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SW: The Old Republic Part 3

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From what little I understand, they'd set up Edmonton specifically to be the Customer Service dept of the game. So right now it seems like they've dropped development of new content to a more back burner position, and are working on QA/Customer Service. I know that their Customer Service has been noted to be atrocious with many bug reports or support requests being given little more than a form letter and promptly ignored (I stopped playing one of my characters because she was caught in a "can't complete quest" loop that got 0 help from the Customer Service dept.)

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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I agree new content will likely suffer the most here, although I doubt it will be a huge dropoff. The 1.2 patch was massive and came out quicker than I would have expected, so we probably won't see anything like that again. Still, MMO's are a marathon, not a sprint.

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I let my subscription run out after my free month. I may or may not comeback depending on what content they add and what class changes are made.....oh and it will largely depend on how much I enjoy Guild Wars 2. I felt a couple play throughs in TOR were enough for me. Loved the stories of the classes I played but the game overall never really felt like an MMO to me. PvP got super boring. Got my Operative up to lvl 82 Valor but it was all about doing warzones over and over and over and over again. World PvP sucked balls. They could have done so much more with Illum and they could still in the future but this is what they had the guys at Mythic come up with? Another thing that is killing the game is the number of servers. I think they have over 200 with an average of 350 people online p/server. I imagine there's a good chunk...well over 100 of those servers...that are "light" all the time. Ques for Warzones must take forever and I'm sure that's frustrating players into quitting. Oh well, I'll spend the next couple of months working to unlock Guild Wars 2 rewards in the first Guild Wars game.

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Dang, had some glitch on the latest patch update, so now it's re-downloading the whooole shebang. Ah well, something to leave running in the background.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Bioware is rolling out server transfers for select servers. It looks like they are finally consolidating some of the more ghost town like ones, although it is still optional at this point.

Yeah, My server (Rogue Moon) is one of those. Probably migrating this evening and starting to play again over the weekend, Uncharted 3's lost me for the moment.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Hm, whilst I am still cheerfully kicking around on Corellian Run. That and occasional pokes on the public test server to see what changes are coming...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Wrapped up the Smuggler class-quest and kicked the Voidwolf's arse. Hm, although it doesn't quite have the sheer emotional satisfaction of prologue ending or the Act 1 end-point.

Still, getting the Republic's highest civilian award for basically taking control of the criminal underworld is kind of amusing...


Now I'll have to psych myself up to wrap up some of those Corellian world quests.. Think I'll have to start focusing some time on the Bounty Hunter now. I do want to have a splurge on Sith Warrior, but got him almost finished Dromund Kaas, but I can't face Balmorra just yet. I covered it on my Bounty Hunter the other week and my Jedi Knight is just wrapping the bonus series there..


Hm, so in 6 months I've gotten two characters to 50th, and completed their class stories, I've got another to level 40 and in the early stages of Act 2, and a couple of others in their teens-to-twenty-something levels. I'd say it's certainly about pacing the classes and which faction you're doing along with how quickly you rotate through the planets.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Moved my character to Red Eclipse yesterday evening, hadn't been online in 140 days. Kind of scared of what's going to happen next. :p

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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The only real thing that can threaten TOR is itself, as in not fixing issues and failing to keep the subscribers engaged. There are always going to be folks hopping from MMO to MMO, those aren't really your target customers.


That being said, TSW doesn't seem to have a lot of presence in the media. I'd say Guild Wars 2 will be much bigger, but it really is very different than TOR. Thankfully it has no subscription.

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The whole reason GW2 gets so much attention is because it's actively trying to set it apart from WoW. If you can't be arsed to read up on something, why are you commenting, and if you're too friggin' stupid to comprehend two short sentences, why are you flapping your braindead mouth?

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