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What you did today


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So I've fallen head over heels in love with a girl, and I think she has fallen head over heels in love with me. This has never happened before. It feels so perfect.


Don't listen to these goons. You're a man. So if for some reason it doesn't work out you can always man the f*** up and get over the disappointment. :)


*ducks hurled objects*


Damn straight! Except for maybe the man part. :p I know plenty of girls who would give me the same advice. You gotta try these things and then move on if they don't work. No point sitting around moping about what ifs.


P.S. thanks to Hurlshot and anyone else for the support/advice. :)

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I've been creating a new classroom website using Google Sites. There are a lot of tools available, there's a bit of a learning curve but I'm enjoying it. I was using a site called Wikispaces, but it was a bit limited and didn't have all the options I wanted.

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Another option is Moodle, Hurlshot.


Tangentially related, I have started using Google Calendar instead of a physical calendar. It's pretty sweet.


Well, my school district is really starting to use Google for everything, so it's just easier to conform. Most of the kids use gmail, we use google docs and calendars for all our sign up stuff, even the district email is moving away from the old exchange server they were using.

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Spent today waking up early to see somebody off to the airport with the family, then spent the morning with extended family before coming home, napping, and watching TV while talking with the extended family some more. Tomorrow we're supposed to go to the Jelly Belly factory in vacaville to show a cousin around... well that or the Empire Mine up in the Sierras. I'm starting to get a bit annoyed that I only had one day really "Off" from everyone, and that day people were making me feel guilty for not going on this 8 hour hike up in the sierras.


Hopefully thursday is the day off as I go home on friday. Still, it's nice to see the family and actually be in a location I consider "Home" rather than living out of a hotel room while visiting members.


Oh, and my parents are just OH so helpful to me, friends call to see what I'm up to, and I don't get told until 5 hours later because "We forgot"

Victor of the 5 year fan fic competition!


Kevin Butler will awesome your face off.

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Seems like my mental health is more fragile than I thought. Also been having an on/off migraine since saturday, which has totally knocked me out twice already. Also suicidal. :p


Kids, don't go to grad school.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Really ? My friends going for M.ASc/Ph.D have nothing but positives about it. Mind you, is Engineering so they're used to the workload from undergrad, heh. Am amazed at how douchebag-ey the suits are in this building, one was yelling the girl in the coffee shop because...she didn't know where some office in the building was, heh. At least watching her shrug in response was a nice start to the day.

Edited by Malcador

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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Seems like my mental health is more fragile than I thought. Also been having an on/off migraine since saturday, which has totally knocked me out twice already. Also suicidal. :lol:


Kids, don't go to grad school.


Remind me why you're punishing yourself, again? You seem pretty switched on, generally. :)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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So mom's pre-op was today.. and that was a joyful 3 hours and a bit.... They realised they had to cancel fridays surgery because it was booked for the wrong anesthotologist. Then they had other realisations, such as finally noting that her notes mentioned she has MRSA and the history of complications and drug reactions and then they look at the medicine she's on...


So getting it all rescheduled and the fact that they might end up having to take a day surgery and turning it into 3 days or so of potential testing before-hand to be on the safe side and various other aspects...


Go medicine.

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Well, hope the surgery goes ok with her when it happens.

Why has elegance found so little following? Elegance has the disadvantage that hard work is needed to achieve it and a good education to appreciate it. - Edsger Wybe Dijkstra

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It's not really related to the workload, it's more like a conflict on the maslow hierarchy of needs. Making **** money,


Seems like my mental health is more fragile than I thought. Also been having an on/off migraine since saturday, which has totally knocked me out twice already. Also suicidal. :lol:


Kids, don't go to grad school.


Remind me why you're punishing yourself, again? You seem pretty switched on, generally. :)

Punishing myself with grad school or in general? ;) If the latter, hard to say. We have a pretty high dropout rate in law post-grad, it burns out people who can survive pretty tough ordinary work life. Favouritism reigns pretty high, and I'm not one of the accepted golden boys (though, it could be a lot worse, I have some influential protectors). High-stress job, coupled with a lack of prospects, I guess. Having an absurdly tough time finding a job, like I've had for the past ten years. It's possible I'm triggering some kind of prejudice in a lot of employers, I guess, but still looking at unemployment in the end of all this **** I've been shoveling.


That, and watching all the people around me who "settled" - they think "down", but actually "for". Them talking about the kind of music they used to listen to before their wives reprogrammed them. Being a bitter **** from having tasted a perfect relationship, for it to be discarded for a life in suburbia and real estate agency. :)


That's the abridged version, anyway.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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So mom's pre-op was today.. and that was a joyful 3 hours and a bit.... They realised they had to cancel fridays surgery because it was booked for the wrong anesthotologist. Then they had other realisations, such as finally noting that her notes mentioned she has MRSA and the history of complications and drug reactions and then they look at the medicine she's on...


So getting it all rescheduled and the fact that they might end up having to take a day surgery and turning it into 3 days or so of potential testing before-hand to be on the safe side and various other aspects...


