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Hot diggity, guys, you're getting me excited. I recently replayed XCOM 1and2 not too long ago, less than a year I think. I think I'll have to pick this up. Take a screenshot of one of your favorite places and post it for a little looksee.

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Yeah they do get their little scamper. I wonder if it was a balance thing as getting the jump on them would be very powerful (guys get huge penalties when in the open. Bonus chance to hit, huge bonus chance to crit, stuff like that).


The one catastrophic full wipe was me being stupid and failing to remember that that vehicle was on fire, so when it blew up I lost 3 of my squad. The two rookies remaining had it in rough.


Chryssalids still suck (in that horrifying way they used to be).

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One more thing that annoys me a lot: You can't pick up items from dead squadmates. Would be a good feature to have I think, as well as maybe having the ability to swap items mid-mission (counting as a full action of course).


Also, I'm not really a big fan of the "storyline" or "narrative" (I use those words loosely here) as it's presented in the game. Just feels completely unnecessary to me.


I'm really enjoying the game despite my whining. Finally managed to build up a few squad-members that are decent and you can really feel the difference in the field. Though it also makes you more cautious.

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I have never played XCOM, though I've seen enough LPs to get a feel. I'll try the demo, maybe I'll be able to experience being That Guy who thinks Fallout 3 is great, etc.

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There's some mechanics I think are pretty interesting. Like receiving a defense bonus to overwatch attacks if you happen to be dashing (using both your movement points).


Chryssalids give me nightmares!



I'm getting the impression the AI doesn't seem to cheat. I see them making "good decisions" based on imperfect information. Like, it knew where a guy was (because I shot and killed his only alien that had visibility). But without him seeing, I moved other guys in to cover the first soldier. AI comes kicking down a door to target my vulnerable guy, but got mowed down by the guys it didn't know were there.

Edited by alanschu
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Okay. The scamper is pretty stupid. I just spotted some guys and they went and scampered into perfect flanking position and I had used all my moves, and saw half my squad get wiped due to bull****.


I'm also officially dropping the difficulty because this **** is hard LOL.





Jesus Firaxis you sloppy bastards.


When you've already spoken out against the game being less XCOM than the shooter game, you just come off as looking for vindication of your opinion. If you are not interested in the game, I suggest moving on and not contaminating the thread of people actively discussing the game and having fun with it.

Edited by alanschu
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Jesus Firaxis you sloppy bastards.


When you've already spoken out against the game being less XCOM than the shooter game, you just come off as looking for vindication of your opinion. If you are not interested in the game, I suggest moving on and not contaminating the thread of people actively discussing the game and having fun with it.


Though here he actually has a point. Having HD videos included in the install, but no way to actually see them in game is kinda sloppy. Especially since I find the low quality renders to be quite jarring. I mean since they're using engine footage any way, why not let the engine render those in real time instead, so they'd be the same resolution as the actual game...

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Game definitely has me swear a lot!!!


3 straight misses at 75% chance to hit. There's a 1.5% chance of that happening XD


I have done worse.

A game called Paradise Cracked.

My sniper crouched on high ground. Cybernetic eyes and the best sniper rifle money could buy.

Enemies out in the open, no cover whatsoever.

The game says 100% chance to hit.

I missed 120 shots (or around there... stopped counting after a hundred, didnt start counting until I had gotten frustrated).


Eventually I had one of my other team members rush out with an SMG and mow them down

Edited by melkathi

Unobtrusively informing you about my new ebook (which you should feel free to read and shower with praise).

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Though here he actually has a point. Having HD videos included in the install, but no way to actually see them in game is kinda sloppy. Especially since I find the low quality renders to be quite jarring. I mean since they're using engine footage any way, why not let the engine render those in real time instead, so they'd be the same resolution as the actual game...


The irony is more along the lines of him getting very upset at the game for having the cinematics present at all during the demo.



Oh, I officially lost BTW.

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I am really bummed out by this game. I have only managed to play a few hours on classic ironman but so far there are major design issues with cover, movement and line of sight that result in the game being an excersise in frustration in addition to dull and boring.


