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The only thing that's fascinating there is how indoctrinated some people are that Bioware can't fail.


Actually they haven't even failed.


They just made the same game for the third time, including the crap ending. People are making an effort to forget the immensely stupid final boss of ME2 and the silly final mission is because there was the holy third game that would magically make sense of all the nonsense that had piled up sky high at that point.


The simple truth is that Mass Effect was made to be just as shallow, clich

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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I love Blade Runner but I don't see any of it in Mass Effect, except as a distant influence. But then BR is an indirect influence to just about every sci-fi that came after it.


That's an easy question, none. I watched and liked all of those shows and other fan favourites like Firefly - but none of them can hold a candle to the top few sci-fi films (Odyssey, BR, Stalker etc.) That's okay because series are a lower quality medium in general. Series are all about fun, something more than that is a rare exception.


Except just because a sci-fi isn't as good as Blade Runner doesn't mean it's shallow, simplistic, and clich

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ME3 Petition raises 40k for Child's Play.


Also, if you think Babylon 5 is mostly embarrassing then by those standards, there really aren't any cerebral sci-fi television series. How many sci-fi TV shows that are more cerebral than the likes of B5, Star Trek, and BSG can you name?


Twilight Zone and... that's about it.


Then again, TV shows are hardly ever a cerebral activity. Shows like The Wire are a recent phenomena.

Edited by Maria Caliban
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"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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I would not have predicted this ****storm even knowing the weak ending in advance. I don't see how they could change the ending though, that is just not going to happen. It's a bit like the BSG final. They have all this dead meat of lore and plot collected over time that all points in different directions and no way to stitch it all together coherently. Not an enviable job. They could have stuck a narrator in there though, maybe the ships doctor. 'Let me tell you about the time I served on the Normandy', that kind of thing. Might have reduced the cheese to allowable levels.

Na na  na na  na na  ...

greg358 from Darksouls 3 PVP is a CHEATER.

That is all.


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The whole SYMOBLISM!!!!! thing with the kid was really annoying. It would have been better if they killed Anderson and used him in the dreams rather than that stupid kid that you knew nothing about.



Also, if you think Babylon 5 is mostly embarrassing then by those standards, there really aren't any cerebral sci-fi television series. How many sci-fi TV shows that are more cerebral than the likes of B5, Star Trek, and BSG can you name?


Twilight Zone and... that's about it.


Then again, TV shows are hardly ever a cerebral activity. Shows like The Wire are a recent phenomena.


Good episodes of Star Trek and B5 are just as good.


TV shows are limited by budget and time. However, some of them do try to push the boundries despite the limitations of the medium. It's generally better to judge TV shows on an episode by episodes basis rather than a whole since extra resources and effort spent on a good episodes is often at the expense of resources and time for other episodes.

Edited by Giantevilhead
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But that's all... one exact same video.


Did they really stoop so low?


Also, someone please tell me this didn't happen:




It's the last thing you see before the game plops you back right before Cerberus base level.


And the issue with the kid was that it was ultimately a juvinile device used by the devs to try to tug at our heartstrings. It sort of works in war movies or tv shows because the kid in question has more than just one quick scene of dialogue with the character, and ends up making an impression. This little fruitcake shows up, says "you can't help me" and dies... and this magically has a MASSIVE impact on Shepard to the point of PTSD. I liked the idea for Anderson, but personally, I'd say have an excrew member die right off.... Maybe Ash/Kaiden so that they didn't have to build, record, and yutz with two party members worth of stuff that wont' all get seen in one play through. It gives that same tug, they have the connection to Shepard, and starts the gaem with an actual bang rather than an "uhhh really?" then replace their characters in the party with somebody from ME2.

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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ME3 Petition raises 40k for Child's Play.


Also, if you think Babylon 5 is mostly embarrassing then by those standards, there really aren't any cerebral sci-fi television series. How many sci-fi TV shows that are more cerebral than the likes of B5, Star Trek, and BSG can you name?


Twilight Zone and... that's about it.


Then again, TV shows are hardly ever a cerebral activity. Shows like The Wire are a recent phenomena.


I agree, The Wire is something else entirely.

И погибе Српски кнез Лазаре,
И његова сва изгибе војска, 
Седамдесет и седам иљада;
Све је свето и честито било
И миломе Богу приступачно.


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The only customer feedback that matter is $ not the lunatic rantings of the internet rabid fringe.


People claimed that DA2's 'poor' showing would doom future BIO games like ME3 and it hasn't. Money talks, opinions stinks.


Actually a majority I think were like me. Since they assured us that there were two different teams and it was totally separate, I decided to hold off judgement until ME3. DA2 could have been a fluke, every company has them occasionally. Whether I or those like me buy another bio game in the future actually hinged very strongly on how ME3 turned out.


Faithful enough that they wouldn't condemn bio for one game...but basically waiting with Bio on probation for however it turned out with the results.

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I'll play the name-the-influence game from the facetious non-scifi fan:


Planet of the Apes .....as in what Bioware did to the franchise. You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!



Also - Soylent Green.


You've gotta tell them! Reaper is people! We've gotta stop them somehow!