Go medicine.


MRSA sucks, my mother-in-law has it and they kicked her out of the delivery room when my son was born because of it, even though it wasn't active. Hope it goes well for your mom.

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Punishing myself with grad school or in general? :( If the latter, hard to say. We have a pretty high dropout rate in law post-grad, it burns out people who can survive pretty tough ordinary work life. Favouritism reigns pretty high, and I'm not one of the accepted golden boys (though, it could be a lot worse, I have some influential protectors).


Something I realised a few nights ago: some things just ARE. In the same way as we have the ground and sky. Get your head round that, if you can. :)


As an aside, sort of, have you ever read any of the Aurelio Zen books by Michael Dibdin? I think you'd like them. And he's just the anti-hero to cheer you up, by the sound of things.

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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As an aside, sort of, have you ever read any of the Aurelio Zen books by Michael Dibdin? I think you'd like them. And he's just the anti-hero to cheer you up, by the sound of things.


And if you just want the tv version, I think it was the BBC that did three of the books as 90 minute "films" this last year.. entitled "Zen" and with Rufus Sewell in the lead role

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Something I realised a few nights ago: some things just ARE. In the same way as we have the ground and sky. Get your head round that, if you can. :)


As an aside, sort of, have you ever read any of the Aurelio Zen books by Michael Dibdin? I think you'd like them. And he's just the anti-hero to cheer you up, by the sound of things.

I've always considered not accepting the status quo to be my main strength, in addition to being my main weakness. :)


I've read some of the books back in the day. An annoying side effect of this job is that I'm completely unable to read for fun most of the time, but I'm running through the Deus Ex prequel novel right now. Also have the third book in the Millennium trilogy waiting to be finished. But trying to do some "fun" reading is probably a really good idea. Will do that. And go eat some cookies at my mother's place. :(

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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The "silly" seasons of Top Gear/UK is hilarious when you've never seen it before. I can see it getting old after a while but I was lol'ing a lot last night anyway.

“Things are as they are. Looking out into the universe at night, we make no comparisons between right and wrong stars, nor between well and badly arranged constellations.” – Alan Watts
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Had family in town over the weekend, hard to believe I hadn't seen my dad or brothers in over a year and half. Now I'm cleaning up a bit and thinking how I'm not looking forward to going back to work. Also got some good and bad new about my grandma, she is now cancer free but has just been diagnosed with alzheimers.


Tomorrow, Sade and John Legend concert.

Free games updated 3/4/21

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The "silly" seasons of Top Gear/UK is hilarious when you've never seen it before. I can see it getting old after a while but I was lol'ing a lot last night anyway.


It's the chemistry between the three presenters. They're sincere, enthusiastic, and extremely unconcerned with being politically correct when they're all as giddy as schoolgoys about cars.


And Top Gear is something like the next biggest export for the BBC after Doctor Who to the world...

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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Today I saw Sid Meier's face on the side of a bus.


The Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development's "Maryland of Opportunity" ad campaign is using him as an example-- with the not-at-all grandiose tagline "Civilization Began Here."

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Something I realised a few nights ago: some things just ARE. In the same way as we have the ground and sky. Get your head round that, if you can. :)


As an aside, sort of, have you ever read any of the Aurelio Zen books by Michael Dibdin? I think you'd like them. And he's just the anti-hero to cheer you up, by the sound of things.

I've always considered not accepting the status quo to be my main strength, in addition to being my main weakness. :)



And I consider myself at my best, intellectually, when I'm awake. It doesn't mean I should stay awake all the time. :)

"It wasn't lies. It was just... bull****"."

             -Elwood Blues


tarna's dead; processing... complete. Disappointed by Universe. RIP Hades/Sand/etc. Here's hoping your next alt has a harp.

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Something I realised a few nights ago: some things just ARE. In the same way as we have the ground and sky. Get your head round that, if you can. :)


As an aside, sort of, have you ever read any of the Aurelio Zen books by Michael Dibdin? I think you'd like them. And he's just the anti-hero to cheer you up, by the sound of things.

I've always considered not accepting the status quo to be my main strength, in addition to being my main weakness. :)



And I consider myself at my best, intellectually, when I'm awake. It doesn't mean I should stay awake all the time. :)

That's funny, I probably get most ideas when I'm either in bed or in the shower. I suspect it's some kind of rebellion, originating from all the young ladies who've told me to not get any ideas in either of those places... :)

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Today has started well.


I woke up, started taking care of assorted things, but there were all sorts of little things off. Then a few general inconsistencies , but I plowed on with some work, had some brain waves for various things that I made notes of, then.. things started getting a touch more odd. Finally it all collided together with some outright logical insonsistencies and I suddenly realised I was dreaming. I woke up (properly this time) and found I'd overslept.


And now I can't remember any of those bloody brain waves, and I'm caught in that "have i taken care of this/done that work, or was that only in the dream" kind of fuzziness :)

"Cuius testiculos habeas, habeas cardia et cerebellum."

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