I will keep playing and hope it gets better but for now this is the biggest dissapointment of the year

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Hmm, the game seems to make it pretty clear where cover is, what angles it covers, and what your line of sight is. I do agree that there are some counter-intuitive angles in fights, but that seems to be a sacrifice we have to make with the engine. I always know when my characters are exposed. The game is gorgeous, by the way.

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Game definitely has me swear a lot!!!


3 straight misses at 75% chance to hit. There's a 1.5% chance of that happening XD


I have done worse.

A game called Paradise Cracked.

My sniper crouched on high ground. Cybernetic eyes and the best sniper rifle money could buy.

Enemies out in the open, no cover whatsoever.

The game says 100% chance to hit.

I missed 120 shots (or around there... stopped counting after a hundred, didnt start counting until I had gotten frustrated).


Eventually I had one of my other team members rush out with an SMG and mow them down

It's your own damn fault if you played that turd. :p
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Quick question with medkits. Probably stupid to ask, but do I need to just create 1 medkit for my support class guy, or do I have to keep creating them in order to use multiple ones during a mission ( I have the ability to use 3 in one mission). I only ask because you don't need to keep creating grenades or rockets for mission after mission, but I wanted to know, do I need to keep creating/manufacturing medkits to use throughout missions?

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You only need one medkit per soldier, they do not need to be replaced after use.


Medkits are a huge part of the game too, my support guy is probably my MVP.


I'm surprised anyone is playing Ironman on the first playthrough. I'll wait and see how stable the game is before I put all my faith in one save game.

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Elaborate on that please ^

Im playing on classic ironman and its hard, I cant fault it for that. After 5 missions I am down 10 squad mates.

But I am hating the game. Combat seems arbitrary and the way you seem to have to move in close combat to get "flanking" is dumb.

The cover system is obtuse (it makes combat binary and boring) and the line of sight information is terrible. I constantly move somewhere and then find out that I cant actually see what I intend to target and since you only have one move + shoot or two moves I am instantly ****ed as the alien can flank me on the next turn. It seems completely random when you have line of sight and when you don't. It may seem like your sniper should see that sectoid standing in the open 50 meters away but apparently he doesn't.

I also hate how line of sight seems completely ignored in many cases where the aliens manage to shoot through not only walls but entire hills.

Another thing that is just flat out unfair and unfun is how overwatch works. Since there is no facing you will always take a plasma bolt to the face trying to flank someone in overwatch mode.

In some game modes there will be enemies spawning into areas that you have cleared. They may even spawn in line of sight with the target you are tasked to protect and instantly kill it making you fail the mission.


I will stick with it a while longer but for now I am incredibly dissapointed.

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bes solution to overwatch is t gt the assault upgrade where the first one will miss automatically. I have a fairly big crush on assault soldiers overall.


Hurli, to answer your question why anyone would play on ironman the first time, for me it's because I don't mind failing. I want the game to be challenging, hard and unforgiving. I want losses to be felt, and I don't mind restarting when things spiral out of control.


That way when I beat the game, it'll be that much sweeter.


I have a question that I feel really stupid for asking:


What do I have to do to be able to build workshops? because I could swear I could build those in one of my first playthroughs, but in my last one where I got a lot further than before, they just weren't available to me. An 4 engineers really aren't enough...

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bes solution to overwatch is t gt the assault upgrade where the first one will miss automatically. I have a fairly big crush on assault soldiers overall.


Hurli, to answer your question why anyone would play on ironman the first time, for me it's because I don't mind failing. I want the game to be challenging, hard and unforgiving. I want losses to be felt, and I don't mind restarting when things spiral out of control.


That way when I beat the game, it'll be that much sweeter.


I have a question that I feel really stupid for asking:


What do I have to do to be able to build workshops? because I could swear I could build those in one of my first playthroughs, but in my last one where I got a lot further than before, they just weren't available to me. An 4 engineers really aren't enough...


I think you need 5 engineers to build workshops.

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