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And the issue with the kid was that it was ultimately a juvinile device used by the devs to try to tug at our heartstrings. It sort of works in war movies or tv shows because the kid in question has more than just one quick scene of dialogue with the character, and ends up making an impression. This little fruitcake shows up, says "you can't help me" and dies... and this magically has a MASSIVE impact on Shepard to the point of PTSD. I liked the idea for Anderson, but personally, I'd say have an excrew member die right off.... Maybe Ash/Kaiden so that they didn't have to build, record, and yutz with two party members worth of stuff that wont' all get seen in one play through. It gives that same tug, they have the connection to Shepard, and starts the gaem with an actual bang rather than an "uhhh really?" then replace their characters in the party with somebody from ME2.


There is the obvious SYMBOLISM!!!! of the child representing earth and all the people Shepard failed to help. It worked much better in Terminator 2.

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The only customer feedback that matter is $ not the lunatic rantings of the internet rabid fringe.


People claimed that DA2's 'poor' showing would doom future BIO games like ME3 and it hasn't. Money talks, opinions stinks.


Actually a majority I think were like me. Since they assured us that there were two different teams and it was totally separate, I decided to hold off judgement until ME3. DA2 could have been a fluke, every company has them occasionally. Whether I or those like me buy another bio game in the future actually hinged very strongly on how ME3 turned out.


Faithful enough that they wouldn't condemn bio for one game...but basically waiting with Bio on probation for however it turned out with the results.

DA2 was at least of an even quality (or "quality", depending on how jaded you are). ME3 has you running through a sunny field, surrounded by buxom babes and a wide grin on your face... and then hits you in the face with a baseball bat wrapped in razorwire.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Guest Slinky


Never forget. (ending spoilers)


Heh, that was the best end boss of the trilogy if you ask me :p


I'm not much for big ultrabosses that need 10min of shooting to kill. Even banshees and brutes annoyed me because of that.

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What was the deal with that space ninja guy anyway ? Someone from the books I'm guessing but he seemed out of place.

Kai Leng's introduced in Karpyshyn's third ME novel, a very clear-cut case of http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheDragon for TIM. Not a lot more backstory in the novel, either, just that he's a first-grade **** and former N7 alumnus. Out of place is probably more due to the fact that his final look seems to come from some other game - completely out of place on a technical level. :p


There were two Marauders, actually.


First you shoot Marauder Shields, then he disappears, and then there's his Twin brother, Marauder Health.

Nah, he changes his name in the middle of the fight. The reapers' aren't big on bureaucracy.


Edit: oh look, the old url linking no longer works, or I just suck. Oh well.

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Kai Leng's introduced in Karpyshyn's third ME novel, a very clear-cut case of the"]http://tvtropes.org/...n/TheDragon]the Dragon[/url] for TIM. Not a lot more backstory in the novel, either, just that he's a first-grade **** and former N7 alumnus. Out of place is probably more due to the fact that his final look seems to come from some other game - completely out of place on a technical level. :p


Thanks, he reminded me of a "cyber" Nightwing.

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Just finished the "Shroud" mission on Tuchanka (sp?)



My favourite lizardman went out in a blaze of glory



Made me sniffle a bit.


(I'm playing an uncompromising paragon Shepard)

“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would surely suffice.” - Albert Einstein

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Guest Slinky


My favourite lizardman went out in a blaze of glory




You mean Grunt? He survived in my game. Looks like it depends on is he loyal in ME2 or not.


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My favourite lizardman went out in a blaze of glory




You mean Grunt? He survived in my game. Looks like it depends on is he loyal in ME2 or not.



I believe he meant

Mordin - It's that mixture of "Anyone else might do it wrong" and the way he hums "I am a Scientist Salarian" under his breath as he goes through with it..


"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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That was good indeed, only

because Wrex and Eve were alive ( in my game). I wouldn't have let him do it for Wreav.


But Thane's end i didn't like that much, because of the all Shepard Space Jesus feel, other than that Thane went out like a badass. ;_;


1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Guest Slinky


My favourite lizardman went out in a blaze of glory




You mean Grunt? He survived in my game. Looks like it depends on is he loyal in ME2 or not.



I believe he meant

Mordin - It's that mixture of "Anyone else might do it wrong" and the way he hums "I am a Scientist Salarian" under his breath as he goes through with it..




If salarians look like lizardmen, I'm in need of eye check pretty badly :p


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If salarians look like lizardmen, I'm in need of eye check pretty badly :p



They used to lick their own eyes!



Well, they're are based on gecko type lizards.. so that might be where you're confusion comes from... :thumbsup:



"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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My favourite lizardman went out in a blaze of glory




You mean Grunt? He survived in my game. Looks like it depends on is he loyal in ME2 or not.



I believe he meant

Mordin - It's that mixture of "Anyone else might do it wrong" and the way he hums "I am a Scientist Salarian" under his breath as he goes through with it..




If salarians look like lizardmen, I'm in need of eye check pretty badly :p



They used to eat flies! Their lizardness is highlighted if you have Ashes, but it's always been in the codex. Of course, krogan are more than a little lizardy, too, so...



Beaten by Raithe, even if I used the other quote. :p

Edited by Nepenthe

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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