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whennextgen? speculation and question


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xbox announce in 2012, release in 2013.






and OnLive was always a joke. pay a fee AND pay for games? thats like getting netflix, paying your monthly fee, and then having to pay for a movie everytime you rent it. total disaster.

Killing is kind of like playin' a basketball game. I am there. and the other player is there. and it's just the two of us. and I put the other player's body in my van. and I am the winner. - Nice Pete.

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I knew it. A source with no connection to EA or Microsoft sees a PC shell in the EA offices. It's got to be the next Xbox!


Or maybe it's a PC, you moron.

"Show me a man who "plays fair" and I'll show you a very talented cheater."
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  • 3 weeks later...

Sony won't invest as heavely in PS4


"Sony CFO Masaru Kato told investors this week that the company won't be looking to put the same kind of massive R&D into PS4 as they did with PS3. PS3's costs were astronomical because of Blu-ray and the Cell chip, but Sony's bottom line can't take another similar hit. Analysts are speculating that this will leave the door open for competitors like Microsoft. 'PS4's hardware could be less impressive than the PS3 at its launch. I think Microsoft will really be able to put the screws to Sony in the next console war,' Panoptic analyst Asif Khan commented to IndustryGamers."
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Sony won't invest as heavely in PS4


"Sony CFO Masaru Kato told investors this week that the company won't be looking to put the same kind of massive R&D into PS4 as they did with PS3. PS3's costs were astronomical because of Blu-ray and the Cell chip, but Sony's bottom line can't take another similar hit. Analysts are speculating that this will leave the door open for competitors like Microsoft. 'PS4's hardware could be less impressive than the PS3 at its launch. I think Microsoft will really be able to put the screws to Sony in the next console war,' Panoptic analyst Asif Khan commented to IndustryGamers."

I'm drawing the opposite conclusion here. Sony's overengineering the PS3 is what cast them down form the PS2 heavens in the first place. It's not like replacing 2005 with 2013 alone is necessarily a bad idea, and one that M$ is going to automagically beat. They're the one who're in the RD clamp now, anyway, their disc format is insufficient and IMO digital distribution of 20gb+/game isn't yet viable. Not sure if it's going to be in a couple of years, certainly not in the scale they would need to do it.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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Sony won't invest as heavely in PS4


"Sony CFO Masaru Kato told investors this week that the company won't be looking to put the same kind of massive R&D into PS4 as they did with PS3. PS3's costs were astronomical because of Blu-ray and the Cell chip, but Sony's bottom line can't take another similar hit. Analysts are speculating that this will leave the door open for competitors like Microsoft. 'PS4's hardware could be less impressive than the PS3 at its launch. I think Microsoft will really be able to put the screws to Sony in the next console war,' Panoptic analyst Asif Khan commented to IndustryGamers."

I'm drawing the opposite conclusion here. Sony's overengineering the PS3 is what cast them down form the PS2 heavens in the first place. It's not like replacing 2005 with 2013 alone is necessarily a bad idea, and one that M$ is going to automagically beat. They're the one who're in the RD clamp now, anyway, their disc format is insufficient and IMO digital distribution of 20gb+/game isn't yet viable. Not sure if it's going to be in a couple of years, certainly not in the scale they would need to do it.

HD-DVD is a viable option (up to 30GB) if Microsoft really wants to avoid Blu-Ray for their next console. I really doubt they will develop their own proprietary optical format from scratch.

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HD-DVD is a viable option (up to 30GB) if Microsoft really wants to avoid Blu-Ray for their next console. I really doubt they will develop their own proprietary optical format from scratch.

A format for which nobody manufactures drives and the licensing body of which has been shut down? I wouldn't call that exactly "viable", I certainly don't believe that M$ would start using a proprietary disc format, requiring special drives, which is what HD DVD would mean. Or if they did, it would be a pretty radical departure for them.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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HD-DVD is a viable option (up to 30GB) if Microsoft really wants to avoid Blu-Ray for their next console. I really doubt they will develop their own proprietary optical format from scratch.

