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If I add up all the games I've purchased since 2000 no way is it even close to 50.


I don't really want to think about how many games I've bought since 2000. And that's just PC, if you add Dreamcast, PS2, Xbox, X360 and PS3.... Damn.


I try an limit myself to one game a month. Which still puts me way over 50.

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I'm averaging 3 or 4 a year. This year the majority has been stuff from GOG, heh.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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My new video card came with a 'free' copy of Batman: Arkham City. I think the card even has Batman's lovely mug gracing it, so I can stare at his bleeding nose though the window in my computer case.


I'd have played an extra $15 if they'd made it a picture of Catwoman. While I enjoyed the first Batman: AA game, I have a burning hatred of Batman carried from my comic loving adolescence. I wonder if slapping some paint on the card is doable.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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i buy a lot of games every year, at such low prices, it's really hard not to. i try not to go too crazy though, i really don't like buying bad games, and thats happened more in the past 2 years than in probably the 5 years before

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I can't wait to finish the main story so I can play with Catwoman on the entire map. Batman is a bore.

I know the real reason you want to play as her. She's not a piece of meat! She's a person! Who just so happens to suck at travelling around the map because that whip is terrible.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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I can't wait to finish the main story so I can play with Catwoman on the entire map. Batman is a bore.

I know the real reason you want to play as her. She's not a piece of meat! She's a person! Who just so happens to suck at travelling around the map because that whip is terrible.

The only thing Batman has over her, is his gadgets and being able to glide across the entire map. Catwoman's just way more fun in combat.

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I can't wait to finish the main story so I can play with Catwoman on the entire map. Batman is a bore.

I know the real reason you want to play as her. She's not a piece of meat! She's a person! Who just so happens to suck at travelling around the map because that whip is terrible.

The only thing Batman has over her, is his gadgets and being able to glide across the entire map. Catwoman's just way more fun in combat.

He can brake stuff in combat! And she can't ride on monsters. So she is definitely hot... fun in combat, but would need some more combos to be more fun than Batman. And good luck with snipers and armed thugs. :x

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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He can brake stuff in combat! And she can't ride on monsters. So she is definitely hot... fun in combat, but would need some more combos to be more fun than Batman. And good luck with snipers and armed thugs. :x


She can crawl on ceiling though, but the inability to break weapons is definitely a disadvantage. But so far in the beatdown challenges I've gotten over 124000 points with Catwoman while my top with Batman is around 80000 so I think she's easier.

Fortune favors the bald.

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Playing some Storm of Zehir with an all-evil party. Have recruited Chir (forgot that that fight with the Mindflayers can be a pain in the butt on lower levels) and am gonna recruit the Shadow Thief woman once I hit the Sword Coast. Aw yeah.

Listen to my home-made recordings (some original songs, some not): http://www.youtube.c...low=grid&view=0

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Playing some Storm of Zehir with an all-evil party. Have recruited Chir (forgot that that fight with the Mindflayers can be a pain in the butt on lower levels) and am gonna recruit the Shadow Thief woman once I hit the Sword Coast. Aw yeah.

By "recruit," you mean "feed to One of Many," right?

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He can brake stuff in combat! And she can't ride on monsters. So she is definitely hot... fun in combat, but would need some more combos to be more fun than Batman. And good luck with snipers and armed thugs. :p


She can crawl on ceiling though, but the inability to break weapons is definitely a disadvantage. But so far in the beatdown challenges I've gotten over 124000 points with Catwoman while my top with Batman is around 80000 so I think she's easier.

What about Robin and Nightwing? Played them yet?

1.13 killed off Ja2.

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Well, finished the main story of Arkham City (I did only do a few of the side missions, but those were tedious anyway having to hunt after phones and other crap across the map). I'm pretty disappointed overall. Batman gets a few cool new gadgets, but combat gets boring quickly since it's just the same old from Arkham Asylum. Catwoman is fun to play, but she's just in for 30 minutes and a short epilogue. Collecting riddles is boring as well, and it doesn't really make sense hunting after them considering how the story pans out.


The story starts interesting, but completely falls apart at the end, and it feels like Rocksteady shoehorned in pretty much every Batman villain out there just to get a cool boss fight (who come down to either just punching through a mob of mooks or beating down a behemoth, or both). Only good thing I can say is that at least Rocksteady had some guts with the way they treated some characters (and I'm still kind of interested what Rocksteady will do in a sequel).


All in all, not sure what all the fuzz was about the game. It would've been much better if the game had more missions with Catwoman, and even Robin + Nightwing.

Edited by virumor

The ending of the words is ALMSIVI.

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I think the fuss was 'sequel to Arkham Asylam.'


I'm not surprising the story is lackluster. I like Paul Dini bu his best work has always been while he was paired with Timm. But I always thought that made Batman: AA fun was as much the gameplay. 'Stealth' + Close quarter combat + gadgets.


Not a lot of Catwoman? That's disappointing.

"When is this out. I can't wait to play it so I can talk at length about how bad it is." - Gorgon.

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