalyst for a whole new set of CRPGs that are built using the 2D isometric model.

[Adam] That’s what we’re hoping for. We really want to see where we can take this.


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It may also depend on who your a priest of that changes the spells and abilities you have access too. Maybe A Priest of Eothos is more Paladin like with smiting, while Magran priests are better with guns, and Berath's priests might favour necromancy and healing stamina.

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Remember to keep distinct the "mechanics" of the Paladin, and the "background" of the Paladin. The Paladin "background" is still going to be someone fanatically/zealously devoted to a cause, that of a "champion of the faith" still - they just aren't going to be forced to be "lawful good" (especially since there isn't going to be a strict morality/alignment system) nor are they going to be forced to have that cause be a divine one. To me, I think this is actually a good direction to go in, regardless of the effect on the "mechanics" side. I'd like to see a bit more "leading from the front by personal example" than "leading from the back with commanding orders" come from the class, but we'll see how that goes once we have more information.

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"If we are alone in the universe, it sure seems like an awful waste of space"

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Why do I systematically like everything I read about Project: Eternity?


It must have something to do with the game oozing pure win ...

"Time is not your enemy. Forever is."

— Fall-From-Grace, Planescape: Torment

"It's the questions we can't answer that teach us the most. They teach us how to think. If you give a man an answer, all he gains is a little fact. But give him a question, and he'll look for his own answers."

— Kvothe, The Wise Man's Fears

My Deadfire mods: Brilliant Mod | Faster Deadfire | Deadfire Unnerfed | Helwalker Rekke | Permanent Per-Rest Bonuses | PoE Items for Deadfire | No Recyled Icons | Soul Charged Nautilus


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[Adam] We’d like to do updates as often as possible... I’m looking a lot at how Double Fine Adventure (another recently successful Kickstarter project) is handling this. I like their format and will probably do something similar.

I'm looking at what Peter Jackson did with King Kong and The Hobbit. Production videos every several months are very welcome.


[Adam] So we’d rather be able to self-fund our projects.

I just hope that we will be able to (pre)order those wonderful Collector's editions of self-funded projects. I'm not really interested in digital goods.


[Adam] We are developing a character that is an Orlan Cipher, who is a detective (Orlans are a new race in Project Eternity. They are small folk based after the gnome and the Halfling).

He should be named Hercule :w00t: It is not only a reference to the famous Hercule Poirot but also a joke about his short stature (Hercule = Hercules).

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Thank you for posting this thread.


The interview was very interesting and revealing.


I hope they are able to stick to a regular update cycle.


Given how some other successful KS' quiet down once they get stuck into the grind of making the game/final product I'd settle for monthly updates.

- Project Eternity, Wasteland 2 and Torment: Tides of Numenera; quality cRPGs are back !


                              image-163154-full.jpg?1348681100      3fe8e989e58997f400df78f317b41b50.jpg                            

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Oh, that sounds exciting.


Concepts for all the characters we had by now were pretty bland (no, I'm not worried, I know they'll all have twists of some sort, but as far as pitches go "human fighter" or "elven wizard" just doesn't sound nearly as exciting as, say, "flying skull", "fallen angel", "bear demigod" or "walking suit of armor"). Crime-solving psyonic gnome is the most intriguing character pitch we had at this point. Really looking forward to the other two. Aumaua and Godlike are not yet represented in the cast, are they?

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Like some other people in this thread, i find this character immediately intruiging. He just oozes Poirot:


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"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

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- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Detectives are always a good character to go by. They're all about the atmosphere. I still remember the Detective story in the Witcher 1 game as one of the highlights. I didn't have so much fun with an RPG for a long time when I played it.

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