A format for which nobody manufactures drives and the licensing body of which has been shut down? I wouldn't call that exactly "viable", I certainly don't believe that M$ would start using a proprietary disc format, requiring special drives, which is what HD DVD would mean. Or if they did, it would be a pretty radical departure for them.

I believe Toshiba holds the license to HD-DVD and somebody would manufacture the drives if MS put in an order for them - why isn't it viable? If they develop their own somebody would still need to manufacture the drives would still need to pay licensing costs for it to be compatible with DVD's.

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I believe Toshiba holds the license to HD-DVD and somebody would manufacture the drives if MS put in an order for them - why isn't it viable? If they develop their own somebody would still need to manufacture the drives would still need to pay licensing costs for it to be compatible with DVD's.

I mentioned my reasons above. I don't think M$ is going to use built to order drives, they haven't before (which is why a bunch of people got new xboxes, when it turned out that some drives don't support the new disc format). Of course, the latter might be a sign that they should precisely do that, but...


I don't think it's an option, they'll either swallow their pride and put in a blu-ray drive with some corporate bs explanation about "not wanting to limit the accessibility" (true) or wanting to give their fans the maximum amount of choice (not true) or just trample on with a download-only model. After drumming up the benefits of digital downloads over BD, just using some other, random high capacity format instead would IMO make them even more laughable than just slapping in a blu-ray drive and being done with it.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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It's too bad that US and Canada are such backwater nations when it comes to internet speeds and download caps. EU, Japan and Korea would be more then ready for download only consoles. I mean I use Steam for nearly all my games these days and I don't even bother to check how many Gb they need. 5, 10, 20+ it's all the same. DL is always done really fast.


MS can't be happy with current situation. They certainly don't want to pay Sony for Blueray, HDDVD is obsolite, download only not possible because north america, new techs to replace blueray still in development... I wouldn't be suprised if this issue is one of those things that might delay the release of MS next gen console. Not that I expect the situation to be any better in 2014 or 2015.

Let's play Alpha Protocol

My misadventures on youtube.

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Go back to cartidges! With some speedy flash chips faster than optical or magnetic spindles.


The cost is still too high for the capacities they would need. A 32GB flash drives runs about $30 retail, can probably be manufactured, guessing here, around $10, maybe $5, which is far more than the couple of cents a DVD/DVD-like media would cost.

I'm going to need better directions than "the secret lair."



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It's too bad that US and Canada are such backwater nations when it comes to internet speeds and download caps. EU, Japan and Korea would be more then ready for download only consoles. I mean I use Steam for nearly all my games these days and I don't even bother to check how many Gb they need. 5, 10, 20+ it's all the same. DL is always done really fast.


MS can't be happy with current situation. They certainly don't want to pay Sony for Blueray, HDDVD is obsolite, download only not possible because north america, new techs to replace blueray still in development... I wouldn't be suprised if this issue is one of those things that might delay the release of MS next gen console. Not that I expect the situation to be any better in 2014 or 2015.


Maybe in few years, but not right now. Sony already tried the D/L route for a console (or more precisely, a handheld which was even EASIER to d/l games with whereever you were) and it flopped MISERABLY!

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Go back to cartidges! With some speedy flash chips faster than optical or magnetic spindles.


Flash drives were actually my first thought as well. D/L can be built in to be upgraded in the future, with Flash drives also leading the way. They don't have to start off being 32 GB drives, they can use multiple cartridges/drives...but later as the flash drive format gets cheaper and larger...they can easily use the larger flash sizes. 128 GB games...no problem!

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Those specs just doesn't sound "Nintendo-ish". Look more like an internal proposal that later got trimmed.

"Some men see things as they are and say why?"
"I dream things that never were and say why not?"
- George Bernard Shaw

"Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
- Friedrich Nietzsche


"The amount of energy necessary to refute bull**** is an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it."

- Some guy 

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Those specs just doesn't sound "Nintendo-ish". Look more like an internal proposal that later got trimmed.

Looks like what somebody wishlisting would make.

You're a cheery wee bugger, Nep. Have I ever said that?


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